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She work in the area of Education and in training teachers. Member of the CICS.Nova research center, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Their research focus on increasing opportunities to learn for students from diverse linguistic, cultural, and economic backgrounds in today’s classrooms.
Additional affiliations
January 2011 - present
September 2006 - present
Publications (43)
The strategic utilization of postmodern illustrated literature has emerged as a crucial tool in facilitating a profound understanding of how children construct their comprehension of diverse perspectives within the realm of social dynamics. This article rigorously scrutinizes children's conceptualizations pertaining to a wide array of subjects, enc...
The strategic utilization of postmodern illustrated literature has emerged as a crucial tool in facilitating a profound understanding of how children construct their comprehension of diverse perspectives within the realm of social dynamics. This article rigorously scrutinizes children's conceptualizations pertaining to a wide array of subjects, enc...
In the context of the project SMOOTH - Educational Common Spaces, Passing through enclosures and reversing Inequalities (Horizon 2020, European Commission) and the subproject RED - Rights, Equality, Difference - as well as an epistemological, theoretical, methodological and ethical position, that puts in dialogue the Sociology of Childhood and Educ...
In the context of the project SMOOTH - Educational Common Spaces, Passing through enclosures and reversing Inequalities (Horizon 2020, European Commission) and the subproject RED - Rights, Equality, Difference - as well as an epistemological, theoretical, methodological and ethical position, that puts in dialogue the Sociology of Childhood and Educ...
Building on a dialogue and an opportunity to open the conversation between Educational Theory and Philosophy and Sociology of Childhood, this paper departs from the emerging theories about common/s in education, proposing a new terrain (beyond public and private) where more collective educational experiences may emerge. We aim to contribute to revi...
Listening to children in educational settings is vital for establishing inclusive and equitable environments. This approach recognizes children as active agents and contributors to their education, enabling them to express their needs and participate in decision-making processes. By involving children in educational discourse, pedagogical practices...
Neste capítulo discutem-se princípios pedagógico-didáticos para a conceção de recursos educativos digitais que promovam situações de aprendizagem inovadoras. Neste âmbito, destacam-se: (i) a criação de contextos significativos para a aprendizagem; (ii) a integração curricular; (iii) a implementação de um desenho instrucional de base construtivista;...
Building on a dialogue and an opportunity to open the conversation between Educational Theory and Philosophy and Sociology of Childhood, this paper departs from the emerging theories about common/s in education, proposing a new terrain (beyond public and private) where more collective educational experiences may emerge. We aim to contribute to revi...
Os alunos que frequentam cursos na área da educação desempenharão um papel fundamental na construção de leitores das próximas gerações, razão pela qual se torna relevante aferir os seus hábitos de leitura. Centrando-se nesta temática, o presente artigo tem como objetivo caracterizar os hábitos de leitura dos alunos de 1.º ano da licenciatura em Edu...
A Escola acompanha a tendência de especialização do conhecimento visível na fragmentação curricular. Contudo, a consciência de que a especialização impede uma compreensão holística do saber tem conduzido ao surgimento de iniciativas interdisciplinares e de integração. O presente estudo decorreu em dois anos consecutivos com 39 estudantes de dois me...
The approach of socioscientific issues, some of them controversial, has led teachers to look for educational resources that help them in this task. Children's literature has been one of these resources, as several books have been incorporating these issues as an important part of their content. Some emerging issues are those related to sexuality an...
Ecological knowledge plays an increasingly important role in today's society, since it allows us to understand how nature works and how drastic human action is when related to its destruction. Ecology includes concepts with different levels of complexity, which has raised doubts about its inclusion in the primary school curriculum. Therefore, the m...
Neste texto, apresenta-se um estudo sobre o impacto que o ensino explícito
e sistemático do processo de escrita e dos seus subprocessos: a planificação, a
textualização, a revisão e a edição têm na qualidade de textos expositivos produzidos
por alunos de 4.º ano de escolaridade, em Portugal. Foi desenvolvida uma interven-ção
no sentido de ensinar e...
The relationship between theory and practice in the context of educator
and/or teacher training has been a recurrent theme in the field of Educational Sciences. Nonetheless, it continues to be of great importance in the current framework of student trainee training and is one of the foundations of educational self‑image. This research, reliant on...
Resumo Este artigo apresenta a identificação de três perfis exploratórios de padrões de práticas reflexivas de 115 estudantes-estagiários/as que frequentam os mestrados de formação de educadores/as de infância e professores/as do 1º e do 2º ciclo do ensino básico, em Portugal continental, em relação à prática de ensino supervisionada (PES). Os dado...
The study plans of the courses for Primary School Teachers in the Lisbon Higher school of Education include a curricular unit designed ,'projects of curricular Integration between Science and Mother Tongue,,. Their main goar is to deverop interdisciplinarity reflection, discussion and didactic proposals between these two subjects' In the final sess...
