Cecilio Frois Caldeira Jr

Cecilio Frois Caldeira Jr
VALE | VALE · Vale Technological Institute Sustanaible Development



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December 2009 - December 2013
French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE)
  • PhD Student


Publications (145)
Waste pile substrates from Fe mining may carry potentially toxic elements (PTE). Rehabilitation efforts must maintain soil vegetation cover effectively, avoiding the dispersion of particulate matter and reducing the risk to the environment and human health. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the pseudo-total and extractable contents, perform ch...
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Background Accurate species identification is the first step towards establishing conservation strategies, especially regarding rare and threatened species, such as those studied here. Moreover, understanding the responses to the environment and growing conditions of endemic species is necessary for its conservation. This study compares the leaf an...
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Objectives In vitro seed propagation can enhance plant species growth and enable the rapid production of seedlings while preserving genetic variability. This study aimed to develop in vitro seed propagation and acclimatization protocols for Dyckia rariflora to support conservation efforts of this bromeliad endemic to ferruginous campos rupestres. S...
There is still a lack of practical guidelines for understanding species roles and planning restoration strategies to enhance plant–pollinator interactions and support ecosystem functioning. We applied a network approach to understand the evolution of plant–pollinator restoration patterns and identify priority species, thus advancing restoration pla...
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Artisanal gold mining can lead to soil contamination with potentially toxic elements (PTEs), necessitating soil quality monitoring due to environmental and human health risks. However, determining PTE levels through acid digestion is time-consuming, generates chemical waste, and requires significant resources. As an alternative, portable X-ray fluo...
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Carajasia cangae (Rubiaceae) is a narrow endemic species from the canga ecosystems of the Carajás National Forest that is facing extinction due to a limited range and habitat disturbance from hydroclimatological changes and mining activities. This study examines the influence of rhizospheric and endophytic bacteria on C. cangae seed germination to...
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1. Isoëtes are iconic but understudied wetland plants, despite having suffered severe losses globally mainly because of alterations in their habitats. We therefore provide the first global ecological assessment of aquatic Isoëtes to identify their environmental requirements and to evaluate if taxonomically related species differ in their ecology. 2...
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Andean ecosystems are characterized by high humidity, mainly from rain and fog events. Because of differences in altitude two Andean ecosystems – sub‐Andean forest and Páramo –face different environmental pressures that affect leaf anatomy and cell wall composition and, consequently, species foliar water uptake (FWU) capacity. Here, FWU capacity of...
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Plantas de endemismo edáfico das cangas da Floresta Nacional de Carajás. [fieldguides.fieldmuseum.org] [1683] versão 1 7/2024 © Field Museum (2024) CC BY-NC 4.0. Os materiais sob esta licença são livres para uso/ compartilhamento/ remixagem com atribuição, mas não permitem o uso comercial da obra original.
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Biochar represents a promising alternative for enhancing substrates and remediating contaminants in mining areas. Given that arsenic (As) and phosphorus (P) share similar chemical forms, the combination of biochar and P fertilizers may reduce As uptake, thereby mitigating As-related impacts. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of biochar-bas...
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Background Cultivating threatened plant species is vital for conservation, safeguarding against extinction by ensuring propagation and maintaining genetic diversity. In this study, we conducted an integrative morphological, physiological, and quantitative proteomic analysis of Stephanopodium engleri plants grown under different substrates and nutri...
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Soil quality monitoring in mining rehabilitation areas is a crucial step to validate the effectiveness of the adopted recovery strategy, especially in critical areas for environmental conservation, such as the Brazilian Amazon. The use of portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) spectrometry allows a rapid quantification of several soil chemical elements...
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RNA editing is a post-transcriptional process that challenges the central dogma of molecular biology by modifying RNA sequences, introducing nucleotide changes at specific sites, and generating functional diversity beyond the genomic code, especially when it concerns organellar transcripts. In plants, this phenomenon is widespread, but its extent v...
Monitoring key soil and vegetation attributes in mining areas under environmental rehabilitation is essential to ensure that the intervention techniques are effective. There are several approaches to monitoring mining areas and their integration is necessary to process large amounts of information. Thus, this study aimed to (i) assess soil multi-co...
