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January 2000 - present
Publications (91)
Whereas broad-scale Amazonian forest types have been shown to influence the structure of the communities of medium-to large-bodied vertebrates, their natural heterogeneity at smaller scale or within the terra firme forests remains poorly described and understood. Diversity indices of such communities and the relative abundance of the 21 most common...
Species Distribution Models (SDMs) have become increasingly useful for conservation issues. Initially designed to predict distributions
of species from incomplete datasets, SDMs may also identify environmental conditions associated with higher occurrences and
abundances of widely distributed taxa. Using sighting records of 15 widely distributed mam...
The white-lipped peccary ( Tayassu pecari )
is a large ungulate species with an extensive distribution
across South and Central America. As such, it is a
key game species for forest communities throughout its
range. It is also considered an “ ecosystem engineer ” , having
a significant impact on forest structure and function.
The species has recent...
The Amazonian moist forest, which covers most
of French Guiana, is one of the core habitats for the lowland
tapir Tapirus terrestris. Tapirs are hunted in French Guiana,
although a law introduced in 2011 restricts hunting to one
animal per person per hunting trip. We carried out cameratrap
surveys in the Nouragues Nature Reserve for 4 years,
with t...
Characterizing the trophic relationships between large herbivores and the outstanding plant diversity in rainforest is a major challenge because of their elusiveness. This is crucial to understand the role of these herbivores in the functioning of the rainforest ecosystems. We tested a non-invasive approach based on the high-throughput sequencing o...
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0276297.].
Estimating population densities of large wildlife in forests has traditionally relied on either spatial capture-recapture (SCR) for animals that are individually marked, or line transect distance sampling (LTDS) for species observable by researchers. Recent advances have now introduced more general camera trap models that are applicable to a large...
Wildlife overexploitation, either for food consumption or for the pet trade, is one of the main threats to bird species in tropical forests. Yet, the spatial distribution and intensity of harvesting pressure on tropical birds remain challenging to quantify. Here, we identify the drivers of hunting‐induced declines in bird abundance and quantify...
Following a request from the Prefect of French Guiana (ref: REMD/URCD/FG/2019/68) on 21 January 2019, the Pôle R&D ECLA was mobilised to provide a scientific opinion, concerning the proposed exploitation of the flooded Petit-Saut forest by the company TRITON. Based on an analysis of the ecological data available at the time for the Petit-Saut reser...
Polycystic Echinococcosis (PE), a neglected life- threatening zoonotic disease caused by the cestode Echinococcus vogeli, is endemic in the Amazon. Despite being treatable, PE reaches a case fatality rate of around 29% due to late or missed diagnosis. PE is sustained in Pan- Amazonia by a complex sylvatic cycle. The hunting of its infected intermed...
Hunting impacts tropical vertebrate populations, causing declines of species that function as seed dispersers and predators, or that browse seedlings and saplings. Whether and how the resulting reductions in seed dispersal, seed predation, and browsing translate to changes in the tree composition is poorly understood. Here, we assess the effect of...
Many vertebrate species undergo population fluctuations that may be random or regularly cyclic in nature. Vertebrate population cycles in northern latitudes are driven by both endogenous and exogenous factors. Suggested causes of mysterious disappearances documented for populations of the Neotropical, herd-forming, white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pec...
Cracidae is the most threatened avian family in the Neotropics, mainly because of habitat destruction, heavy hunting pressure and poaching. In French Guiana, Black Curassows are heavily hunted, although basic knowledge of the ecological and demographical traits of the species remains limited. Such a gap prevents any attempt to assess the impact of...
La Guyane est recouverte à 90% de forêt tropicale continue, en grande partie protégée par son éloignement et le manque d'accessibilité. Cependant, sur une bande littorale d'une trentaine de kilomètres de large, quelques formations végétales seulement se partagent le territoire restant. Cette bande littorale concentre également plus de 75% de la pop...
Because global climate change results in increasingly extreme temperatures and more frequent droughts, behavioral thermoregulation is one avenue by which species may adjust. Changes in activity patterns in response to temperature have been observed in a number of mammal species, but rarely have been investigated in humid tropical habitats. Here we...
Hunting sustainability in Amazonian ecosystems is a key challenge for modern stakeholders. Predictive models have evolved from first mostly biological data-based to more recent modeling including human behavior. We analyze here the hunting data collected in French Guiana through a panel of indices aiming at drawing the puzzle of parameters influenc...
