César A. CollazosUniversity of Cauca · Systems Department
César A. Collazos
Phd in Computer Science
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February 2006 - September 2006
January 2003 - December 2004
August 1995 - present
Publications (546)
Usability and accessibility have become essential pillars in software development since both factors provide an optimal user experience and facilitate efficient and effective interaction between people and technological systems. Recognizing the evolution of these aspects and their growing relevance is crucial to maximizing their benefits, which pos...
La adicción a los videojuegos es un trastorno de creciente preocupación en la sociedad, ya que conlleva ciertas consecuencias negativas para la salud mental y el bienestar de los jugadores. Este artículo muestra los resultados de una revisión de la literatura en varias bases de datos, como Science Direct, Scopus e IEEE Xplore. Se identificaron las...
Maturity models are valuable tools when assessing the readiness and progress of technology incorporation in organizations, providing information for decision-making, resource allocation, and competitive advantage. The Internet of Things is a technology paradigm of global importance, especially for organizations, as it supports productivity improvem...
La transformación digital pertenece a la industria 4.0, y han impacto de manera positiva los sectores económicos a través de la digitalización de los procesos y adopción de tecnologías digitales, generando una cultura digital, entornos cambiantes, nuevos modelos de desarrollo, nuevos procesos, creación de productos y servicios en una organización....
The internet of things (IoT) is an emerging technology that has taken great relevance in the current socioeconomic context, especially in the business environment, due to its ability to generate competitive advantages. Its adoption presents challenges, such as understanding the value proposition, staff training, and ensuring connectivity and compat...
Scrum es una de las metodologías ágiles más ampliamente adoptadas en el desarrollo de software, ha experimentado un notable aumento en su uso en los últimos años. Se basa en el trabajo colaborativo entre los miembros del equipo para lograr los objetivos del proyecto, puesto que, se espera que los miembros del equipo trabajen juntos de forma colabor...
Previous research has examined student preferences for specific video styles in asynchronous and synchronous courses and social presence in online virtual courses. However, only some works have examined the social presence and user experience in synchronous distance learning courses delivered in an immersive or augmented reality classroom. This cas...
This article presents the results of a study developed to find out the intention of a group of older adults to use an intelligent virtual assistant, and to evaluate the ease of use of a memory game implemented in this type of device. The collection of information was conducted through direct observation and the application of a structured survey to...
Human-computer interaction is a globally significant multidisciplinary field to enhance the usability of electronic devices for work, entertainment, and educational activities about human beings. Within the Ibero-American region, a community of researchers specializing in Human-computer interaction and related interdisciplinary domains has been est...
Measuring the technological maturity of the Internet of Things in enterprises is essential for understanding their current capabilities and pinpointing areas that require improvement in terms of adoption and implementation. This study conducted a systematic literature mapping of the mechanisms for measuring Internet of Things technology maturity in...
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a research discipline that optimizes human-machine interfaces. Ibero-America has become a leading region in HCI advances adapted to its unique socioeconomic environment. However, a global characterization of the research landscape for this discipline in the region still needs to be improved. Therefore, this study...
p>La tecnología se ha convertido en un elemento clave con el que interactuamos a diario, aprovechándose en ámbitos como el educativo por sus bondades de ubicuidad y combinar el uso de elementos audiovisuales que ayudan a captar el interés del usuario. Esta publicación presenta la propuesta de una herramienta educativa para niños sordos de nivel bás...
This paper details a method, which has been called FRIDA, applied by the authors within this study based on the collaborative and interdisciplinary development of accessible software that is usable by people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). To this end, the context of this study is based on the adaptation of the Design Thinking model as a strat...
This paper exhibits a systematic literature mapping of the considerations required to develop algorithmic thinking in a first course in computer programming (CS1) in university academic programs in computing. In the methodological process of this study, 5 stages were proposed: research questions, search, selection, quality assessment and synthesis...
Previous research has explored different models of synchronous remote learning environments supported by videoconferencing and virtual reality platforms. However, few studies have evaluated the preference and acceptance of synchronous remote learning in a course streamed in an immersive or augmented reality platform. This case study uses ANOVA anal...
Collaborative work encourages participants to build knowledge through exploration, discussion, negotiation, and debate to generate a better understanding or shared understanding of a concept, problem, or situation within a group. The aim of collaborative work is to find that shared understanding, which is understood as the existing agreement or sim...
The requirements allow the development team to clearly understand the needs that the customer intends to be solved by the system, in this sense, understanding the context, capturing, negotiating, specifying, verifying, validat-ing, and prioritizing the requirements may seem a relatively simple task, but there is a need to have a correct communicati...
