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I am a social scientist working on collaboration and negotiation mechanisms for the governance of natural resources. I am interested in how the interface between agriculture, environment and society is being socially constructed and negotiated through social interactions among stakeholders with different interests and values, and embedded in often asymmetric power relationships.
Additional affiliations
April 2011 - present
September 2009 - March 2011
October 2004 - May 2008
Publications (151)
The governance of ecosystem services (ES) has been predominantly thought of in terms of market or state-based instruments. Comparatively, collective action mechanisms have rarely been considered. This paper addresses this gap by proposing a conceptual framework that brings together ES, social interdependencies, and collective action thinking. We us...
A key challenge in the management of ecosystem services involves weighing up the trade-offs between these ecosystem services and who benefits from them. In mountainous zones, new trade-offs between ecosystem services emerge due to shifts in farming practices and their consequences on the landscapes (land abandonment and intensification), which is a...
The multifunctionality of agriculture is often understood as a normative political notion aimed at fostering the sustainable development of rural areas. Considering it as a locally, socially-constructed concept, the objective of this paper is to analyse how the idea of agricultural multifunctionality was appropriated, reconstructed and negotiated i...
Forest regeneration is a major land-use change in European uplands, and whether or not this is a desirable change for biodiversity is disputed. While this debate seems to be largely situated in the field of natural sciences, this paper aims to also examine its social dimensions. To do so, we adopt a comparative discourse analysis with four cases of...
Participatory approaches are widely used in ecosystem services (ES) research. They are particularly advocated for situations characterized by complexity, uncertainties and multiple values. However, behind the intention to do participatory research on ES, there is likely a wide range of practices. In this paper, we undertook a systematic literature...
Le 18 mars 2022, Mme Barbara Pompili, ministre de la Transition écologique, et Mme Bérangère Abba, secrétaire d’État chargée de la biodiversité, ont saisi conjointement le Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN) et l’Office français de la biodiversité (OFB) pour la réalisation d’une expertise scientifique collective et technique (ci-après l’ESC...
Le 18 mars 2022, Mme Barbara Pompili, ministre de la Transition écologique, et Mme Bérangère Abba, secrétaire d’État chargée de la biodiversité, ont saisi conjointement le Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN) et l’Office français de la biodiversité (OFB) pour la réalisation d’une expertise scientifique collective et technique (ci-après l’ESC...
Le 18 mars 2022, Mme Barbara Pompili, ministre de la Transition écologique, et Mme Bérangère Abba, secrétaire d’État chargée de la biodiversité, ont saisi conjointement le Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN) et l’Office français de la biodiversité (OFB) pour la réalisation d’une expertise scientifique collective et technique (ci-après l’ESC...
En mars 2022, la ministre de la Transition écologique et de la Cohésion des territoires et la secrétaire d’État chargée de la Biodiversité ont conjointement saisi le Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN) et l’Office français de la biodiversité (OFB) pour réaliser une expertise scientifique collective visant à définir les « conditions de viabi...
Beekeeping has faced increasing difficulties during the past decades, among which is the decline in floral resources. Agriculture provides essential floral resources for beekeeping, but some farming practices have also been shown to be responsible for their decline. To provide floral resources for beekeeping, what type of agricultural transformatio...
Biodiversity conservation are increasingly focused on involving stakeholder engagement, making power a key concept in understanding its success and failure. Power is often conceptualized as unidimensional and coercive, but a multidimensional view better reflects structural power, as well as its productive and enabling potential.
This paper investig...
European farms and regions follow the trend of agricultural specialisation, which results in a disconnection between crop and livestock production. High-input specialised farming systems are continuing to be developed even though they generate negative environmental impacts. Despite these trends, a few pioneering farmers have intentionally...
It is increasingly acknowledged that bees are declining, notably as a result of global changes such as climate and land-use changes that affect the abundance and diversity of floral resources (i.e. pollen and nectar). Recently, a new concern has gained traction: the negative impact of honeybees on wild bees due to competition over floral resources....
Considérer l’état de référence comme une construction sociale appelle à explorer
au moins trois pistes de réflexion que nous développons dans ce chapitre. Premièrement, l’état de référence n’est pas stabilisé, mais évolue dans le temps : c’était la théorie du glissement de référence de Daniel Pauly, que de nombreux travaux sont venus confirmer, mai...
