Christian Korunka

Christian Korunka
University of Vienna | UniWien · Fakultät für Psychologie



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Publications (197)
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With a refreshed surge of interest in alternative work schedules, such as the compressed workweek, as a tool to increase employer attractiveness, the question of the effects of such work arrangements recurs. In light of inconsistent research findings, we examined the effects of the implementation of a four-day compressed workweek on time pressure,...
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This study investigates how cognitive demands resulting from employer‐oriented flexibility (i.e. to coordinate with others, to structure work tasks and to organize work and private obligations) relate to work–home outcomes among health care professionals. To understand the underlying psychological mechanisms of the relationship between cognitive de...
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Unternehmensorientierung und Gründungsneigung von SchülerInnen in Gymnasium und Berufsbildenden Höheren Schulen
1991 wurde das Tätigkeitsfeld der Psychotherapie in Österreich erstmals gesetzlich geregelt. Seither gab es viele Entwicklungen, die zu einer Diskussion der Neufassung des Psychotherapiegesetzes führten. In diesem Zusammenhang kommt der Akademisierung der Psychotherapie besonderes Gewicht zu. Im vorliegenden Buch wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie di...
Der Beitrag zeigt auf, welche Entwicklungen seit dem ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert dazu führten, dass der Abschluss eines Universitätsstudiums bislang keine notwendige Voraussetzung für die Eintragung in die österreichische Psychotherapeut’innen-Liste darstellt. Gleichzeitig haben aber die Bemühungen um eine Akademisierung der Psychotherapie seit etw...
1991 wurde das Tätigkeitsfeld der Psychotherapie in Österreich erstmals gesetzlich geregelt. Seither gab es viele Entwicklungen, die zu einer Diskussion der Neufassung des Psychotherapiegesetzes führten. In diesem Zusammenhang kommt der Akademisierung der Psychotherapie besonderes Gewicht zu. Im vorliegenden Buch wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie di...
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The positive impact of coworker social support on employeebehaviour and well-being is well-described in the job demands–resources model. However, the specific mechanisms through whichit operates have received scarce research attention. The currentstudy investigated the distinct roles of relatedness needsatisfaction (i.e. connectedness) and need fru...
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This study concerns research on self-regulation. It examines the effects of planning behaviour, a comprehensive self-regulatory strategy of goal setting, planning work steps, and developing alternative plans. Combining different strategies , rather than testing them in isolation, would strengthen their effects and make them more appropriate for com...
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The norm of reciprocity proposes that one who receives support feels obliged to return obtained benefits. Yet how employees regulate the mutual flow of social support with one another does not always follow a reciprocal dynamic, which may have different implications for employee outcomes based on whether social exchanges gain, drain or conserve res...
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In the contemporary 24/7 working society, the separation of work and private life is increasingly turning into an unrealizable ideal. Ruminating about work outside the work context lets work spill over into private lives and affects the dynamics of workers’ private relationships. Although negative work rumination was linked to couples’ reduced rela...
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Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag ist ein Versuch, das Spannungsfeld von Unterschieden und Gemeinsamkeiten der fünf großen humanistischen Schulen (Gestalt, Psychodrama, Personzentrierte PT, Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse, Integrative Therapie) in Bezug auf ein relevantes gesellschaftliches Themenfeld auszuloten. Die Covid-19 Pandemie stellt für die ges...
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Previous meta-analyses showed that challenge stressors are, though stressful, also motivating. However, their hypothesised gains related to learning are less well understood. In addition to the lack of meta-analytical assessments, there are conflicting theoretical perspectives on the learning effects of challenge stressors. In contrast to the chall...
National und international wird in den letzten Jahren vermehrt die „Humanistische Psychotherapie“ als ein Sammelbegriff für psychotherapeutische Ansätze mit gemeinsamen Wurzeln vorgeschlagen. Wir versuchen mit diesem Beitrag eine Standort-bestimmung zu dieser Entwicklung aus der Perspektive der Personzentrierten Psychotherapie: Die verschiedenen hu...
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Sleep plays an essential role in maintaining employees’ health and well-being. However, stressors, such as conflict at work, may interfere with employees’ sleep. Drawing on previous literature on the relationship between conflict at work and sleep outcomes, we proposed a negative relationship between daily conflict at work and physiological changes...