The COVID-19 pandemic brought about profound changes in social and professional contexts. Schools and universities all over the world were closed to curb the contamination. In a short period, many educators were forced to reinvent their classes in a non-classroom mode, mediated by technology. This scenario of overwork can lead educators to stress,...
Collaborative work focuses on the interaction between a group of participants and the corresponding search to achieve a better-shared understanding of a problem, while they perform common tasks cooperating towards the achievement of the same objective. In this search for shared understanding, the differences in the experiences, knowledge, and other...
This paper presents a process implemented for the analysis of the frontend design of an infotainment system through the evaluation of a set of heuristics in a parked vehicle. The guidelines used to evaluate the system cover design, interaction and connectivity dimensions, which are studied through the execution of a usability test whose objective i...
Actualmente, la sociedad está en constante evolución; la innovación, la tecnología
y el aprendizaje son factores clave que permiten generar procesos más efectivos y
automatizados en todas las áreas de una organización. Los nuevos avances ofrecen
grandes oportunidades para desarrollar nuevos y mejores entornos de aprendizaje
con el objetivo de rompe...
The “FRIDA” framework is a guide for the agile development of accessible software for users with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as a tool for strengthening emotional and social skills in the treatment of autism. It is based on the use of accessible software for the development of emotional and social skills, and designed with a focus on the user w...
Multiple sclerosis is a degenerative neurological disorder that represents the leading cause of disability in young adults. Their diagnosis has a tremendous emotional impact and a significant effect on the lives of those affected and their families. The advancement of communication networks, the rapid growth of mobile technologies, and the developm...
When a group of people works to achieve a common goal, they refer to collaborative work, which is based on the philosophy of interaction and collaboration, that is about working in conjunction with other individuals to achieve that goal and seeking to reach effective results. For this, it is necessary to start from effective communication, which wi...
In this paper, we present a set of nine user interface design patterns for in-vehicle infotainment systems centered on the content, interaction mode, style, shortcuts, and notifications of the system, which are built based on both theoretical support and an empirical pattern finding process. This empirical process consists in an exploratory test ma...
In the information systems area, besides the problem of involvement, students often have difficulties learning in course units such as Requirements Engineering, namely in identifying and writing requirements and specifying the new information system based on requirements identified. The reasons for these difficulties are well known and described in...
Smart University is a concept strongly related to smart technologies; it focuses on improving its technological infrastructure to achieve quality educational goals. Organizations, including universities, need to embrace smart technologies to leverage the capabilities they provide to transform their processes and drive them towards new organizationa...
The objective of this publication is to identify the digital competencies that teachers in training have, within Higher Education Institutions in Mexico, through the analysis and systematization of previous research in 20 years from 2001 to date. For this purpose, a systematic review of the literature has been carried out through a systematic, expl...
The complexity in collaborative work is mainly related to the difficulty in social interaction, which generates low levels of understanding among participants about what they should do and about the problem to be solved, resulting in problems in the motivation to generate true collaboration. Therefore, in the search to improve collaborative work an...
CodES (CODificación con Entradas y Salidas) es una herramienta de visualización que basa su accionar en el artefacto más simple de análisis computacional que es el diagrama de entrada/salida, con el propósito de generar procesos de abstracción para el diseño y escritura de algoritmos, permitiendo que el estudiante centre su atención en comprender e...
Technology management in universities impacts the quality of their administrative and academic processes. Smart technologies, such as big data, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and cloud computing, continue to be disruptive and highly relevant. The factors for adopting smart technology and the key indicators will contribute to the k...
Taking advantage of the advances in mobile technologies, and the new set of applications and games available in the different stores, in this article the authors propose a catalog of gamification patterns that can be implemented un those applications and games. These patterns increase student motivation through its implementation in activities in a...
Sustainability and sustainable development are extremely critical aspects in modern society. Sustainability is the term employed for the practice of ensuring that goods and services are produced in ways that do not use resources that cannot be replaced. This concept can be extended to any environmental, political, and socio-economical system, becom...
This volume revised versions of the selected papers presented during the Third International Workshop on Advanced Virtual Environments and Education, WAVE 2021, held in Fortaleza, Brazil, in March 2021.
The 7 full papers and 4 short papers presented were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the 27 submissions. The papers are organized in the fol...