In this text, we consider that far from being a stable and neutral datum, the baseline is influenced by political agendas, economic realities, scientific knowledge, local knowledge, and even prejudices . The baseline can thus be screened by constructivism, according to which we can only access knowledge of reality through our individual or collecti...
An on-farm agronomic survey was carried out, at the field, farm and catchment levels, to understand the dynamics of the risk of soil erosion in a watershed displaying a rapid diversification of cropping systems and differentiation of family farms. The results were integrated into a researcher agent-based model linked to a geographic information sys...
In the context of collaborative resource management, mental models can provide insights on participants' understanding of the resource management system and in so doing allow researchers and practitioners to derive lessons about the success or failure of comanagement approaches. We analyzed individual and group mental models in the comanaged small-...
Les processus de dégradation et de préservation des ressources naturelles s’accompagnent souvent de tensions et conflits entre les acteurs des territoires. Le cadre des services écosystémiques (SE) est désormais communément utilisé pour analyser ces processus et penser les termes d’une meilleure gouvernance. Nous développons ici l’idée impertinente...
Les processus de dégradation et de préservation des ressources naturelles s’accompagnent souvent de tensions et conflits entre les acteurs des territoires et sont au cœur des enjeux de recherche dans les Zones Ateliers. Le cadre des services écosystémiques (SE) est désormais communément utilisé pour analyser, de manière interdisciplinaire, ces proc...
Power asymmetries affect the governance of natural resources but are rarely considered explicitly in ecosystem services research, which often overlooks the diversity of actors and their interactions. In this paper, we propose an innovative and easily replicable method to analyze two types of power asymmetries, using social network analysis and a po...
There are limited approaches available that enable researchers and practitioners to conduct multiple case study comparisons of complex cases of collaboration in natural resource management and conservation. The absence of such tools is felt despite the fact that over the past several years a great deal of literature has reviewed the state of the sc...
Un nombre croissant d’études scientifiques défendent que la transition agroécologique nécessite une gouvernance concertée des services et disservices écosystémiques à l’échelle du paysage ou du territoire. L’objectif du projet de recherche-action COTERRA est d’identifier les freins et leviers à l’émergence d’une telle gouvernance, au travers d'un d...
Rural areas of the temperate European countries are affected by climate changes that are not always perceived by local communities. We focus on how local discourses on biodiversity, in our case wild flora, provide insight into what people see as changing in their environment. We conducted ethnographic research, including interviews and participant...
Rural areas of the temperate European countries are affected by climate changes that are not always perceived by local communities. We focus on how local discourses on biodiversity, in our case wild flora, provide insight into what people see as changing in their environment. We conducted ethnographic research, including interviews and participant...
La notion de service écosystémique peut-elle aider à repenser l'action collective et la gestion concertée des territoires? La gouvernance des services écosystémiques est souvent pensée en termes de paiements fondés sur des approches marchandes ou des interventions de l'état. Des modes de gouvernance alternatifs fondés sur l'action collective à l'éc...
Place des sciences humaines et sociales dans les controverses associées à la notion de Service écosystémique (SE)
Baseline landscapes play a part in the landscape governance. On the Mont Lozere, France, the institutions aim to preserve open landscapes, which are considered as baseline landscapes. In this paper, we analyse how the open landscape dynamics due to the evolution of farming practices impact the stakeholder interplay and weaken the local governance....
While the concept of ecosystem services (ES) is well established in the scientific and policy arenas, its operationalization faces many challenges. Indeed, ES supply, demand and flow are related to ecological and social processes at multiple space and time scales, leading to complex interactions in the provision of multiple ES.
Baseline landscapes play a part in the landscape governance. On the Mont Lozere, France, the institutions aim to preserve open landscapes, which are considered as baseline landscapes. In this paper, we analyse how the open landscape dynamics due to the evolution of farming practices impact the stakeholder interplay and weaken the local governance....
