Christian E SalasDiego Portales University · School of Psychology
Christian E Salas
PostDoc [BU] PhD, MsA Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
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I'm a clinical neuropsychologist and a psychoanalytic psychotherapist. I am the Director of the Diploma in Adult Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and the Director of the Clinical Neuropsychology Unit, at the Diego Portales University .
My main interest is to understand emotional and personality changes after brain injury and how psychoanalytic tools can be adapted to facilitate socio-emotional adjustment and well-being.
Additional affiliations
July 2016 - present
Universidad Diego
- Researcher
January 2011 - present
Publications (169)
Many of the world’s population have no access to appropriate diagnostic, neurorehabilitative or support services following brain injury. Addressing Brain Injury in Under-Resourced Settings: A Practical Guide to Community-Centred Approaches tackles this unacceptable gap in service provision by empowering the reader to provide basic care, education a...
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can produce complex changes in a person’s behavior and personality. These disturbances have been difficult to manage and/or treat. This chapter reviews several contemporary approaches that have appeared in the published literature [1985-2014] to address these problems. It is argued that the theoretical and technical var...
Changes in emotion regulation (ER) are common after brain damage. These changes often compromise both the emotional adjustment to the injury and the reestablishment of relationships with significant others. Despite the clinical relevance of ER changes for neuropsychological rehabilitation, the conceptualization of ER in this field has been surprisi...
Stigma represents a major obstacle in rehabilitation and community reintegration after brain injury. However, appropriate tools to measure stigma in Spanish-speaking countries are lacking. This study examined the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Anticipated Stigma and Concealment Questionnaire (ASCQ). An observational cross-sec...
Group interventions are carried out routinely across neuropsychological rehabilitation services, to improve understanding of brain injury and aspects of impairment. Treatment provided in a group modality can bring additional perceived benefits, such as co-operative learning. However, there are very few studies which explore patient per...
Aleksandr Luria repeatedly emphasised the importance of emotions and the right hemi- sphere in his neuropsychological writings. It is surprising, therefore, that Luria's most influential book, The Working Brain, appears to lack an explicit section on these topics. This is especially notable because of a comment in the book's English-language Introd...
Background: Stigma after Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) has been described as a significant obstacle for the recovery of survivors. Despite its theoretical and clinical relevance, studies dedicated to stigma after ABI are just starting to emerge. The goal of this systematic review was to integrate the existing scientific evidence and develop a model o...
En la actualidad el Fondo Nacional de Salud (FONASA) chileno considera 21 instrumentos de evaluación neuropsicológica, que buscan entregar información que apoye en el diagnóstico y manejo de un paciente con necesidades neurocognitivas. Por lo cual el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal evaluar la calidad de la evidencia disponible para e...
Background: Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI) are conditions that can result in decreased workforce engagement and economic earn- ings. This research study aims to explore the impact of ABIs on employability, and their potential to reduce individual and family income. Method: Using data from the II National Survey on Disability, a cohort of 9,...
Introducción: Se ha estimado que el 30% de las personas con epilepsia (PCE) no responden a los fármacos anticrisis. En estos casos, la cirugía se ha propuesto como una alternativa de tratamiento efectiva. Sin embargo, las alteraciones postquirúrgicas del funcionamiento cognitivo son comunes. Método: El objetivo de este artículo fue revisar y analiz...
Acquired brain injury (ABI) is a worldwide public health issue for its high prevalence rate and the disability it produces. The consequences of ABI, including cognitive deficits, may impact return to work. This review focuses on the association between executive functions (EFs) and return to work after ABI. A systematic review of the literature bet...
Entre el 20 y el 26 de mayo de 2023 se conmemora la Semana de la Lesión Cerebral Adquirida. La unidad de Neuropsicología, de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Diego Portales, preparó una serie de actividades para dar a conocer las lesiones cerebrales, con el objetivo de mejorar la vida de los sobrevivientes y sus familias.
Este año, la se...
Acquired brain injury (ABI) can affect personal identity. This means that neuropsychological rehabilitation programmes for people with ABI must cover cognitive, behavioural and emotional aspects, as well as identity issues. Interventions for the treatment of post-ABI identity issues are essentially categorized into two conceptual currents: individu...
Emotion-based decision making (EBDM) is the capacity to make decisions based on prior emotional consequences of actions. Several neuropsychological tasks, using different gambling paradigms and with different levels of complexity, have been designed to assess EBDM. The Bangor Gambling Task (BGT) was created as a brief and simple card gambling-task...
Couples’ extrinsic emotion regulation strategies are associated with marital quality or dyadic adjustment. However, only the strategies employed according to the objective they are expected to achieve have been examined; it is not known if strategies on the bases of positive or negative extrinsic emotion regulation motivation would have the same co...
