Carolina NietoIBN-CONICET-Fac. de Cs. Natuarales e IML-National University of Tucuman
Carolina Nieto
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Publications (96)
Las especies del orden Ephemeroptera son muy frecuentes en los ríos y arroyos del noroeste argentino (NOA), desde la llanura chaqueña hasta la Puna y los Altos Andes, y con una gran diversidad en la selva de Yungas. Por su rol de buenos indicadores de cambios en el ambiente, estos insectos son ampliamente estudiados y utilizados en monitoreos ambie...
Mountainous regions are biodiversity hotspots with a high rate of endemism. However, these areas are witnessing accelerated warming, that threaten biodiversity and potentially causes habitat shrinkage for many species. Our study focuses on one such species, Andesiops peruvianus, a native mayfly of the mountains regions of South America. Our objecti...
We studied the diversity, distribution and ecology of Hyalella (a genus endemic to America that lives over a wide range of geographical altitudes) in 44 peatlands of the Puna and the Altos Andes ecoregions, in the NW of Argentina, mostly placed in the provinces of Salta and Catamarca. Our aim is to deepen our understanding of the distribution and e...
Secondary production is the formation of heterotrophic biomass across time, which integrates several important ecological processes that affect the life of organisms, populations, communities and ecosystems, but its study has poor developed in South America. The objectives of this work were to describe the diversity of benthic macroinvertebrate ass...
The Black-browed Albatross (BBA), Thalassarche melanophris, is one of the most abundant and widespread pelagic seabirds in the southern hemisphere, considered an indicator species of climate change in Antarctica. In addition to the known negative interactions with fisheries, other threats may act indirectly on this species whose effects have not ye...
The Argentine Puna is an example of rewilding of the herbivore community, with wild camelids recovering (mainly vicuñas, Vicugna vicugna and guanacos Lama guanicoe) while livestock decreases. Peatlands are the most diverse ecosystem in the region and are key resources for herbivores. Here, we tested the hypothesis that herbivore rewilding is associ...
Aquatic insects comprise 64% of freshwater animal diversity and are widely used as bioindicators to assess water quality impairment and freshwater ecosystem health, as well as to test ecological hypotheses. Despite their importance, a comprehensive, global database of aquatic insect occurrences for mapping freshwater biodiversity in macr...
Motivation: Aquatic insects comprise 64% of freshwater animal diversity and are
Motivation: Aquatic insects comprise 64% of freshwater animal diversity and are widely used as bioindicators to assess water quality impairment and freshwater ecosystem health, as well as to test ecological hypotheses. Despite their importance, a comprehensive, global database of aquatic insect occurrences for mapping freshwater biodiversity in mac...
Male imago of Baetodes traverae is described and its nymph is redescribed. The male imago is distinguished from the other known species of the genus by (1) abdominal tubercles absent, (2) turbinate eyes moderately large and not contiguous apically, (3) segment II of forceps without constriction, (4) coxal gills absent, and (5) abdominal tubercles a...
Stephadiscus lyratus (Couthouy in Gould, 1846), an endemic Charopidae from southern South America, was described from few dry shells. The distribution of this species is known on scattering occurrences, mainly from material deposited in museum collections. We provide here new information on anatomy, habitat, and microhabitat preferences...
Baetidae was one of the first families established for mayflies (Ephemeroptera). After more than 200 years of progressive research, Baetidae is now known as the most species-rich family in the order. Two competing proposals of family division were proposed: Cloeoninae and Baetinae, or Protopatellata and Anteropatellata. Both classifications were es...
The genus Camelobaetidius is the second most diverse genus of the family Baetidae in America. Also, two other genera were described as closely related to Camelobaetidius: Corinnella, and Tapajobaetis. A peculiar spatulate tarsal claw is the character shared among them. We used TNT (Tree analysis using New Technology) and GEM (Geographically explici...
The relationship between environment and organisms has been a central focus of community ecology. Different approaches have been made for analyzing different aspects of this interaction, but more integral studies are missing to understand the implications of the environment for the whole biodiversity at regional scales. In this work, we assess the...