La notion de service écosystémique peut-elle être utile à une gestion concertée des territoires? Telle était la question centrale du projet Secoco "Services Ecosystémiques et Action Collective". Ce poster présente le cadre général su projet Secoco, et fait partie d'une exposition destinée à restituer les résultats de ce projet auprès des personnes...
Ce poster présente les résultats du projet Secoco sur le site d'étude des Hautes-Pyrénées. Il fait partie d'une exposition destinée à restituer les résultats du projet auprès des personnes interrogées et du grand public, et a été exposé au festival Nature à Aulon.
La Vallée d'Aure, dans les Hautes-Pyrénées, est un un territoire pastoral où « la f...
Ce poster présente les résultats du projet Secoco sur le site d'étude du Mont Lozère, dans le Parc National des Cévennes. Il fait partie d'une exposition destinée à restituer les résultats du projet auprès des personnes interrogées et du grand public, et a été exposé au festival Nature à Aulon.
Ce poster présente les résultats du projet Secoco sur le site d'étude du Parc Naturel de Montseny, en Catalogne. Il fait partie d'une exposition destinée à restituer les résultats du projet auprès des personnes interrogées et du grand public, et a été exposé au festival Nature à Aulon.
« Services écosystémiques », « Solidarité écologique »… De quoi parle-ton ? Nos politiques de développement et de conservation de la nature façonnent nos manières de penser nos relations et nos responsabilités vis-à-vis de la nature. Peut-on combiner ces deux cadres d'analyse pour mieux penser nos rapports à la nature et aux autres ? Nous proposons...
Ce poster présente le jeu de rôles Secoloz destiné à faciliter une réflexion collective pour une gestion concertée des services écosystémiques à l'échelle du paysage sur le Mont Lozère. Il fait partie d'une exposition destinée à restituer les résultats du projet Secoco auprès des personnes interrogées, des participants au jeu de rôles et du grand p...
The issues of power and equity are gaining attention in research on ecosystem services (ESs). Stakeholders benefiting from ESs are not necessarily able or authorized to participate in ES management. Thus, we have proposed an analytical framework to identify and qualify stakeholders’ roles in relation to ES flows. Building on existing frameworks in...
Ecosystem disservices (EDS) highlight the negative effects of nature on human well-being. Like ecosystem services (ES), EDS impact economic and non-economic aspects of human life within social-ecological systems (SES). The concept of EDS has been much debated, with strongly differing opinions regarding its utility and implications. In this opinion...
The concept of agroecological transition revives debates on how to deal with complexity and uncertainty. While the adaptive approach and its “adjust along the way” principle have been adopted as a relevant general framework to deal with partially irreducible uncertainty, the different approaches to the definition and management of uncertainty are r...
Transitioning towards agroecology involves the integration of biodiversity based ecosystem services into farming systems: for example, relying on biological pest control rather than pesticides. One promising approach for pest control relies on the conservation of semi-natural habitats at the landscape scale to encourage natural enemies of insect pe...
Habitat management is increasingly considered as a promising approach to favor the ecosystem service of biological control by enhancing natural enemies. However, habitat management, whether at local or landscape scale, remains very uncertain for farmers. Interactions between ecological processes and agricultural practices are indeed uncertain and s...
L’appel à projets annoncé par le gouvernement le 9 mai ne suffira pas à couvrir l’ensemble des problématiques liées à l’utilisation des pesticides, déplore un collectif de près de 260 scientifiques, qui prônent une gestion plus ambitieuse « au nom du bien commun ».
Agroecology has been proposed as a promising concept to foster the resilience and sustainability of agroecosystems and rural territories. Agroecological practices are based on optimizing ecosystem services (ES) at the landscape, farm, and parcel scales. Recent progress in research on designing agroecological transitions highlights the necessity for...
The concept of agroecological transition revives debates on how to deal with complexity and uncertainty. While the adaptive approach and its “adjust along the way” principle have been adopted as a relevant general framework to deal with partially irreducible uncertainty, the different approaches to the definition and management of uncertainty are r...
This chapter aims to describe the diversity of participatory approaches in relation to social simulations, with a focus on the interactions between the tools and participants. We consider potential interactions at all stages of the modelling process: conceptual design, implementation, use and simulation outcome analysis. After reviewing and classif...
