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Charlemagne D.S.J Gbemavo

Charlemagne D.S.J Gbemavo

PhD/ Biostatistics and Forestry
Associate Professor of Biostatistics


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I'm Agronomist, Forester and Biometry specialist. I'm Associate Professor of Biometry and Forest Estimation at the National Universities of Benin. I also takes role as biostatisics specialist in several research projects in Benin and West Africa region (IRDGS-CRDI, JEAI-GRAB, AfricaYAM, IFWA, etc... ). My current research interests include : (i) Mathematical modeling (ii) Statistical methods, Ecological modeling, Epidémiological modeling (iii) Agroforestry.
Additional affiliations
January 2014 - October 2015
Laboratory of Biomathematics and Forest Estimation
  • Forestry and statistical analysis
April 2012 - October 2015
National Institute of Agricultural Research of Benin
  • Forestry and statistical analysis
June 2014 - present
University of Abomey-Calavi
  • Research feĺlow


Publications (83)
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Yam species (Dioscorea spp.) constitute important staple foods for local communities in Sub-Saharan in Africa. Among yam species, Dioscorea dumetorum (Kunth) Pax, commonly consumed, has been reported to be among the most nutritious and well-appreciated local resource although it remains neglected and underutilized species in Benin. Here, we combine...
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The aim of this study was to predict Jatropha curcas plant yield through an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) model. The predictive ability of the developed model was tested against the Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) using performance indexes. According to the performance indexes the use of ANN-MLP model improved Jatrop...
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This study examines the performance of machine learning algorithms for identifying importance features for agroecological practices adoption in shea agroforestry systems. Primary data were collected from 272 representative and randomly selected farmers in two regions of northern Benin. Four machine learning algorithms (Naïve Bayes, Neural Network,...
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Under the pressure exerted by humans on forest ecosystems, agroforestry is promoted to maintain a balance between forest and agricultural ecosystems. Agroforestry systems are the center of interactions between crops and other plants and between fauna and flora. Within this faunistic diversity, ants occupy a prominent place through their protective...
Conference Paper
The selection of relevant variables in the face of a large number of covariates to make accurate predictions is becoming a common habit for statisticians and practitioners in general. This selection has been expanding in logistic regression due to its regular use in various studies. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of LASSO, PLS, inform...
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Background In developing countries, rice is a staple food and cash crop for the people. In Benin Republic, paddy rice production has increased over time. Accordingly, local varieties were replaced by improved varieties, leading unfortunatley to a loss of the diversity of Beninese rice germplasm. Methods and results The investigation focused on the...
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Background: Rice production is important for food security in Benin, with a national production largely dominated by the cultivation of the aromatic ecotype IR841, by far the most appreciated by Beninese consumers. However, to maintain agronomical qualities of a given cultivar, the origin and quality of seeds are mandatory and at the heart of the m...
Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb, the most commercialised medicinal species in Southern Benin, is reported to be extinct in the wild due to anthropogenic pressures on its natural habitats. Remaining individuals can only be found in traditional agroforestry systems and home gardens. It is therefore important to understand how spatio-temporal distributio...
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Background Rice production is important for food security in Benin, with a national production largely dominated by the cultivation of the ecotype IR841, by far the most appreciated by Beninese consumers. However, to maintain agronomical qualities of a given cultivar, the origin and quality of seeds are mandatory and at the heart of the maintenance...
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To meet the high demand for white Guinea yam, there is a need to develop and release improved varieties to farmers. Unfortunately, low rate of adoption of most of the improved yam varieties by both producers and consumers was observed. Information regarding agronomic characteristics and food qualities of popular white Guinea yam landraces with high...
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Larvae of black soldier fly (BSF), Hermetia illucens (L.1758) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae), are increasingly being used as animal feed ingredients. Larvae are usually produced by placing eggs, obtained from adult rearing on growing substrates but can also be obtained by exposing substrates to naturally occurring BSF females. In the latter system, the s...
