Carlos Vergara-Chen

Carlos Vergara-Chen
Carlos verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Carlos verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Technological University of Panama | UTP · Departamento de Hidráulica, Sanitaria y Ciencias Ambientales

PhD Biology University of Murcia


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I am an biologist interested in the study of the marine environment and the application of molecular, physiological and quantitative approaches to address ecological and evolutionary questions. My research activity integrates ecological theory, population genetics, ecological physiology and field ecology to understand the diversity, connectivity, resilience and functioning of marine nearshore ecosystems facing the challenges of climate change and pollution.
Additional affiliations
April 2016 - present
Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá
  • Researcher
  • My work includes research in ecology, population genetics and water quality in marine coastal ecosystems (mangroves, estu aries, intertidal rocky shores, sandy beaches), as well as teaching subjects in the area of environmental sciences at the undergraduate and graduate level.
November 2018 - present
Estación Científica Coiba AIP
  • Research Associate
June 2014 - October 2014
University of Murcia
  • Research Assistant


Publications (32)
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The El Valle Volcanic Complex, located in the province of Cocle, Panama, presents geological characteristics that could be linked to public health problems. This study focuses on the municipalities of San Juan de Dios, Pajonal, and Caballero, where water is consumed directly from springs (groundwater outcrops). The region has a high incidence of no...
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La acidificación del océano es el proceso prolongado de reducción del pH de los océanos, que ocurre principalmente al intercambio de CO2 antropogénico con la atmósfera. Este proceso ha cambiado la biogeoquímica de los océanos y es una amenaza a la salud de los organismos marinos. Estos cambios a gran escala afectan las funciones de los ecosistemas...
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Los ambientes marinos a menudo se ven afectados por la contaminación microbiana con implicaciones negativas para la salud humana y ambiental. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir la calidad del agua de mar de la playa de Río Mar, San Carlos, provincia de Panamá Oeste. Se recolectaron muestras de agua de mar en cuatro (4) zonas de la playa en t...
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Con especial satisfacción, compartimos con la sociedad panameña y la comunidad científica mundial, los resultados de 10 años de investigación científica, con una muestra de investigaciones que han recibido apoyos económicos por parte de la Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (Senacyt) en distintas áreas del conocimiento. Este co...
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El Arrivo®6EC es un insecticida utilizado para el control de plagas, como hormigas y garrapatas. Su ingrediente activo es la cipermetrina, en este caso como agente contaminante que emulsifica en el agua. Este ingrediente presenta un riesgo ambiental de alta toxicidad en peces y organismos acuáticos. El objetivo de este experimento fue evaluar la to...
Conference Paper
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Potencial de degradación de Naftaleno por Vibrio Parahaemolyticus en agua superficial marino costera en la Bahía de Portobelo. RESUMEN. Considerando el aumento de las actividades turísticas y de recreación, que conlleva al uso de embarcaciones, con la posibilidad de generarse vertidos accidentales de hidrocarburos, y existiendo pocas investigacione...
Connectivity among marine populations plays a fundamental role in the dynamic of metapopulations and communities. Moreover, genetic connectivity is important for the evolutionary history and adaptive capability of species while demographic connectivity is essential to maintain ecological processes. In coastal lagoons, isolation degree or confinemen...
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Poster presented at XVI National Congress of Science and Technology organized by Panamanian Association for the Advancement of Science (APANAC) held from October 19 to 22, 2016 in Ciudad de Panama, Panama.
Marine protected areas (MPAs) and networks of MPAs are advocated worldwide for the achievement of marine conservation objectives. Although the knowledge about population connectivity is considered fundamental for the optimal design of MPAs and networks, the amount of information available for the Mediterranean Sea is currently scarce. We investigat...
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RESUMEN La biodiversidad marina de Panamá ha permitido el desarrollo de una industria pesquera próspera, sin embargo, desde el año 2008 las capturas y el valor de los desembarques han ido decayendo. En este artículo se revisa el estado actual de los recursos marinos y se hace un llamado a esfuerzos para construir capacidades para la investigación,...
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El pepino de mar (Isostichopus fuscus) es un equinodermo holoturoideo que habita sobre fondos rocosos y arrecifes de coral a lo largo del Pacífico Oriental Tropical. En Panamá, no existe una cultura para su consumo, sin embargo, al tener alta demanda en países asiáticos, es un recurso pesquero alternativo que requiere medidas de manejo y conservaci...
Conference Paper
Increasing population connectivity knowledge is essential for proposing a coherent management of the resources. In the Mediterranean Sea, marine connectivity studies are still scarce. Here, we present the results of a large-scale study combining various approaches, gathering genetic, modelling and otoliths techniques, for studying the striped red m...