Participatory modelling must often deal with the challenge of ambiguity when diverse stakeholders do not share a common understanding of the problem and measures for its solution. In this paper, we propose a framework and a methodology to elicit ambiguities among different stakeholders by using a participatory Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) modellin...
Pesticide reduction is a key current challenge. Scientific findings in landscape ecology suggest that complex landscapes favor insect pest biological control by conservation of natural enemy habitats. A potential agro-ecological innovation is to conserve or engineer such complex landscapes to reduce pesticide use. However, whereas the relevant reso...
Trade-offs are manifestations of the complex dynamics in interdependent social-ecological systems. Addressing trade-offs involves challenges of perception due to the dynamics of interdependence. We outline the challenges associated with addressing trade-offs and analyze knowledge coproduction as a practice that may contribute to tackling trade-offs...
This chapter aims to describe the diversity of participatory approaches in relation to social simulations, with a focus on the interactions between the tools and participants. We consider potential interactions at all stages of the modelling process: conceptual design, implementation, use and simulation outcome analysis. After reviewing and classif...
Scientific findings in landscape ecology suggest that a patchy landscape with a high proportion of semi-natural elements favors insect pest biological control by conservation of natural enemies’ habitats. However, little is known about how farmers perceive landscape effect on natural enemies and pests and if they might be interested in integrating...
Facing contemporary environmental crisis implies fostering agroecological innovations that take into account local ecological regulations and rely on multiple stakeholders’ innovation capacities. This paper draws on two fields of literature that remain unconnected so far: participatory approaches and design sciences. It proposes an analysis grid to...
Participatory Devices and Power Asymmetries: Explaining and Questioning Positionings
Many papers in the recent literature on participatory approaches emphasize the need to take better account of the complexity of the social contexts in which they are conducted, and to pay greater attention to power asymmetries among stakeholders. However, very few...
As discussed in the previous chapter, ComMod processes, like most participatory processes, are implemented in social contexts characterized by power asymmetries and conflicts of interest between stakeholders involved at different organizational levels.
As suggested in the introduction, companion modelling is a stance, not merely an approach. By stance we mean someone’s moral attitude. By analogy with the analysis of literary stances by Meizoz (2007), we consider that the scientist involved in ‘implicated’ research becomes part of the social play. So in a companion modelling approach, he goes beyo...
The question of how to conciliate ecology, economy and society was first raised in the 1970s with UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme. The term, ‘sustainable development’, a product of the growing awareness that ensued, was defined in 1987 as: ‘development that responds to the needs of the present without compromising the ability of futu...
As mentioned in previous chapters, the companion modelling approach is based on principles laid down in the ComMod Charter (Collectif ComMod 2005). In this founding document, two fields of application were identified: to produce knowledge on the social and ecological systems under study and to facilitate cooperation between different stakeholders i...
Une voie prometteuse en agroécologie est la prise en compte de l’influence des mosaïques paysagères dans les processus de régulation des ravageurs. Ce potentiel, situé à un niveau d’organisation qui dépasse celui de l’exploitation, nécessite une coordination entre différents acteurs du territoire. En effet, particulièrement lorsqu’il s’agit de bioa...
As mentioned in previous chapters, the companion modelling approach is based on principles laid down in the ComMod Charter (Collectif ComMod 2005). In this founding document, two fields of application were identified: to produce knowledge on the social and ecological systems under study and to facilitate cooperation between different stakeholders i...
The question of how to conciliate ecology, economy and society was first raised in the 1970s with UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme. The term, ‘sustainable development’, a product of the growing awareness that ensued, was defined in 1987 as: ‘development that responds to the needs of the present without compromising the ability of futu...
The ComMod approach involves the interaction of local actors, heterogeneous social groups with different rationales and interests, and researchers and institutional stakeholders (i.e. donors, sponsors, administrators and experts), whose socio-political rationales and biophysical intervention framework are just as varied. The project, or interventio...
Mountain grassland ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to direct climate impacts and to indirect climate change impacts through farmers’ management adaptation. We modelled expected spatio-temporal trajectories of land management of a mountain grassland landscape in the French Alps under a range of short-term climate and socio-economic scenarios...