Caterina FroioSciences Po Paris | IEP · Centre d'études européennes (CEE)
Caterina Froio
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I am Associate Professor in Political Science at Sciences Po (CEE) where I research politics. This involves a reflection on the relationship between citizens & elites in contemporary democracies. I am particularly interested in the study of the role of political parties, protests, digital media, right-wing extremism & populism in the changing dynamics of political conflict. More info https://sciencespo.academia.edu/CaterinaFroio
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September 2012 - January 2015
Publications (75)
C’est désormais un poncif : l’extrême droite serait une quasi-résultante des problèmes de l’urbanisme, le fruit des classes populaires et moyennes confrontées aux difficultés de l’habitat dégradé en secteur cosmopolite. Cette étude de Caterina Froio, Pietro Castelli Gattinara et Tommaso Vitale analyse en profondeur l’action et l’implantation de Cas...
With a proliferation of scholarly work focusing on populist, far-left, and far-right parties, questions have arisen about the correct ways to ideologically classify such parties. To ensure transparency and uniformity in research, the discipline could benefit from a systematic procedure. In this letter, we discuss how we have employed the method of...
How does media exposure relate to support for radical right populist parties (RRPPs)? We contribute to this classic debate by analyzing the web browsing histories and survey responses of six thousand study participants in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK during the 2019 European Parliament election. Linking direct measures of online news e...
This article takes the Yellow Vests (YVs, Gilets Jaunes) movement as a case in point to study the mechanisms by which social media can enhance protest participation. Building on the literature on social media and protest behaviour, we study the association between different political experiences on social media and protest engagement. We rely on no...
When do the media cover far-right protests? News coverage matters for the entrenchment of the far right in contemporary democracies, but little comparative research has looked at what drives news attention to far-right mobilization. We apply a classic input–output process model of news selection bias to test the hypothesis that the visibility of fa...
Identifier et expliquer les changements dans la structure des bureaucraties de l’État central et les déterminants de la survie des organisations publiques individuelles sont deux domaines de recherche étroitement liés dans l’administration publique. Nous cherchons à combler le fossé entre ces deux principaux courants d’études du changement organisa...
The politics of representation has become increasingly complex in recent years. Amid weakening traditional political cleavages, the emergence of new political divides and mounting anti‐elitism that have helped the rise of radical populist parties, voters face significant cross‐pressures when casting their ballots. Despite a wealth of studies on the...
Right‐wing populism (RWP) refers to a populist form of the right. If the political right broadly identifies those actors and ideologies that, according to Norberto Bobbio's classic definition, consider that inequalities between people are natural and that the state should not intervene to curb them, populism is still a contested concept. While disa...
Do social media incite protest movements, how? How does onsite protest shape online communication dynamics on social media? We examine the oft-debated relationship between social media activity and protest, considering the Yellow Vests or Gilets Jaunes movement in France. We use data of temporal and spatial distribution of Facebook activity and ons...
The article examines the response of the French National Rally (Rassemblement National – RN) to COVID-19. It combines computer-based and qualitative content analysis of Facebook posts and press releases to uncover the salience and frames of the infection. I find that the RN used an ambivalent strategy to respond to the pandemic, linking an unexpect...
What explains far‐right mobilisation in the protest arena? After decades of growing electoral support and policy influence, the far right is experiencing an increase in grassroots mobilisation. Scholars of social movements and political parties have devoted little attention to the determinants of far‐right protest mobilisation in Europe. In this ar...
Dans cet article, nous proposons de cartographier un mouvement social en ligne, et plus précisément le mouvement des Gilets jaunes, à travers différentes plateformes en ligne (Facebook, Twitter et YouTube). Notre objectif est double : établir l’atlas des activités des Gilets jaunes dans les groupes Facebook, et défendre une approche méthodologique...
Le refus de se positionner sur l’axe droite-gauche caractérise le mouvement des Gilets jaunes renvoyant sans cesse dos à dos les formations politiques plutôt que de prendre parti pour l’une d’entre elles. Pourtant les Gilets jaunes, lorsqu’ils font leur apparition en France, s’expriment dans un espace public déjà nourri de tensions et de structures...
In spite of the fact that Conservative, Christian democratic and Liberal parties continue to play a crucial role in the democratic politics and governance of every Western European country, they are rarely paid the attention they deserve. This cutting-edge comparative collection, combining qualitative case studies with large-N quantitative analysis...
This article examines public contestation of Europe by the far right in France. It investigates whether far-right mobilization on the EU has changed over time, and how it diverges in the party and non-party sectors. Specifically, we follow a politicization approach and address mobilization in terms of three interrelated dimensions: intensity, issue...
This article addresses the question of whether populist parties behave differently from other political parties in parliament. Building on the attention-based perspective of the study of policy agendas, we map issue emphasis in parliamentary questions in Italy over more than two decades (1996-2019). The paper is innovative as it compares populist a...
