Chiara ScalabrinoSustainability and Adult Education for Sustainability freelance professional
Chiara Scalabrino
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I am a Sustainability and Education for Sustainability professional with 20 years wide-ranging experience promoting RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION and PRODUCTION in NGOs, the public and the private sectors (through research, networking, education, training, information, communication, project management, evaluation and advising).
For more information on my work, please visit my ORCID (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6291-6693) and LinkedIn profile (https://www.linkedin.com/in/chiarascalabrino/).
Publications (19)
RESUMEN Hay numerosos e interconectados problemas socio-económico-ambientales y a pesar de que se hable de "problemáticas ambientales" oficialmente desde 1962, de "limites del desarrollo" desde 1972, de "desarrollo sostenible" desde 1987, se ha avanzado poco hacia un modelo de producción y consumo más sostenible. Premiso esto, visto que la difusión...
Several European Union (EU) policy tools, like Green Public Procurement (GPP) or the EU Ecolabel, aim to reduce the impacts of products along the whole life cycle. Nevertheless, despite having existed for decades, we observed that their use is not yet widespread, also in institutions that have environmental protection as a mission.
This study aims...
The current economic system is not isolated, but it is part of a complex system, our planet. Matter does not vanish, waste cannot disappear. Hence, the importance of promoting an economic model based on the saving of raw materials, on the use of renewable energy, on recycling and reusing. For years we have been talking of Sustainable Development bu...
The evolution to a just, Low Carbon and Circular Economy could be accelerated if additional education and training professionals embraced the practical implications of terms such as Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) or for Sustainability (ES). Therefore, this study identified the numerous elements of Environmental and Sustainability Educa...
The “European sustainability competence framework background document: literature review, analysis of frameworks and proposals” presents a preliminary literature review and frameworks analysis used for the preparation of the initial phases of the design process of the European Sustainability Competence Framework (GreenComp). Specifically, it includ...
Based on an extensive literature review and three business case studies, the research explored:
- the processes towards sustainability of three large companies with distinct levels of sustainability integration,
- the role and traits of the learning activities to engage stakeholders.
- A “Theoretical Framework...
RESUMEN Hay numerosos e interconectados problemas socio-económico-ambientales y a pesar de que se hable de “problemáticas ambientales” oficialmente desde 1962, de “limites del desarrollo” desde 1972, de “desarrollo sostenible” desde 1987, se ha avanzado poco hacia un modelo de producción y consumo más sostenible. Premiso esto, visto que la difusión...
Booklet of the study on the prices of eco-products in the municipality of Genoa in 2010. Full report “Study on the diffusion and prices of ECO-products”
Tante idee per riusare, costruire, cooperare, riflettere e animare strade, piazze, giardini, feste, ludoteche, asili e centri ricreativi.
Una raccolta di "ri-giochi ecologici" da costruire con materiali di riciclo o riutilizzabili, che possono essere realizzati tout court, o costituire spunti per mettersi personalmente in gioco e dar spazio alla pr...
The Florence document on Sustainable Consumption and Production, 2008. A work of the Italian National Work Group on Sustainable Consumption.
Il documento presenta la visione del consumo sostenibile e delle sue potenzialità che il Gruppo ha condiviso e posto alla base del proprio lavoro.
Book for citizens and CD and website for teachers, published by Region Liguria and ARPAL (Regional Environmental Protection Agency of Liguria) in Italy. It is the result of a study on the route of the waste seperated in the region to the recylcing plant.
The website and CD: http://www.ambienteinliguria.it/eco3/ep/CDromChiudiamoIlCiclo/riciclo/index...
Booklet published by Regione Liguria and ARPAL presenting a survey on the experiences of the Ligurian territories in Sustainable Tourism.
La pubblicazione descrive il processo partecipato del Sistema InFEA della Liguria verso la qualità.
The book describes the participated process of the Ligurian InFEA (Environmental Education, Training, Information) System towards quality and the SIQUAL (theSystem of Quality Indicators) of the network of Environmental Education Centres of the Liguri...
Negli ultimi anni, ha assunto sempre maggiore importanza il concetto di "sviluppo sostenibile".
I processi economici, sociali ed ecologici sono strettamente collegati tra loro e l'intervento di attori pubblici e privati non deve avvenire in modo settoriale, bensì bisogna diffondere un nuovo
modo di pensare che consideri benessere economico, sociale...
Pubblicazione della Regione Umbria relativa al Corso "Management di rete e sviluppo sostenibile" realizzato nell'ambito del Programma Interregionale IN.F.E.A. 2002-2003 con il finanziamento del Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio, a cura di Giovanni Borgarello.
Il coinvolgimento dei vari soggetti attivi nell'educazione ambientale...
Description of the project "Agenda 21 in school - Action 21 in the classroom, involving 21 Environmental Education Centres of the System of Environmental Education of the Liguria region, in Italy. As suggested by United Nations Agenda 21, the many local projects touched the issues of, water, traditions, waste, mobility, food, paper, forests, school...
The Baltic Sea is the largest brackish-water area in the world and amongst the most polluted seas.
The state of its marine habitat is a reflection of natural and human factors such as: the limited water exchange with
adjacent seas, the formation of salinity and temperature barriers between surface and bottom water, the continuous
pressure of pollut...