Čedomir MarkovićUniversity of Belgrade · Faculty of Forestry
Čedomir Marković
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Publications (60)
In a study of the parasitoid complex of the locust leaf miner Phyllonorycter robiniella (Clemens, 1859), 23 species of its parasitoids were recorded at 18 localities in Serbia. The parasitoid species included 2 species of the family Braconidae, 1 of the family Eupelmidae, and 20 of the family Eulophidae. The recorded species of parasitoids are poly...
As the vector of vascular fungi of the genus Ophiostoma the oak bark beetle, Scolytus intricatus, is one of the significant links in the chain of agents of oak forest decline in Serbia. It is known that the adults of this bark beetle, which develop under the bark of the trees infected by fungi of the genus Ophiostoma, transport the spores of thes...
Oak lace bug – Corythucha arcuata (Say, 1832) (Hemiptera: Tingidae) is a North American species that has been introduced to Europe and Asia, where it became a serious oak pest. As little is known about its behavior, we conducted a study in which we tested the preference and performance of the oak lace bug for different oak species and the influence...
With the process of urbanization and the development of cities, trees in the urban environment are becoming increasingly important. Those trees represent a habitat and a food source for many organisms, among which insects are the most numerous and diverse. The insect communities inhabiting them frequently differ from those found in the rural enviro...
Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L., 1753) is one of the widely distributed oak species in Europe. A large number of organisms develop on its leaves. To determine the extent to which the oak powdery mildew, oak lace bug, and other foliofagous insects affect the growth of young oak trees, three experimental fields were selected in a 10-year-old pedunc...
Leaf miners are small insects from the orders Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera. Their larvae consume the leaf mesophyll, leaving the epidermis intact. During their feeding, many species cause significant damage to plants. According to previous studies, 222 leaf miners species of leaf miners have been identified on deciduous woody p...
The list of Scolytinae of Serbia was made based on the data that has been published so far and the unpublished data collected in the period from 1991 to 2023. In it, 96 species are listed in total. The Scolytinae fauna has not been sufficiently studied in Serbia. It is presumed that there are about 20 more species present in Serbian fauna.
Uredbom Vlade Republike Srbije šumski kompleks „Goč-Gvozdac” je 2014. godine proglašen Specijalnim rezervatom prirode I kategorije. On se prostire na površini od 3 957 ha i zauzima skoro ceo sliv Gvozdačke reke. Svrha njegovog osnivanja je zaštita prirode i edukacija studenata, đaka i građana o potrebi njenog očuvanja. Zahvaljujući kadru i smeštajn...
Lisni mineri su insekti iz redova Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera i Lepidoptera. Njihove larve prilikom ishrane na listovima ostavljaju specifična oštećenja – mine. Na svetu je do sada utvrđeno oko 10000 (Connor & Taverner 1997), a u Evropi oko 2500 vrsta (Ellis 2019). Na lisne minere utiče veliki broj faktora spoljašnje sredine, direktno kroz pro...
A list of 72 species of cynipid gall wasps that have been recorded to date in Serbia was compiled on the basis of studying cynipid fauna during the period from 2003 to 2020 and previously published data. The species Andricus quercusramuli (Linnaeus 1761) and Pediaspis aceris (Gmelin 1790) are recorded for the first time in the fauna of Serbia. The...
Pest resistance of trees should be taken into account in future forest strategy planning and predicting risks of defoliation. The gypsy moth (GM) (Lymantria dispar L.) is a serious forest pest with outbreaking population dynamics. To estimate defoliation risk of the most widely distributed tree species in Balkan Peninsula and Europe (Turkey oak Que...
Forests in lowlands are altered by a man for a long time. The most important disturbances that have been influencing hardwood floodplain forests are foresters and floods. We focused on the influence of the forest structure and soil chemistry on forest pedobiodiversity. The study was done in floodplain forests of Sava and Dunaj rivers in Serbia. Its...
With the process of urbanization, cities are expanding, while forests are declining. Many conditions in the urban habitats are modified compared to those in the rural ones, so the organisms present reactions to these changes. To determine to what extent the habitat type influences insects, we tested the differences in the pedunculate oak (Quercus r...