Conference Paper
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Integrating connectivity patterns into marine ecosystem management is a fundamental step, specially for stock subjected to the combined impacts of human activities (overfishing, habitat degradation, etc.) and climate changes. Thus, management of marine resources must incorporates the spatial scales over which the populations are connected. Notwiths...
Coastal lagoons are highly variable environments that may act as hotspots of genetic diversity as a consequence of their ecological role as nursery habitats of marine species with both ecological and fisheries importance. The edible cockle (Cerastoderma edule) is a commercially important shellfish resource inhabiting coastal lagoons in Europe and t...
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Se evalúa la diversidad taxonómica, distribución geográfica, ciclo biológico, ecología y pesquerías de los robalos (género Centropomus). Ellos comparten muchas características de su ciclo de vida y uso del hábitat que los hacen vulnerables al estrés ambiental y antropogénico en los ecosistemas costeros. La taxonomía de los robalos parece estable. E...
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Coastal lagoons are semi-isolated ecosystems exposed to wide fluctuations of environmental conditions and showing habitat fragmentation. These features may play an important role in separating species into different populations, even at small spatial scales. In this study, we evaluate the concordance between mitochondrial (previous published data)...
Environmental heterogeneity in coastal lagoons is expected to facilitate local adaptation in response to different ecological conditions, causing significant genetic structuring within lagoon populations at a small scale and also differentiation between lagoons. However, these patterns and processes of genetic structuring are still poorly understoo...
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Environmental heterogeneity in coastal lagoons is expected to facilitate local adaptation in response to different ecological conditions, causing significant genetic structuring within lagoon populations at a small scale and also differentiation between lagoons. However, these patterns and processes of genetic structuring are still poorly understoo...
Conference Paper
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Como parte de la región de Baja Centroamérica, la biodiversidad acuática endémica de Panamá exige una atención particular en cuanto a su conservación. Los peces de agua dulce del género Gephyrocharax actualmente incluyen tres especies reconocidas y descritas que viven en quebradas y ríos panameños, pero los límites de las especies de este género no...
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Coastal lagoons represent habitats with widely heterogeneous environmental conditions, particularly as regards salinity and temperature, which fluctuate in both space and time. These characteristics suggest that physical and ecological factors could contribute to the genetic divergence among populations occurring in coastal lagoon and open-coast en...
The extreme environmental variability of coastal lagoons suggests that physical and ecological factors could contribute to the genetic divergence among populations occurring in lagoon and open-coast environments. In this study we analysed the genetic variability of lagoon and marine samples of the sand goby, Pomatoschistus marmoratus (Risso, 1810)...
A molecular approach, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), was developed to identify the planktonic larvae of Cynoscion species. Species-specific mitochondrial DNA markers were developed using three restriction endonucleases (DdeI, HaeIII and HinfI). These markers permitted the accurate discrimination of th...
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We infer the phylogeny of fishes in the New World Cynoscion group (Cynoscion, Isopisthus, Macrodon, Atractoscion, Plagioscion) using 1603bp of DNA sequence data from three mitochondrial genes. With the exception of Plagioscion, whose position was ambiguous, the Cynoscion group is monophyletic. However, several genera examined are not monophyletic....
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The objective of this work was to determine the diversity and abundance of the polychaete worms of an area of intertidal zone of the Bay of Bique, Pacific Panama. From January to June of 1995, 3,555 polychaetes belongs to 24 taxonomic groups (total sampling area: 0.748 m2, sieve of 1.0 mm). The density average was 4,884 individuals/m2 , with range...
Conference Paper
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We were used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct sequencing of 405 nucleotides of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene to elucidate the interrelationships among several species of the genera Bairdiella (croakers) and Macrodon (weakfishes) from the eastern Pacific and western Atlantic. The nucleotide sequence analysis clearly distinguished eac...


Questions (2)
I would like to estimate if there is significant differences between intraspecific levels of haplotype diversity and allelic diversity between enclosed coastal lagoons/estuaries and adjacent nearshore marine environments. We have molecular diversity data of mtDNA sequences and microsatellites from several marine species (invertebrates and fish) with populations in both types of habitats.
High haplotype diversity could be driven by large population sizes and gene exchange with larval admixture from different genetic pools. I would like to know some proposed explanations for genetic diversity hotspots in marine species.


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