Choirul HudaUniversitas PGRI Semarang | IKIP PGRI Semarang · Physics Education Dept.
Choirul Huda
M.Si., M.Pd.
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Publications (44)
Latar belakang yang mendorong penelitian ini adalah rendahnya hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPAS yang disebabkan karena kurangnya penggunaan model dan media pembelajaran yang bervariatif, serta pembelajaran yang masih berpusat pada guru sehingga siswa kurang antusias, merasa jenuh dan pasif dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan unt...
The purpose of this classroom action research is to improve the cognitive learning outcomes of fourth grade students at SD N Karangrejo 02 Semarang by applying the Problem Based Learning model. The subjects of this class action research were fourth grade students. This research was conducted for two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages: plann...
Dalam mencapai lahirnya sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, perlu adanya sistem dan metode pembelajaran yang mampu untuk menumbuhkan karakter – karakter unggul dalam diri masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya generasi penerus bangsa. Salah satu karakter penting yang turut menjadi indikasi sumber daya berkualitas adalah pola pikir kritis yang dimiliki g...
Students' learning styles in learning vary, so it is important for teachers to know the learning styles of their students. There are students who feel that mathematics is difficult to understand and understand, and teachers do not know student learning styles. One of the characteristics of learning that is related to the acquisition, processing, an...
One of the reasons for the lack of student learning motivation is the unavailability of learning media that can focus students' attention and help students understand science concepts. The purpose of this PKM activity is to provide assistance to science teachers in overcoming difficulties in the absence of learning media as a tool in the science le...
The background of the problem in this research is the lack of variation in the learning process of fourth grade students. This is caused by the learning that is used less in the use of media in learning so that it is less than optimal. The purpose of this study is to find out how the application of Smart Book Media in Improving Student Learning Out...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar berbasis kontekstual dengan memadukan literasi sains pada materi termodinamika kelas XI SMA/MA. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development) yang meliputi potensi dan masalah, mengumpulkan informasi, desain produk, validasi produk, dan revisi p...
Changes in the paradigm of the learning process, where the learning process must be oriented towards active learning learners. Learners must provide opportunities for students. This requires effective learning, namely using digital learning. Where in this learning can be done anywhere and students are required to be more active, while the teacher o...
Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengukuran indeks ultraviolet (UV) matahari dan atenuasinya oleh beberapa bahan. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kebutuhan berjemur di tengah terik matahari sebagai upaya meningkatkan imun tubuh ditengah Pandemi Covid-19. Indeks ultraviolet menjadi kunci dalam menentukan waktu yang tepat. Penelitian ini bertu...
The conventional learning process can only be implemented in schools, in a pandemic like now, learning that can be carried out remotely according to the rules is learning from home. Teachers are required to take advantage of various technologies to better support the learning process, so that learning is more effective because students can continue...
The study aimed to develop the Current Stick teaching aids and determine its effectiveness to improve students’ generic skills. The type of research is development research which involved 180 students of class X SMAN in Blora were chosen through cluster random sampling. The instrument used to collect the data was a validated question sheet from the...
The low condition of students’ Generic Science Skills (GSS) becoming a concern since GSS is an essential provision for millennial living in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The study aimed to measure the impact of guided inquiry learning on generic science skills by using the digital swing model. This research used the experimental metho...
This study is aimed to determine the impact of the ticker timer experiment using Problem Based Learning (PBL) model on students’ cognitive and affective learning outcomes in Physics. The research used a quasi-experimental method which is conducted in one of the senior high schools in Semarang, Indonesia. The research subject for both experimental a...
The research purpose is explored the effect of guided inquiry learning with digital spring for science generics skills. The subject of research are 70 student in XI MIPA SMAN 11 Semarang consisting of 35 students in the experimental group and 35 students in the control group. Design study uses Quasy Experiment Design, the type to be used is Nonequi...