The regeneration of pedunculate oak by shelterwood cutting causes profound ecological changes in the regenerated stands. In this paper, we studied how the pedunculate oak leaf miner community changes after shelterwood cutting with a short regeneration period and does the stand age influence the trend of seasonal variation in their diversity. Leaf m...
In a study of the fauna of phloemo-xylophagous insects on Ulmus minor and their parasitoids and predators in Serbia, new data were obtained on the distribution of the recorded species. Some of these data have been published, but many have not. These unpublished data are presented in this paper, which contains a list of 45 species from two orders, 1...
A study of the biology of the oak bark beetle Scolytus intricatus at 41 localities in Serbia during the period from 1992 to 1998 yielded an abundance of data on the distribution of insects associated with it or inhabiting the same plant material as it. Some of these data have been published, but the majority have not. Previously unpublished data ar...
Expected climate changes, especially elevated CO2 content can significantly disrupt the host-pathogen-herbivore relationship. Previous studies analyzed the influence of increased CO2 content in relations between herbivores and their host plants, according to scenarios, which predict concentrations between 550 and 750 ppm in the future. This paper p...
A large number of organisms like pathogens and herbivores are related to different tree species. They could be often found together on the same plant host. The elevated CO2 levels can also influence the changes in plant metabolism, which can influence the plant-herbivore relations caused by the pathogens. This paper presents the results of influenc...
Seventeen very interesting species were found in studying the fauna of Geometridae of Serbia. Ten of them are new to the fauna of Serbia (Ennomos quercaria, Anticollix sparsata, Colostygia fitzi, Eupithecia absinthiata, E. alliaria, E. assimilate, E. millefoliata, E. semigraphata, Perizoma juracolaria and Trichopteryx polycommata); five are here re...
Природно обнављање шума храста китњака је одувек било компликовано, али је осамдесетих година прошлог века, са појавом сушења на великим површина-ма постало скоро немогуће. Стара стабла се суше од врха, а младе биљке су угроже-не од стране великог броја штеточина, патогена, као и абиотичких фактора. Како је висински развој у овом периоду живота биљ...
Phyllonorycter issikii (Kumata, 1963) is an invasive leaf-mining moth originating from Asia. It develops on plants from the genus Tilia. The first finding of this species in Serbia was in 2013, and since then, the range of the species has spread, and we have found it at five more localities on T. cordata and T. tomentosa. Ph. issikii was studied at...
Larve mnogih vrsta iz redova Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera i Hymenoptera na specifičan način se hrane lisnom masom. One se zavlače izmedju 2 sloja epidermisa i hrane se mezofilom, stvarajuci šupljine unutar listova – mine. Svojom ishranom pored direktnog uticaja na smanjenje količine fotosintetičkog tkiva, lisni mineri utiču i na promenu morfolo...
Turkey oak is one of the most common oak species in Serbia. Its wood has a high calorific value, and that is why it is commonly used for firewood in Serbia. In the last few years the oak started to dieback, mainly in the northern parts of Serbia. Because of this, and many other reasons like the negligible presence of young stands in the total area,...
The aim of our study was to simultaneously determine the parasitism rates of C. ohridella pupae in Istanbul and in Belgrade. Collection of the pupae in Istanbul was carried out on three occasions, 12th of June, 3rd of July, and 1st of August, respectively , corresponding with the three generations of the leafminer per year. In Belgrade, samples wer...
Turkey oak is one of the most common oak species in Serbia. Its wood has a high calorific value, and that is why it is commonly used for firewood in Serbia. In the last few years the oak started to dieback, mainly in the northern parts of Serbia. Because of this, and many other reasons like the negligible presence of young stands in the total area,...
Harmonia axyridis is an invasive coccinellid species that was first recorded in Serbia in 2008. In order to establish whether after its arrival it became the dominant coccinellid species, we investigated the diversity and abundance of coccinelids on trees in parks and tree rows of Belgrade during 2015 and 2016. Thirteen coccinellid species were rec...