Cloeon dipterum (L.) (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) is widely distributed in temperate areas of Eurasia, whereas, in North America, it is restricted to three states of the USA and Canada, and, in South America to Chile. To confirm our hypothesis that C. dipterum
has been recently introduced in Argentina, the aim of the present study was to identify the...
Based on nymphs collected in Espírito Santo and Amazonas, Southeastern and Northern Brazil, two new species of the genus Rivudiva Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) are described. Rivudiva inma sp. nov. shares several characteristics with R. minantenna Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998, but can be distinguished by details of leg se...
South America is considered a biologically hybrid continent. To the south, the Patagonian region harbours a unique biota strongly related to other southern continents. To the northern portion, tropical and subtropical areas from the Neotropical region show a more complex taxocoenosis related to the Nearctic and Afro‐Oriental regions. The South...
We investigated the relationships between the biological traits of macroinvertebrates and the environmental characteristics of 13 peatbogs of the Puna and High Andean ecoregions. We recorded the abundance of aquatic macroinvertebrates and 8 focal biological traits (maximum size, body shape, body flexibility, exoskeleton hardness, type of respiratio...
The distribution of aquatic insects has been poorly explored in quantitative analyses aiming at the historical reconstruction of area relationships in the Neotropics. Ephemeroptera is an ancient group, characterized by its low vagility, and of high richness and endemicity in this region. Systematic knowledge of the group has enormously increased in...
Los ecosistemas acuáticos de vegas de la Puna combinan ambientes lóticos y lénticos, ocasionando una fauna particular en donde conviven organismos comúnmente
presentes en los ríos y aquellos dominantes en lagos o lagunas. Entre los veranos del
2013-2015 se muestrearon 21 vegas distribuidas en la Puna de Salta y Catamarca, se
analizaron los parámetr...
Traditionally, South American aquatic insects have been divided into cold and warm adapted forms. Cold‐adapted forms inhabit freshwater systems from higher latitudes, or higher altitudes even around the Equator. Warm‐adapted groups are defined as those found in lower latitudes and altitudes. This work aims to answer the questions: Are mayfly as...
The genus Cryptonympha includes three species: C. copiosa Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998; C. dasilvai Salles & Francischetti, 2004 and C. genevievae Thomas, Manchon & Glémet, 2013, known only from the nymphal stage. A description of the nymph of a fourth representative, Cryptonympha tracheata sp. n. is provided here, based on material collected in a...
Ephemeroptera is a small order of Pterygota, with approximately 3500 species worldwide. With around 820 species described so far, the Neotropical realm presents the highest diversity. All the immatures spend their lives in freshwater environments, while the adults (including the unique, subimaginal stage), are aerial. The name of the order reflexes...
p>Central Andean Highlands represent a singular environment characterized by various extreme conditions. Among them, peatbogs are exceptional marshy habitats scattered throughout this arid and harsh area. In an effort to understand the patterns of beta diversity, we sampled the benthic macroinvertebrates of thirteen peatbogs and related the biologi...
Northwest of Argentina. We modeled the ecological niches of different taxa of macroinvertebrates such as Coleoptera, Ephemeroptera, Hemiptera, Megaloptera, Lepidoptera, Odonata, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Acari, and Mollusca. Based on these models, we analyzed the contribution of currently established protected areas in the conservation of...
Freshwater ecosystems are the most threatened ecosystems worldwide. Argentinian-protected areas have been established mainly to protect vertebrates and plants in terrestrial ecosystems. In order to create a comprehensive biodiverse conservation plan, it is crucial to integrate both aquatic and terrestrial systems and to include mac-roinvertebrates....
Spatial patterns in communities of aquatic macroinvertebrates of Argentinean Puna. The macroinvertebrates
are a vital component of freshwater ecosystems as they contribute to the process of organic matter while
serving as food for other organisms such as fish and amphibians. Unfortunately, the knowledge of the aquatic
diversity is poor in the high...
The Baetodes complex was erected by Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty based on 2 characters: tarsal claws in the larva with a strong subapical seta and forceps in the male adult with basal segments with a distomedial projection. This complex includes the genera Baetodes, Lugoiops, Mayobaetis, Moribaetis, Prebaetodes, and Spiritiops. It is restricted to the...
