Christian Pichot

Christian Pichot
French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE) | INRAE · Ecologie des Forêts Méditerranéennes


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Publications (97)
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Key message Phenology is of increasing interest to climate change science and adaptation ecology. Here, we provide bud development, leafing, and leaf senescence data, collected on 772 European beech and silver fir trees between 2006 and 2019 on Mont Ventoux, France. Dataset access is at . Associated metadata are avai...
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Research infrastructures play an increasingly essential role in scientific research. They provide rich data sources for scientists, such as services and software packages, via catalog and virtual research environments. However, such research infrastructures are typically domain-specific and often not connected. Accordingly, researchers and practiti...
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Research infrastructures play an increasingly essential role in scientific research. They provide rich data sources for scientists, such as services and software packages, via catalog and virtual research environments. However, such research infrastructures are typically domain-specific and often not connected. Accordingly, researchers and practiti...
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Research infrastructures play an increasingly essential role in scientific research. They provide rich data sources for scientists, such as services and software packages, via catalog and virtual research environments. However, such research infrastructures are typically domain-specific and often not connected. Accordingly, researchers and practiti...
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Digital transformation induces rapid and profound changes in higher education and research (HER). With this foresight, INRAE and Agreenium, two French public HER institutions centered on food, agriculture and the environment, explore the challenges they face in a world increasingly dependent on digital resources. Four scenarios generated via morpho...
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L’adaptation est un enjeu majeur de la gestion forestière dans le contexte du changement climatique La diversité génétique qui caractérise les arbres forestiers leur confère un potentiel adaptatif très important mais pas illimité Prendre en compte les mécanismes de l’évolution dans les pratiques de gestion forestière adaptative renforcera la capaci...
Dans les forêts de montagne, la croissance est limitée à haute altitude par les faibles températures, mais, en région méditerranéenne la sécheresse et les fortes températures constituent aussi un facteur limitant, cette fois-ci à basse altitude. Par ailleurs, peu d'études ont explicitement étudié les effets à court terme (annuel) et à long terme(dé...
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Digital transformation induces rapid and profound changes in higher education and research (HER). With this foresight, INRAE and Agreenium, two French public HER institutions centered on food, agriculture and the environment, explore the challenges they face in a world increasingly dependent on digital resources. Four scenarios generated via morpho...
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Cypress (Cupressus is a genus within the Cupressaceae family. This family covers all of the Earth’s continents except for Antarctica, and it includes about 160 species. The most important taxa for allergic diseases belong to five different genera: Cupressus, Hesperocyparis, Juniperus, Cryptomeria, and Chamaecyparis. Cupressaceae species shar...
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Human activities have altered continental ecosystems worldwide and generated a major environmental crisis, prompting urgent societal questions on how to best produce goods while at the same time securing sustainable ecological services and raising needs to better understand and predict biodiversity and ecosystems dynamics under global changes. To t...
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Key message Silver fir transplantations along elevational gradients revealed a high diversity but no local adaptation. Populations displayed similar abilities to adapt to new environments including those due to climate change. Context The sustainability of forest stands depends on the ability of species and communities to adapt by combining plasti...
Tree ring widths provide very useful information to assess factors controlling tree radial growth and to estimate future growth trajectories under climate change. Radial growth variability has already been lar- gely studied among tree populations that experience different environmental conditions and was most recently analyzed among individuals wit...
Background. Volumetric pollen traps are commonly used to assess pollen exposure. These traps are well suited for estimating the regional mean airborne pollen concentration but are likely not to provide an accurate index of personal exposure. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that hair sampling may provide different pollen counts from those fr...
Seed production is a strong indicator of plant fitness and plays a major role in population dynamics. However, the environmental and endogenous factors driving seed production are still poorly described and are often hard to disentangle. Consequently, we combined principal components analysis and mixed-effects linear models that can consider the mu...
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The infrastructure for Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems (AnaEE-France) is an integrated network of the major French experimental, analytical, and modeling platforms dedicated to the biological study of continental ecosystems (aquatic and terrestrial). This infrastructure aims at understanding and predicting ecosystem dynamics under global...