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of local wisdom-based Science learning modules on the subject of temperature and heat in MTs Al-Hadi . The research method used in this study is Quasi Experimental Design. Data processing and analysis using t-test with the help of SPSS. The results of student pretest scores above KKM are 40% of the tot...
p class="Abstract">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kelayakan instrumen dan alat peraga tabung resonansi horisontal untuk menunjang keterampilan generik sains siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi dengan jumlah 10 aktivitas siswa yang diamati. Media pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah produk berupa alat p...
Keterbatasan alat peraga sederhana dalam pembelajaran fisika dan rendahnya pemahaman konsep mahasiswa membutuhkan penerapan keefektifan pembelajaran pada materi perpindahan kalor berbantuan alat peraga sederhana yang mudah dan murah dirancang oleh mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan keefektifan pembelajaran berbantuan alat peraga...
Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan model Think Talk Write berbantu media gambar seri dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia materi menulis karangan narasi pada siswa kelas V SD NEGERI BUGANGAN 02 SEMARANG. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen menggunakan Pre Experimental Design yang digunakan adalah One Group Pretest-Pos...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektif apa tidaknya model pembelajaran make a match berbantu media word card terhadap hasil belajar siswa materi penafsiran data kelas V SD SD N Barusari 01 Semarang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Quasi Eksperimental Design dengan model Nonequivalent Control Grup. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik p...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan model Picture and Picture berbantu media Flashcard terhadap keterampilan menulis karangan siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Kalibanteng Kidul 03 Semarang. Latar belakang yang mendorong peneliti melakukan penelitian tersebut, karena para siswa masih banyak yang belum mampu menulis karangan secara...
Peneliti ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi efektif atau tidaknya model pembelajaran Keefektifan model problem based learning berbantu media audio visual terhadap kedisiplinan siswa kelas V SD Negeri Sawanga. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Kuantitatif dengan desain True Eksperimental yaitu Pretest-Posttest Control Group Desaign. Populasi dalam penel...
Pengaruh Strategi Card Sort Berbantu Media Gambar Terhadap Prestasi Belajar IPA Kelas IVSDN Bumirejo 1 Karangawen DemakTahun Ajaran 2018/2019. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui pengaruh strategi Card Sort berbantu media gambar terhadap prestasi belajar IPA kelas IV SDNBumirejo 1 Karangawen Demak Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019. Jenis penelitian ini a...
This research is aimed at developing a learning model that encourages the skills of analytical thinking in science. The method used is research and development. The result is the ICAE (Incubation, Collection of data, Analysis, and Evaluation) model that promotes analytical thinking skills. Results of normalized gain tests show that the gain score i...
Abstrak : Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Advance Organizer Berbantu Media Audio-Visual terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Pelajaran IPA Siswa Kelas V. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran advance organizer berbantu media audio-visual terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah mata pelajaran IPA siswa kelas V. Jen...
A research has been made to fabricate leave waste composites and Polyvinyl Acetate (PvAc) polymers reinforced with glass fibers. The method used was a simple mixing of leaves powders, PvAc, and glass fibers varied from 0 g to 1 g. Mass of 16 g leaves powder and mass of PvAc 4 g. The mixing result is suppressed by 5 metric-tons for 15 minutes. The c...
Pre-service physics teacher skill in designing simple experiment set is very important in adding understanding of student concept and practicing scientific skill in laboratory. This study describes the skills of physics students in designing simple experiments based technologicall. The experimental design stages include simple tool design and senso...
The problems of this research was: how the effectiveness of Word Square learning model supported by Puzzle media to improve learning outcome of Social subject of third grade at Public Elementary School of Wonopringgo 01 (SDN 01 Wonopringgo)? The type of this research was True Experiment Design with type of pretest-posttest control group design one...
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh rendahnya hasil belajar siswa kelas V mata pelajaran IPS. Hal tersebut dikarenakan kurangnya inovasi model dan media pembelajaran dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah Apakah Model Pembelajaran Think Talk Write berbantu media Puzzle dapat membantu meningkatkan hasil...