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In European countries, the COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to a demanding work situation for office employees who have been required to work from home (hereinafter referred to as remote workers). Due to curfews, school closures, and leisure restrictions in Austria, remote work circumstances have changed compared to before the pandemic. By combinin...
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File, Hutterer, Keil, Korunka und Macke-Bruck beschäftigten sich in einem 2008 veröffentlichten Artikel vorrangig mit publizierten Wirksamkeitsstudien über Klienten-/Personzentrierte und Experienzielle Psychotherapien aus den Jahren 1991 bis 2008. Aktuell wurde systematisch der Frage nachgegangen, welche Entwicklungen es in den elf Folgejahren gege...
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Cognitive demands of flexible work are the specific cognitive demands of planning of working times, planning of working places, structuring of work tasks, and coordinating with others that arise from flexible work organization. Although these demands have become increasingly widespread their consequences are not well understood. We propose that cog...
This study tests and extends the career construction the-ory's model of adaptation and provides valuable insights into the interplay of agency and structure in career self-management. It studies the interactive effect of career adaptability resources with intensified career demands on career crafting by examination of structural predictors for adap...
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Due to the increased flexibilization of work, more and more employees are required to structure their own work and coordinate it with others and thus need to handle the cognitive demands of flexible work. However, research to date has not provided clear results regarding the impact of these cognitive demands on employees. The purpose of this study...
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Zusammenfassung Die Video-Psychotherapie, als eine Form der internetgestützten Psychotherapie, hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten langsam verbreitet. Die im letzten Jahrzehnt veröffentlichten Reviews und erste Meta-Analysen zeigen die Möglichkeiten dieser digitalisierten Form der Psychotherapie auf. Die Covid-19 Pandemie und die Anforderungen der...
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The current labor market has produced manifold crises with high unemployment rates and increasing worklife dynamics. Adaptability and identity are metaskills that enable the learning process necessary to overcome obstacles on the career path. The contribution of this review lies in its focus on the question of whether the metaskills of career adapt...
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Modern workplaces are following a strong trend of increasing flexible working practices and approaches, offering more flexibility in working times, working places, work organization, and work relations as the result of new information and communication technologies. This book brings together a group of internationally recognized experts in the fiel...
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Although organizational psychology has long been researching the concept of job control, there are still gaps and differences in defining job control and closely related concepts (e.g., autonomy). Advances in the development of information and communication technology (ICT) and the accompanying changes in the world of work have brought new aspects...
Technological developments and the increase of flexible working conditions are accompanied by new cognitive demands on employees. In highly flexible work, there is an increased need for planning of working times and for planning of working places, for structuring of work tasks, and for coordinating with others. On the one hand, these new demands re...
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With globalization, digitalization, and the spread of information and communication technologies, rules regulating work have been softened or completely abolished. Consequently, employees face additional cognitive demands to plan, structure, and coordinate their work. To capture these demands of contemporary work, we constructed and initially valid...
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Particularly in knowledge-intensive jobs, employees are increasingly challenged by complex and dynamically changing work tasks. These developments make it difficult for employees to anticipate a day's upcoming work tasks and associated activities including methods, time requirements, and potential problems arising in the work process. We present th...
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented number of employees faced the challenges of telework. However, the current literature has a limited understanding of the implications of employees’ obligated home-based telework and their satisfaction with the work and home domains. We use boundary theory to examine work and home boundary violations in...
Introduction: The objective of this study was to determine the reciprocal relationship between safety professionals perceived organizational support (POS) and perceived safety climate. Safety professionals are most effective when they perceive support from management and employees and they also attribute most of their success to support from the o...
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To elucidate the distinct effects of relationship conflict (RC) and task conflict (TC), we investigated the intensity (low vs. high) of the two types of conflict on emotional exhaustion and work engagement. Furthermore, we examined how cooperative vs. competitive conflict-handling styles moderate the relationship between the two types of conflict a...