The Yellow Vests’ motto is “neither right wing nor left wing”. Rather than “taking sides”,they have chosen to dismiss entrenched political parties altogether, setting them back to back. Yet, whenthey emerged in France the public space was already informed by pre-existing structures and rife withtensions. Their actions are therefore necessarily situ...
Identifying and explaining change in the structure of central state bureaucracies and the determinants of survival of individual public organizations are two closely related areas of research in public administration. We aim to bridge the gap between these two main strands of studies of organizational change by presenting a novel approach to collec...
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How transnational are European Parliament (EP) campaigns? Building on research on the European public sphere and the politicisation of the EU, this study investigates to what extent the 2019 EP campaign was transnational and which factors were associated with ‘going transnational’. It conceptualises Twitter linkages of EP candidates as constitutive...
Contestation over European integration has been widely studied in the rhetoric of parties, leaders, and movements on the far right in a variety of media. Focusing on Twitter use by far right actors in Western Europe, we apply corpus-aided discourse analysis to explore how imaginative geographies are used to politicize Europe among their digital pub...
C’est désormais un poncif : l’extrême droite serait une quasi-résultante des problèmes de l’urbanisme, le fruit des classes populaires et moyennes confrontées aux difficultés de l’habitat dégradé en secteur cosmopolite.
Cette étude de Caterina Froio, Pietro Castelli Gattinara et Tommaso Vitale analyse en profondeur l’action et l’implantation de Ca...
Research has shown that citizens with populist attitudes evaluate the news media more negatively, and there is also suggestive evidence that they rely less on established news sources like the legacy press. However, due to data limitations, there is still no solid evidence whether populist citizens have skewed news diets in the contemporary high-ch...
In 2003, the occupation of a state-owned building in Rome led to the emergence of a new extreme-right youth movement: CasaPound Italia (CPI). Its members described themselves as "Fascists of the Third Millennium", and were unabashed about their admiration for Benito Mussolini. Over the next 15 years, they would take to the street, contest national...
How do non-established far-right actors reach visibility in the media? While much research focuses on media visibility of progressive movements and established parties, little is known about the coverage of grassroots far-right mobilization. Inspired by insights from media studies, social movement literature, and scholarship on the far right, the p...
IntroductionThe year 2018 shattered Italian politics. During the campaign for national elections in February, the police arrested right‐wing extremist Luca Traini after injuring six migrants in the city of Macerata in central Italy. A few weeks later, in March, the general elections marked the success of Luigi di Maio's Five Star Movement (M5s) and...
The PopuList offers academics and journalists an overview of populist, far right, far left and Eurosceptic parties in Europe since 1989. The PopuList is supported by the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies, The Guardian, and the ECPR Standing Group on Extremism and Democracy.
The PopuList data...
El presente artículo estudia las interacciones políticas en Internet. Es problemático trazar una línea entre la realidad online y offline, pero Internet sigue siendo una fuente privilegiada para estudiar el discurso de las derechas extremas y la política de identidad. El texto aborda este enfoque: en primer lugar porque, éste representa un terreno...
Pur non condividendo quello che fa, come lo fa e gli obiettivi che ha, molti accettano passivamente l’idea che l’estrema destra dia voce al disagio delle periferie italiane. Intorno a questa interpretazione si coagulano molti dei discorsi su CasaPound, anche nella sinistra più critica e radicale. Abbandonate da partiti e istituzioni, le periferie s...
How have digital tools and networks transformed the far right's strategies and transnational prospects? This volume presents a unique critical survey of the online and offline tactics, symbols and platforms that are strategically remixed by contemporary far-right groups in Europe and the US. It features thirteen accessible essays by an internationa...
Nativism informs the way in which far-right organizations identify the members of the national community and those who challenge or threaten it. According to a leading researcher on populist politics, Cas Mudde, nativism is an ideology that asserts «states should be inhabited exclusively by members of the native group (the nation) and that non-nati...
When debates about Islam acquire importance in the public sphere, does the far right adhere to traditional racist arguments, risking marginalization, or does it conform to mainstream values to attain legitimacy in the political system? Focusing on the aftermath of the 2015 terrorist attacks in France, I explore the framing of Islam, discussing how...
Le Bloc identitaire en France et Casapound en Italie ont en commun d’avoir développé un jeu politique orienté vers les médias. En combinant deux enquêtes de terrain au sein de ces organisations et une analyse du contenu des interventions publiques dans six titres de presse (Le Monde, Le Figaro, Le Parisien, La Repubblica, Il Corriere della Sera et...
While an increasing number of contributions address transnationalism in far right politics, few investigations of the actors and discourses favored in transnational exchanges exist on social media, considered a perfect habitat for radicalization. Building on the literature on the far right, social movements, transnationalism and the Internet, we ad...
The article examines the interplay between internal supply-side factors and media coverage of Bloc Identitaire (2003-2015), advancing four complementary logics for the visibility of grassroots far right mobilization: issue ownership, repertoire...
