Christian Vandermotten

Christian Vandermotten
Université Libre de Bruxelles | ULB · Institute for Environmental Management and Land-use Planning (IGEAT)


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Publications (44)
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Les élections européennes permettent de dresser une géographie électorale simultanée, qui pose toutefois des problèmes méthodologiques, dont celui de la définition de familles politiques. Les résultats restent très déterminés par les cadres étatiques. L’élection de 2019 se situe dans un contexte de crise systémique. La position dominante des partis...
This paper interrogates the stability of relative geographical patterns of electoral results in Europe since World War II in a context of the dramatic socio-economic changes and the deep transformations of the European geography. To do so, we propose a theoretical model in which regional political orientations along the Left vs. Right cleavage date...
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This commentary highlights problems of inequity in academic publishing in geography that arise from the increasing use of metrics as a measure of research quality. In so doing, we examine patterns in the ranking of geographical journals in the major global databases (e.g. Web of Science, Scopus) and compare these with a more inclusive database deve...
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This commentary highlights problems of inequity in academic publishing in geography that arise from the increasing use of metrics as a measure of research quality. In so doing, we examine patterns in the ranking of geographical journals in the major global databases (e.g. Web of Science, Scopus) and compare these with a more inclusive database deve...
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L'article propose une cartographie synthetique, a l'echelle regionale, des resultats des elections europeennes de 2014, avec des elements de comparaison par rapport a 2009. Il s'ouvre sur une tentative de classification de l'ensemble des partis en lice, qui debouche sur une typologie simple : les partis s'inscrivant dans une logique de critique de...
During the two last decades, many theories have insisted on the competitive advantage of (big) cities. Beyond well known agglomeration effects, new theories have focused on the importance of connectivity and location of commanding and innovative functions in the context of globalization. According to these theories, the bigger and the most connecte...
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With this first issue of 2012, Belgeo turns from a printed and paying publication into a free access electronic journal. The journal also changes from being jointly published by de Société Royale Belge de Géographie (Belgian Geographical Society) and the Belgische Vereniging voor Aardrijkskundige Studies/Société Belge d’Etudes Géographiques (Belgia...
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Yet more than for other sciences, due to researches coupling local and global, geography suffers from the domination of the “international” Anglo-Saxon literature controlled by the big publishers. On the basis of the collection of 787 geographical journals and the analysis of their rankings, a bias appears to be evident in favour of the journals pu...
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European planning and the polycentric consensus: wishful thinking?, Regional Studies. European Union planning documents enhance the values of polycentrism as a tool to promote a more efficient, equitable and sustainable development. This paper highlights how and suggests why a descriptive approach of the European urban system became progressively a...
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Four key periods characterise the history of Belgian geography: 1) between mid-16th and the beginning of the 17th Century, the glorious period of cartography of the Belgian principalties and the whole world, using informations provided by travellers and merchants; 2) after the independance, large scale cartography based on a precise geodesical surv...
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Starting from the concepts and methods developed by research on global cities networks, this article aims at presenting a new Belgian urban hierarchy, based on the analysis of the presence of advanced production services firms.About ten major urban centres have been selected (with particular attention to the Brussels-Capital Region and its highly d...
Starting from the concepts and methods developed By researcn on giooai ewes nei-works, this article aims at presenting a new Belgian urban hierarchy, based on the analysis of the presence of advanced production services firms. About ten major urban centres have been selected (with particular attention to the Brussels-Capital Region and its highly d...
Brussels's strong international position is linked to the presence of the EU and other international institutions. The metropolitan region's healthy economic situation benefits from the general European trend to re-metropolization. However, the specific situation of Brussels-Capital in the institutional framework of federal Belgium hinders any plan...
This paper is a development of an older research (1976) about the geography of divides between catholic bourgeoisie and non-catholic bourgeoisie. It analyses if this still applies currently and moreover for the whole society. To this end we analysed two professions, secondary school students, electoral results and youth movements, depending on thei...
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Migratory movements, as well intra- as international, increased in Europe during the Nineties, after a slowing-down between the mid-Seventies and the end of the Eighties. The collapse of the Iron Curtain is only one reason among others explaining those growing migratory movements at the beginning of the Nineties. The geographical pattern of the mig...
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Literature on world cities has repeatedly argued that major agents of globalization, i.e. ‘global players’ such as advanced producer service firms, transnational corporations and international organisations, play a determining role in interlocking cities into networks of control centres of the contemporary world economy. It is very rare however tha...
On a national scale, electoral geography allows us to refine and spatialize the behaviors studied by electoral sociology, whose samples generally prove insufficiently representative at regional and local levels. It allows us to bring in additional hypotheses to explain the relationships between voting behaviors and the social, cultural, ideological...
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Regional disparities in Europe can only be explained by taking into consideration a multi-secular history. More than by the inequalities in the level of GDP/inhab. regional disparities are characterised by various productive structures. The centre-periphery structure in Western Europe remains, notwithstanding some convergences of the GDP/inhab. lev...
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The article examines the evolution of the Belgian electoral map, from the property qualification to the latest parliamentary elections in June 1999. It stresses the permanences of the regional electoral behaviours and those of their determining factors while placing the advances and breaks in the context of the long-lasting phases of the social and...
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Working out a transnational electoral geography in Central and Eastern Europe is not an easy job. The political systems of the countries concerned are not yet stabilized and the prevailing rifts cannot be reduced to those underlying the party system in Western Europe. In our classification 9 partisan families stand out in accordance with the positi...
The European Parliament elections give the opportunity to map voting behaviour in Western Europe. The main methodological difficulty is related to the classification of the parties. The cleavage theory is not a sufficient basis for an operational typology. The left-right axis remains an important basis for a classification. We have discriminated th...
— proposes a new regional economic typology of Europe, which confirms a centre-periphery pattern. Recent geographical and structural developments show a continuous displacement of the centre of gravity of the European economy towards the South. But the fast growth of the periphery and the formation of new industrial regions that prevailed during th...
This paper proposes a new regional economic typology of Europe, which confirms a centre-periphery pattern. Recent geographical and structural developments show a continuous displacement of the centre of gravity of the European economy towards the South. But the fast growth of the periphery and the formation of new industrial regions that prevailed...
With due reference to historical conditions, this volume analyses the economic, social and political processes which have given rise to the production of economic space in Europe, Belgium, the USA and the countries of the third world. The first chapter is devoted to the production and distribution of wealth, drawing attention to processes and to so...
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Unequal economic development in Belgium is often reduced to a mere change in the economic fortunes of Flanders and Wallonia. This image is then used to explain the federalization process. A closer look to this economic development, in relation with the geography of demographic changes, yields a more complex process with three development stages. Ne...
This paper examines patterns of production and population change at the regional level across the whole of Western Europe between 1960 and 1990. It is based largely on the analysis of a regional dataset containing details of GDP, economic structure, employment and population change. The main aims are to monitor the extent and nature of regional dif...
Presents statistical and cartographic indicators of unemployment for various sections of the population by commune throughout Belgium. In 1989 male unemployment was more pronounced in Wallonia than in Flanders; the N/S distinction was less marked among women, with considerable female unemployment being noted in the NE of the country. -H.Clout
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A country's spatial organisation is a product of history. The authors examine how Flanders and Wallonia have been constituted as regions and to what extent Flemish and Wallon regional unity can be said to exist. They consider how space was created within each region, and how dialectic links between a developing work force, capitalist social interac...


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