Conference Paper
Among population trait diversity (Qst) and within-population genetic diversity (Hs) evolve under natural selection in an heterogeneous environment. Local adaptation occurs very quickly during the first few generations while genetic diversity decreases only slowly, buffered by sexual reproduction. Thus, selection does not directly result in the eros...
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The forest tree resources are accessible through the GnpIS web portal. Its main entry point is a google-like search, a tool using keywords for data discovery. The bird’s eye view obtained allows navigation through the data with dedicated tools facilitating more specific queries and data retrieval from the database. All representative information on...
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Humans now spent most of their time indoor where they can be exposed to various aerocontaminants, among which pollen. The question of remanence of pollen grains indoor is important because allergic patients could get symptoms from these indoor pollen far away from the pollination period but the temporal relationship between both phenomenons is poor...
Le réchauffement climatique engendre un déplacement spatial des enveloppes bioclimatiques des différentes espèces d’arbres. Parce que la dispersion des graines et du pollen est le processus biologique qui permet aux plantes de se déplacer ou de déplacer leurs gènes dans l’espace, celui-ci sera impliqué dans la réponse des populations à ce changemen...
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Ce numéro d’Innovations Agronomiques rassemble les présentations du colloque « Adaptation des forêts méditerranéennes aux changements climatiques » qui s'est tenu en Avignon le 20 novembre 2015.
Le cyprès est le nom général donné aux espèces de Cupressacées appartenant au genre Cupressus. L’allergie au pollen de cyprès a été décrite pour la première fois au Texas en 1929, en Afrique du Sud en 1946 et en France en 1962, époque où elle avait une réputation de rareté. Du fait de l’explosion de sa fréquence, elle a fait l’objet ces dernières a...
Cypress belongs to the Cupressaceae family, which includes 140 species with non-deciduous foliage. The most important genera in allergic diseases are Cupressus sempervirens or Green cypress, Cupressus arizonica or Blue cypress, Juniperus oxycedrus, Juniperus communis and Thuya. Because J. oxycedrus pollinates in October, C. sempervirens in January...
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Context Managing forests under climate change requires adaptation. The adaptive capacity of forest tree populations is huge but not limitless. Integrating evolutionary considerations into adaptive forestry practice will enhance the capacity of managed forests to respond to climate-driven changes. Aims Focusing on natural regeneration systems, we...
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Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and v...
Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) and Brutia pine (P. brutia Ten.) are two native species of the Mediterranean basin, the first widespread mostly in its western part and the second widespread mostly in its eastern part. Together, they cover more than 7 million ha and play major ecological and economical roles in low to mid elevation Mediterranea...
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Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) and Brutia pine (P. brutia Ten.) are two native species of the Mediterranean basin, the first widespread mostly in its western part and the second widespread mostly in its eastern part. Together, they cover more than 7 million ha and play major ecological and economical roles in low to mid elevation Mediterranea...
Gérer un peuplement forestier, c'est notamment gérer ses ressources génétiques, s'assurer de la "bonne" origine du matériel en place et préserver ou améliorer le potentiel génétique lors des régénérations. A travers cette fiche, nous rappellerons les principales connaissances acquises en matière de génétique du pin d'Alep, à l'échelle de son aire n...
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Abstract & Context Dispersal and recruitment play a critical role in determining the abundance and the spatial structure of regeneration. & Aim In this study, we estimated landscape scale seed dispersal using the inverse modeling method by fitting seed- ling counts to seed tree location and fertility in the European silver fir Abies alba Miller. &...
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[Article in French] MEDPINE 4 took place on June 6-10 in Avignon (France) under the auspices of the “Ecology of Mediterranean Forests” research unit belonging to the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur branch of the INRA (French national agricultural research institute). The conference sought to bring together from every field research scientists working on...
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Les dépérissements du sapin pectiné dans son aire méridionale préfigurent peut-être un risque accru pour cette espèce sur le reste du territoire dans le cadre des changements climatiques. Ce projet, financé par le réseau Aforce issu d’une collaboration entre l’Inra, l’IDF et l’ONF, étudie les potentialités d’adaptation aux changements climatiques à...
