Chris HorbelNorwegian School of Sport Sciences · Department of Sport and Social Sciences
Chris Horbel
Dr. rer. pol.
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September 2013 - present
January 2008 - August 2013
January 2008 - August 2013
Publications (108)
This study explores the relevance, and applicability, of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in relation to Norwegian sport organizations’ sustainability transition. The following research questions guided the study: (1) How do National Sport Governing Bodies (NGBs) strategically address and prioritize SDGs and why? (2) How does the strategic...
The place branding process in cities and tourism destinations is usually steered by a central organization but in rural places, a focal actor often does not exist. The purpose of this paper is to identify which approaches to place branding processes are applied in different rural places. This is done by seeing the place branding process as...
An interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral group of academics, tourism practitioners, community and governmental representatives have met and traveled together for workshops on Sustainable Arctic Tourism Development in Finnmark, Norway (April, 2018) and northern Iceland (March, 2019). This chapter describes and analyzes lessons from these workshops on...
Several significant societal and economic shifts threaten the sustainability of rural places. More rural communities and municipalities have started to employ place branding to attract residents and businesses and to maintain the service level required to sustain their communities. This study aims to better understand the potential benefits of plac...
Few studies have looked at the interaction of place branding practices of geographically linked places. Moreover, the different administrative contexts of the linked places and the resulting different place branding approaches have not been taken into consideration. This study provides insight on the interactions of the brands and branding initiati...
Smartphones have become ubiquitous devices that enable individuals to integrate digital resources in virtually all value co-creation processes, including visiting sport events. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to understand smartphone-enabled digital resource integration in the context of sport events from an individual intra-perspec...
The Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden have approached the first months of the 2020 novel coronavirus pandemic with a range of economic and health policies that have resulted in disparate outcomes. Though similar in behavioral norms and institutions, Denmark, Iceland and Norway chose a precautionary approach that formally...
Football clubs from the European Big Five leagues face limited opportunities for growth in their highly developed and competitive home markets. Therefore, internationalization into lucrative foreign markets becomes ever more important. Especially the Chinese market is increasingly targeted. Football development is promoted by the Chinese government...
Dieses Buch spiegelt die vielfältigen Aspekte des Dienstleistungsmanagements wider. Gleichzeitig ist es ein Ausdruck der verschiedenen Forschungs- und Praxisfelder, die sich unter dem Dach des Dienstleistungsmanagements vereinen.
43 Beiträge renommierter Experten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis werden sieben übergeordneten Perspektiven zugeordnet. Aus...
Resource integration is fundamental to value cocreation. In service-dominant logic, operant resources are the primary interest of actors’ economic exchange. However, the resources in service-dominant logic are rarely classified and analysed in detail. In addition, natural resources are widely neglected in conceptualizations of resources and resourc...
Football clubs from the European Big Five leagues face limited opportunities for growth in their highly developed and competitive home markets. Therefore, internationalization into lucrative foreign markets becomes more important. The Chinese market is perceived highly attractive. Football development is promoted by the Chinese government and Chine...
Sustainable Tourism Development in the Nordic Arctic is a research network funded by Nordregio, UArctic and the International Network Programme of the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education. The network’s aim is to investigate how to utilize existing human capital, natural resources (especially marine living resources) and infrastructure ca...
Ocean monitoring will improve outcomes if ways of knowing and priorities from a range of interest groups are successfully integrated. Coastal Indigenous communities hold unique knowledge of the ocean gathered through many generations of inter-dependent living with marine ecosystems. Experiences and observations from living within that system have g...
In light of the recent developments in marketing theory, namely service-dominant logic and value co-creation, the development of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty deserves reconsideration to broaden the mostly firm-centric earlier approaches. We propose a framework that includes the contributions of co-creating actors and identification wi...
This study investigated social-media-based anti-sponsor-brand communities and their impacts, not only on the sponsoring brand but also on the sponsored club and the sport itself. Guided by balance theory and social identity theory, the authors conducted a qualitative study of 2 distinctive, prototypical Facebook-based anti-sponsor-brand communities...