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This study determines the prevalence of shea butter tree attack by the African mistletoe and stem borers, explores statistical relationship between prevalence, land use and tree morphological traits. In a the Bohicon shea parklands in Benin, a total of 258 shea butter trees was examined and measured in ten inventory plots in fallows, ten inventorie...
L’Iroko (Milicia excelsa (Welw.) C.C.Berg) est une espèce ayant une grande importance économique pour son bois et qui présente une grande utilité pour les populations locales comme une plante médicinale et sacrée. Malgré une importance économique reconnue depuis plus de deux siècles et une diminution sensible des densités de population de M. excels...
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This study investigated the socio-economic benefits and the relationships in terms of dependence or resources between the W Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (WTBR) in Benin and adjacent communities, over the period from 2000 to 2017. The methodological approach included a survey of opinions and incomes conducted among 340 households. The statistical...
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Purpose The purpose of this study is to evaluate rice farmers’ perceptions on the manifestations of the climate change and identify efficient strategies and determinants of adoption of these strategies in the Republic of Benin. Design/methodology/approach Surveys were conducted using participatory research appraisal tools and techniques, such as d...
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The identification of technological and policy interventions allowing to improve the performance of Beninese rice systems is necessary to reduce the heavy dependence on rice imports. This study characterized the Beninese rice farming systems, identified the production constraints, and determinants of the adoption of improved varieties by farmers. F...
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The identification of technological and policy interventions allowing to improve the performance of Beninese rice systems is necessary to reduce the heavy dependence on rice imports. This study characterized the Beninese rice farming systems, identified the production constraints, and determinants of the adoption of improved varieties by farmers. F...
Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) G. Don, Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir, Milicia excelsa (Welw.) C. C. Berg, Prosopis africana (Guill., Perrot. and Rich.) Taub., Afzelia africana Sm. and Khaya senegalensis (Desv.) A. Juss. are the most highly valued indigenous tree species in the agroforestry systems of the Ouémé catchment area. However, information on the pop...
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The use of modern drugs to manage hypertension and diabetes is enough expensive and requires constant monitoring of the patient due to the chronicity and complications of these diseases. Thus, the populations of southern Burkina Faso have opted for the use of plants, including Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) R.Br. ex G. Don, Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.)...
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Human pressures have accelerated the degradation of protected areas, especially in developing countries where populations depend heavily on forest resources. In order to limit the pressures on these areas, governance models are implemented. The present study aims to assess the impact of the governance experienced by the W Transboundary Biosphere Re...
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National parks are of great interest for the biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services delivery. However, their effectiveness in achieving the objectives that motivated their establishment depends on the performance of the governance model. Using the case study of the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve of W, Benin (TBRW/B) for the period 2000-2...
Technical Report
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Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb est la plante médicinale la plus commercialisée du sud Bénin. Elle est éteinte à l'état sauvage. Cela est dû à la surexploitation de ses racines qui sont essentiellement utilisées dans le traitement de la prostate et de la faiblesse sexuelle. De plus, la dureté des graines ne favorise pas la régénération spontanée de l'...
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Boswellia dalzielii Hutch., an African frankincense tree, is a socio-economically important aromatic and medicinal tree. It is currently threatened by uncontrolled exploitation, and therefore requires action to ensure its sustainable management. This study assessed the population structure and regeneration of its natural stands across three land us...
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The Republic of Benin has the potential to reduce its heavy dependence on rice imports to meet the needs of its population. For that, the identification of technological and policy interventions allowing to improve the performance of Beninese rice systems is necessary. This study therefore characterized the Beninese rice farming systems and identif...
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BACKGROUND Rice (Oryza spp) is one of the most consumed cereals in the Republic of Benin. However, rice production is threatened by various pests, which lead to important yield losses. For the development of integrated management strategies responding to the farmers' realities, it is important to document their perceptions, knowledge and management...