The literature on extrinsic emotion regulation or the intention to modify other people’s emotions has grown in recent years, accompanied by proposals in which its definition is made more precise, the way to understand it in relation to other related processes is delimited, and the consequences of its use in the quality of close relationships are ev...
Las Lesiones Cerebrales Adquiridas (LCA) pueden generar una am-plia gama de déficits motores/sensoriales, cognitivos, conductuales y socioemocionales, impactando la reinserción comunitaria, salud mental y calidad de vida de los sobrevivientes. Diversos autores, y particularmente sobrevivientes de LCA, han planteado que la visibili-dad de los défici...
Alberto García-Molina, Teresa Roig-Rovira, Rocío Sánchez-Carrión, Pablo Rodríguez-Rajo, Celeste Aparicio-López, Miguel Espiña-Bou, Antonia Enseñat-Cantallops
Institut Guttmann: 40 años de rehabilitación neuropsicológica (1983-2023)
Rudi Coetzer
Some numbers worth knowing
Aitana Grasso-Cladera, Christian Salas
Conociendo lo que no se ve: Un scopin...
Abstract of a systematic review about stigma in ABI populations. A model of stigma after ABI is proposed and clinical implications are highlighted.
Este cuadernillo es para las personas afectadas por la encefalitis, sus familiares, amigos y cuidadores. Entrega información clave sobre los síntomas, diagnóstico, tratamiento y las consecuencias de la encefalitis, con tal de ayudar a las personas a aceptar lo que les ha ocurrido y sepan qué esperar en el futuro. También ofrece información sobre va...
Algunas personas se recuperan de la encefalitis con pocas o ninguna dificultad. Otras personas quedan con secuelas importantes. Este cuadernillo brinda información clave sobre los tipos de complicaciones que las personas pueden experimentar tras la encefalitis, el porqué es importante la rehabilitación, el apoyo de profesionales y el de la familia,...
Una lesión cerebral puede ocurrir a cualquier persona en cualquier momento, y eso incluye a un número imporante de personas que tienen hijos. Después del trauma inicial, el mayor énfasis de la rehabilitación está en ayudar a la persona a recuperarse -quizás aprender a caminar o hablar de nuevo, o encontrar maneras de sobrellevar problemas de fatiga...
El pronóstico a largo plazo para las personas afectadas por la encefalitis varía considerablemente. En algunas instancias, las personas superan la enfermedad con pocas o ninguna consecuencia. En otras, las personas poseen distintos grados de dificultades a lo largo de la vida. Algunas de esas personas son dadas de alta en unidades de rehabilitación...
Intentional forgetting (IF) is an important adaptive mechanism necessary for correct memory functioning, optimal psychological wellbeing, and appropriate daily performance. Due to its complexity, the neuropsychological processes that give birth to successful intentional forgetting are not yet clearly known. In this study, we used two different meta...
Patients with strokes to the Anterior Communicating Artery (ACoA) pose an important challenge to rehabilitation teams due to a particular mix of cognitive and behavioral impairments (anosognosia, anterograde amnesia, prospective memory problems, and executive dysfunction). These deficits often compromise engagement with rehabilitation, learning and...
The experience of loneliness is highly prevalent in the acquired brain injury population. However, there is currently little information regarding the role that cognitive, emotional and behavioural impairments may play in the generation and maintenance of persistent loneliness. The primary objective of this position paper is to introduce the reader...
Introducción Antecedentes:
La anorexia nerviosa (AN) y la bulimia nerviosa (BN) son enfermedades mentales graves y crónicas que afectan a un alto porcentaje de la población. Un número creciente de estudios han informado de alteraciones neuropsicológicas en esta población, que aparentemente contribuyen a la aparición y progresión del trastorno, y qu...
Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) is a silent epidemic that affects people’s cognitive, neurobehavioural and socio-emotional functioning, generating impairments that are often invisible, that is, not apparent to the naked eye and difficult to understand. The literature suggests that the invisibility of ABI in addition to a lack of knowledge, misinformati...
Background: the treatment of cognitive-communication disorder (CCD) has proven an adequate approach to the social well-being of people with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Objective: describe the types of treatment and therapeutic ingredients — and their effectiveness — available for the direct treatment of CCD in people with TBI. Method: a systemati...
Objetivos: el Comité de Práctica Inter Organizacional (IOPC) convocó a un grupo de trabajo para brindar una guía rápida sobre teleneuropsicología (TeleNP) en respuesta a la pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos: un panel colaborativo de expertos de las principales organizaciones profesionales de USA desarrolló una guía provisional para la práctica de neuro...
Background: the treatment of cognitive-communication disorder
(CCD) has proven an adequate approach to the social well-being
of people with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Objective: describe the
types of treatment and therapeutic ingredients — and their effectiveness — available for the direct treatment of CCD in people
with TBI. Method: a systemati...