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Desiccation tolerance in vegetative tissues enables resurrection plants to remain quiescent under severe drought and rapidly recover full metabolism once water becomes available. Barbacenia graminifolia is a resurrection plant that occurs at high altitudes, typically growing on rock slits, exposed to high irradiance and limited water availability....
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Managing invasive species is essential for achieving mineland rehabilitation goals and ensuring the long-term provision of critical ecosystem services while preventing new dispersion sources to neighboring areas. Traditional techniques include chemical and manual weeding, but frequent reinvasion limits their long-term success. Therefore, additional...
Despite its enormous benefits, mining is responsible for intense changes to vegetation and soil properties. Thus, after extraction, it is necessary to rehabilitate the mined areas, creating better conditions for the establishment of plant species which is challenging. This study evaluated mineral and organic fertilization on the growth, and carbon...
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Isoëtes is a cosmopolitan genus of aquatic lycophytes, containing more than 200 species. In Brazil, the genus comprises 29 species, with three occurring in Pará state, Amazon. Isoëtes cangae and I. serracarajensis are endemic to the ferruginous outcrops of Serra dos Carajás, and I. amazonica occurs on the inundated shores of the Tapajós River. Desp...
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Open pit mining can cause loss in different ecosystems, including damage to habitats of rare and endemic species. Understanding the biology of these species is fundamental for their conservation, and to assist in decision-making. Sporobolus multiramosus is an annual grass endemic to the Amazon canga ecosystems, which comprise rocky outcrop vegetati...
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252  Desafios e Perspectivas na Conservação da Isoëtes cangae: uma Macrófita Endêmica da Amazônia  Resumo O presente capítulo resume os avanços alcançados por meio das pes- quisas apresentadas nos diferentes capítulos, focando em como este conheci- mento está sendo útil para subsidiar ações efetivas de conservação da espécie Isoëtes cangae. Em su...
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A fisiologia da conservação envolve a avaliação de diversos aspectos que relacionam a fisiologia vegetal ao ambiente. Essas análises permitem compreender tanto a plasticidade quanto a vulnerabilidade da espécie à flutuação ambiental, de forma a gerar conhecimento e previsibilidade, contribuindo, portanto, para a conservação da espécie. As análises...
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Este livro representa uma exploração profunda e fascinante da biologia da conservação, campo acadêmico que surgiu em resposta à crescente crise da biodiversidade. Ele combina diversas disciplinas, incluindo ecologia, genética, fisiologia e gestão ambiental para enfrentar os desafios únicos da conservação de uma espécie aquática endêmica ancestral....
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A licófita amazônica Isoëtes cangae é uma planta submersa encontrada exclusivamente no Lago do Amendoim, na Serra dos Carajás. Devido à sua ocorrência restrita, à introdução de peixes herbívoros exóticos e às atividades de mineração em sítios próximos, e aos efeitos da crise climática iminente, essa espécie encontra-se criticamente ameaçada. Portan...
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Rápidas e profundas mudanças têm alterado os ecossistemas ao redor do globo, impondo a diversas espécies algum risco de extinção. Para evitar mais perdas, a comunidade científi ca tem avançado no desenvolvimento de protocolos de colonização assistida, considerando a biologia e os aspectos ecológicos dos ambientes nativos e receptores. Um exemplo é...
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Diferentemente dos demais ecossistemas lacustres comumente estudados na Região Amazônica, típicos de planícies de inundação e de terra firme, os lagos de altitude estão estabelecidos sobre crostas lateríticas e são acumuladores de águas pluviais. Boa parte desses ecossistemas encontra-se na Flona de Carajás, no sudeste do Pará, em meio às suas serr...
The mineland rehabilitation can be a challenge due to high soil density and low levels of organic matter and nutrients. This study assessed soil chemical attributes and leaf nutritional contents of two native species (Mimosa acutistipula var. ferrea and Vismia baccifera) grown in an iron waste pile under environmental rehabilitation in the Carajás...
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The mining activity is fundamental for human development, but it requires changes in the environment, negatively affecting soil organic carbon (SOC) stock. The only way to restore the original SOC stock is via rehabilitation practices. Considering adopting more efficient techniques and technologies for the rehabilitation process, this study aimed t...
The Isoëtes genus comprises a basal lineage of vascular plants with a wide distribution, including aquatic and terrestrial species, which can be attributed to environmental changes throughout its evolutionary history. The underwater quillwort, Isöetes cangae, is endemic to Lake Amendoim in the northern Amazon rainforest region of Brazil. To aid con...