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File, Hutterer, Keil, Korunka und Macke-Bruck beschäftigten sich in einem 2008 veröffentlichten Artikel vorrangig mit publizierten Wirksamkeitsstudien über Klienten-/Personzentrierte und Experienzielle Psychotherapien aus den Jahren 1991 bis 2008. Aktuell wurde systematisch der Frage nachgegangen, welche Entwicklungen es in den elf Folgejahren gege...
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The present study challenges the prevalent negative view of personal smartphone use at work and advances our understanding of its effects on the work–nonwork interface. Drawing on border theory, we focus on the social and instrumental feature of smartphones that allows employees to be connected with their private contacts (e.g. friends and family m...
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The present study adopts an exploratory, person-oriented approach to investigate possible patterns of work–life interference. We examine work–life interference from a cognitive (i.e., thinking about work), behavioral (i.e., engaging in work-related behavior), and performance perspective (i.e., reduced functionality in private life, or work–life con...
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Career shocks are the norm, not the exception. Yet, much of research and counseling on career-development holds unrealistic assumptions of a makeable career. Little is understood about the role of shocks on the career path and how the interplay of individual reactions to shocks shapes careers. The purpose of this study is to provide understanding o...
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Zusammenfassung 30 Jahre nach der Verabschiedung des österreichischen Psychotherapiegesetzes wird die Besonderheit der Psychotherapie im Gesundheitssystem mit Bezug auf nationale Gegebenheiten und international vorliegende Forschungsergebnisse dargestellt. Dabei werden zentrale Qualitäts- und Unterscheidungsmerkmale der Psychotherapie im Verhältnis...
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A recent popular trend in office re-design is the activity-based flexible office (A-FO). Initially, assumptions about the effects of A-FOs were drawn from research into open-plan offices where lack of privacy, concentration opportunities, and an increase in distractions are identified as main downsides. These aspects have not been explored sufficie...
Zusammenfassung. Nahezu die Hälfte der Studierenden an österreichischen psychologischen Instituten kommt aus dem Nachbarland Deutschland. Ein wesentlicher Grund dafür ist die dortige strenge Numerus Clausus-Selektion. Allerdings kehren viele dieser Studierenden nach einem Abschluss wieder in ihr Heimatland zurück, was zur Folge hat, dass Österreich...
With globalization, digitization, and the spread of information and communication technologies, rules regulating work have been softened or completely abolished. As a consequence, employees face additional cognitive demands to plan, structure, and coordinate their work. In order to capture these demands of contemporary work, we constructed and vali...
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The present study investigated whether emotion regulation moderates the association between relationship conflict and group emotional exhaustion and whether conflict management moderates the association between task conflict and group work engagement in organizational workgroups. We conducted hierarchical regression and moderation analyses on quest...
With globalization, digitalization, and the spread of information and communication technologies, rules regulating work have been softened or completely abolished. As a consequence, employees face additional cognitive demands to plan, structure, and coordinate their work. In order to capture these demands of contemporary work, we constructed and in...
In diesem Beitrag wird ein Überblick über empirische Studien zur Arbeitsintensivierung gegeben. Wahrnehmungen von Arbeitsintensivierung sind eine direkte Folge von sozialer Beschleunigung, die u. a. aus den Entwicklungen im Spätkapitalismus und den zunehmenden Möglichkeiten von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien resultiert. Aus internatio...
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Purpose Non-technical skills are of increasing importance for safety engineers to perform their job. In their position as expert consultants, they work closely with managers. Thus, gaining management support is oftentimes crucial for safety engineers to successfully improve occupational health and safety. Drawing on organizational support theory (O...
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Purpose In order to understand the driving forces behind intensified job demands (IJDs), the purpose of this paper is to examine demographic factors, structural work-related factors, personal and job resources as antecedents of IJDs. Design/methodology/approach The study is based on cross-sectional (n=4,963) and longitudinal (n=2,055) quantitati...
Technologische Entwicklungen verändern die Art, wie wir leben, insbesondere die Art und Weise, wie wir arbeiten. Innerhalb dieses Kapitels werden die Besonderheiten digitaler Arbeit beschrieben und die Herausforderungen für MitarbeiterInnen diskutiert. Beispielsweise führt die digitale Transformation von Arbeit dazu, dass MitarbeiterInnen einer Ban...