During 2005-2017 on Mt. Obla Glava (southeastern Serbia), 30 species of gall wasps were recorded from two tribes [Cynipini (26) and Diplolepidini (4)] and 8 genera [Andricus (17 species), Diplolepis (4), Cynips (3), Neuroterus (2), Aphelonyx (1), Biorhiza (1), Dryocosmus (1), and Pseudoneuroterus (1)]. The highest number of species was found on Que...
Overview of leaf miner fauna in Serbia
Due to their specific lifestyle, frequency of occurrence, and the damage that they cause on plants, leaf miners have been investigated by many scientists in Serbia. Unfortunately, the overview of research on their fauna in Serbia has not been done yet. Therefore, based on the data from the literature sources and the results of our research, the fir...
U uslovima veoma ograničene primene hemijskih sredstava za zaštitu šuma, intenziviraju se istraživanja prirodnih jedinjenja, koja se mogu koristiti pored bioloških preparata, za sprečavanje šteta koje izazivaju insekti defolijatori. Gubar predstavlja najznačajniju štetočinu lišćarskih šuma severne hemisfere, koja se vrlo retko hrani asimilacionim o...
Od preko 1000 vrsta iz familije Tenthredinidae u Evropi, samo 47 su lisni mineri. Od toga je u Srbiji do sad konstatovano 11 vrsta. Proučavanjem faune lisnih minera na području Beograda (Košutnjak) tokom aprila 2017. godine pronađene su vrste Heterarthrus flavicollis (Gussakovskij, 1947) i Hinatara nigripes (Konow, 1907) koje do sada u Srbiji nisu...
Hinatara nigripes (Know) i Heterarthrus flavicollis (Gussakovskij) (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae), nove vrste lisnih minera u fauni Srbije
In research on the fauna of insect parasitoids of cynipid gall wasps in Serbia, galls of the cynipid gall wasp species Aulacidea tragopogonis (Thomson, 1877) were found on Tragopogon dubius Scop. (Asteraceae), while galls of the species Timaspis cichorii (Kieffer, 1909) were found on Cichorium intybus L. (Asteraceae). As these are the only findings...
In studying the fauna of cynipid gall wasps of Belgrade and its environs during the period from 1997 to 2016, we recorded a total of 46 species from four tribes (Aylacini, Cynipini, Diastrophini and Diplolepidini) and 12 genera (Andricus, 27 species; Diplolepis, 5 species; Cynips, 3 species; Neuroterus, 3 species; Diastrophus, 2 species; Aphelonyx,...
Dasineura gleditchiae is a North American species that was introduced into Europe in the mid-1970s. There it spread rapidly and started to cause damage by building galls on young leaves of honey locust. Because its parasitoids in Europe have still been very little studied, detailed investigations were carried out in Belgrade during 2012 and 2013. S...
Dasineura gleditchiae is a North American species that was introduced into Europe in the mid-1970s. There it spread rapidly and started to cause damage by building galls on young leaves of honey locust. Because its parasitoids in Europe have still been very little studied, detailed investigations were carried out in Belgrade during 2012 and 2013. S...
Never recorded before in Serbia, the cynipid gall wasps Aylax papaveris (Perris 1839) and Barbotinia oraniensis (Barbotin 1964) were obtained from capsules of Papaver rhoeas Linnaeus 1753 collected toward the end of June 1998 at the locality Surduk (Srem, Serbia). Nine species of parasitoids were also obtained. Among them were the species Ormyrus c...
Never recorded before in Serbia, the cynipid gall wasps Aylax papaveris (Perris 1839) and Barbotinia oraniensis (Barbotin 1964) were obtained from capsules of Papaver rhoeas Linnaeus 1753 collected toward the end of June 1998 at the locality Surduk (Srem, Serbia). Nine species of parasitoids were also obtained. Among them were the species Ormyrus c...
Not much information has been published on the distribution and hosts of bark beetles on deciduous woody plants in Serbia. The present paper gives the localities and hosts in Serbia for 23 species of these insects belonging to 10 genera and seven tribes.