Satellite telemetry is an increasingly utilized technology in wildlife research, and current devices can track individual animal movements at unprecedented spatial and temporal resolutions. However, as we enter the golden age of satellite telemetry, we need an in-depth understanding of the main technological, species-specific and environmental fact...
R-code for boosted beta regression (Fix acquisition rate).
Covariate partial effects on the variability of the fix acquisition rate.
Tagged individuals per species.
Covariate partial effects on the variability of the Overall fix success rate.
Trends in observed data.
Global dataset for boosted beta regressions.
Description of data fields in S1 Data.
Satellite telemetry articles published.
Distribution of response variables and covariates.
Unit purchase and operation costs.
R-code for boosted beta regression (Overall fix success rate).
Standardized data collection questionnaire.
Satellite telemetry evaluations.
Medium-and large-sized vertebrates play a key role in shaping overall forest functioning. Despite this, vertebrate interactions, from competition to mutualism, remain poorly studied, even though these interactions should be taken into account in our conservation and management strategies. Thus, we tackled the question of vertebrate co-occurrence in...
Understanding spatial behavior of animal species in their environment is crucial for better management of natural ecosystems. For the last decades, many wildlife species were fitted with various types of visual or electronic tags allowing biologists to have some insights of where they spend their lives. White-lipped peccaries are a key species in N...
Aim :Despite their often high‐trophic position and their contribution to many ecosystem functions, little is known about the factors affecting assemblage structure of medium‐ and large‐sized neotropical vertebrates. We examined the relative roles played by the physical and biological environment, and by purely spatial processes, in shaping the comp...
A correction to this article has been published and is linked from the HTML and PDF versions of this paper. The error has been fixed in the paper.
Disturbance controls rainforest dynamics and, according to the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (IDH), is a key driver of local diversity. Variations in disturbance regimes and their consequences for regional diversity at broad spatiotemporal scales are still poorly understood. Using multi-disciplinary large-scale inventories and LiDAR acquisiti...
Poussé par quelques étudiants préférant observer le bouquetin ibérique et l’isard en nature plutôt que le grillon en laboratoire, Raymond Campan commence une incursion dans le domaine de l’éco-éthologie des grands herbivores à la fin des années 70. En 1986, il devient directeur de l’Institut de Recherche sur les Grands Mammifères (IRGM), une unité...
Leptospirosis is a cosmopolitan zoonosis caused by bacteria of the genus Leptospira. Whether the distribution is worldwide, the hot and humid climate of the tropics is particularly conducive to its expansion. In most French overseas departments and territories, leptospirosis is considered as a public health problem. In French Guiana, a French depar...
Knowledge of the jaguar population is needed in French Guiana that faces an increase of human-jaguar conflicts. We carried out a camera trap survey to assess jaguar local density and home range size in a preserved coastal area of French Guiana. We ran spatially explicit capture recapture (SECR) models. In our model, the scale parameter σ, that is l...
Line transect surveys are widely used in neotropical rainforests to estimate the population abundance of medium- and large-sized vertebrates. The use of indices such as Encounter Rate has been criticized because the probability of animal detection may fluctuate due to the heterogeneity of environmental conditions among sites. In addition, the morph...
Modélisation de la répartition spatiale du hocco alector en Guyane française : un appui pour la gestion cynégétique de l'espèce Avec la forte augmentation de la population guyanaise, les pressions anthropiques vont s'intensifier sur la frange littorale et risquent d'impacter les habitats de la faune sauvage ainsi que les populations animales qui le...
The Black Curassow (Crax alector) is a large game bird with Vulnerable conservation status found in north-central South America. We examined its distributional pattern across French Guiana using a large number of environmental descriptors at 3 scales of analysis: landscape, forest type, and microhabitat. We used a hierarchical model with temporary...
Le catalogue des habitats forestiers de Guyane, premier dans son genre, permet aujourd’hui d’identifier les différents types d’habitats, de les caractériser et de les cartographier, grâce à l’utilisation de technologies pointues. Ce catalogue, réalisé par le pôle recherche et développement de l’ONF Guyane est l’aboutissement d’un long travail pluri...
En 2009, l’ONF s’associait à l’ONCFS, au Parc Amazonien de Guyane, à l’UMR EcoFoG et à l’Herbier de Cayenne, dans un vaste programme de recherche, intitulé HABITATS. Son objectif : étudier les relations entre sol, végétation et grande faune pour définir une typologie des habitats forestiers de terre ferme, qui couvrent plus de 80 % du territoire. R...
List of plant taxa identified in tapir faeces of the Nouragues Reserve after matching of the P6 loop of trnL (UAA) sequences with the EMBL reference and local databases. "Indet." stands for indeterminate. The figures into brackets indicate the number of different sequences for the unidentified genera. Species names followed by "?" have been inferre...