Die Arbeitswelt hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten so stark gewandelt, dass nun Generationen in einer Organisation aufeinandertreffen, die ganz unterschiedliche Arbeitsweisen kennengelernt haben. Das Arbeiten im heutigen digitalen Zeitalter ist besonders durch die intensive Nutzung von digitalen Technologien und durch eine (dadurch bedingte) erhöh...
Veränderungen, die durch die Digitalisierung entstehen, stellen das Management von Organisationen vor Herausforderungen. Dieses ist nämlich nicht nur gefordert sich mit der räumlichen Gestaltung von Arbeitsumgebungen auseinanderzusetzen, sondern auch mit Themen der Führung sowie mit der Gestaltung des Veränderungsprozesses. Die Frage stellt sich be...
Die Frage nach der optimalen Gestaltung von Arbeitsumgebungen wird innerhalb unterschiedlicher Disziplinen erforscht. Neben der (Innen-)Architektur, die sich mit der Gestaltung von Räumen und Bürogebäuden befasst, versucht auch die Psychologie das Erleben und Verhalten in Arbeitsumgebungen zu verstehen, zu erklären und vorherzusagen. Der Begriff Ar...
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Recent changes in the world of work have led to increased job demands with subsequent effects on occupational safety. Although work intensification has been linked to detrimental safety behavior and more accidents, there is so far no sufficient explanation for this relationship. This paper investigates the mediating roles of safety climate, safety...
Das vorliegende Buch analysiert die Arbeitssituation von Sicherheitsfachkräften in Österreich. Neben der Auseinandersetzung mit dem "State of the Art" der betrieblichen und psychologischen Forschung über Sicherheitsfachkräfte wird eine groß angelegte empirische Studie über Sicherheitsfachkräfte in Österreich vorgestellt. Dabei steht die Frage im Vo...
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Procrastination is a form of self-regulation failure characterized by the irrational delay of tasks despite potentially negative consequences. Previous research on procrastination was mainly conducted in academic settings, oftentimes combined with a focus on individual differences. As a consequence, scholarly knowledge about how situational factors...
Technical Report
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Praxisorientierte Psychotherapieforschung und insbesondere verfahrensübergreifende, patientenorientierte Aspekte stellen den aktuellen State of the Art dar, der die Interessen der Praxis sowie die akademischen Anforderungen sinnvoll verbindet. Der vorliegende Leitfaden dient als Orientierungshilfe in Bezug auf Grundlagen für Wissenschaft und Forsch...
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Following the publication online of this article, the authors would like correct the last sentence on Page 115: “Challenge appraisal positively affected learning but had no effect on vitality, whereas hindrance appraisal had no effect on learning but was POSITIVELY related to vitality.” The sentence should have read as “Challenge appraisal positiv...
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Familienunternehmen bilden ein komplexes Zusammenspiel von unterneh-merischen und familiären Anteilen. Im Unterschied zu anderen Unterneh-men und auch zu abhängigen Tätigkeitsverhältnissen, die sich meist durch relativ strikte Trennung von Beruf und Privatleben auszeichnen, sind hier viele Aspekte des Unternehmens, der Tätigkeiten im Unternehmen un...
The previous chapters have described the characteristics of new job demands (work intensification , planning and decision-making demands, learning demands ) on employees arising from a changing world of work . These new job demands have the potential to exert both positive and negative effects on employees and organizational outcomes , resulting in...
In recent decades, employees in the Western world have been affected by many changes in their working conditions . New types of work (e.g., crowd-working) and new work settings (e.g., flexible work arrangements ) have appeared and employees at many workplaces seem to suffer from intensified work, which results in decreases in the quality of working...
The chapters of this book have outlined developments in the organization of work as well as in work and employment conditions and analyzed their likely effects on employees’ well-being, motivation and career prospects. The authors have tried to provide a picture of how socio-economic changes increase work intensity (Paškvan and Kubicek, Chap. 3) an...
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The digitization of working life and communication and information technologies (ICTs) are now essential components of working environments and important working tools. ICTs affect all kinds of work. Many of these influences are positive (e.g., improved work processes, better access to knowledge). On the other hand, ICTs may also be responsible for...
