Carmen Galve Górriz

Carmen Galve Górriz
University of Zaragoza | UNIZAR


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Publications (61)
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This article analyzes the impact of ownership structure on corporate diversification, with reference to large listed family business groups. By considering agency theory and socioemotional wealth, the study examines the relationship between family ownership, concentration of ownership, and degree and type of diversification. The study considers 99...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the moderated effect of family involvement on the relationship between information and communication technology (ICT) and firm performance. Design/methodology/approach According to agency and transaction cost theories, distinctive family business characteristics provide a unique context that favours...
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The study analyses the individual and joint impact of family control and diversification on the performance of major Spanish corporations, considering the nature of the ultimate owner of non-family groups. The study uses a sample of ninety-nine Spanish corporations, each comprising a parent company listed on the stock exchange and a set of subsidia...
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The impact of family ownership on strategic decision-making and diversifi cation in public corporations is an important but not clearly understood aspect of modern corporate governance. In many cases, large-block family owners of public corporations may have a great deal of input in strategic decision-making in large corporations. Previous literatu...
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In the last decade, the interest for the study of ownership structure as a determinant of diversification arises. However, there is a lack of researches that analyze the influence of the nature of the ultimate owner in the level and type of diversification. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to analyze the diversification strategies used by...
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This study analyses the impact of family control on decisions regarding the specialization and diversification of large business groups whose parent companies are listed on Spanish stock exchanges. Using a sample of ninety-nine companies, having identified the companies that constitute the business group, and using both binary logistic models and t...
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Purpose – This paper aims to clarify the relationship between institutional framework, concentration of ownership in family firms and results. Design/methodology/approach – Data comprises two samples of family firms from eight Latin American countries and Spain in the year 2010. The first sample contains the largest 20 corporations from each count...
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The aim of this paper is to analyze the influence of family character on the level and type of diversification, additionally considering the effect of ownership concentration that exists in family business. The study uses a sample of 99 listed companies, parent companies of business groups, with business group being considered as the unit of analys...
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Family firms are one of the most influential economic agents of internationaleconomies. In this paper we analyze both positive and negative aspects of the familynature of the business. Ownership and family control of the company promotes the search for value creation and the company survival, increases the commitment’s degree, sacrifice and loyalty...
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This article investigates the relationship among Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), complementary factors and productivity in a data set of 1269 Spanish firms. Using econometric modelling the analysis examines and measures the extent to which ICT and complementary human and strategic resources have contributed to firm productivity pe...
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Este trabajo investiga las diferencias en comportamiento y resultados de las empresas familiares y no familiares españolas que cotizan en bolsa. Para ello, se examinan las relaciones entre forma de propiedad, función objetivo y restricciones de la empresa, que determinan las decisiones de asignación de recursos y, finalmente, los resultados económi...
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This paper investigates differences in the behaviour and performance of listed Spanish family and non-family firms resulting from the interaction of differences in productive efficiency and in preferences for control between the two groups of firms. We find that family firms grow at a smaller rate, choose less capital-intensive productive technolog...
This paper investigates the differences in behaviour and performance between family and non-family owned Spanish firms listed on the stock market. The general hypothesis of this paper is that strong preferences to maintain control of the company within the family restrict the decision for the maximisation of profits of family companies so that, in...
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This paper analyzes and compares first generation family firms with those of second and subsequent generations through certain characteristics relevant to a greater understanding of the influence over the business of a generational transition. The study examines a sample of successful family businesses in Aragon (Spain), over a period of fifteen ye...
This paper investigates the differences in behaviour and performance between family and non-family owned Spanish firms listed on the stock market. The general hypothesis of this paper is that strong preferences to maintain control of the company within the family restrict the decision for the maximisation of profits of family companies so that, in...
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This paper shows a general view of Spain situation concerning Information Society, as well as, reviews which are the main impulsive measures developed by public administrations in order to achieve great advance in use and exploitation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). For that purpose, first, this paper presents a background revi...
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El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar cómo es efectuada por parte de los socios la coordinación de la empresa cooperativa agraria. Dicha coordinación ha sido analizada a través del análisis de las funciones que deben desarrollar los socios como empresarios. Estas funciones son enumeradas, descritas teóricamente y analizadas a partir de una muestr...
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Increased attention to the economic impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) underscores the impact of ICT on the social side of the �digital divide.� ICT and individual and organizational changes are often closely related. This paper examines the main characteristics of the relationship between ICT and human resources in Spanish...
This paper, based on data of the internal configuration of the industry in 2007 provided by the Control Board of the Denomination, analyses the internal configuration of the wine industry in the Denomination of Origin Qualified La Rioja performed from two perspectives: vertical and horizontal. Analyses show that this is an industry dominated by the...