Sponsorships are powerful marketing tools with significant positive effects on various
kinds of sport spectators including fans, occasional spectators and business people. In light
of the inherent rivalries in sport, recent studies also tried to shed light onto the fans’
responses to the sponsor of a rival team (Angell, Gorton, Bottomley, & White...
Climate and economic forces are both transforming Arctic communities. Restructured governance of marine transportation and community development investment should work to promote economic growth and development within frameworks that accommodate sustainable resource use and community cultures. Marine ports are vital community links and components o...
This book chapter is intended to add to the existing literature by taking a closer look at the social relationships of football fans. Social relationships are the culture that evolves between two or more people (McCall, 1970; Wood, 1982). They build on strong bonds that emerge from the interaction between individuals as they act according to common...
Notes from the Workshop “Problematic Issues in Sport Sponsoring” at 25th European Association for Sport Management Conference (Bern, 7th September 2017)
Sponsorships are powerful marketing tools which use the platform provided by sport events, teams or athletes to co-create value with other actors, including the sport brand itself, media, fans, and other sponsors. However, recent scandals involving professional sports, corruption of mega sport events and its governing bodies, and the vast amount of...
Online product reviews represent crucial information cues for consumers’ future buying behaviour. This paper studies the disclosure of incentivization of product reviews on consumers’ perception of the writer of a review and review adoption across three different online contexts: (1) an online shop customer review, (2) a review on a news website, a...
Social media offers significant scope for consumer engagement and brand building. This paper adds to the extant literature by developing an integrative framework of key drivers of consumer-brand relationships in Facebook brand pages (FBP) including different targets of identification and perceived relationship investment. The empirical study confir...
Social networks such as Facebook have become a fundamental venue for positive sport-related interaction. However, social media provide also a perfect platform for negative communication and anti-brand communities which are forming around common aversions toward a specific brand (Hollenbeck and Zinkhan 2006). Emerging research suggests negative cons...
Building on social exchange theory and value co-creation, the present paper investigates how obligations and expectations of reciprocity as well as value-in-social-context shape preferences for or against free accommodation sharing. Applying a grounded theory approach, we propose a novel theoretical framework linking the notions of mutual giving an...
Wertschöpfungskonfigurationen skizzieren, in welcher Art und Weise im Rahmen der Leistungserstellung Wert generiert wird bzw. welche Aktivitäten zentral für die Wertschöpfung sind (Stadtelmann, Lindner und Woratschek (2015)). In diesem Beitrag werden mit der Wertkette, dem Wertshop und dem Wertnetzwerk die in Wissenschaft und Praxis etablierten Ans...
This paper applies the perspective of service-dominant logic, specifically value co-creation in service ecosystems to the context of sports. It builds on the notion that co-created value can only be understood as value-in-context. Therefore, a structural model is developed and tested for different contexts of spectating live broadcasts of football...
Online reviews have become highly influential sources of information for consumers in travel markets. This paper focuses on the perception of online reviews for hotels that are posted in different contexts: Facebook, a travel community, and Tripadvisor. In an experimental study (N=476) manipulating these three contexts, the influence of reviewer ch...
Social media offers significant scope for consumer engagement and brand building. This paper adds to the extant literature by developing an integrative framework of key drivers of consumer-brand relationships in Facebook brand pages (FBP) includ- ing different targets of identification and perceived relationship investment. The empirical study conf...
Research question: Sports economic theory and management models have frequently been criticised for not sufficiently explaining phenomena in sport management. This article addresses this gap by proposing a conceptual framework that can be used to understand sport management problems and derive appropriate strategies. Research methods: The framework...
The extant literature on the service-dominant logic generally treats value as being co-created. This perspective almost intuitively implies that the entire co-creation context determines value. This research investigates a structural model with a key focus on context. Comparing different contexts of spectating live broadcasts of football games duri...
Social media offers significant scope for consumer engagement and brand building. This paper adds to the extant literature by developing an integrative framework of key drivers of consumer-brand relationships in Facebook brand pages (FBP) including different targets of identification and perceived relationship investment. The empirical study confir...
Social networks such as Facebook have become a fundamental venue for positive sport-related interaction. However, social media provide also a perfect platform for negative communication and anti-brand communities which are forming around common aversions toward a specific brand (Hollenbeck & Zinkhan, 2006). Emerging research suggests negative conse...