Combinations of concentrated work and interactions are facilitated by office environments such as activity-based flexible offices (A-FOs). A-FOs are characterized by activity-based workspaces, an open-plan layout, and desk sharing. Although there is a growing enthusiasm for replacing cellular offices with A-FOs, the effects of such changes on offic...
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In the conceptualization of thriving at work, it is emphasized that employees’ learning and vitality are two equally important components of thriving and that thriving is facilitated by contextual features and available resources. In this study, we examined the effects of two challenge stressors (time pressure and learning demands) on thriving at w...
This book examines the new ways of working and their impact on employees’ well-being and performance that have resulted from a changed world of work. It concentrates on job demands and flexible work emanating from current economic and organizational change, and assesses impact on workers’ health and performance. The development of issues such as gl...
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Today’s workforce is often faced with high levels of time pressure. According to the challenge-hindrance stressor framework, high levels of time pressure should have an ambivalent relationship with task performance because time pressure increases both motivation and strain. To investigate these ambivalent relationships of time pressure in daily wor...
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Coworking spaces are shared office environments for independent professionals. Such spaces have been increasing rapidly throughout the world, and provide, in addition to basic business infrastructure, the opportunity for social interaction. This article explores social interaction in coworking spaces and reports the results of two studies. Study 1...
Conference Paper
Our diary study with 124 knowledge workers (5 workdays, 3 measurement occasions per workday) shows that challenge stressors (time pressure, learning demands) differentially affect both components of thriving at work (learning, vitality). Further, cognitive appraisals of the work situation (challenge, hindrance) are used to explain these differentia...
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Our research aimed at disentangling the underlying processes of the adverse relationship between regulatory job stressors and ego depletion. Specifically, we analyzed whether state anxiety and self-control effort would mediate the within-person relationships of time pressure, planning and decision-making, and emotional dissonance with ego depletion...
As part of daily interactions humor is an integral element of work relationships with consequences for well-being or turnover intentions. However, its adequate assessment in the work context has yet to be improved. While the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ; Martin et al. 2003. Individual differences in uses of humor and their relation to psychologi...
Intrapreneurship as a form of entrepreneurial behaviour has the potential to create substantial value for an enterprise. Intrapreneurs, as opposed to entrepreneurs, are usually active on a lower hierarchical level and confronted with the internal, rather than the external environment of an enterprise when engaging in entrepreneurial activities. Usu...
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Intrapreneurship as a form of entrepreneurial behaviour has the potential to create substantial value for an enterprise. Intrapreneurs, as opposed to entrepreneurs, are usually active on a lower hierarchical level and confronted with the internal, rather than the external environment of an enterprise when engaging in entrepreneurial activities. Usu...
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Accelerated societal and organizational changes have placed new pressures on employees. Especially, service employees are exposed to intensified workloads, planning and decision-making, and learning demands. Despite the growing attention given to this intensification of job demands, a comprehensive measure is missing. In the present study, we devel...
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In interactions with clients or patients, human service workers are at risk of experiencing discrepancies between felt and organizationally mandated emotions (i.e. emotion-rule dissonance). Given the documented detrimental effects of such discrepancies on employee strain, the present study investigated whether job complexity mitigates the relation...
Purpose – Increasing speed in many life domains is currently being discussed under the term ‘social acceleration’ as a societal phenomenon which not only affects Western societies, but may also lead to job demands arising from accelerated change. Demands such as work intensification and intensified learning and their changes over time may increase...
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Due to economic and technological changes, work has intensified over the past few decades. This intensification of work takes a toll on employees’ well-being and job satisfaction. To explain the effects of work intensification on its outcomes we draw on the transactional stress model and examine the mediating role of cognitive appraisal. Furthermor...
Psychotherapists are effective in their work by bringing in their own persons. This implies that psychotherapists should know themselves quite well to bring in the needed resources for clients. Thus, complex competencies are needed in order to be prepared for professional exertion of their jobs, including the needed personal and social responsibili...
Conference Paper
Our experience sampling study with 97 eldercare workers (721 measurement occasions) shows that self-control effort (e.g., Diestel & Schmidt, 2011) can explain relationships of job stressors (workload, planning and decision-making, emotional dissonance) with ego depletion. Further, job control mitigates the indirect relationship of workload with ego...