Cathie Laroche DuprazL'institut Agro | Agrocampus Ouest · Agricultural Economics
Cathie Laroche Dupraz
Ph. D ; HDR
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EU Common agricultural policy
Agricultural, food and trade policies
Food international trade, virtual water
Publications (58)
This article presents an analysis of the indicators used to measure farm income in France. While the chart of accounts defines the precise method of calculation of various intermediate management balances (including the gross added value, the gross operating surplus and the farm income), the statistical sources used to discuss the question of the l...
L’article décrit les principaux résultats de la recherche Agr’Income, financée par le ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation, et réalisée en 2019 par l'UMR SMART-LERECO (INRAE), qui visait à analyser le revenu des agriculteurs français en termes de composition, de niveau, de dispersion, d’évolution et de répartition. Il commence par un poi...
REPORT_Determinants, heterogeneity and income support of French farmers
Determinants, heterogeneity and income support of French farmers
A recent trend of literature investigates how international trade compensates or accentuates the differences in countries’ endowments in water resources and whether trade regulation should be used to improve the use of water resources at the global level. We develop a simple model establishing a positive link between the demand for irrigation water...
La PAC 2014-2020 vise à réduire les écarts de paiements directs à l’hectare du 1er pilier dans les États membres en appliquant le principe de convergence au « paiement de base ». Or le paiement vert et le paiement redistributif optionnel complètent le paiement de base et leurs montants dépendent des choix nationaux d’application de la PAC. En utili...
Nous présentons un outil à vocation pédagogique permettant de simuler la mise en œuvre des principales mesures de la réforme de la PAC (politique agricole commune) intervenue en 2013. L’outil permet de tester différents scenarii et d’en mesurer les impacts à la fois en termes de répartition du soutien entre exploitations et d’évolution du revenu de...
Our hypothesis is that the ratio of national food import expenditures to the value of total exports may be used as a consistent indicator of food security vulnerability to trade at the national level (the Bonilla Index hereafter). In this article, we test the assumption that with the aim of stabilizing national food availability and accessibility,...
This survey focuses on the economic studies of international trade in agricultural and food
products that has been an expanding area of specialisation in the agricultural economics profession in
Europe since 1984. The contributions of agricultural economists have been particularly significant
in Europe by assessing (i) the compatibility of agricult...
The novelty of this paper is to use national rate of assistance (NRA) to assess the impact of
agricultural support on food security vulnerability to trade. We first build a theoretical
framework linking the vulnerability of food security to trade and national policy intervention
in agriculture. Second, we measure the impact of national policy respo...
Financial support received by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7 2007-2011
under Grant Agreement n° 290693 FOODSECURE
Food security is a major concern, especially for developing countries where a large percentage of population lives in rural areas and where agricultural sector represents an important weight in their economy. Agricultural and food imports play a particular key role in terms of food security in low income countries. Indeed, dependency on imports for...
Communication parue et diffusée sur et par le blog FARM Fondation pour l'Agriculture et la Ruralité dans le Monde.
L'épisode de hausse de prix des produits agricoles sur la période 2006-2008 a remis au cœur des préoccupations internationales la question de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale. Dans ce contexte, les Pays les Moins Avancés sont passés, depuis le début des années 1990, d'une situation d'exportateurs nets à celle d'importateurs nets de produits agricol...
Dix ans après le lancement du Doha Development Agenda, la perspective d’un accord favorable aux Pays en développement semble s’éloigner. Quels sont les éléments majeurs qui en sont la cause ? Après un bref historique, l’auteure propose un recadrage du contenu des négociations agricoles afin de les redynamiser et remotiver les Pays en développement...
Consumer concerns in food purchasing contain a number of attributes, including the nutritional and sanitary values, conditions of breeding and selling, and other social issues. The purpose of this paper is to introduce an analytical and an empirical approaches to estimating the marginal willingness to pay (WTP) for chicken attributes in Cameroon us...
L'Organisation commune de marché de la banane dans l'Union européenne : impact de la taille du contingent
tarifaire appliqué aux bananes dollar et non traditionnelles ACP par Hervé Guyomard, Nadine Herrard, Catherine Laroche et Chantai Le Mouël
Le 1er Juillet 1993, l'Union européenne (UE) a finalement instauré un marché commun de la banane. L'Organ...
