Carsten Riepe

Carsten Riepe
RCBS Europe



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Publications (54)
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Recreational fisheries catches are increasingly considered in the assessment and management of mixed recreational-commercial marine fisheries, while the contribution of recreational fisheries to the economy is often overlooked. Using a telephone diary survey targeting marine recreational anglers in Germany, we estimated the number of anglers and th...
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Der Bestand der Boddenhechte (Esox lucius) in den inneren Küstengewässern Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns ist überregional als wichtige Fischereiressource bekannt, insbesondere unter Hechtanglern. Die Biomasse der Hechte an den Bodden ist seit 2010 rückläufig, was Konflikte zwischen Berufs- und Angelfischerei verschärft hat. Verschiedene Managementmaßnahme...
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Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) has always been a highly valued migratory fish species in central and northern Europe. Wild populations have declined since the late 19th century, including local extinctions. We conducted an online survey in France, Germany, Sweden and Norway (N = 2 298) to examine the perception of the general public of the socio-cul...
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Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) has always been a highly valued migratory fish species in central and northern Europe. Wild populations have declined since the late 19th century, including local extinctions. We conducted an online survey in France, Germany, Sweden and Norway (N = 2 298) to examine the perception of the general public of the socio-cul...
The popularity of social media such as Instagram has substantially increased in the last years. The use of social media for conservation science has also been on the rise because social media postings can provide an important data source for conservationists. However, it has also been shown that Instagram posts have the power to change the populari...
Angler diaries are common tools to collect recreational fishing data. The diarists can be recruited either from the general population or directly from the angling population, for example, by using angling licence registries. The recruitment process can lead to specific biases whose magnitude is largely unknown. The present study compared socio-dem...
Social-ecological systems are characterized by interconnections between social (e.g., angler communities) and ecological systems (e.g., fish populations in lakes and rivers). One means by which human actions feedback on ecosystems is through management actions, some of which are controversial due to the possible downsides for biodiversity and ecosy...
Das Freizeitangeln steht in Deutschland, wie auch in anderen entwickelten Ländern, aus Gründen des Tier- und Naturschutzes unter gesellschaftlichem Druck. Teilweise wird sogar ein Angelverbot gefordert. Um die Debatte zu versachlichen, wurde die Wahrnehmung und Bewertung des Angelns während der Freizeit aus Sicht der deutschen Allgemeinbevölkerun...
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Recreational fishing is increasingly included in fish stock assessments globally. Nonetheless, the extent and precision of recreational fisheries data are often limited. Common methods to collect those data are on-site and off-site surveys, both of which are prone to specific biases, whose magnitude is widely unknown. The present study compares dat...
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Riverine biodiversity in Europe is under threat from a range of anthropogenic factors. Key to effective biodiversity conservation is the public's willingness to support restoration efforts. Based on value-belief-norm (VBN) theory and using a longitudinal survey design with n = 1,000 respondents per each of four countries (France, Germany, Norway, S...
We used time series, diet studies and angler surveys to examine the potential for conflict in brackish lagoon fisheries of the southern Baltic Sea in Germany, specifically focusing on interactions among commercial and recreational fisheries as well as fisheries and cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis). For the time period between 2011 and 2015...
Technical Report
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Research on the social and economic value of marine recreational fishing and its possible effects on marine fish stocks and ecosystems has been underrepresented in Germany in the past. This study should therefore collect and analyze representative data on (1) the number, fishing effort, and catches of German marine anglers in the North Sea and Balt...
Es herrscht unbestreitbar eine Männerdominanz in der Anglerzene. Warum das so ist, versuchen Daniel Hein, Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus und Dr. Carsten Riepe sozialwissenschaftlich zu erklären. Bei der Jahreshauptversammlung im Angelverein sieht es meist so aus: Ein Saal voller meist etwas älterer Herren, stimmt über den Besatz oder neue Posten ab u...
Although freshwater fish stocking is widely used by managers, quantitative assessments of stocking practices are lacking in many countries. The general objective of the present study was to determine the quantity and characteristics of fish stocking in metropolitan France. Using a survey‐based approach, stocking practices for 2013 by recreational a...
Encouraging pro-environmental behavior is an urgent global challenge. An interdisciplinary framework covering governance, economic, social, ecological, and psychological dimensions is required to understand the salient features that encourage pro-environmental outcomes within and across contexts. We apply the Ostrom social-ecological systems framew...
Schutz, Erhaltung und Wiederansiedlung bedrohter Wanderfischarten wie Lachs (Salmo salar), Stör (Acipenser spp.), Aal (Anguilla anguilla) und Meerforelle (Salmo trutta) sind langwierige Verfahren, die enorme finanzielle Aufwendungen und ausgeprägtes politisches Verhandlungsvermögen erfordern. Denn Flüssen stellen nicht nur einen Lebensraum für aqua...
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Ecosystems and biodiversity produce benefits to society, but many of them are hard to quantify. For example, it is unclear whether European societies gain benefits from experiencing rivers that host high native biodiversity. Without such knowledge, monetary investments into ecologically oriented river management plans are difficult to justify. The...
Schutz, Erhaltung und Wiederansiedlung bedrohterWanderfischarten wie Lachs (Salmo salar), Stör (Acipenser spp.), Aal (Anguilla anguilla) und Meerforelle (Salmo trutta) sind langwierige Verfahren, die enorme finanzielle Aufwendungen und ausgeprägtes politisches Verhandlungsvermögen erfordern. Denn Flüsse stellen nicht nur einen Lebensraum für aquati...