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The sweet pea or tigernut (Cyperus esculentus L.) has very high potential to be developed but is considered a neglected and underutilized plant in Benin. The current study aims to investigate the indigenous knowledge related to local diversity, production and uses of various landrace types of tigernut grown in its production areas in Benin. Using P...
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The demographic pressure in Benin has led to an increase in demand for cereals, in particular maize (Zea mays L.), which constitutes the staple diet for the populations. Yet, in this context of climatic variability, the environmental conditions greatly limit the yields of this crop. The purpose of this study was to compare the agro-morphological ch...
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Rice (Oryza spp.) is an important food and cash crop in the Republic of Benin. However, despite its production increase in recent years, the yield of cultivated varieties remains low, and the introduction of improved varieties threatens the rice diversity existing in traditional agriculture. Therefore, documenting the on-farm management of rice div...
Conference Paper
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L’agriculture représente le pivot de l’économie des pays de l’Afrique Subsaharienne en majorité et pour le Bénin en particulier. L’essor démographique et les nouvelles exigences de la vie ainsi que les nouvelles conditions climatiques contraignent donc l’agriculture à l’innovation de nouvelles techniques culturales pouvant lui permettre de répondre...
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One of the main causes of low cashew nut yields in African countries is the lack of improved planting materials used for plantation establishment. It is therefore necessary to efficiently select planting material to increase cashew nut yields. The objective of this study was to assess the agro-morphological diversity of preselected cashew mother tr...
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Dioscorea dumetorum (Kunth) Pax is a yam species of great potential but so far scientifically neglected in Benin Republic. Using participatory rural appraisal (PRA) tools and techniques, thirteen (13) villages selected according to the importance of species production in the northern and central Benin were surveyed to assess the endogenous knowledg...
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The aim of the study was to gather information on the use of termites by farmers as feed for indigenous poultry in Ghana and factors affecting its use. We conducted surveys in four regions in Ghana to collect information, by the administration of questionnaires, on the use of termites as poultry feed, termite species collected, species not used and...
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Seeds of jatropha (Jatropha curcas) are used worldwide to produce biodiesel and the oil extraction generates a high amount of waste called seed cake. Jatropha seed cake has high protein content but its valorization, for example as animal feed, is hampered by its toxicity and anti–nutritional properties. This study, carried out in Benin, West Africa...
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The purpose of this study, carried out in eight regions in Burkina Faso, West Africa, was to assess the use and knowledge of termites in poultry nutrition in Burkina Faso and to analyse the factors influencing this use. Household surveys were conducted to collect data on the socio-demographic characteristics of poultry farmers and the use of termit...
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Maize (Zea mays L.) plays an important role in food security in West Africa. However, its cultivation is declining, thus, threatening food security and leading to loss of genetic resources of maize. The objective of this study was to evaluate the agro-morphological performance of local and improved maize varieties in South-Western Niger. A total of...
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Les termites occupent une place de choix parmi les insectes utilisés par les petits aviculteurs pour nourrir leurs volailles (pintades, poulets, dindons, etc.). L’utilisation directe des insectes n’est pas aisée pour les espèces comme les termites dont la production induit la destruction de leur biotope. Des techniques sont développées dans plusieu...
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Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) is a neglected and less exploited species in Benin. However, the rational use of the different landraces available involves an appropriate knowledge of their characteristics. This study examined the characteristics of 52 local landraces of Bambara groundnut traditionally cultivated in Benin based on...
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An old yet appealing fact in conservation biology is the potential of sacred groves (SGs) and forest reserves (FRs) to harbor considerable biodiversity. Although fragmentation effects have been extensively investigated in several studies, the specific context pertaining to SG has rarely been discussed. Using data from two sites (Kétou and Pobè) in...