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The selection of promising plant species for mine land rehabilitation is a major ecological challenge, i.e., which species are able to establish desired functions in postmining environments and their availability at reasonable costs. Here, we used the minimum set approach for optimizing the selection of species to achieve specific rehabilitation ob...
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The restitution of biodiversity and ecosystem services to premining levels requires long time periods. This paper proposes quantifiable criteria to classify minelands as minimally restored compatible with (pluri)annual corporate budget cycles, reducing the probability of the need for future interventions. For that, we reviewed the scientific litera...
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The peculiar characteristics of mining waste substrates represent a significant challenge for environmental rehabilitation. Here, we evaluated the revegetation potential of Paspalum cinerascens on substrates from mining areas of Serra dos Carajás, a region harboring a large mine complex in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. Paspalum cinerascens is a nat...
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Amazon ironstone outcrops vegetation, or canga , is a remarkable environment in which the plants are adapted to peculiar circumstances. Knowledge regarding different aspects of this ecosystem remains modest, including necessary insights for its conservation and recovery, such as the reproductive phenology of priority species that form the plant com...
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Fungi execute many ecosystem functions and are thus expected to contribute substantially to ecosystem stability along environmental gradients. Here, we aimed to describe the fungal communities along a vegetation gradient found in Amazonian cangas using ITS2 metabarcoding. Rupestrian canga vegetation covers ironstone outcrops from the Carajás Nation...
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The revegetation of steep slopes after mining and infrastructure projects is not an easy task. To enhance the effectiveness of revegetation projects, the present study aimed to review (i) specific challenges of steep slope revegetation, (ii) ecological succession patterns in similar environments, (iii) soil conditioning and revegetation strategies...
Jaborandi (Pilocarpus microphyllus), an endemic species of the Brazilian flora threatened with extinction, is the only natural source of pilocarpine, an alkaloid widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. This compound is extracted from the leaf tissue and may be affected by edaphic and nutritional variations. The aim of this study was to correlat...
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Mimosa acutistipula is endemic to Brazil and grows in ferruginous outcrops (canga) in Serra dos Carajás, eastern Amazon, where one of the largest iron ore deposits in the world is located. Plants that develop in these ecosystems are subject to severe environmental conditions and must have adaptive mechanisms to grow and thrive in cangas. Mimosa acu...
Isoëtes cangae is a critically endangered submerged quillwort endemic from Amazon ferruginous outcrops fields in north Brazil. The species inhabit a single oligotrophic lake with specific light irradiance quality and quantity. We analyzed light irradiance in field conditions to study the relationship between irradiance and species morphological and...
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The lack of knowledge about seeds of native species constitutes a major challenge to their use in environmental rehabilitation activities. In this study, we analysed the morphology and germination of native species seeds found in areas close to Fe and Mn mines in the Eastern Amazon. We also evaluated the effect of scarification on seeds showing nat...
Mimosa acutistipula is endemic to Brazil and grows in ferruginous outcrops (canga) in Serra dos Carajás, eastern Amazon, where one of the largest iron ore deposits in the world is located. Plants that develop in these ecosystems are subject to severe environmental conditions and must have adaptive mechanisms to grow and thrive in cangas. Mimosa acu...
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Few studies have evaluated the genetic status of medicinal plants exposed to commercial harvesting. Here, we examine the genetic variability of Pilocarpus microphyllus, an endemic and threatened medicinal plant species from the eastern Amazon, across its largest remaining wild population. Popularly known as jaborandi, species of Pilocarpus genus ar...
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Mining activity is of great economic and social importance; however, volumes of metallic ore tailings rich in potentially toxic elements (PTEs) may be produced. In this context, managing this environmental liability and assessing soil quality in areas close to mining activities are fundamental. This study aimed to compare the concentrations of PTEs...
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Continuous systematic monitoring is necessary to measure the success or failure of mineland rehabilitation. Here, we aimed to outline how measures of phylogenetic diversity and phylogenetic community structure complement existing monitoring frameworks along a waste pile rehabilitation chronosequence in Carajás National Forest, Brazil, including pri...