The 2008 food crisis has challenged the political legitimacy and economic efficiency of the liberalization of international agricultural trade. An alternative vision defended by the food sovereignty movement is that long-term food security cannot rely on dependency on food imports, but must be built on the developmentf domestic production with enou...
The 2008 food crisis has challenged the political legitimacy and economic efficiency of the liberalization of international agricultural trade. An alternative vision defended by the food sovereignty movement is that long-term food security cannot rely on dependency on food imports, but must be built on the development of domestic production with en...
Food sovereignty: a tool for sustainable and innovative protectionist trade policies for developing countries?
Née d’une mobilisation collective, l’idée de « souveraineté alimentaire » est pensée
comme une alternative globale pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire des populations, en
rupture avec la libéralisation de l’agriculture initiée lors de l’Uruguay Round en 1986.
Si elle permet de mobiliser et de fédérer les acteurs, sa traduction précise en outils
The food crisis has challenged the political legitimacy and economic efficiency of the deregulation and liberalization of international agricultural trade. In the second half of the 20th century, "food security" was put forward as the grounds for the implementation of modern protectionist agricultural policies in developed countries. In response to...
[Paper in French] Since the beginning of 2000s, imports of frozen pieces of chicken from the European Union or Brazil have considerably increased in several African and Caribbean developing countries, competing with local chicken meat. Obviously, imported chicken has replaced domestic one in households’ consumption. The level of substitution betwee...
" Food Sovereignty " was developed through a globalized collective mobilization, as opposed to the liberalization of the agricultural sector initiated with the Uruguay Round in 1986.The debate on " Food Sovereignty " can mobilize and unite stakeholders. However, its translation into specific economic action is complex. The goal is to end the unfair...
Since the beginning of 2000s, imports of frozen pieces of chicken from the European Union or America have considerably increased in several African and Caribbean developing countries, competing with local chicken meat. This evolution has contributed to a complete transformation of urban consumption habits as regards poultry meat. Investigations hav...
This article gives a partial equilibrium model of chicken market in Cameroon. The model indicates gains of consumers and losses of chicken producers, when they pass of a situation of autarky, as it was the case before 1995, to the situation of opened market such that it exists since the beginning of 2000s. The lack of accessible and reliable follow...
Depuis la fin des années 1990, la production camerounaise de poulet de chair est fortement concurrencée par les importations à bas prix de poulet congelé en provenance du Brésil ou d’Europe, entraînant une crise de la filière. Une enquête réalisée à Yaoundé a montré les différences d’attributs de consommation des poulets locaux versus importés. Sur...
Since the beginning of 2000s, in order to let poor people accede to meat consumption, several developing countries have opened their domestic chicken market to foreign imports, by reducing import tariffs. Thus local chicken meat competes with frozen pieces of chicken imported from the European Union or America, causing the loss of many jobs in the...
Le Cameroun fait partie des pays les plus pauvres de la planète. Une urbanisation croissante et une démographie galopante ont accentué le déficit en protéines animales. Le gouvernement local a alors fixé des quotas d’importation de viande de volailles à bas prix. Cette importation aurait été à l’origine, entre 1996 et 2002, de la fermeture...
Tariff rate quotas (TRQs) have been introduced and legitimised as a market access instrument in the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture (URAA). TRQs combine both restriction of imports, and safeguard of current or preferential agricultural trade flows. By restricting the market access through high level tariff beyond the quota, one can imagine t...
This paper analyses the economics of tariff rate quotas assuming a large importing country and several different suppliers with differing levels of competitiveness. Eleven theoretical situations are distinguished according to the way the quota is allocated to exporters, the level of constraint imposed by the quota and the relative competitiveness o...
Tariff rate quotas (TRQs) were introduced and legitimised as a market access instrument in the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture (URAA). TRQs combine both restrictions on imports, as well as safeguarding current or preferential agricultural trade flows. When market access is restricted by a high tariff level beyond the quota, exporters that en...
This article studies the economics of tariff-rate quotas. We assume the existence of a large importing country and competition for the import market among several suppliers with different levels of competitiveness. We identify eleven theoretical situations according to the rules of quota allocation to exporters, the degree of constraint imposed by...
