Carolina FernandezArgentine Institute of Oceanography | IADO · Biología Marina
Carolina Fernandez
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Main research interests are ecology and biology of aquatic environments, both freshwater and coastal marine. Responses induced by contamination and eutrophication on microalgae and seaweed are investigated at different levels of biological organization.
Skills and Expertise
Publications (40)
In response to increasing anthropogenic pollution and metal accumulation in aquatic environments, bioreme
diation has gained great importance. Microbial consortia are emerging as a promising solution due to their diverse pollutant metabolizing pathways. This study evaluates the role of biotic and abiotic components in microbial mats for Cr(VI) remo...
The present study evaluated the potential use of methanolic extracts from two seaweeds from the Argentine Patagonian coasts, Macrocystis pyrifera and Undaria pinnatifida, as natural alternatives against Paenibacillus larvae. We carried out a detailed characterization of both seaweeds, comparing vegetative and reproductive thallus portions. We also...
Alginate production is estimated to be around 30,000 tonnes per year, coming from a limited number of macroalgae species. Therefore, to diversify the market and make it sustainable over time, it is important to find new species that produce alginate. In this study, physicochemical characteristics and biological activity of alginate obtained from Pu...
Environmental contamination by chromium represents a serious public health problem. Therefore, it is crucial to develop and optimize remediation technologies to reduce its concentration in the environment. The aims of this study were to evaluate the uptake of chromium by live and complete microbial mats in experimental mesocosms under different pH...
In farming projects, environmental variations can affect growth, productivity, survival, and fertility, as well as the quality of the produced biomass. This is why estuarine algae could be a good alternative for developing aquaculture ventures in a global climate change scenario since they can develop in highly fluctuating environments with large t...
This study addresses the limited understanding of chromium-microbial mat interactions in estuarine tidal flats. The aims were to evaluate (1) the efficiency of the microbial consortium in Cr(III) removal from seawater; (2) the elemental and mineralogical composition of the microbial mat as a natural system in the Cr removal, (3) the effects of meta...
Asperococcus J.V. Lamouroux is a genus of brown algae in the Chordariaceae family (Order Ectocarpales). This concise review compiles the published literature on Asperococcus taxonomy, morphology, geographical distribution, ecology, life cycles, cultivation, biochemical composition and bioactive properties, emphasizing its commercial potential. This...
Microbial mats have a special role in the removal of metals in marine environment. This study aimed to experimentally determine the efficiency of Cr removal from seawater by microbial mats. The effect of Cr on the microphytobenthic community and the influence of an aerated condition on the removal of metal and microorganisms were also considered. H...
The consumption of seaweed has grown notably due to its use in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, as well as organic fertilizers and biofuel, among others. Species of Asperococcus have antioxidant and antitumor properties and synthesize abundant amounts of fucoidans with important anticoagulant properties. In this study, the biochemi...
The toxic effects of the insecticides chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin, and the herbicide glyphosate on the growth, biovolume and ultrastructure of the green microalgae Selenastrum capricornutum were evaluated. Concentrations between 9.37-150 mg L-1 of chlorpyrifos, 3.12-100 mg L-1 of cypermethrin and 4.7-60 mg L-1 of glyphosate were assayed along wit...
This chapter describes the diversity of the microscopic and macroscopic benthic algal assemblages of the Bahía Blanca Estuary, including ecological aspects like their habitats, their role as primary producers, and the main interactions with other biota of the estuary. The microphytobenthic community is well developed in the soft sediments of the es...
This study examines the distribution of primary and secondary space holders integrated in morphological and feeder functional groups as well as the species richness over the seasons on northern Patagonian rocky shores. We also evaluated whether the temporal changes in species richness, assemblage structure and species turnover were related to seaso...
The influence of microphytobenthic community on the composition of sedimentary organic matter was evaluated in two Bahía Blanca estuary microhabitats contrasting in vegetation and hydrodynamic conditions; namely, S1 located in a Sarcocornia perennis saltmarsh with macroscopic microbial mats and S2 in a mudflat without macroscopic microbial mats or...