Trimming cypress tree hedges and its effects on subsequent pollination
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We investigated the variation and short-term evolution of the selfing rate and inbreeding depression (ID) across three generations within a cedar forest that was established from admixture ca 1860. The mean selfing rate was 9.5%, ranging from 0 to 48% among 20 seed trees (estimated from paternally inherited chloroplast DNA). We computed the probabi...
Several demographic factors can produce family structured patches within natural plant populations, particularly limited seed and pollen dispersal and small effective density. In this paper, we used computer simulations to examine how seed dispersal, density, and spatial distribution of adult trees and seedlings can explain the spatial genetic stru...
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Paternal apomixis was recently reported in the endangered Mediterranean cypress, Cupressus dupreziana. This species acts as a surrogate mother for the development of all-paternal embryos from pollen grains. C. dupreziana production of Cupressus sempervirens haploid or diploid seedlings from C. sempervirens pollen was also demonstrated. The haploid...
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Although most living organisms reproduce sexually, some have developed a uniparental reproduction where the embryo usually derives from the female parent. A unique case of paternal apomixis in plants has been recently reported in Cupressus dupreziana, an endangered Mediterranean conifer. This species produces unreduced pollen that develop into all-...
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The extend to which seed dispersal influences seedling recruitment is of major importance for forest dynamics. In non-equilibrium situations, seed dispersal might be of even further importance as it is a major determinant of the rate and composition of secondary succession. We modelled primary seed dispersal in a planted pine–spruce stand intensive...
Although Cupressus sempervirens has been spread over southern Europe since antiquity, cypress pollen allergy has not been reported until 1945. In France, the very first case reports were published in 1962. Since then, the prevalence of cypress pollinosis seems to demonstrate an upward trend, concomitantly with the increased use of cypress trees as...
La gestion forestière vise des objectifs multiples: fonctions économiques, écologiques, sociales; maintien de la diversité, du rendement; pérennité des formations; gestion et conservation des ressources génétiques. Sur la base de connaissances et de modèles disponibles en matière de flux de gènes et de dynamique forestière, cette étude a permis: (1...
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Dans une perspective de gestion des ressources genetiques naturelles du cypres de l'Atlas au Maroc, la diversite de 9 provenances appartenant a trois especes (Cupressus atlantica endemique et 2 especes introduites: C. sempervirens et C. arizonica) a ete evaluee a l'aide de sept systemes enzymatiques. Le nombre moyen d'alleles par locus (A) varie de...
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Allozyme diversity of natural and introduced cypress stands in Morocco: consequences for management of genetic resources. For the purpose of managing Cupressus atlantica natural genetic resources in Morocco, diversity among 9 provenances from 3 cypress species (Cupressus atlantica and 2 introduced species: C. sempervirens and C. arizonica) was stud...
To understand the reproductive biology of Cupressus dupreziana A. Camus (Cupressaceae), a highly endangered Mediterranean conifer, the processes of microsporogenesis and pollen differentiation were investigated cytologically. Pre-meiotic development proved to be similar to the coniferous pattern: the microsporangia differentiated sporogenous tissue...
A rare cypress tree increases its chances by using a clever reproductive strategy.
* INRA, Centre d'Avignon, Unité de Recherches Forestières Méditerranéennes, Avenue Vivaldi, 84000 Avignon Diffusion du document : INRA, Centre d'Avignon, Unité de Recherches Forestières Méditerranéennes, Avenue Vivaldi, 84000 Avignon
* INRA, Centre d'Avignon, Unité de Recherches Forestières Méditerranéennes, Avenue Vivaldi, 84000 Avignon Diffusion du document : INRA, Centre d'Avignon, Unité de Recherches Forestières Méditerranéennes, Avenue Vivaldi, 84000 Avignon
Size and DNA content of pollen of Cupressus dupreziana A. Camus, a highly endangered Mediterranean conifer, were assessed by cytomorphological observations and flow cytometric analyses and then compared to C. sempervirens L. pollen. Mature C. dupreziana pollen was composed of two uninucleated types of pollen grains differing in size. Around 35% of...