Aim: To study the relationships between Uruguay and neighbouring geographical areas based on distributions of Ephemeroptera species (mayflies: an ancient order of aquatic insects). We wanted to evaluate whether Uruguay more closely represents (1) the southern limit of the tropical (Paranense and Amazonian) fauna or (2) the northern limit of the tem...
The genus Parakari was described from Guiana Highlands in southeastern Venezuela by Nieto & Derka in 2011 for two species inhabiting streams draining isolated, flat-topped table mountains called tepuis. A description of a third representative, Parakari roraimensis sp. n., is given here based on material collected from a coldwater stream at the foot...
This paper presents a list of the aquatic insects collected from Urugua-í
Provincial Park. This study aims to improve the knowledge of this protected area located
in Misiones Province. One hundred and thirty-six species of aquatic insects in
75 genera, 26 families and seven orders were recorded. New records for the province
and for Argentina are li...
As a continuation of a series of papers to improve the knowledge of the Ephemeroptera fauna of the Venezuelan Guayana´s Uplands, an update of the families Leptophlebiidae, Euthyplociidae and Oligoneuriidae in the region is presented. As a result, Paramaka incognita sp. nov. is described, the female of Askola emmerichi is described for the first tim...
Callibaetis dominguezi Gillies was described based on male and female imagines from the northwest of Argentina. Herein the nymph of this species is described for the first time. It can be distinguished from other species in the genus mainly by (1) distal margin of labrum with deep median emargination; (2) maxillary palp almost two times the length...
ABSTRACT. Cloeodes incus is recorded for the first time for Argentina. Nymphs were collected using Surber net and kick sampling in Pircas and Ajedrez rivers (Jujuy: Rinconada) at altitudes above 4000 masl. There were two annual field trips: at the end of the rainy season (April) and at the end of the dry season (November), during the years 2011 and...
The term Pantepui refers to a discontinuous biogeographical province formed by an assemblage of about 50 table mountain summits (tepuis) in southern Venezuela, northern Brazil, and western Guyana. The elevation of the Pantepui ranges from 1,500 to 3,000 m a. s. l. and the total summit area extends up to 5,000 km 2 . Until now, only 6 species from f...
The family Baetidae is the most diverse family into the Order Ephemeroptera and it has an almost cosmopolitan distribution. The genus Americabaetis Kluge was described in 1992 and actually it has 19 known species with a clearly Neotropical distribution. Although this genus is very common in lotic aquatic systems, it has been poorly studied in Argen...
The genus Spiritiops was described by Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty in 1998. Since then, only the type species, S. silvudus, was reported from different countries, such as Brazil, French Guiana, Surinam and Venezuela. In the last years, various international speleological expedition explored summits of some table mountains called tepuis in Guyana region...
Baetodes gibbus Nieto is reported for the first time from Colombia, based on material collected in the Department
of Boyacá. This species was originally described from Bolivia. The distribution of Baetodes levis Mayo, is extended
from central to northeastern Colombia.
Baetidae is one of the most diverse families of Ephemeroptera. In South America this family now encompasses 27 genera and more than 130 species. The Guyana region is known for its extraordinary diversity and high level of endemism, which is, above all, remarkable at the tops of the isolated flat-topped table mountains - tepuis. Recently various int...
The genus Cloeodes is poorly reported for Uruguay, until now only C. aymara was described from this region. Here we describe three new species of Cloeodes from this country: C. dialutoi, C. guenoa and C. vaimaca, all of them based on nymphs. The species C. opacus is reported for the first time in Uruguay. A discussion of each taxon is included as w...
We give new geographical and morphological data for the Pannota mayflies of Venezuelan Guayanan uplands. Coryphorus aquilus (Coryphoridae), Amanahyphes saguassu and Tricorythopsis yucupe (Leptohyphidae) are newly recorded for Venezuela, the adults of the last species are described for the first time. Macunahyphes pemonensis sp. nov. and Macunahyphe...