Jornadas del Agua del Sudoeste Bonaerense JASOB 2019
Macroalgae are currently being explored as novel and sustainable sources of bioactive compounds for both pharmaceutical and nutraceutical applications arising from their antioxidant, anticancer, and antimicrobial activity. In the present study, the antitumoral and antioxidant activities of crude methanolic extracts of the freshwater macroalga Clado...
In recent years, interest in the chemical composition of algae, and the art of farming them, has grown due to their nutritional and health benefits. Species of Leathesia collected from nature have pharmaceutical properties, such as antitumor, antiviral, antioxidant and cytotoxic activity. Accordingly, their culture under controlled conditions is fu...
In this paper we address the formulation of two mechanistic water quality models that differ in the way the phytoplankton community is described. We carry out parameter estimation subject to differential-algebraic constraints and validation for each model and comparison between models performance. The first approach aggregates phytoplankton species...
The effect of the organophosphorus insecticide chlorpyrifos on the growth, biovolume, and ultrastructure of the green microalga Ankistrodesmus gracilis was evaluated. Concentrations of 9.37, 18.75, 37.5, 75 and 150mgL(-1) of chlorpyrifos were assayed along with a control culture. At the end of the bioassay the ultrastructure of algal cells from con...
The coasts located between 39°S and 41°S in the Argentinean biogeographic province have been described by impoverished seaweed assemblages, however the floristic information about this region is sparse. The aim of this study was to survey the intertidal seaweeds inhabiting three sites in the oceanographic system " El Rincon " (Buenos Aires, Argenti...
As freshwater bodies become enriched in nutrients, there is a shift in the phytoplankton community toward dominance by cyanobacteria. Cyanobacterial blooms are a significant problem in water supply reservoirs worldwide because some species can release toxic compounds and are also associated with the production of bad odor and taste. The aims of thi...
The phytoplankton structure and dynamics were analysed in relation to abiotic variables in Paso de las Piedras Reservoir, Argentina. Phytoplankton driving forces were explored using a functional approach. A total of 15 functional groups were identified among which D, P, H1, F, J and C were the most important. A Canonical variate analysis indicated...
The objective of the present study is to report for the first time the occurrence of Spermatozopsis similis H. R. Preisig et M. Melkonian in a marine environment, describing the morphology and its abundance in Ría del Jabalí; Bahía Anegada, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Samples were taken monthly between June and November 2006 and were observed under li...
The goal of this chapter ´Seaweeds Ecology and Climatic Change´ is to introduce basic concepts on seaweeds´ ecology and to emphasize their ecologic role, within the phenomena of climatic change occurring on Earth. We will illustrate some of the evidences for changes in the seaweed community attributed to climate change, focusing mainly on studies a...
Plankton samples from a eutrophic-hypertrophic reservoir from Argentina (Paso de las Piedras Reservoir) were found to contain individuals of Closterium aciculare parasitized by a chytridial fungus. The parasite on this particular host and the impact on its population during the period of its greater abundance in relation to abiotic variables are de...
The current trophic status of Paso de las Piedras Reservoir was evaluated by analysing different physicochemical, biological and environmental variables, in relation to its water quality, and application of two different classification criteria. Water quality sampling was conducted at four sampling sites from June 2004 to June 2005. During this stu...
This work evaluates the chemical and bacteriological qualities of the recreational waters of the Sauce Grande lagoon (Argentina). Samples were taken between March 2002 and December 2003. Ninety-six samples from three sampling stations were analyzed in order to determine the density of aerobic heterotrophic microorganisms, the presence of sulphite-r...
En el presente trabajo se citan e ilustran 22 especies pertenecientes al orden Chlorococcales (Chlorophyceae, Chlorophyta) halladas en el embalse Paso de las Piedras que representan nuevas citas para este ambiente. Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, Tetraedron hemisphaericum y Scenedesmus semipulcher constituyen nuevas citas para la República Argenti...