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La présente étude a été effectuée afin d’évaluer l’influence de J. curcas sur la performance agronomique de deux cultures associées (maïs et manioc) et sur la fertilité du sol dans un système agroforestier. L’essai a été conduit dans les agrosystèmes Jatropha-culture et cultures associées pures à Ouinhi. Les données collectées ont concerné d’une pa...
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House fly larvae (Musca domestica) are a suitable and sustainable source of protein for poultry in Africa, but their traditional use in family farming has never been demonstrated and quantified. A large survey among traditional poultry farmers in Benin shows that on the average, 5.7% of them produce house fly larvae to feed their poultry. In one po...
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Les sources conventionnelles pourvoyeuses de protéines animales sont la farine de poisson et différents tourteaux (coton, soja, arachide). L’utilisation des insectes dans l’alimentation de la volaille est une pratique séculaire largement entretenue par de nombreux producteurs au Bénin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, etc. en Afrique de l’ouest...
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The aim of the baseline study was to provide relevant technical and economic elements that characterize the current conditions of traditional poultry farming in Benin. The objective of the study was to establish the ex-ante situation before the diffusion and adoption of the technologies developed by the Project “Insects as Feed in West Africa” (IFW...
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Varroa sp. is one of the most important pests of world of bees A. mellifera Linnaeus (Hymenoptera: Apidae). The aim of this study is to analyze the morphological variability of Varroa so as to identify the different morphotypes of V. destructor. The study was conducted in 24 localities and 24 municipalities located in three regions (NorthEast , Nor...
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The aim is to evaluate the characteristics of the carcass and nutritional values of the meat of bred grasscutter fed with pellets.27 farmed grasscutters aged 7 months and of average weight 2.3 kg were used and divided into three groups of 9 grasscutters. The experimental device is a complete random block with three treatments and three replicates.A...
Conference Paper
Les forêts du Bénin sont riches en espèces d’importance socio-économiques et nutritionnelles pour les populations. Quelques-unes de ces espèces ont reçu l’attention des scientifiques et des décideurs politiques du Bénin. Il s’agit des espèces Vitellaria paradoxa, Andosonia digitata, Parkia Biogblobosa, sur lesquelles des études ethnobotaniques, éco...
Vitellaria paradoxa represents an essential element of the agroforestry system for maintaining ecology durability in Sub-saharan region Africa. The present study aimed at bringing out elements of changes and modification or mutation that have occurred in the management of shea parklands between 1960 and 2012 in northern Benin. The method of analysi...
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Sustainable management actions are needed for several indigenous agro forestry plant species like the black plum (Vitex doniana Sweet) because they are facing increasing pressures due to the rapid human growth and threats such as climate change. By combining species distribution modelling using the Maximum Entropy Algorithm (MaxEnt) and representat...
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Objectifs: Les asticots sont une source importante de protéines animales faiblement valorisés dans l'alimentation des poulets locaux. L'étude vise à analyser les perceptions des aviculteurs traditionnels et les facteurs déterminant l'utilisation des asticots dans l'alimentation des poulets locaux (Gallus gallus) au Bénin.Méthodologie et Résultats:...
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The Niokolo Koba National Park (NKNP) in Senegal is the last refuge of the critically endangered antelope of the subspecies Derby Eland (Taurotragus derbianus derbianus Gray, 1847). Woody plants, that provide shelters and forage for the Eland in NKNP, were assessed for their floristic diversity to characterize its confined habitat. Hence, 156 squar...
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The assessing of cotton and sorghum productivity in agroforestry system associated with shea trees was done in North Benin. Tomboutou and Gounarou villages were respectively selected in the shea parklands of Bembèrèkè and Kandi. Within each park and per village, three classes ofshea tree diameter 4-8 m; 8-10 m and > 10 m, were retained after the in...
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The structural characterization of Prosopis africana of Benin was studied on the basis of forest inventory conducted in three different vegetation types (savannah, fallow, and field) and three climate zones. The data collected in 139 plots of 1000 m 2 each related to the diameter at breast (1.3 m above ground), total height, identification, and mea...