The problems of this research was: how the effectiveness of Word Square learning model supported by Puzzle media to improve learning outcome of Social subject of third grade at State Elementary School of Wonopringgo 01 (SDN 01 Wonopringgo). The type of this research was True Experiment Design with type of pretest-posttest control group design one k...
Telah dilakukan studi analisis content buku ajar termodinamika dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan penggunaan modul berbasis Technological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge (TPACK) pada mata kuliah termodinamika. TPACK merupakan pengetahuan yang menggabungkan hubungan antara teknologi, pedagogik, dan konten secara sinergis. Metode penelitian i...
Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengembangkan modul pembelajaran berbasis virtual laboratory pada mata kuliah fisika dasar di universitas PGRI Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis Research and Development. Hasil validasi ahli terhadap modul berbasis virtual laboratory pada materi fluida dinamis oleh ahli menghasilkan persentase kelayakan seb...
Modeling of heat and mass transfer determine the form of mathematical equations obtained. The aim of this study was to obtain heat and mass transfer equation based on modeling has been prepared and finished using numerical methods. The study starts from determining assumptions, construction of models, make up the mathematical equation of heat and m...
Modeling of heat and mass transfer determine the form of mathematical equations obtained. The aim of this study was to obtain heat and mass transfer equation based on modeling has been prepared and finished using numerical methods. The study starts from determining assumptions, construction of models, make up the mathematical equation of heat and m...
Modeling of heat and mass transfer determine the form of mathematical equations obtained. The aim of this study was to obtain heat and mass transfer equation based on modeling has been prepared and finished using numerical methods. The study starts from determining assumptions, construction of models, make up the mathematical equation of heat and m...
This research is aimed at designing a learning tool based on multi-representation that can improve problem solving skills. It used the research and development approach. It was applied for the course of Fundamental Physics at Universitas PGRI Semarang for the 2014/2015 academic year. Results show gain analysis value of 0.68, which means some medium...
Abstrak – Telah dilakukan perancangan desain sistem pompa kalor untuk proses pengeringan daun sirsak siklus tertutup. Daun sirsak merupakan salah satu bahan baku obat herbal. Proses pengeringan daun sirsak membutuhkan suhu yang tidak terlalu tinggi dan terjaga higienisitasnya. Untuk memenuhi kriteria tersebut telah dilakukan rancang desain sistem p...
The purpose of this study was to measure the effect of the use media such as vocational posters for concepts mastery and attitudes towards vocational students on the subject of thermodynamics. This study uses a quasi experimental design of pretest and posttest control group design. The study population was grade X on light vehicle engineering and s...
Abstrak Telah dirancang peralatan spektroskopi Arc-Spark sederhana yang dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi sampel udara bebas dari sampel Natrium Chloride (NaCl). Perangkat penelitian terdiri dari High Voltage Supply 0 – 6 kilo Volt, probe 50 Kv, perangkat elektroda pada udara terbuka, lensa fokus 50 mm, monokromator, fotodioda S874-8K3H, rangk...
Abstrak Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh posisi stack dalam tabung resonator termoakustik terhadap frekuensi resonansi. Posisi stack ditaruh pada jarak 10 cm, 30 cm, dan 50 cm. Data frekuensi diambil menggunakan mikrofon yang dipasang pada ujung resonator. Mikrofon tersebut dihubungkan dengan laptop yang telah terisntall software sound c...
Abstrak Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh posisi stack dalam tabung resonator termoakustik terhadap frekuensi resonansi. Posisi stack ditaruh pada jarak 10 cm, 30 cm, dan 50 cm. Data frekuensi diambil menggunakan mikrofon yang dipasang pada ujung resonator. Mikrofon tersebut dihubungkan dengan laptop yang telah terisntall software sound c...
Keberhasilan belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Fisika teknologicukup rendah, padahal Fisika Teknologi merupakan salah satu matapelajaran yang dijadikan Ujian Sekolah di tingkat SekolahKejuruan. Untuk mensiasati hal tersebut, dikembangkan modelpembelajaran kooperatif Team Assisted Individualization yangdimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan minat belajar si...