Historically, psychoanalysis has provided an influential theoretical and clinical perspective in comprehending emotional adjustment after brain injury. However, both psychoanalysis and neuropsychological rehabilitation have not always acknowledged this influence. In this article I present four key psychoanalytic ideas that have contributed to the u...
Over the last few decades, work in affective neuroscience has increasingly investigated the neural basis of emotion. A central debate in the field, when studying individuals with brain damage, has been whether emotional processes are lateralized or not. This review aims to expand this debate, by considering the need to include a hierarchical dimens...
Background and Objectives: Psychoeducation is a key component in the rehabilitation of people and families with acquired brain injury. Traditionally, psychoeducation has been provided by rehabilitation professionals. However, during the last decade, we have witnessed an increase use of online platforms as tools to deliver evidence-based information...
The way couples regulate their emotions affects the quality of their relationship. Despite this, no evidence-based scales of validity and reliability can measure the intention to regulate emotions in the romantic dyad. In order to address this gap, we developed the Couples Extrinsic Emotion Regulation (CEER) questionnaire. First, we adapted the “Ot...
La pandemia por COVID-19 ha golpeado fuertemente al mundo. Por razones de urgencia sanitaria los países se han centrado en evitar dentro de lo posible el incremento de contagios y el aumento de la tasa de mortalidad de sus ciudadanos. Pero esta realidad debería cambiar, ya que a m...
Social isolation can be a consequence of acquired brain injury (ABI). Few studies have examined the relationship between social isolation and mental health after ABI. In this cross-sectional and case-control study we compared 51 ABI survivors and 51 matched healthy controls on measures of social isolation (network size, social support and lonelines...
To propose a set of internationally harmonized procedures and methods for assessing neurocognitive functions, smell, taste, mental, and psychosocial health, and other factors in adults formally diagnosed with COVID-19 (confirmed as SARS-CoV-2 + WHO definition).
We formed an international and cross-disciplinary NeuroCOVID Neuropsy...
In the past few decades, we have accumulated an impressive amount of knowledge regarding the neural basis of the mind. One of the most important sources of this knowledge has been the in-depth study of individuals with focal brain damage and other neurological disorders. This book offers a unique perspective, in that it uses a combination of neurop...
Este artículo es la traducción del seminario del mismo nombre llevado a cabo el 23 de Enero de 2017 en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Diego Portales (Santiago, Chile), como parte de las actividades de extensión del Diplomado en Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica del Adulto. Bárbara Wilson es Neuropsicóloga Clínica e investigadora en Rehab...
El Congreso Chileno de Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica tiene como objetivo convocar a profesionales de la rehabilitación (Psicólogos, Terapeutas Ocupacionales, Fonoaudiólogos, Fisiatras, Psiquiatras, Trabajadores Sociales, Kinesiologos, etc) que trabajan con adultos o niños que presentan alteracion...
Since the early work of Kurt Goldstein, psychoanalysis has been an influential theoretical and clinical perspective in comprehending emotional adjustment after brain injury. This, despite the fact that psychoanalytic mainstream has considered for decades ‘organic’ patients as the paradigmatic example of contraindication. The relationship between ps...
Emotion Regulation (ER) refers to the set of processes by which individuals influence which emotions they have, when they have them and how they experience and express those emotions. The Process Model of Emotion Regulation (Gross, 2014) propose that five families of ER strategies may be used to regulate emotion at different points during the emoti...
Emotion-based decision making (EBDM) refers to the capacity to make decisions based on prior experience of the emotional consequences of actions (Turnbull, Bowman, Shanker & Davies, 2014). EBDM has been considered a key psychological process to understand healthy development, psychiatric and neuropsychiatric disorders, and economic decision making....
Desde una perspectiva lacaniana, las intervenciones en casos de autismo tienen como objetivo introducir una falta simbólica, que permita movilizar el circuito deseante. En este artículo se presenta el caso clínico de un niño de dos años (Q) diagnosticado con trastorno del espectro autista que realizará tratamiento psicoanalítico desde una perspecti...
La Semana de la Lesión Cerebral Adquirida es una iniciativa internacional que busca promover el entendimiento del daño cerebral adquirido en sus diversas formas (accidente vascular, traumatismo craneano, meningitis, encefalitis, etc). Asimismo, esta actividad pretende convocar a sobrevivientes, familias y profesionales a generar iniciativas para me...
Este folleto ha sido escrito principalmente para las familias y cuidadores de personas que tienen problemas de memoria después de una lesión cerebral. Explica qué es la memoria y cómo puede verse afectada, junto con algunas estrategias generales que pueden ayudar. the brain injury association Problemas de memoria después de una lesión cerebral Todo...