L’article étudiel’économie descontingents tarifaires sous l’hypothèse d’ungrand pays importateuret enconsidérantque plusieurs offres d’exportation, aux niveaux de compétitivité distincts, se concurrencent sur le marché d’importation. Onze situations théoriques sont identifiées selon le niveau de contrainte imposé par le contingent sur les importati...
This article studies the economics of tariff-rate quotas. We assume the existence of a large importing country and competition for the import market among several suppliers with different levels of competitiveness. We identify eleven theoretical situations according to the rules of quota allocation to exporters, the degree of constraint imposed by...
The use of tariff rate quotas (TRQs) was legitimized as a market-access instrument in the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture (AoA). TRQs are defined by three characteristics: the quota volume, the in-quota tariff and the over-quota tariff (which is the MFN tariff). Only one of these characteristics is binding at any one time. The motivation beh...
Diffusion du document : INRA Station d'Economie et Sociologie rurales 65 rue de Saint-Brieuc 35042 Rennes Cedex (FRA)
This paper discusses tariff rate quotas (TRQs) as a way of enhancing market access for developing country agricultural exports. Using the EU as a case study, it examines the extent to which developing countries have been able to make use of existing TRQs to gain access to the EU market. Many countries have proposed that TRQs should be increased wit...
Tariff rate quotas (TRQs) were introduced as a new market access instrument in the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture. The purpose of this paper is to examine the case for using this instrument to target improved market access for developing country agricultural exports, using the EU as a case study. The paper first identifies how TRQs relate t...
[eng] The common market organisation for bananas: in the way of a new reform - The European import banana market has been regulated through a Common Market Organisation (ocmb) since 1993. Condemned by the World Trade Organisation (mo) in 1997 after four Latin American countries and the United States complained, the European Union had to modify the...
L'article porte sur le principal volet extérieur de la politique agricole française : les relations entre la Politique agricole commune (PAC) et le GATT. Il examine les liens entre l'évolution de la PAC et les cycles de négociations du GATT. En dépit des nombreux problèmes apparus, la PAC n'a pas changé de manière significative, même en 1984, avant...
The paper covers the main topic of the French agricultural trade policy: the cap and the gatt. We review some developments of the cap in relation to the successive gatt rounds. Against early evidence of difficulties, the cap was not significantly adjusted, even i...
On July 1, 1993, the European Union (EU) introduced a Common Market Organization (CMO) for bananas to replace national banana market policies in member countries. The objective of this paper is to analyze the effects of this new EU regulation on world and EU banana markets. We first propose a graphical analysis of the world banana market before and...
Cet article propose une évaluation des effets sur le marché mondial de l'Organisation commune de marché (OCM) de la banane, mise en place par l'Union européenne (UE) le 1er juillet 1993, et modifiée en avril 1994. A l'aide d'un modèle statique d'équilibre partiel du marché mondial de la banane, les auteurs quantifient les effets de la nouvelle régl...
The main objective of this paper is to provide some estimates of how the world banana market has been affected by the Common Market Organization (CMO) for bananas established in the European Union (EU) on 1 July 1993, and modified in April 1994. We quantify the effects of the new EU regulation on world and EU prices, on the structure of EU imports...
i>Import quota and import rights market
with imperfect competition : the case of banana
in the European Union
The Common Market Organisation (CMO) for bananas in the European Union sets a tariff quota for Latin American and non-traditional ACP (Africa, Carribean and Pacific countries) bananas. Import rights are allocated between A operators (who i...
Le 1er juillet 1993, l'Union européenne (UE) a instauré un marché commun de la banane. L'Organisation commune de marché (OCM) mise en place remplace un ensemble de politiques nationales complexes et hétérogènes, incompatibles avec le Marché unique. La nouvelle réglementation essaie de satisfaire plusieurs objectifs, parfois contradictoires. L'objet...
Diffusion du document : INRA Station d'Economie et Sociologie rurales 65 rue de Saint-Brieuc 35042 Rennes Cedex (FRA)
Since the beginning of 2000s, in order to let poor people accede to meat consumption, several African and Caribbean countries have opened their domestic chicken market to foreign imports, by reducing import tariffs. Thus imported frozen pieces of chicken from the European Union or America compete with local chicken meat, causing the collapse of man...