En la actualidad existen muchas instituciones, tanto públicas como privadas, preocupadas por las múltiples dificultades que tienen los estudiantes universitarios al enfrentarse con materias como física, matemática, programación, entre otras. Para esto, en Colombia se han propuesto diferentes estrategias a nivel universitario como ser semilleros y c...
The core value of Cloud Computing is in the management of information. Universities require elements that improve, streamline and safeguard information and have it available whenever it is needed. The adoption of cloud computing in education has the potential to improve knowledge management. For this reason, the education sector is the one that has...
This study aims to identify Teaching-Learning (TL) methodologies applied in conjunction with mobile and extended reality applications developed for the deaf community. A systematic literature review of mixed type, cross-sectional between 2016 and 2020, focused on educational mobile applications for deaf children in basic school age is presented, em...
Emotions are present and influence the learning process. One of the current challenges is how to get the emotions experienced by learners. Numerous mechanisms have been developed for this purpose. These mechanisms assess a number of basic emotions provided by the literature. A Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), on the other hand, is composed of se...
This guest editorial introduces the first group of articles in the Special Issue on Educational Inclusion Through ICT. This Special Issue integrates articles that focus on identifying, sharing, and valorizing experiences, projects, and best practices on inclusion and education with digital technologies. The articles were submitted and reviewed in a...
The incorporation of collaborative work in the educational field grows day after day, as does the research associated with this topic. One of the most recurring problems faced by teachers who want to employ this learning strategy is the good students group formation since this task can be complex both conceptually and computationally, especially if...
Es sabido que América Latina es la región más desigual del planeta. Para hacer frente a la realidad, una de las cuestiones clave es impulsar la colaboración en la región, que permitan que la innovación y el conocimiento sean instrumentos fundamentales para erradicar la pobreza, combatir el hambre y mejorar la salud, así como para alcanzar un desarr...
The field of design and development of games that integrate virtual aspects in a real environment has grown in recent years. An example of such games is pervasive games (PGs), which seek to enrich the game world through mixing these two realities in order to better involve the player in the story. The application of PGs has resulted in increasing p...
The advance of video games, hand in hand with technological development, has grown exponentially in recent years. Their diffusion in society through multiple mobile formats (computer, console, mobile devices, etc.) is increasing together with the number of players. Consequently, technical and user experience requirements are also increasing, and th...
SPL scoping is the activity for bounding Software Product Lines (SPL), gathering heterogeneous knowledge from diverse sources. For achieving an agreement among different stakeholders, a commonalty scope must be understood and committed to. However, gathering this knowledge from stakeholders with individual interests is a complex task. This paper re...
An evolutionary approach for a traditional university to progress through levels towards a smart university can be seen in a maturity model. Although maturity models are numerous and widely applicable, there is little documentation on how to develop them. So far, academics often fall short of providing detailed guidelines and useful tools to suppor...
In this paper, an approach based on genetic algorithms is proposed to form groups in collaborative learning scenarios, considering the students’ personality traits as a criterion for grouping. This formation is carried out in two stages: In the first, the information of the students is collected from a psychometric instrument based on the Big Five...
Teaching the fundamentals of computer programming in a first course (CS1) is a complex activity for the professor and is also a challenge for them. Nowadays, there are several teaching strategies for dealing with a CS1 at the university, one of which is the use of analogies to support the abstraction process that a student needs to carry for the ap...
In this work, we present APRehab, a methodology for the design of serious games for psychomotor rehabilitation of children with hearing impairments. This methodology aims to guide developers in the construction of interactive experiences for therapeutic processes taking into account the identification and design of the formal elements, the therapeu...
Smart University is an emerging concept, strongly anchored to smart technologies and considered by different authors in the literature. Organizations, including universities, need to incorporate smart technologies to take advantage of their capabilities to transform their processes and drive them toward new organizational models. A Smart University...
In Software Process Line Engineering (SPrLE), two main processes are established for the construction of a Software Process Line (SPrL): domain engineering and application engineering. The first refers to the definition of the structural elements of the SPrL, and the second is responsible for deriving process instances that satisfy specific situati...
Digital transformation is an undeniable reality, and its impact is widespread and global. The digital transformation crosses not only the different sectors and economic activities but also society in general. In this setting, the higher education sector is no exception being continuously affected by advances in digital technologies, which contribut...
The quality of administrative, academic, and extension processes is influenced by the management of technology in universities. Smart technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, the Internet of things (IoT), and big data continue to emerge with great prominence. Universities must use tools that connect learning with the use...