In this paper two geomorphologic maps (landform level and landscape level) are presented covering the French Guianan rainforest (84,000 km2) using full-resolution Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data. The entire country was segmented into 224,000 landform units on the basis of an original object-oriented approach using a modified counting b...
List of plants browsed by tapirs. Symbols are as follows: W: species communicated by the Wayãpi indians in the ethnobotanic surveys, B: species found by the botanical study , G: species found by genetic analyses. The abundance of these plant species in the surveyed areas was categorised by the botanist experts as uncommon (UC), common (C), locally...
List of plants eaten by lowland tapirs in South America.
List of fruits eaten by tapirs. Symbols are as follows: W: species communicated by the Wayãpi indians and D: species identified from the macroscopic analysis of fruit remains in dung. For the latter, we also indicated whether the seeds were intact (int.) or damaged (dam.) and the month of collection. The fructification periods observed during the e...
While the populations of large herbivores are being depleted in many tropical rainforests, the importance of their trophic role in the ecological functioning and biodiversity of these ecosystems is still not well evaluated. This is due to the outstanding plant diversity that they feed upon and the inherent difficulties involved in observing their e...
Although there is an extensive literature demonstrating the impact of human activities on both species extinction risk and local ecological processes, the methodological tools that allow for the visualization and quantification of the intensity of the observed and forthcoming impacts are lacking. Here we propose a Footprint index for French Guiana,...
Habitats naturels, géomorphologie, biodiversité, forêt tropicale humide, Guyane française, biogéographie, typologie forestière, gestion de la biodiversité, cortèges faunistiques, relations faune-habitats, relations sol-végétation. Objectifs des recherches Les habitats naturels correspondent au niveau d'expression de la biodiversité le plus opératio...
En Guyane, la faune est aussi variée que les types de chasseurs… et encore très mal connue. La gestion en est à ses débuts et manque cruellement de données de base pour se mettre en place efficacement. Les recherches sur la faune chassée de Guyane s’attaquent donc à ce défi par trois angles complémentaires : comprendre la chasse et ses impacts, app...
White-faced sakis (Pithecia pithecia) are among the least studied neotropical primates. The combination of shy and quiet behavior, their ability to move silently, and the extreme difficulty of capturing them may explain why very few field studies have been undertaken in undisturbed habitats. During the course of a wildlife rescue in French Guiana,...
A wide translocation program was conducted on neotropical fauna in French Guiana during the filling of a hydroelectric reservoir. Red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) were studied because available data on their behavior in undisturbed conditions provided the basis for behavioral comparison with translocated animals. A resident howler population...
More than 3000 mammals were captured and translocated during a rescue operation conducted in French Guiana during the filling of a hydroelectric dam, a unique opportunity to gather biological data on many aspects of the Guianan fauna. All animals were identified, anaesthetized, measured, and biological samples (blood, skin biopsies) were collected...
Among New World monkeys, spontaneous tool use and object manipulation are commonly descirbed inCebus species only. We report here an occurrence of tool manipulation by a wild male red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus), observed using a stick to softly but repeatedly hit a two toed sloth (Choloepus didactylus) resting in the same tree. The ecologic...
Despite differing socioeconomic situations, the countries of the Amazonian region share similar problems with French Guiana as regards wildlife management. It therefore seemed relevant to analyze the game laws, research programs and management experiments existing in those countries, in order to identify the best ways of developing studies and cons...
A l'occasion de la mise en eau d'un barrage hydroelectrique en Guyane francaise, des sarigues du genre Didelphis ont ete capturees sur 89 sites d'echantillonnage disperses sur une surface d'environ 60 km 2 le long du fleuve Sinnamary et de son affluent la Crique Tigre. Par l'utilisation de criteres morphologiques tels que la presence ou non d'un ma...
During the flooding of a primary lowland rainforest at the Petit Saut electric dam in French Guiana, opossums of the genus Didelphis were caught in 89 localities dispersed over a surface of ca. 60 km2 along the Sinnamary River. Based on external morphological characters such as car colour and/or facial markings, 41 D. albiventris and 200 D. marsupi...
Between January 1994 and July 1995, an area of over 310 km² of a primary rainforest was flooded by the filling of the Petit Saut hydroelectric dam built on the Sinnamary river in French Guiana (5°4'N-53°3'W). A wildlife rescue was organized by Electricité de France, the French company building the dam, with the primary objectives as follows:
1. to...