Carola Sanhueza

Carola Sanhueza
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile | UC · Escuela de Construcción Civil


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Publications (17)
Conference Paper
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Traditionally the temporary support of deep excavations in gravely soils consists of non-secant piles anchored at multiple levels. The standard practice for its design is the use of simplified methods and limit equilibrium principles, such as Terzagui's method or the FHWA 99 guidelines, despite the fact that these procedures were originally develop...
Conference Paper
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Resumen Las estructuras de contención diseñadas con métodos de equilibrio límite han tenido un excelente desempeño durante sismos de gran magnitud. Entre los factores que explican el buen desempeño sísmico de estos sistemas, es que los métodos típicamente desprecian la contribución de resistencia por cohesión y sobreestiman la magnitud de las fuerz...
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This article is about an applied research on a natural slope located in the fifth region of the country, where one of the objectives was to compare different methods of calculating slope stability under static and pseudostatic conditions. In the latter case, we considered two major earthquakes that have occurred in Chile, such as the 1985 Valparais...
This article is about an applied research on a natural slope located in the fifth region of the country, where one of the objectives was to compare different methods of calculating slope stability under static and pseudostatic conditions. In the latter case, we considered two major earthquakes that have occurred in Chile, such as the 1985 Valparais...
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Several researches have shown that vegetation plays a key roll in preventing displacements of soil masses, particularly of surficial displacement of slopes. Thus, tree roots provide a reinforcement system that depends on its structure and distribution. This article presents a research applied to a natural slope in Reñaca-Chile, and the objective is...
Several researches have shown that vegetation plays a key roll in preventing displacements of soil masses, particularly of surficial displacement of slopes. Thus, tree roots provide a reinforcement system that depends on its structure and distribution. This article presents a research applied to a natural slope in Reñaca-Chile, and the objective is...
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This article presents the results from two design procedures performed on continuous diaphragm walls of the Madrid Metro. The first case is based on a soil reacting on a Winkler space and was implemented in RIDO; the second case is based on the Finite Element method and was implemented on PLAXIS. Site data was collected at the Metronorte line durin...
This article presents the results from two design procedures performed on continuous diaphragm walls of the Madrid Metro. The first case is based on a soil reacting on a Winkler space and was implemented in RIDO; the second case is based on the Finite Element method and was implemented on PLAXIS. Site data was collected at the Metronorte line durin...
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Existen investigaciones realizadas en Chile que han permitido concluir que determinados suelos, que han sido depositados a lo largo de los años como producto de la actividad volcánica, pueden considerarse aptos para ser empleados como material de filtro en la depuración de aguas residuales domésticas. Estos suelos han estado siendo estudiados por i...
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Investigations carried out at Chile have determined that certain soils placed over the years as a product of the volcanic activity can be suitable for use as filter material in domestic wastewater purification. These soils have been studied by Universidad de Chile researchers, who have defined the main characteristics of the most important Chilean...
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Snow avalanches are events that present a serious risk to human beings and goods due to their destructive power. For that reason, effective control measures are required to keep human settlements and installations safe from the danger coming from mountain slopes. This article summarizes the different structural systems and techniques used nationall...
Snow avalanches are events often involving serious risk to human beings and goods due to their destructive power. This is why effective control measures are required to mitigate the risk for human settlements, goods and services on mountain slopes or at the foot of avalanche ways. This article summarizes the different structural systems and techniq...
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One of the most popular tests used in France to estimate the strength of a soil according to depth is the portable PANDA penetrometer ("Pénétromètre Autonome Numérique Dynamique Assisté") [NF P94-105]. This device has been used in the estimation of the strength parameters of the soil of a house located in Reñaca - Chile which were used to estimate...
One of the most popular tests used in France to estimate the strength of a soil according to depth is the portable PANDA penetrometer ("Pénétromètre Autonome Numérique Dynamique Assisté") [NF P 94-105]. This device has been used in the estimation of the strength parameters of the soil of a house located in Reñaca-Chile, which were used to estimate...
In Engineering practice one of the most common devices used to control horizontal displacements are the inclinometers embedded in s t ructures or soi l s , depending the purpose of the study. The diaphragm walls of the new Metronorte line were instrumented, in the framework of the Expansion and Development Program of the Madrid Underground in Spain...
Muchos estudios a nivel mundial se han llevado a cabo con el objeto de analizar las deformaciones que sufre el terreno al amparo de una excavación, cuyas principales conclusiones han estado enfocadas en estimar el orden de magnitud de los máximos desplazamientos, tanto horizontales como verticales, experimentados por el terreno y la estructura, así...


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