We used a stated choice experiment answered by 1335 German anglers and fit latent class models to understand preference heterogeneity where context was accounted for by species choice. Information theoretic approaches were used for model ranking, indicating that a three-class latent class model provided the best fit to the data. The three angler cl...
Die Gründe, weshalb wir das Angeln lieben, sind vielfältig. Wir suchen und finden Ruhe und Entspannung, Nervenkitzel und tolle Erlebnisse in einer möglichst intakten Flora und Fauna. Aber wie ist die Sicht der Gesellschaft auf uns Angler? Welchen Stellenwert hat das Angeln in der Öffentlichkeit? Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus und Dr. Carsten Riepe geb...
D er Lachs in deutschen Gewässern, diese Vorstellung scheint in weiter Ferne zu liegen-oder in der Vergangenheit. War der Lachs früher in Deutschland heimisch, starb er hier in den 50er Jahren aus. Zwar gibt es zahlreiche Projekte und Initiativen, um ihn erneut anzusiedeln, doch wieder zu Hause ist der Lachs hierzulande noch nicht. Dennoch gilt er...
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Ecosystems and biodiversity produce benefits to society, but many of them are hard to quantify. For example, it is unclear whether European societies gain benefits from experiencing rivers that host high native biodiversity. Without such knowledge, monetary investments into ecologically oriented river management plans are difficult to justify. The...
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Public support for biodiversity conservation is shaped by people's values and their knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes toward the environment. We conducted the first multinational representative survey of the general public's perceptions of river fish biodiversity in France, Germany, Norway, and Sweden. For the online survey, 1000 respondents per co...
Fish stocking and harvest regulations are frequently used to maintain or enhance freshwater recreational fisheries and contribute to fish conservation. However, their relative effectiveness has rarely been systematically evaluated using quantitative models that account for key size‐ and density‐dependent ecological processes, and adaptive responses...
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Recreational fishers preferentially target top predators (Donaldson et al. 2011). In this context, northern pike (Esox lucius Linnaeus, 1758, hereafter pike for simplicity) constitutes a preferred target species of many freshwater and coastal recreational fishers across much of its natural circumpolar distribution in the northern hemisphere (e.g. P...
Although sturgeons and paddlefish represent a highly endangered species group, knowledge regarding their ecology, life history and management and restoration measures still reveals substantial gaps and uncertainties. As such, it was hypothesized that the information on overall experiences and perspectives of researchers working in the field would p...
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Es gibt eine Vielzahl verschiedener Typen von Menschen, auch von Anglern, die sich u. a. in ihren Motiven, Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen unterscheiden. Was für einzelne Menschen gilt, sollte auch für Vereine gelten, in denen sich Menschen organisieren, z. B. für Angelvereine. Von ihnen ist zu erwarten, dass sie sich entsprechend ihrer biogeogr...
Angling clubs in central Europe regularly use fish stocking to maintain or enhance stocks. Our objective was to understand the behavioral intention of club decision makers to alter stocking practices. To that end, we conducted a survey among a random sample of fisheries managers in angling clubs in Germany (n = 1222) and France (n = 587). We report...
The state of knowledge on the science and management of freshwater recreational fisheries is reviewed, with the objective of integrating insights from disparate fields such as fisheries science, environmental complexity theory, common-pool-resource theory, and resilience theory. First, freshwater recreational fisheries are characterized as complex...
Das Thema Tierschutz nimmt in der öffentlichen Diskussion in Deutschland einen hohen Stellenwert ein und hat im Jahre 2002 Verfassungsrang erhalten. Auch international wandeln sich gesellschaftliche Werte systematisch mit der Urbanisierung und steigendem Wohlstand hin zu einem stärkeren Fokus auf Umwelt- und Tierwohlschutzwerte. Für die als Hobby b...
Zusammenfassung: Die zehn wichtigsten Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen auf einen Blick 1. Angelfischerei und fachgerecht durchgeführter Fischbesatz vereinen Nutzungund Schutz von Fischen und Gewässern. 2. Fischbesatz ist das zentrale Hegeinstrument der deutschen Angelfischerei und wird dies nach Meinung von Entscheidungsträgern in den Angelvereinen...
Die meisten Deutschen glauben, dass Fische Schmerzen empfinden können. Dennoch akzeptiert ein Großteil der Bevölkerung das Angeln aus moralischer Sicht, insbesondere wenn es zur Nahrungsbeschaffung oder zur Gewässerhege erfolgt. Auch das vom Angler selbstentschiedene Zurücksetzen von großen, entnahmefähigen Fischen nach dem Fang aus ökologischen Gr...
To answer the question, whether anglers have an intrinsic preference for stocking or a preference for catch outcomes (e.g. catch rates) believed to be maintained by stocking, a discrete choice experiment was conducted among a sample of anglers (n = 1335) in Lower Saxony, Germany. After controlling for catch aspects of the fishing experience, no sig...
A cognitive hierarchy framework was used for understanding the impact of two wildlife value orientations (WVO), domination and mutualism, on anti-angling sentiments in Germany. We also explored anthropomorphism (i.e., attribution of sentience and pain perception to animals), attitudes toward animal rights, and attitudes toward recreational and catc...
Technical Report
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As one top-ranking issue in the public discourse in Germany, animal welfare has been elevated to constitutional status in the year 2002. In the context of recreational fisheries, animal welfare has also evolved into a more and more significant topic. Some popular angling practices have been prohibited, and some anglers fear a total ban might be...
In some industrialized countries, recreational fishing has come under moral pressure. To understand potential ramifications, we first describe three dominant philosophies of human-animal interactions (i.e., animal welfare, animal liberation, and animal rights). We contend that, as long as fishing and handling practices are as fish friendly as possi...
Wildlife is a critical component of protected areas worldwide. It can serve not only as a primary attraction or an enjoyable part of the visitor experience but also as a source of conflict. Managing wildlife in this context requires a broadbased approach that can account for the myriad factors underlying conservation effectiveness, including the na...


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