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Unexpected ploidy levels observed in a previous flow cytometric analysis of Cupressus dupreziana endosperm, led us to hypothesize an asexual seed production in this endangered species. We tested here this possible apomixis, studying isozyme variability of endosperms, embryos and seed coats extracted from open pollinated seeds. Electrophoretic bands...
In common cypress, Cupressus sempervirens L., the megagametophyte persists in mature seeds as a polyploid endosperm containing cells with even and odd series of DNA contents: 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 5C etc., where C is the amount of DNA in the haploid genome. In this study, cytometrical, histological and cytochemical investigations were performed in order...
* INRA Département de biométrie, Domaine de Vilvert, 78350 Jouy en Josas cedex Diffusion du document : INRA Département de biométrie, Domaine de Vilvert, 78350 Jouy en Josas cedex
 Nuclear DNA content of embryo and endosperm from mature and immature Cupressus dupreziana A. Camus seeds was estimated using laser flow cytometry. Relative DNA content of endosperm nuclei corresponded to four ploidy levels: 2C, 4C, 6C and 8C. The embryo nuclei invariably exhibited a diploid pattern. In all endosperm tissue analyzed no haploid nucl...
 The processes of megasporogenesis and early megagametogenesis were cytologically investigated in Cupressus sempervirens L. in order to elucidate, at the cellular level, the origin of the megagametophyte. After pollination, sporogenous tissue developed in the chalazal region of the nucellus, but only one megaspore mother cell differentiated and div...
 Considered to be haploid tissue, the endosperm of coniferous trees has been extensively used by forest geneticists. Using laser flow cytometry, we show that endosperm ploidy level depends on the systematic position. The Abies, Cedrus and Pinus species tested exhibited uniform haploid endosperm compared to the diploid DNA content of the correspondi...
Rapport de mission FAO. 27 novembre au 3 décembre 1994 et 27 mars au 8 avril 1995 * INRA, URD, Domaine St Paul, Site Agroparc, 84914 Avignon cedex 9 Diffusion du document : INRA, URD, Domaine St Paul, Site Agroparc, 84914 Avignon cedex 9
Clonal variation for rust resistance was studied in a factorial mating design of Populus trichocarpa and P. deltoides with 17 intraspecific and 15 interspecific progenies. Susceptibility to Melampsora larici-populina was assessed both under natural conditions in the nursery and after leaf-disk inoculation with two pathogen races in a controlled env...
Dossier spécial recherche 2-3 : L'amélioration génétique des essences forestières
Four iterated methods of analysis of agronomic trials were tested by simulation. Complete blocks and totally random analysis were also performed. The experimental trials were simulated with 4 different maps for soil fertility trend, added to controlled genetic values randomly placed within the trial and random values for error. Iterated spatial ana...
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Quatre méthode itératives d’analyse de dispositifs agronomiques sont comparées à partir de simulations. Elles prennent en compte, sous forme d’une covariable, les performances des plus proches voisins dans les 2 directions du terrain. Les 4 méthodes diffèrent par la définition des voisins d’une part, et du coefficient associé à la covariable d’autr...
Poplar [Populus] breeding is reviewed under the following headings: the species (botanical characteristics; reproductive system - floral biology); genetic resources (species complex [with information on the sections Leuce, Aigeiros and Tacamahaca]; interspecific crosses; intra and interspecific variability); types of varieties and methods of select...
23 ref. *INRA, Documentation, Orleans. *Distribution limitee Diffusion du document : INRA, Documentation, Orleans. Distribution limitee
* INRA, Unité de Recherche Forestière Méditerranéenne, Avenue Vivaldi, 84000 Avignon Diffusion du document : INRA, Unité de Recherche Forestière Méditerranéenne, Avenue Vivaldi, 84000 Avignon
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(…) The results showed a significant variability of most traits, whether among parents, among families or among cloned full-sibs; but this variability was greater among parents than among families which can be explaines by the assumption that allelic fixation occurred in the natural stands the parents originated from (…). Broad sense heritabilities...
