Carlos Hernan VergaraUniversidad de las Américas Puebla | UDLAP · Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences
Carlos Hernan Vergara
Ph D Entomology University of Georgia 1992
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Carlos Hernan Vergara currently works at the Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences, Universidad de las Americas Puebla. Carlos does research in Entomology and Ecology. Their current project is 'Use of ants as bioindicators of change in land use and climate change'.
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February 1983 - February 1984
August 1993 - December 2025
Publications (66)
Los abejorros sociales del género Bombus son componentes muy importantes de la biodiversidad de México. Son polinizadores de una gran variedad de plantas, muchas de ellas cultivos de gran importancia comercial como los jitomates y los chiles y son componentes fundamentales de los ecosistemas donde habitan. Muchas especies están amenazadas por el cr...
Las abejas son el grupo más abundante y diverso de polinizadores en el planeta, de las que existen más de 20,000 especies. Sin embargo, sólo 19 de ellas se utilizan a escala comercial para la polinización de cultivos y otras 40 se han usado, abandonado o se han usado a nivel de experimentación. En este libro intentamos una primera aproximación a la...
Seventy five percent of the world's food crops benefit from insect pollination. Hence, there has been increased interest in how global change drivers impact this critical ecosystem service. Because standardized data on crop pollination are rarely available, we are limited in our capacity to understand the variation in pollination benefits to crop y...
Animal pollinators are globally threatened by anthropogenic land use change and agricultural intensification. The yield of many food crops is therefore negatively impacted because they benefit from biotic pollination. This is especially the case in the tropics. For instance, fruit set of Coffea arabica has been shown to increase by 10–30% in planta...
Losses caused by the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) have been decreasing coffee production. This pest causes annual losses over U.S. $500 million. The chemical insecticides have been used to Coffee berry borer control. Due to their effects of pesticides on human and environmental health, some countries decided to ban the use of e...
El Golfo de California (GC) forma parte de la región xerofítica templada de Norteamérica, donde se concentra la mayor diversidad de abejas del continente. En el GC existe más de un centenar de islas e islotes, divididos en tres grupos: las islas del norte, las islas centrales o Midriff, y las islas del sur. La vegetación entre islas es relativament...
Se presenta la información actual sobre los abejorros (Bombus) de México.
Pastaza is the largest and least populated province in Ecuador, with seven native indigenous nationalities. The Kichwas from the Rio Chico community live near to the capital city Puyo, are recognized for their knowledge on stingless honey bees. From the 400 species of Neotropical Meliponini that make honey in cerumen pots, almost 100 thrive in Sout...
The PREDICTS project—Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems (www.predicts.org.uk)—has collated from published studies a large, reasonably representative database of comparable samples of biodiversity from multiple sites that differ in the nature or intensity of human impacts relating to land use. We have used t...
Figure S1: Database schema. Diversity data in yellow, GIS data in green and Catalogue of Life data in blue. The diversity tables datasource, study, site, measuredtaxon and diversitymeasurement
follow the structure described in ‘Methods’ in the main text and in Hudson et al. (2014): a datasource is associated with one or more study records, each of...
The PREDICTS project—Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems (www.predicts.org.uk)—has collated from published studies a large, reasonably representative database of comparable samples of biodiversity from multiple sites that differ in the nature or intensity of human impacts relating to land use. We have used t...
The PREDICTS project—Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems (www.predicts.org.uk)—has collated from published studies a large, reasonably representative database of comparable samples of biodiversity from multiple sites that differ in the nature or intensity of human impacts relating to land use. We have used t...
Ants have been used to assess land use conversion, because they reflect environmental change, and their response to these changes have been useful in the identification of bioindicators. We evaluated ant diversity and composition associated to different land use change in a temperate forest (above 2000 m asl) in Mexico. The study was carried out in...
The goal of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is to strengthen the science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem services towards conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, long-term human well-being and sustainable development. To achieve this goal, the Platform has four f...