The family Baetidae is still poorly known from Venezuela, particularly in the South of this country. Three field trips were carried out in La Gran Sabana region (Bolívar State). As a result of these trips, four genera (Cryptonympha, Harpagobae-tis, Spiritiops and Zelusia) and nine species are reported for the first time from this region. A discussi...
The family Baetidae is still poorly known from Venezuela, particularly in the South of this country. Three field trips were carried out in La Gran Sabana region (Bolívar State). As a result of these trips, four genera (Cryptonympha, Harpagobaetis, Spiritiops and Zelusia) and nine species are reported for the first time from this region. A discussio...
This chapter considers the results obtained from several interdisciplinary
studies in the Lules River basin during ten years. These results provide a base line
to determines futures impacts after a dam to be constructed.
In relation with that, four sites in the middle section of Lules River were studied in the
begining. Later our interest focuses o...
The family Baetidae, which belongs to the order Ephemeroptera, was first described by Leach in 1815. Since then, almost 100 genera and 900 species have been described. Although diverse, this family is relatively homogeneous. The adults are extremely similar to one another, the wings vary little and the penes are membranous, features that significan...
The adult stage of the genus Varipes is described for the first time. Varipes cajuato sp. n. from Bolivia, Varipes minutus sp. n. and Varipes singuil sp. n. from Argentina are described and illustrated. The description of the first species is based on nymphs, the second on nymph and male and female subimagos and the third on nymph and male imago. A...
Nine new species of Baetodes are described, five from Argentina: B. cochunaensis sp. n., B. copiosus sp. n., B. pehuenche sp. n., B. huaico sp. n., B. uruguai sp. n., based on nymphs, and the last two species also on male imagines. Three species from Bolivia: B. gibbus sp. n., B. rutilus sp. n., B. yuracare sp. n., are also described based on nymph...
The systematics of the Baetidae has been the subject of much attention during the last three decades, with descriptions of new species and genera as well as several generic revisions. The family now encompasses about 100 genera and 900 species which constitute one-quarter of the world's mayfly diversity. It is thus an opportune time to evaluate the...
Eleven species of the genus Paracloeodes are recorded from South America. This genus is reported for the first time in Uruguay. Two new species (P. charrua and P. morellii) are described based on nymphs. A key for all South American species of Paracloeodes is included.
The larvae of three known species of Callibaetis are described here for the first time: C. gonzalezi (Navás), C. pollens Needham & Murphy and C. sellacki (Weyenbergh). The larva of C. willineri Navás is resdescribed and the larva of C. guttatus Navás is revised and discussed. The diagnoses of the adults are also provided.
The adult stages of Nanomis Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty and Spiritiops Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty are described for the first time based on reared material from Argentina and Brazil, respectively. They can be differentiated from the other adults of Baetidae by the following characters: Nanomis, hind wings with three longitudinal veins, second vein bifurca...
Three new species of Cloeodes are described from Argentina (C. barituensis, C. espinillo and C. opacus), based on nymphs and from adults for the first two species. Two species, C. stelzneri and C. nocturnus, are proposed as nomen dubia. The only other species from Argentina, C. penai, is revised. The validity of the monotypic genus Bernerius is ana...
Three new species of Cloeodes are described from Argentina (C. barituensis, C. espinillo and C. opacus), based on nymphs and from adults for the first two species. Two species, C. stelzneri and C. nocturnus, are proposed as nomen dubia. The only other species from Argentina, C. penai, is revised. The validity of the monotypic genus Bernerius is ana...
ÑÑ RESUMEN. Los estados adultos de Nanomis Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty y Spiritiops Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty se describen por primera vez sobre la base de material criado de Argentina y Brasil respectivamente. Se distinguen de los restantes adultos de Baetidae por la siguiente combinación de caracteres: Nanomis, alas posteriores con tres venas longitudi...