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En este trabajo se desea ofrecer una visión general de la situación de España en lo que a la Sociedad de la Información se refi ere, así como repasar cuales son las principales medidas impulsoras desarrolladas desde las administraciones públicas para lograr un mayor avance en el uso y aprovechamiento de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comuni...
This paper analyses the differences between the regulations on agrarian cooperatives set up in Spain and Italy. Some of these aspects are related to the solutions proposed and used by cooperatives belonging to the hybrid model to solve problems faced by the cooperatives belonging to the traditional model. The main differences in the calculation of...
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This paper helps to theorize the link between family generation and the characteristics, behaviour, management and governance of the firm. The paper also answers the question: to what extent is competitive position affected by each generation? The paper overcomes the limitation of the cross-sectional data, since the investigation is applied to data...
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Public policies in support of the entrepreneurial activity need a conceptual framework to reveal the market failures that should be rectified, identifying the target population to whom are addressed and orienting the formulation and implementation of concrete actions. Theoretical reflection focuses on the aspects that come in two types of decisions...
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El presente trabajo analiza la evolución y supervivencia de un colectivo de empresas españolas que cotizaban en 1990, durante el periodo 1990-2005, desde el punto de vista de los grupos de control, distinguiendo entre grupos familiares y grupos no familiares. Su finalidad es analizar la existencia o no de diferencias en las tasas de permanencia en...
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This paper analyses the evolution and survival of a collective of family and non-family firms that were listed in the shared market in 1990 during 1990-2005; later we studied the degree of diversification for family and non-family pyramidal groups present in survivor listed companies, where a group is represented by all companies under the effectiv...
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A mediados de los noventa, como consecuencia de la crisis económica que acaeció en España, numerosas medidas públicas fueron llevadas a cabo para promover la formación de empresas. El objetivo fundamental era reducir el desempleo existente, desplazando a las personas de su estatus de desempleados al de autoempleados. Esto pudo lograrse directamente...
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Over the course of time, many research projects have examined the question of what predisposes people to become entrepreneurs and form their own company. There is no one specific set of universal reasons that can be applied to any individual. It is rather a case of each person having their own motives, which are susceptible to change throughout the...
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Self-employment is an important indicator of entrepreneurial activity in a country. Self-employment refers to those persons that decide to establish their own enterprise instead of having a paid job. Entrepreneurs are change agents in a market economy. They help in the efficient use of resources, introducing new processes and supporting the adjustm...
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El presente trabajo presenta una comparación en términos de eficiencia de dos formas organizativas, la sociedad cooperativa y capitalista. Para ello, se establecen las diferencias existentes en los derechos de propiedad de ambas formas, así como las implicaciones de estas características distintivas sobre la eficiencia en la asignación de recursos....
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El presente trabajo analiza en primer lugar, las principales características económicas y financieras del conjunto de empresas gacela aragonesas y las compara con las características de otros dos colectivos de empresas aragonesas denominadas "empresas tortuga" y "empresas normales" para el periodo 1998-2000. En segundo lugar, el trabajo examina la...
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The present work presents a comparison of efficiency of two organizational forms, the cooperative and capitalist society. In order to get this objective, the existing differences between both in terms of the property rights are established, as well as the implications of these distinguishing characteristics on the efficiency in the resources alloca...
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The start-ups programs have been one of the scopes of performance that has evolved more in the last decades in the developed or developing countries. In the vast majority of the nations, the volume of resources used in the promotion of the small and medium companies has been increased progressively. The start-ups programs have not remained relegate...
Using longitudinal data over a 132-month period collected from 500 employees of the Spanish subsidiary of the German BSHG Corporation, this paper builds upon the growing research on high-performance work systems (HPWS) to provide a model to predict outcomes of work teams on manufacturing performance. We suggest that this issue is not exclusively de...
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Este trabajo realiza un análisis descriptivo, tanto por tamaño y sector, del porcentaje de empresas creadas, para el período comprendido entre 1997 a 2002 para una porción de países pertenecientes a la Europa de los 15, concretamente Dinamarca, España, Finlandia, Holanda, Italia, Luxemburgo, Suecia, Gran Bretaña y Portugal, observando que en todos...
This paper investigates differences in behaviour and performance of listed Spanish family and non family firms. We find that family firms grow at a smaller rate, choose less capital intensive productive technologies and are more efficient in production than non family firms. However the economic profits, financial structure and cost of capital is t...
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La importancia adquirida por las tenologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en los últimos años ha obligado a estudiar en profundidad su repercusión en los resultados organizacionales. Los trabajos existentes difieren en la conceptualización de los diferentes elementos y sus interrelaciones. En este artículo se analiza la influencia de la...
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This study presents theoretical arguments and evidence that attempt to show the contribution of economic mechanisms typical of a business for resolving problems of environmental protection. Firstly, a brief synopsis is given of the classic solutions that environmental economics proposes for correcting environmental externalities. Next, the benefit...