Eine der wesentlichen Aufgaben und Herausforderungen in der Dienstleistungsbranche wird in der Steigerung der Produktivität von Dienstleistungen gesehen. Die Anzahl an Veröffentlichungen und darauf basierende Untersuchungen zum Thema Dienstleistungsproduktivität stiegen in den vergangenen 10 Jahren stark an. Dennoch besteht im Bereich der Dienstlei...
Die Patiententransportlogistik ist ein nicht-medizinischer Unterstützungsprozess im Krankenhaus. Der Fokus des Prozesses ist die Durchführung von Patiententransporten und die dafür notwendige Kommunikation und Koordination zwischen Stations- und Funktionsabteilungspersonal. Ziel ist es, einen Patienten von einem Start- zu einem Zielort - ggf. zu ei...
Der Begriff Wert kann auf unterschiedlichste Art konzeptualisiert werden. Folgt man der traditionellen betriebswirtschaftlichen Auffassung von Wert, besteht der Zweck von Unternehmen vor allem darin, Wert zu schaffen. Hierbei ist die Frage entscheidend, für wen genau Wert geschaffen werden soll, d. h. wer Bezugsobjekt der Unternehmen für die Wertsc...
In diesem Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse der im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts BELOUGA durchgeführten Benchmarking-Studie zur Schrankfachversorgung (SFV) vorgestellt. Zunächst wird die Schrankfachversorgung anhand von drei Perspektiven bewertet: das Prozess-Benchmarking (Der folgende Beitrag stellt die wesentlichen Ergebnisse in konzentrierter Form v...
This book offers new insights into value co-creation in the context of sport management. Based on recent developments in academia (e.g. service-dominant logic) and empirical evidence, it highlights the significance of customers and other firms and organisations (service networks) for the creation of high quality products and services. Five articles...
Online review sites are successful platforms for customer interaction about products, services, or places. This paper investigates personalisation of online customer reviews as a strategy to increase the influence of reviews on readers. An experimental study (N=587) manipulating age and travel purpose was conducted. A moderated mediation analysis r...
Das Unbehagen betriebswirtschaftlicher Forscher und Praktiker bei der Lösung von Problemen in verschiedenen Dienstleistungsbranchen unter Zuhilfenahme traditioneller betriebswirtschaftlicher Theorien und Ansätze hat letztendlich zur Herausbildung der Disziplin des „Dienstleistungsmanagement“ geführt. Die Sportbranche ist hierfür ein typischer Vertr...
The so-called privacy paradox – consumers expressing their need for privacy but acting in the opposite way – can be observed in the app market. Consumers download apps without a monetary payment, but need to provide personal data, without being aware of the amount and quality of data requested. Does this indicate that app users are unconscious cons...
The paper addresses the phenomenon that consumers buy and use mobile apps extensively despite the
fact that many have only little specific knowledge about them. In particular this article seeks to
explore how consumers deal with the risks and possible security frauds of mobile ecosystems. Based
on the contextual characteristics of mobile ecosystems...
Research question: Sports economic theory and management models have frequently been criticised for not sufficiently explaining phenomena in sport management. This article addresses this gap by proposing a conceptual framework that can be used to understand sport management problems and derive appropriate strategies. Research methods: The framework...
The data generated through mobile applications on smart mobile devices represents one of the most interesting and valuable shares of Big Data. This highly personalized and traceable information comes with implications for basically all stakeholders and should lead consumers to rethink their imprudent usage of apps.The EMC-sponsored ‚Digital Univers...
The recent expansion of new technologies offers many opportunities for brand building. This paper adds to the extant literature by investigating the determinants of the success of brand social network websites (BSN) indicated by the user’s loyalty towards the BSN. Using an online survey for sports fans and Facebook users we demonstrate that consume...
Untersuchungen der Dienstleistungsproduktivität rückten in den vergangenen Jahren zunehmend in den Fokus von Wissenschaft und Praxis, da der klassische Produktivitätsbegriff aufgrund der Besonderheiten des Dienstleistungsbereichs an verschiedene Grenzen stößt. Die größten Herausforderungen für die Entwicklung einer Konzeption der Produktivität, die...