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Background Canga is the Brazilian term for the savanna-like vegetation harboring several endemic species on iron-rich rocky outcrops, usually considered for mining activities. Parkia platycephala Benth. and Stryphnodendron pulcherrimum (Willd.) Hochr. naturally occur in the cangas of Serra dos Carajás (eastern Amazonia, Brazil) and the surrounding...
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Open-cast iron mining causes drastic disturbances in soil properties. Recovery of soil chemical and physical properties is essential for successful revegetation and landscape rehabilitation. To identify changes in soil properties during the mining and revegetation process, soil samples were collected from undisturbed sites represented by forest and...
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Amazonian reforestation programs emphasize the use of species native to the region. However, reforestation using native species requires the production of high-quality seedlings. The present study aimed to evaluate the development and quality of seedlings of paricá (Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum), a species native to the Amazon with high po...
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Dioclea apurensis Kunth is native to ferruginous rocky outcrops (known as canga) in the eastern Amazon. Native cangas are considered hotspots of biological diversity and have one of the largest iron ore deposits in the world. There, D. apurensis can grow in post-mining areas where molecular mechanisms and rhizospheric interactions with soil microor...
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Mineland rehabilitation is intended to reduce the overall impacts of mining on biodiversity and ecosystem services and requires periodic monitoring to guarantee institutional tractability and to refine rehabilitation practices. As time- and money-consuming field surveys challenge this monitoring, the aim of this study was to develop a remote sensin...
Mining activities have expanded worldwide to meet industrial demands and technological development. However, these activities have a negative impact on the environment that must be addressed. Thus, this study aimed to monitor the effects of the revegetation process on microbial proxies in an iron mine-degraded landscape using the biomass, activity,...
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Dioclea apurensis Kunth is native to ferruginous rocky outcrops (known as canga) in the eastern Amazon. Native cangas are considered hotspots of biological diversity and have one of the largest iron ore deposits in the world. There, D. apurensis can grow in post-mining areas where molecular mechanisms and rhizospheric interactions with soil microor...
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Rehabilitation is the key factor for improving soil quality and soil carbon stock after mining operations. Monitoring is necessary to evaluate the progress of rehabilitation and its success, but the use of repeated field surveys is costly and time-consuming at a large scale. This study aimed to monitor the environmental/soil rehabilitation process...
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The fire frequency in the Amazon increased rapidly after the 1990s due to deforestation and forest degradation, and it is expected to increase in response to climate change. We analyzed the fire occurrence and assessed seven fire hazard indices in the municipality of Canaã dos Carajás, in the eastern Amazon, for different land use and land cover (L...
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Mimosa acutistipula var. ferrea (Fabaceae) is endemic to ferruginous tropical rocky outcrops in the eastern Amazon, also known as canga. Canga are often associated with mining activities and are the target of protection and rehabilitation projects. M. acutistipula stands out in this biodiversity hotspot with high growth rates, even in rehabilitatin...
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To reduce the net losses of biodiversity and ecosystem services caused by iron ore mining in Brazil, mineland rehabilitation using native plant species is necessary. However, systematic knowledge about which plant species are the best candidates for mineland rehabilitation is lacking. Therefore, iron mining companies working on the Urucum Massif re...
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Mineland rehabilitation is performed to reduce the overall impacts of mining operations. Thus, statistically validated and easily measurable indicators are necessary to monitor the environmental status along time, enhance the rehabilitation process, and increase institutional tractability. The objective of this study is to derive an effective indic...
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Background Canga is the Brazilian term for the savanna-like vegetation harboring several endemic species on iron-rich rocky outcrops, usually considered for mining activities. Parkia platycephala Benth. and Stryphnodendron pulcherrimum (Willd.) Hochr. naturally occur in the cangas of Serra dos Carajás (eastern Amazonia, Brazil) and the surrounding...
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The revegetation of areas impacted by iron mining may be hampered by a series of chemical and physical impediments exhibited by those areas. Physical problems, such as penetration resistance and steep slopes, may outweigh the chemical problems, such that both should be considered for soil recovery. This study aimed to evaluate the main soil attribu...
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Opencast mining drastically alters the landscape due to complete vegetation suppression and removal of topsoil layers. Precise indicators able to address incremental changes in soil quality are necessary to monitor and evaluate mineland rehabilitation projects. For this purpose, metaproteomics may be a useful tool due to its capacity to shed light...