La importancia de las empresas familiares en todos los países, sea cual sea su nivel de desarrollo, contrasta con la escasa atención que su estudio ha merecido entre los investigadores económicos. Este libro pretende llenar ese vació investigador y tiene por objetivo aportar bases conceptuales para el análisis de la empresa familiar desde la Econom...
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A partir del concepto restrictivo de empresa familiar (propiedad y control en manos del grupo familiar y vocación de continuidad hacia generaciones futuras), el trabajo analiza los beneficios y los costes de la familia como estructura de gobierno, atendiendo al grado de concentración de la propiedad y al grado de profesionalización de la empresa. E...
This article provides evidence to the debate about whether or not investments designated for compliance with environmental performance and technology standards favor or harm the work productivity of companies. A panel data model is analyzed, which panel refers to 53 large Spanish companies quoted on the stock exchange and that have participated in...
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Este trabajo presenta un análisis comparativo sobre la evolución de las estructuras económica y financiera, recíprocamente relacionadas, de la empresa familiar versus la empresa no familiar y analiza la posible influencia de estas estructuras en la viabilidad económica de ambos tipos de empresas. La comparación entre empresas familiares y no famili...
Este trabajo analiza la repercusión de las inversiones en capital de protección del medio ambiente en la productividad de las empresas españolas, tomando como punto de partida una función de producción Cobb-Douglas en la que se establece una distinción entre el input capital medioambiental y el input capital no medioambiental. La base de datos que...
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In spite of their significance, the analyses of public subsidies for startups have been scant in the scientific literature. The focus has been more on justifying or arguing against the state's intervention through the granting of subsidies. The main aim of these public policies is to create companies by disadvantaged groups. Looking at the data we...
The ‘managerial’ and the ‘contractual’ theories of the firm imply different causes and consequences for the relationship between ownership and performance of firms. This paper provides a test of the two conflicting theories, using ownership and performance data from a sample of Spanish family- and non-family-controlled firms. We find evidence in su...
The ‘managerial’ and the ‘contractual’ theories of the firm imply different causes and consequences for the relationship between ownership and performance of firms. This paper provides a test of the two conflicting theories, using ownership and performance data from a sample of Spanish family- and non-family-controlled firms. We find evidence in su...
Der Aufsatz untersucht 311 börsennotierte spanische Unternehmen auf ihre Eigentumsund Kontrollstrukturen. Die Ergebnisse werden mit den Strukturen in anderen Staaten, vor allem in den USA, verglichen. Es wird gezeigt, daß die Eigentümerstruktur sich nicht mit der Kontrollstruktur, insbesondere der Sitzverteilung im Aufsichtsrat, deckt. Offenbar bil...
La concentración accionarial media de las grandes empresas españolas es sensiblemente mayor a la observada en empresas de los países anglo- sajones y Japón, aunque similar a la de los países centroeuropeos. Al mismo tiempo, la concentración accionarial es desigual entre unas em- presas y otras. Del análisis de la evidencia empírica disponible se de...
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The organizational impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has generated considerable interest among academics in recent years. Nevertheless, though literature on this subject has grown substantially, research on Spanish firms has been scarcer. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the question in more detail. In this paper, survey...
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This study compares the efficiency of firms with different organizational form, cooperatives and investor owned firms (IOFs). This comparison was effected taking into account differences in property rights and transaction costs. The comparative analysis of productive efficiency was performed in terms of total factor productivity using a sample of S...
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The promotion of greater entrepreneurial dynamism through an increase in the rate of business creation has become one of the primary concerns of those local and national authorities who use policies of support for new entrepreneurs as a central instrument in achieving their objectives of employment and economic growth. Such policies are among the m...
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The need to adapt the functioning of cooperative enterprises to changing environmental conditions and requirements of markets, has resulted in the need to adapt the General Law of Cooperatives which regulates its functioning. This modification involves the repeal of Law 3/1997 and the adoption of the Law 27/1999, which introduces a number of improv...
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El presente trabajo efectúa un análisis de las diferencias en el nivel de integración vertical de las cooperativas agrarias. Estas diferencias son explicadas a través de las complementariedades que se producen con otras variables relacionadas con las características de los derechos de propiedad y con las características de los titulares de esos der...
Obra que aborda la economía de la empresa actualizada hace hincapié en actividades funcionales como la dirección, comercialización, producción y financiamiento.
La empresa -- La sociedad anónima por acciones como modelo empresarial -- El proceso directivo -- Las decisiones de la empresa : la información en el proceso decisorio -- La actividad comercial de la empresa -- El entorno comercial -- Programación comercial -- Decisiones sobre el producto -- Decisiones sobre distribución -- Decisiones sobre comunic...


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