A key factor in modern democracies’ legitimisation is the extent to which policies submitted for public approval before an election translate into material outcomes once a political party has won power. Current research finds no clear empirical evidence for partisanship in policy-making nor has any unified theory been offered or tested systematical...
Alors que la politique identitaire est fondamentale pour les extrêmes droites, les études empiriques des représentations de l’Autre restent idiosyncratiques, se limitant à une seule organisation et/ou à un exogroupe ciblé. À ce titre, l’article considère 77 sites d’organisations d’extrême droite en France et combine une analyse quantitative des rés...
The year 2016 marked the end of Matteo Renzi's government, whose agenda of policy and constitutional reforms faced increasing opposition both in parliament and his own party. Italian politics were characterised by two national referendums, elections in major local administrations, and the recognition of same‐sex unions by the parliament. Political...
Most discussions on far right politics ascribe much power to the media, suggesting that news coverage can facilitate the success of these actors by providing legitimacy and visibility to their leaders and issues. In so doing, this scholarship reproduces the idea that far right actors are "hapless victims" of external circumstances, failing to see t...
Les années 1980 marquent le début de « la troisième vague » des études sur les partis de droite radicale (PDR) qui ont émergé dans l’après-guerre en Europe. À partir de cette période, la littérature a consacré plus de publications à ces partis qu’à toutes les autres familles politiques. Sans prétendre à l’exhaustivité, l’article a pour objectif de...
Most discussions on far right politics ascribe much power to the media, suggesting that news coverage can facilitate the success of these actors by providing legitimacy and visibility to their leaders and issues. In so doing, this scholarship reproduces the idea that far right actors are «hapless victims» of external circumstances, failing to see t...
According to numerous observers, the new waves of refugee arrivals stand to increase the popularity of far-right organizations. According to these interpretations, electoral and political support should be promoted through the societal resonance of ethnocentric discourses in the European Union (EU). Recent data from the Eurobarometer illustrates th...
Social movements scholarship has increasingly turned to the study of direct social actions (DSAs) in times of economic hardship. This paper broadens this perspective to extreme right organisations. Combining a Political Claims Analysis of newspaper articles and online press releases, with a qualitative discussion of online propaganda material, we e...
Social movements scholarship has increasingly turned to the study of direct social actions (DSAs) in times of economic hardship. This paper broadens this perspective to extreme right organisations. Combining a Political Claims Analysis of newspaper articles and online press releases, with a qualitative discussion of online propaganda material, we e...
In Europe, the far right is gaining momentum on the streets and in parliaments. By taking a close look at contemporary practices and strategies of far-right actors, the present volume explores this right-ward shift of European publics and politics. It assembles analyses of changing mobilization patterns and their effects on the local, national and...
This paper develops an attention-based model of party mandates and policy agendas, where parties and governments are faced with an abundance of issues, and must divide their scarce attention across them. In government, parties must balance their desire to deliver on their electoral mandate (i.e. the “promissory agenda”) with a need to continuously...
Peter Mair argued that increased demands for governments to work within constraints imposed from outside the formal chain of delegation, in conjunction with the declining strength of parties, were compromising the representative process. He recognised that the conditions of the economic crisis had increased these constraints and, in one of his last...
Although the most researched extreme right actors take the form of political parties, social
movements research has recently started analysing extreme right organizations that go
beyond ordinary politics and that take the form of 'groupuscular’ organizations. However,
most existing contributions rely on secondary data and focus mainly on public net...
Questo volume analizza i percorsi di militanza, l'attivismo politico e le forme di mobilitazione di CasaPound Italia, ricostruendone le radici ideologiche e gli orizzonti valoriali, approfondendo il progetto identitario subculturale e discutendone le strategie politiche a livello nazionale ed europeo. Un lavoro attento nato da interviste, conversaz...
An investigation of the neo-Fascist organization CasaPound Italia, focusing on how political violence is framed in its public discourse, and on the role it plays as a constitutive element of the group’s collective identity. Starting from the conceptualization of violence in Italian Fascism, we focus on CasaPound’s practices, discourse, and ideology...
The present works sets up to analyze the relationship between radical right activism and the unfolding of the financial crisis in Europe, investigating the extent to which the current economic circumstances have influenced right-wing movements' political supply and repertoires of action. Using the case study of the Italian neo-fascist group CasaPou...
The review draws on the author’s recent book to explore the long-standing question of the influence of partisanship on policy implementation. Partisanship is traditionally expected to exert an influence on policy implementation, because, on the one hand, citizens perceive their vote as an expression of preference towards a certain set of policies,...
Competition among partisan projects is often cited as a constitutive element of all representative democracies. While the Francophone and English-medium research literature have viewed the link between partisan competition and public policy differently, in both cases parties tend to be the “poor cousins” of theories of public action. Drawing from t...
This report provides a wide picture on a new database on the weekly government statements in France. They provide detailed information on the effective agenda of French governments over time. A detailed topic coding, moreover, allows for an analysis of the evolution of relative attention to different topics. This report presents a series of researc...