Christian Tuschhoff

Christian Tuschhoff
Freie Universität Berlin | FUB · Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science

Dr. phil. habil.


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Christian Tuschhoff currently works at the Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin. Christian does research in International Security and Arms Control, International Relations and Foreign Policy. Their current project is 'Transatlantic relations'.
Additional affiliations
October 2020 - September 2021
Goethe University Frankfurt
  • Professor
  • Chair, International Institutions and Peace
October 2018 - February 2019
Berlin School of Economics and Law
  • Lecturer
October 2013 - February 2017
Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin
  • Lecturer


Publications (47)
Diese kurze Einführung in Charaktereigenschaften und Unterschiede zwischen Demokratie und Autokratie wurde insbesondere für Lehrkräfte und den Schulunterricht geschrieben.
Full-text available
This article seeks to demonstrate that EU politics deeply and directly affects the daily life of all its citizens. It creates both, opportunities and constraints for member state governments and people. They cannot be disentangled because the EU deeply penetrates domestic politics in member states. In essence, domestic politics cannot be understood...
Whether or not the United States provides the specific leadership goods required to maintain a liberal international order depends, among other factors, on social relationships in American domestic politics. This chapter argues that domestic structures largely determine if and what kind of hegemony the United States provides to international relati...
This brief analysis of the German Constitutional Court’s decision on the constitutionality of the European Central Bank’s bond purchaising programs concludes that the European Union is pulled into opposite directions of cohesion vs. democracy.
In diesem Artikel wird erläutert, wie große Unzufriedenheit mit den Reformen des Neoliberalismus in der amerikanischen Gesellschaft zur Wahl Donald Trumps zum Präsidenten führte. Diese Reformen begannen in den 1970er Jahren und zeigten zunächst Erfolge. Die Wirtschaft überwand das damals überragende Problem der Stagflation und das Land kehrte zu wi...
Conference Paper
Why do the United States retreat from liberal international hegemony under the Trump presidency? This paper argues that the international order of American hegemony is not under threat from hegemonic rivals such as China nor in decline due to imperial overstretch of limited power resources of the United States. Rather, the Trump administration is n...
The article analyzes how Donald Trump's personality and traits shape the Foreign Policies of his administration. It argues that these personal factors drive policies towards the operation of an empire rather than hegemony. (
In ihrem aufsehenerregenden Buch über „wie Demokratien sterben“ zeigen Levitsky und Ziblatt aus vergleichender Perspektive, dass selbst konsolidierte Demokratien wie die USA erodieren können. Sie sehen in der gezielten Unterminierung demokratischer Normen die wichtigste Ursache und lösten damit eine grundlegende Debatte in der Fachwelt aus, die hie...
Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika unter Präsident Donald Trump, sowie einige weitere Demokratien mit autoritären Führungspersönlichkeiten, lösen allgemein die Befürchtung aus, dass selbst konsolidierte Demokratien nicht dauerhaft Bestand haben könnten. Ausgehend von einer neuen Buchveröffentlichung über „Wie Demokratien sterben“ wird hier gezeigt...
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How can Europe increase its political influence in East Asia? Rather than either diffusing its governance model of European Union integration or choosing a position between conflicting parties based on proximity of values this article suggests that influence grows when East Asians learn from or even emulate European success stories of peaceful conf...
Conference Paper
Tensions between the United States and China have grown considerably during the last couple of years. While China bolstered its claims on disputed territories and engaged other states to form regional organizations separate from established Western dominated ones, the United States conducted a “return to Asia”, “rebalance” or “pivot” in order to re...
Dieses Buch führt in Internationale Beziehungen als Teilgebiet der Politikwissenschaft ein. Es vermittelt Grundwissen und trainiert die analytischen Fähigkeiten. Es erläutert anschaulich und verständlich die wesentlichen Grundbegriffe Internationaler Beziehungen. Neben einer Übersicht über Theorien und deren analytische Anwendung stehen Kernfragen...
Der Beitrag widmet sich der Aussage des Bundespräsidenten, dass das Nachdenken über Außenpolitik in die Mitte der Gesellschaft gehöre. Er fragt, wie es um diese gesellschaftliche Debatte deutscher Außenpolitik bestellt ist. Welche Rolle nehmen Medien und Denkfabriken in dieser Debatte ein? In welchem Maße gelingt oder misslingt es Medien und Denkfa...
Die politischen Spannungen in den transatlantischen Beziehungen sind unübersehbar geworden. Eine Reihe von Studien identifiziert die möglichen Ursachen für die Verschlechterung der Beziehungen zwischen den USA und Europa. Erstens verringere sich der Haushalt an gemeinsamen Werten und damit die Tragfähigkeit der transatlantischen Wertegemeinschaft....
NATO’s decision to invoke its mutual defense clause (Article 5 of the Washington Treaty) after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon surprised the world. No one expected that the NATO Alliance would take such a bold step without extensive debate among the allies, national governments, political parties and the public. Yet...
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In this article, I argue that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) can still play a useful role in providing security to its members after September 11. The alliance had been prepared for terrorist attacks politically and militarily and continues to adjust to a new security environment. As a consequence, it acted swiftly and decisively in...
Shows that institutionalism can better explain than neorealism how NATO solved collective action problems between nuclear and non-nucler members
Theories of Alliances have focused on two questions: first, how and why alliances form and second, how and why they break up.1 The two most prominent schools of international relations theories, realism and institutionalism, are divided on those two crucial issues. Realists see the formation of an alliance as the result of the changing balances of...
Interested in bringing together federalism and political representation as two distinct areas of research in comparative politics, this edition of Publius: The Journal of Federalism introduces a collaborative research project that raised questions about the impact of institutional arrangements on strategies for political representation. Definitions...
In the reemerging debate an geopolitics and economic competition some scholar hold that “geography matters”. Territory is said to increasingly constitute a defining cleavage of social and international conflict. This papers questions the territorialization of economic competition with reference to the nation-state. The concepts of territory and com...
Describes the basic decisions of both Western powers and the German government to develop German Security policies in the 1950s.
Shows how different perceptions of the Soviet threat influenced U.S. decision making on arms control policies of the Reagan Administration.


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