Die Produktivität gilt, neben der Wirtschaftlichkeit und der Rentabilität, als eines der wichtigsten Formalziele von Unternehmen, die auf den Erfolg betrieblicher Tätigkeiten abstellen. Im Vordergrund steht dabei die Frage nach dem optimalen Einsatz der Produktionsfaktoren, d.h. der knappen Ressourcen eines Unternehmens.
S-D logic can be interpreted as a transition from a goods-centred to a service-centred view on markets. It seems worthwhile to examine phenomena from the perspective of S-D logic and to reconsider the conclusions that have been drawn from traditional perspectives. In addition, the analysis of specific phenomena through the lens of S-D logic might f...
Vor allem der medizinische Fortschritt sorgt dafür, dass der Bedarf an Blutkon-serven immer weiter ansteigt.
This paper investigates the possibilities to improve productivity in service companies with the help of a service productivity definition which over-comes the flaws of recent service productivity paradigms. The contribution is twofold: firstly, we establish a service productivity definition which merg-es classical productivity with marketing's serv...
WOM is important for gaining new customers, because perceived risks can be
reduced. In customer acquisition, service providers should therefore collaborate with
influential WOM sources. The aim of this study is the identification of those customers
who can open the gateway to many new customers. Results indicate that customer
satisfaction is most i...
In this study, first, a generalisable donor motivation scale is developed, and second,
the relative impact of motivation-related factors on blood donation intention is
examined. Donor motivations are derived using the Repertory Grid Technique. The
donor motivation scale consists of three dimensions: “psychological cost and risk”,
“feasibility of th...
The ever increasing amount of blood and blood constituents that is needed to keep up with the demand of hospitals and other health care service providers requires a substantial active donor pool (Armitage and Conner 2001; Reid and Wood 2008). While blood donation organizations around the world put a lot of effort in marketing activities, the recrui...
WOM is important in shaping expectations about services, because perceived risks can be reduced. So, WOM sources are valuable operant resources for marketing activities and service providers should collaborate with them. In order to identify these customers two empirical studies using partial least squares structural equation modelling were conduct...
As capacity is limited in many service industries, services are sometimes unavailable. Particularly, the most attractive offers may already be gone by the time consumers make their actual buying decision. As a consequence, they only find a less attractive choice set. Classical choice models suggest that irrelevant alternatives should not influence...
Dienstleistungen lassen sich häufig als komplexe Leistungsbündel charakterisieren, die durch vielfältige Verhaltensunsicherheiten
zwischen den Marktpartnern gekennzeichnet sind. Diese Verhaltensunsicherheiten sind häufig auf den hohen Anteil immaterieller
Bestandteile von Leistungsbündeln zurück zu führen, da Kunden aufgrund von Präsentationsproble...
The effect of different characteristics of word-of-mouth sources on the influence of WOM on the receiver’s purchase decision is analyzed. This is useful in order to predict which customers will be most likely to be perceived as influential WOM sources and therefore represent a particular important customer group. Results show that the source’s expe...
Videographische Analysen stellen einen neuen Trend in der qualitativen Marktforschung dar. Qualitative Forschungsansätze werden häufig als Vorstudien für quantitative Studien oder als eigenständige Ansätze für wenig erforschte Fragestellungen zur Hypothesengenerierung und Theoriebildung eingesetzt (explorative Forschung) sowie zur Beschreibung komp...
Die herausragende Bedeutung der Dienstleistungsqualität für den ökonomischen Erfolg eines Dienstleistungsunternehmens ist in der betriebswirtschaftlichen Literatur unumstritten (Stauss 1999, S. 5). Nach den Überlegungen der Service-Profit-Chain (Heskett et al. 1994) ist eine hohe Dienstleistungsqualität Vorraussetzung für eine hohe Kundenzufriedenh...
Variety-seeking behavior occurs if customers derive utility from a change of service providers. It has negative consequences for the firm's profits, because it functions as a moderating factor in the relationship of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Even by offering high service quality variety-seekers cannot be retained. Therefore variet...