Recent research on literacy has highlighted the impact of affective factors on learning to read. Among these factors, attitudes toward reading have been clearly shown to influence the development of reading skills and academic success. Nevertheless, differences in children’s attitudes across schooling have yet to be properly documented, especially...
Resumo Neste artigo, propõe-se analisar as concepções de 115 estudantes que frequentam os mestrados de formação de educadores(as) de infância e professores(as) do 1° e do 2° ciclo do ensino básico, em Portugal continental, procurando perceber o que pensam e como se posicionam em relação à prática de ensino supervisionada (PES). Metodologicamente, o...
A investigação sobre formação de professores/as e educadores/as tem sido profícua e plural.
Não obstante, pouco se sabe sobre o que coordenadores/as ou diretores/as de curso sentem e refletem
acerca da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES). O estudo exploratório que apresentamos no
presente artigo, a partir da interlocução entre a Sociologia e as...
Teaching integrated arts motivates students and supports language acquisition because it integrates reading, writing and oral activities, allowing students to benefit from interdisciplinary experiences between language and art (Haust, 2008; Faisal y Wulandari, 2013). The Portuguese School is currently linguistically and socially diverse, integratin...
Télecharger / Download the e-book ici : http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/10243
Curricular integration in school usually departs from a theme that reveals potential to interrelate knowledge from different disciplinary areas. However, an integrated approach can also be achieved by following a certain didactic line, problem situation or activity. In this study, a Problem Based Learning (PBL) methodology was implemented with the...
A escola portuguesa, atualmente, é linguística e socialmente diversificada, integrando alunos oriundos de cerca de 120 nacionalidades. Para estes alunos, a aquisição de competências em Português é uma tarefa complexa, pois a língua de escolarização não é, na maior parte dos casos, a sua língua materna. Neste texto, apresenta-se um projeto de interv...
In this paper, we introduce an innovative course in the Portuguese Context, the Master's Course in " Integrated Didactics in Mother Tongue, Maths, Natural and Social Sciences " , taking place at the Lisbon School of Education and discussing in particular the results of the evaluation made by the students who attended the Curricular Unit-Integrated...
Following the 2013 edition, ISEL 2015 will focus on four thematic areas to study the question of reading and writing practices in school, while considering the students’ progress in preschool and at the end of grade school. Particular focus is put on students who have difficulty with reading and writing. Finally, we will touch on the subject of new...
A SILE/ISEL workshop was held in Prague (Czech Republic) on September 24th and 25th 2014 during a conference on the acquisition of reading skills organized by the Faculty of Education of l'Université Charles. This is an intermediary scientific event being held between SILE/ISEL 2013 (Portugal) and SILE/ISEL 2015 (Canada) during which researchers ar...
É consensual que as atitudes e os comportamentos dos professores são um dos fatores que influenciam a postura das crianças nos mais diversos aspetos da sua vida
quotidiana. As conceções e representações acerca dos animais não são por isso
exceção a este princípio. Este estudo procurou comparar as perceções de 210
crianças do 3.º e do 4.º ano proven...
Cette contribution s’intéresse à l’interaction des apprentissages langagiers et scientifiques chez les jeunes enfants de maternelle et du début du primaire. Le langage constitue en effet un outil central dans l’apprentissage et le développement de l’enfant, pour les relations que l’enfant établit avec le monde ainsi que pour la construction de sa c...
L’objectif du Symposium International sur la Litéracie à l’Ecole / International Symposium for Educational Literacy (SILE/ISEL) est de rassembler à l’échelle internationale les chercheurs de différentes disciplines (éducation, psychologie, linguistique, littérature, et de la santé) qui s’intéressent à la réussite en lecture-écriture des élèves en m...
O tema deste artigo justifica-se pela pertinência de os professores conhecerem as necessidades e interesses dos alunos com quem trabalham diariamente, na medida em que estes são o foco principal do desenvolvimento da aprendizagem. Assim, o objectivo principal do artigo é dar a conhecer aos intervenientes na acção educativa, em particular aos profes...
Resumo Este texto resulta de um estudo que pretendia avaliar comparativamente a compreensão na leitura de alunos de ascendência africana e de alunos lusos, em final de escolaridade obrigatória, em Portugal. Para recolha e análise dos dados, aplicou-se um teste de língua a um universo de 170 alunos, metade de ascendência africana e metade de ascendê...
L'enseignement des langues se porte plutôt mal en France, qu'il s'agisse de l'enseignement de la langue maternelle ou celui des langues étrangères. Face à ce constat cet ouvrage s'interroge sur les formations des enseignants de langues. Sont-elles adaptées et permettent-elles de former des enseignants qui pourront former des élèves capables de s'ex...