FIGURES 15 – 19. Cloeodes espinillo n. sp. Male imago: 15, head and thorax, dorsal; 16, fore wing; 17 a, hind wing;
FIGURES 55 – 67. Cloeodes penai. Nymph. 55, antennae. Mouthparts (Figs. 56 – 61): 56, labrum, left d. v., right v. v.; 57, left mandible v. v.; 58, right mandible v. v.; 59, hypopharynx v. v.; 60, maxilla v. v.; 61, labium, left d. v., right v. v. 62, leg I; 63, femur I apical margin; 64, tarsal claw I. 65, posterior margin of tergum IV. 66, gill I...
FIGURES 20 – 30. Cloeodes espinillo n. sp. Nymph. 20, general view. Mouthparts (Figs. 21 – 24): 21, labrum, left d. v., right v. v.; 22, left mandible v. v.; 23, hypopharynx v. v.; 24, labium, left d. v., right v. v. 25, leg I; 26, dorsal margin of femur I. 27, posterior margin of tergum IV; 28, sternum IV. 29, gill IV. 30, cercus.
FIGURES 43 – 51. Cloeodes opacus n. sp. Nymph. 43, general view, dorsal. Mouthparts (Figs. 44 – 46): 44, labrum, left d. v., right v. v.; 45, labrum: anterior margin; 46, labium, left d. v., right v. v. 47, leg I; 48, dorsal margin of femur I. 49, posterior margin of tergum IV. 50, gill IV. 51, paraproct. Figs. 52 – 54. Cloeodes penai. Male imago:...
FIGURES 5 – 14. Cloeodes barituensis n. sp. Nymph. 5, general view, dorsal. 6, antennae. Mouthparts (Figs. 7 – 10): 7, labrum, left d. v., right v. v.; 8, right mandible v. v.; 9, hypopharynx v. v.; 10, maxilla v. v. 11, leg I. 12, posterior margin of tergum IV. 13, gill IV. 14, terminal filament, left cercus, right caudal filament.
FIGURES 1 – 4. Cloeodes barituensis n. sp. Male imago. 1, head and thorax, d. v.; 2, fore wing; 3, genitalia v. v. Female imago. 4, fore wing.
FIGURES 31 – 42. Cloeodes incus n. comb. Nymph. Mouthparts (Figs. 31 – 36): 31, labrum d. v., left d. v., right v. v.; 32, left mandible v. v.; 33, right mandible v. v.; 34, hypopharynx v. v.; 35, maxilla v. v.; 36, labium, left d. v., right v. v. 37, leg I; 38, tarsal claw I. 39, posterior margin of tergum IV. 40, gill IV. 41, paraproct. 42, termi...
Apobaetis insolitus n. sp., Apobaetis kallawaya n. sp. and Apobaetis niger n. sp. (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) are described from nymphs collected in Argentina and Bolivia. Apobaetis insolitus can be distinguished by the labrum with anterior margin with a U-shaped emargination, segment II of labial palpi with triangular apically rounded distomedial pr...
Six new species of Paracloeodes are described: four from Brazil (P. assu, P. atroari, P. peri and P. waimiri), one from Argentina (P. yuto) and one from Bolivia (P. pacawara), based on nymphs. Three other species from South America: P. binodulus, P. eurybranchus and P. ibicui are revised. A cladistic analysis including most of the South American sp...
Six new species of Paracloeodes are described: four from Brazil (P. assu, P. atroari, P. peri and P. waimiri), one from Argentina (P. yuto) and one from Bolivia (P. pacawara), based on nymphs. Three other species from South America: P. binodulus, P. eurybranchus and P. ibicui are revised. A cladistic analysis including most of the South American sp...
The South American genera Andesiops and Deceptiviosa were established by Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty (1999). A review of the type material of both genera and examination of additional specimens has revealed that both imagos and nymphs of the two taxa lack significant characters to distinguish between them. Therefore, Deceptiviosa is placed as a junio...
Se describen e ilustran 4 especies de Camelobaetidius: C. ipaye sp. nov., C. apis sp. nov., C. yacutinga sp. nov. y C. huarpe sp. nov., de A rgentina, basadas en ninfas y en el último caso en imago hembra. Tres especies son citadas por primera vez para la A rgentina: Camelobaetidius tuberosus (Lugo- Ortiz & McCafferty 1999), Camelobaetidius anubis...