Thirty-four species in all were recorded in investigation of the fauna of cynipid gall wasps on Mt. Jastrebac. That number includes 30 species from seven genera (Andricus, 20, one) of the tribe Cynipini; and four species from one genus (Diplolepis) of the tribe Diplolepidini. The species Andricus conificus (Hartwig 1843) and Cynips cornifex Hartwig...
During investigation of the entomofauna of Banat (the northeastern part of Serbia), the very unusual and rare species Glossocratus foveolatus was recorded for the first time for the leafhopper fauna of Serbia (JANKOVIĆ, 1975, 1978; JANKOVIĆ & POPOVIĆ, 1985). On a sunny, windy, and hot day (with air temperature of about 35°C), a single female of thi...
With entomologists, almost every finding is new, and species never before recorded for a given region routinely cause great excitement. However, it is safe to say that the most memorable cases are when those new species are discovered completely by accident. Such a case occurred recently with the species Kissophagus vicinus. One imago of this bark...
One of the major insect collections stored in the depots of the Chair of Forest Protection of the Faculty of Forestry University of Belgrade is the collection of bark beetles formed by Professor Dr. Svetislav Živojinović. It consists of 14 262 specimens collected in the area of the former Yugoslavia, mostly in the territory of Serbia. The collectio...
The fauna of phloemo-xylophagous insects, their parasitoids and predators was studied on Ulmus minor in Serbia. Sixty insect species were recorded, of which 22 species were phloemo-xylophagous insects, 33 species were their parasitoids and 5 species were their predators. Among phloemo-xylophagous insects, the most common and most abundant species w...
In the study of parasitoids of the plane leaf miner Phyllonorycter platani during 2004, 18 polyphagous parasitoid species were recorded in four tree rows and four parks in Serbia (3 species of the family Ichneumonidae and 15 species of the family Eulophidae). Among the recorded parasitoids, the most significant were the species Minotetrastichus pla...
In the study of parasitoids of the plane leaf miner Phyllonorycter platani during 2004, 18 polyphagous parasitoid species were recorded in four tree rows and four parks in Serbia (3 species of the family Ichneumonidae and 15 species of the family Eulophidae). Among the recorded parasitoids, the most significant were the species Minotetrastichus pla...
Altogether 26 species of phloemophagous and xylophagous insects, 47 species of parasitoids, 14 species of predators and 7
species of inquilines were identified on the branches of Quercus cerris, Q. frainetto, Q. petraea and Q. robur, diameter 3–15 cm, at 24 sites in Serbia over the period 1992–1996. The greatest number of the identified species wer...
Frequent windthrow in the strict reserves of spruce in the Kopaonik National Park provides much material favorable for the
development of Ips typographus (L.) and Pityogenes chalcographus (L.) (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Therefore it was assumed that the abundance of these bark beetles in the reserves was high
and that they dispersed to the surroundi...
The parasitoids of the elm bark beetlesScolytus ensifer, S. kirschi, S. multistriatus, S. pygmaeus andPteleobius vittatus were studied in ten localities in Serbia. Eleven species of parasitoids ofS. ensifer, 10 ofS. kirschi, 13 ofS. multistriatus, 12 ofS. pygmaeus, and four ofP. vittatus were found. The most abundant wereEcphylus silesiacus, Dendro...
Fourteen species in two families of the order Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae (1 sp.) and Eulophidae (13 spp.), were recorded during
the study ofCameraria ohridella parasitoids at eight localities in Serbia. Among the observed parasitoids, the most significant species wereMinotetrastichus frontalis, Pediobius saulius, Pnigalio agraules andClosterocerus...
The parasitoid complex of Scolytus rugulosus includes 11 species of six families of Hymenoptera: Doryctes pomarius, Dendrosoter protuberans, Spathius brevicaudis, Ecphylus silesiacus, Eurytoma morio, Cheiropachus quadrum, Rhaphitelus maculatus, Calosota aestivalis, Tetrastichus ulmi, Entedon ergias, Scleroderma domesticus. Among the abovementioned...