Este trabajo expone una herramienta denominada HeuristicTool, mediante la cual se apoya el proceso de evaluación heurística, permitiendo a los evaluadores mejorar el proceso de análisis de los resultados y, en general, el desarrollo de dichas evaluaciones. Durante su desarrollo y permanente actualización, se incluyeron ontologías para facilitar la...
Considering that group formation is key when developing activities in collaborative learning scenarios, this paper aims to propose a strategy based on a genetic algorithm approach for achieving optimal collaborative learning groups, considering the students’ personality traits as grouping criteria. A controlled experiment was designed with 238 stud...
La formación del profesional UX constituye un desafío al ser altamente interdisciplinar. En este artículo se analizan las principales iniciativas formales, informales y profesionales del profesional UX en Iberoamérica. Además, se presenta una serie de tópicos, contenidos y competencias que deben ser considerados en el diseño de la formación UX así...
El aprendizaje colaborativo soportado por computador - CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) es un área de investigación que se preocupa por la realización de actividades colaborativas que generen aprendizaje en sus participantes, investigación que ha obtenido el análisis de los beneficios que trae a nivel de aprendizaje individual y las...
To improve the process of scientific writing collaboratively, multiple investigations have been carried out, such as the elaboration of indicators of the success of these activities and the development of tools that facilitate the execution of this exercise. These studies have become relevant and pertinent due to current pandemic conditions (COVID-...
Elderly people often have problems to use technology. As a result, the existing diversity of systems and applications adapted to this kind of users is expanding, thus facilitating the communication with their social environment, and supporting their daily activities. The aim of this study was to identify the intention of a group of older adults in...
Due to the global pandemic (COVID-19) currently facing humanity, a new environment that promotes teaching–learning is now emerging. This environment that challenges traditional teaching practices created an opportunity for the technology industry to capitalize on by developing creative e-learning platforms that empowers the teaching–learning proces...
Visual impairment is defined as the condition that directly affects the perception of images in whole or in part, in the world there are approximately 1.3 billion people who have some type of visual impairment. Currently there are new technological developments or methodologies that support people with this disability to develop activities of daily...
Water is one of the main natural resources for humanity and it is important for countries to be aware of the water quality. The physical, chemical and biological parameters provide information on the current condition of surface waters used for municipal, industrial and agricultural water supply. Thus, the design and development of equipment used f...
La incorporación del trabajo colaborativo en el ámbito educativo crece día a día, al igual que el número de grupos de investigación y proyectos asociados a este tema, dado que las actividades de aprendizaje especificadas de forma colaborativa promueven la comunicación, la coordinación y la negociación al interior de los grupos. Si bien se ha demost...
La Interacción Humano-Computador (HCI, CHI en USA o IPO en España) en la actualidad está presente en cualquier software o producto y por ende es una asignatura obligatoria en todo el mundo (Abascal et al., 2001). Una interfaz es una “superficie” de contacto (Laurel & Mountford, 1990), que refleja las propiedades físicas de los usuarios que interact...
Significant work has addressed the role of knowledge and its impacts on business organizations. The construction of effective environments implies time and cost pressure, allowing staff to seek immediate solutions from knowledge management (KM). Some studies have shown that collaborative knowledge generation through storage, access, dissemination,...
Este documento propone la aplicación del método general de construcción de teoría en disciplinas aplicadas, establecido por Swanson y Chermack, para generar estrategias orientadas a mantener activas las habilidades cognitivas y psicomotoras de los adultos mayores. Considerando que varios autores coinciden en que las personas mayores sufren de aisla...
La Experiencia de Usuario (UX) ha tenido un crecimiento en diferentes campos de la industria automotriz. Los vehículos se han convertido en un mundo lleno de oportunidades que le permiten al conductor sumergirse en un entorno de conectividad, comunicación, información y entretenimiento. Por lo tanto, es importante comenzar a darle al usuario un est...
Programming courses often turn into courses with high percentage of desertion and, sometimes, result in a factor that drives students to abandon their careers, even when they are subjects highly relevant in the training of engineers in the areas of computer science, IT, and related careers. These courses demand high cognitive processes, which gener...
The One Year of HCI Webinars
in Spanish initiative enabled the
creation of a shared understanding
about the foundations of HCI in
the Spanish-speaking context,
which is fundamental to creating
a specialized HCI cluster in
Latin America.
→ The community around the
HCI-Collab network is building a
repository of completely free HCI
educational resourc...
There exists a considerable amount of digital games that are described and published in the scientific literature. Among them, there are those considered as “serious games”, whose foremost goal differs from pure entertainment, being conceived mainly for training, capacity building, and education among other ends. Serious digital games for learning...