Background: Social isolation and inactivity are highly problematic long-term consequences of Traumatic Brain Injury. They are rarely addressed by rehabilitation programmes, which focus on early phases of recovery. Day centres, or “drop-in” peer support groups, have emerged as an informal solution to social rehabilitation needs. However, there is a...
Desde el mes de Agosto del año 2019 estarán abiertas las postulaciones para la versión 2020-2021 del Post Título en Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica de la UPD. Para contactarse y obtener más información, sólo basta enviar un correo a info@upd.cl o marroscortes@gmail.com.
Mas info en www.upd.cl
El 6 de diciembre se realizaran las Jornadas Internacionales del Post-titulo en Psicoterapia Psicoanalítica de la Unidad de Psicoterapia Dinámica, organizadas junto al Diplomado en Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica (UDP) y el Centro de Estudios en Psicología Clínica y Psicoterapia (UDP)
‘Despite dramatic advances in neuroscience over the past few decades, there is still no ‘cure’ or effective biological treatment for many of the long-term neu- ropsychological consequences a lot of our patients face after an acquired brain injury. Covering a wide range of therapy models and techniques, Psychological Therapy in Acquired Brain Injury...
Quizás los tres componentes comunes al trabajo de los neuropsicólogos son la evaluación clínica, evaluación cognitiva y diagnóstico. Casi siempre hay un cuarto componente: la formulación neuropsicológica. Es esta habilidad central la que posiblemente nos separa de los otros profesionales de la salud. Es en este proceso de análisis y síntesis que re...
Este curso busca entregar competencias mínimas para la realización de informes periciales neuropsicológicos en los distintos contextos de justicia. Más información en neurociencia.udp.cl/neuroforense Patrocina: Magíster en Neurociencia Social, Magíster en Psicología Jurídica y Forense y Diplomado en Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica.
Los ajustes que un empleado con lesión cerebral puede necesitar van a variar según la naturaleza de la lesión y los efectos que tiene en la persona. Además, lo que puede ser considerado un ajuste "razonable" va a depender del rol del trabajador y el lugar de trabajo. Esta guía intenta proveer una orientación general sobre el tipo de adaptaciones qu...
La lesión cerebral es más común de lo que la gente se imagina, alrededor de 350,000 personas son hospitalizadas por esta razón cada año. La lesión cerebral puede afectar muchas áreas de la vida de la persona sobreviviente, incluida su capacidad para trabajar. Sin embargo, con un apoyo apropiado de parte de sus empleadores y colegas, la vuelta a tra...
Oliver Turnbull is a neuropsychologist and Professor of Psychology at Bangor University, Wales, UK. From 2002 to 2012 he was editor of the journal Neuropsychoanalysis, and in 2002 – with Mark Solms – he co-authored the book The Brain and the Inner World. He has published roughly 180 articles and chapters on themes related to emotion, emotion regula...
Este cuadernillo ha sido escrito para personas que han sufrido una lesión cerebral y experimentan fatiga. La información contenida busca ayudar a los sobrevivientes de lesión cerebral, sus familias y amigos a comprender la fatiga y sus efectos.
Clinicians and researchers have become increasingly interested in the potential of technology in assisting persons with dementia (PwD). However, several issues have emerged in relation to how studies have conceptualized who the main technology user is (PwD/carer), how technology is used (as compensatory, environment modification, monitoring or retr...
During the last decade clinicians and researchers have become increasingly interested in the potential of technology in assisting persons with dementia (PwD). However, several issues have emerged in relation to how studies and reviews have conceptualized who the main technology user is (PwD and/or carer), how technology is used (as compensatory, en...
Introduction: During the last decades, psychological interventions have become central components of rehabilitation programs for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Nevertheless, due to a wide variability of therapeutic approaches there is little agreement regarding which approach is more suitable, or whether key elements from different psychotherapies s...
Recent studies have suggested that emotion regulation (ER) strategies, such as reappraisal and suppression, rely on the use of verbal thinking. Outside the field of ER, verbal thinking, particularly in the form of inner speech, has been largely linked to behavior and cognitive regulation. However, no article has yet directly addressed the potential...
This paper presents the results of a systematic review of the empirical literature, reported in research journals, on Mathematics Learner Identity (MLI). In the mathematics education research field, arguments have been made that the conceptualization of Mathematics Identity (MI) is inconsistent and this makes the literature as a whole incoherent. T...
Las relaciones son una parte importante e íntima de la vida. Ellas nos dan un sentido de seguridad y bienestar contribuyendo a nuestra noción de identidad personal. Usualmente son nuestras relaciones más cercanas las que nos otorgan apoyo emocional y práctico en momentos difíciles, por ejemplo, cuando ocurre una lesión cerebral.
Para algunas perso...
Miercoles 6 Diciembre Universidad Diego Portales