Celeste Sánchez NogueraUniversity of Costa Rica | UCR
Celeste Sánchez Noguera
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August 2005 - June 2012
Publications (40)
Ocean acidification (OA) is broadly recognized as a major problem for marine ecosystems worldwide, with follow-on effects to the economies of ocean-dependent communities. The urgent need to mitigate and minimize the impacts of OA is a scientific and political priority, as highlighted by the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report (I...
La acidificación del océano es el proceso prolongado de reducción del pH de los océanos, que ocurre principalmente al intercambio de CO2 antropogénico con la atmósfera. Este proceso ha cambiado la biogeoquímica de los océanos y es una amenaza a la salud de los organismos marinos. Estos cambios a gran escala afectan las funciones de los ecosistemas...
El presente documento técnico, es la primera edición de un Plan de Gobernanza, que busca dar lineamientos de la estructura básica, normativa, funcionamiento, y plan de acción de la Red Latinoamericana de Acidificación del Océano (LAOCA), para coordinar de manera más eficiente los esfuerzos de investigación en Acidificación del Océano (AO) en Latino...
El Niño 2015-2016 was considered one of the most severe worldwide, causing the third global event of coral bleaching. Previous high-intensity El Niño events (1982-83 and 1997-98) caused high coral mortalities and deterioration of coral reef structures along the Eastern Tropical Pacific, affecting both ecosystem and associated economic...
Coral reefs persist in an accretion-erosion balance, which is critical for understanding the natural variability of sediment production, reef accretion, and their effects on the carbonate budget. Bioerosion (i.e. biodegradation of substrate) and encrustation (i.e. calcified overgrowth on substrate) influence the carbonate budget and the ecological...
Post-hoc Tukey HSD, Ordered differences report.
Photographs of typical benthic seafloor cover and sediment at the Matapalo Reef site.
Crustose coralline red algae (CCA) encrusting the coral rubble substrate forming rhodoliths, and growth of the green macro-alga genus Caulerpa. Water depth ~5 m bsl.
Data comparison of measured and calculated seawater parameters from bottle samples (VINDTA) and Manta multiprobe.
Experimental setup deployed in the reef (schematic drawing and photograph).
SEM images from microbioerosion traces on the surface of the coral substrates.
a) control, and after b) one month, c) two months, d) three months, and e) four month of exposure. Note the increase in borings and the loss of skeletal structure (e.g. coral fibers) over time. Scale bar 50 μm.
μCT scan video of coral substrate exposed for one month at Matapalo Reef.
μCT scan video of coral substrate exposed for three months at Matapalo Reef.
μCT scan video of control coral substrate (pre-experiment).
μCT scan video of coral substrate exposed for two months at Matapalo Reef.
μCT scan video of coral substrate exposed for four months at Matapalo Reef.
Photographs of retrieved coral substrates from the Matapalo Reef site, before bleaching (30% H2O2).
After a, b) one month; c, d) two months; e, f) three months; g, h) four months of exposure.
SEM images of the internal and external valve from one lithophagine bivalve, juvenile stage, identified as Lithophaga (Leiosolenus) cf. aristata (Dillwyn, 1817).
Scale bar 500 μm.
Graphs showing the correlation between measurement period means of a) pH and temperature, b) Ωarag and temperature, and c) Ωarag and AT/DIC at Marina Papagayo (black dots; 2009, 2012, and 2013; data from [37,39]) compared to the study site at Matapalo Reef (black squares; 2013/2014; data from [23], this study). Regression lines exclude data from Ma...
Numerous experiments have shown that ocean acidification impedes coral calcification, but knowledge about in situ reef ecosystem response to ocean acidification is still scarce. Bahía Culebra, situated at the northern Pacific coast of Costa Rica, is a location naturally exposed to acidic conditions due to the Papagayo seasonal upwelling. We measure...
When conservation can keep up with development´s pace: Health status of coral ecosystems in the North Pacific of Costa Rica. Coral reefs are diverse and productive ecosystems, despite this, they are being threatened by human activities that enhance the detrimental impact of the natural phenomenon's like Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB). The north Pacific...
Coastal development and marine ecosystems in Culebra Bay, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Culebra Bay (North Pacific, Costa Rica) is under an accelerated process of coastal development since the implementation of the large-scale tourism development Gulf of Papagayo Project. This study aims to identify changes in the health status of marine ecosystems withi...
Numerous experiments have shown that ocean acidification impedes coral calcification, but knowledge about in situ reef ecosystem response to ocean acidification is still scarce. Bahía Culebra, situated at the northern Pacific coast of Costa Rica, is a location naturally exposed to acidic conditions due to the Papagayo seasonal upwelling. We measure...
Colonial ascidians of the genus Didemnum are common fouling organisms and are typically associated with degraded ecosystems and anthropogenic structures installed in the sea. In this study, however, the non-indigenous ascidian Didemnum cf. perlucidumMonniot F., 1983 was discovered in coral reef environments on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Its r...
The eastern tropical Pacific (ETP) is an isolated oceanic region exposed to extreme oceanographic conditions, including low salinity, low pH, high temperatures during El Niño, and low temperatures during La Niña and seasonal upwelling. The coral reefs in this region have a relatively limited suite of species compared to other coral reef areas of th...
Photosynthetic production is a key ecosystem service provided by tropical coral reefs, but knowledge about the contribution of corals and other reef-associated organisms and the controlling environmental factors is scarce. Locations with occurrence of upwelling events can serve as in-situ laboratories to investigate the impact of environmental vari...
Seasonal upwelling at the northern Pacific coast of Costa Rica offers the opportunity to investigate the effects of pronounced changes in key water parameters on fine-scale dynamics of local coral reef communities. This study monitored benthic community composition at Matapalo reef (10.539°N, 85.766°W) by weekly observations of permanent benthic qu...
The Gulf of Papagayo at the northern Pacific coast of Costa Rica experiences pronounced seasonal changes in water parameters caused by wind-driven coastal upwelling. While remote sensing and open water sampling already described the physical nature of this upwelling, the spatial and temporal effects on key parameters and processes in the water colu...
Community Perception and processes of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the North Pacific of Costa Rica. The tendencies in perception on use and management of marine and coastal resources in the North Pacific of Costa Rica were studied through consultation workshops in the communities of Cuajiniquil, Villarreal, Montezuma, and surrounding areas...
La presente investigación busca conocer la percepción de las comunidades costeras de zonas aledañas a Cabo Blanco, sobre el uso y manejo de los recursos marino costeros de la región. Por medio de un taller de consulta realizado en Mon-tezuma, Puntarenas las comunidades señalaron la importancia de la Reserva Natural Absoluta Cabo Blanco en materia d...
Bahía Culebra, Golfo de Papagayo, Costa Rica es una región de afloramiento estacional. Para determinar la relación entre el clima y la variabilidad de la temperatura sub-superficial, se analizaron los registros de la temperatura sub-superficial del mar de nueve estaciones localizadas en la Bahía. El análisis permitió caracterizar su ciclo anual y e...
Bahía Culebra (Culebra Bay) is a semi-closed and protected geomorphological unit, which has a wide diversity of natural resources, encouraging the settlement of human populations and consequent coastal development. Bahía Culebra has been an important place from the historical, political, cultural and economic perspective, according to the literatur...
Bahía Culebra, Golfo de Papagayo, Costa Rica is a seasonal upwelling area. To determine the relationship of climate and the subsurface temperature variability at Bahía Culebra, we analyzed nine records of sea subsurface temperature from the Bay, continuously recorded from 1998 to 2010. The analysis characterized the annual cycle and explored the in...