Most of the world’s wild flowering plants (87.5%) are pollinated by insects and other animals
(established but incomplete), more than three quarters of the leading types of global food crops
can benefit, at least in part, from animal pollination (well established) and it is estimated that
about one-third of global food volume produced similarly ben...
Land-use change and intensification threaten bee populations worldwide, imperilling pollination
services. Global models are needed to better characterise, project, and mitigate bees' responses
to these human impacts. The available data are, however, geographically and taxonomically
unrepresentative; most data are from North America and Western Euro...
Growing urbanization and the expansion of the agricultural frontier in tropical ecosystems have generated patchy landscapes composed of remnants of natural habitats and abandoned fields. This scenario offers an opportunity to develop urban reserves in order to preserve local fauna in expanding cities. We propose that if native animals are able to u...
Ecologists have been largely interested in the description and understanding of the power scaling
relationships between body size and abundance of organisms. Many studies have focused on estimating the
exponents of these functions across taxonomic groups and spatial scales, to draw inferences about the processes
underlying this pattern. The exponen...
Trait matching pollinators Garibaldi et al 2015
Many of the world’s crops are pollinated by insects, and bees are often assumed to be the most important pollinators. To our knowledge, our study is the first quantitative evaluation of the relative contribution of non-bee pollinators to global pollinator-dependent crops. Across 39 studies we show that insects other than bees are effic...
p>Land-use change and intensification threaten bee populations worldwide, imperilling pollination services. Global models are needed to better characterise, project, and mitigate bees' responses to these human impacts. The available data are, however, geographically and taxonomically unrepresentative; most data are from North America and Western Eu...
More than 20,000 angiosperm species possess non-dehiscent anthers that open through small pores at the anther’s tip. These flowers are visited by bees that use vibrations to remove pollen, a phenomenon known as buzz pollination. However, some floral visitors fail to transfer pollen efficiently, either through a mismatch of flower and insect size, o...
Bumblebees are highly valued for their pollination services in natural ecosystems as well as for agricultural crops. These precious pollinators are known to be declining worldwide, and one major factor contributing to this decline are infections by parasites. Knowledge about parasites in wild bumblebee populations is thus of paramount importance fo...
Principal component analysis (PCA) of the morphological characteristics of floral visitors of Solanum rostratum in natural populations in Mexico. Eigenvectors and per cent variance explained by each of the first two principal components
La disminución en el número de colmenas de Apis mellifera en diversos países de la Unión Europea y en los Estados Unidos ha preocupado a apicultores, agricultores, ambientalistas, gobiernos y empresas transnacionales. Entre los factores considerados se encuentran: una nutrición deficiente de las abejas, a suplementos artificiales y en menor grado a...
Nuevas especies de abejas del género Ashmeadiella de México
Understanding the relationships between trait diversity, species diversity and ecosystem functioning is essential for sustainable management. For functions comprising two trophic levels, trait matching between interacting partners should also drive functioning. However, the predictive ability of trait diversity and matching is unclear for most func...
We analyzed the topological structure (e.g., links per species, connectance, core-periphery
analyses, specialization, nestedness, modularity) of plant-bee interactions of four areas in
Mexico. We used qualitative data (binary networks). Mexico exhibits a complex geography
and community variation that can affect bee networks. Network architecture is...
Coffee is the second most traded commodity, after petroleum, in the world. Vast areas of tropical landscapes are devoted to coffee production. A coffee bean starts its journey to our table as a flower on a shrub. Flowers require pollination for seeds and fruits to form, but for coffee it is widely believed that either self-pollination or pollinatio...
Red List Assessment for Bombus haueri
Biodiversity continues to decline in the face of increasing anthropogenic pressures such as habitat destruction, exploitation, pollution and introduction of alien species. Existing global databases of species’ threat status or population time series are dominated by charismatic species. The collation of datasets with broad taxonomic and biogeograph...
In the Report “Wild Pollinators Enhance Fruit Set of Crops Regardless of Honey Bee Abundance,” it is possible that some pollinator species were misidentified in lowland coffee, Uganda, one of the 41 studies included in the synthesis. This potential misidentification does not invalidate the analyses, conclusions, or the wider implications of the stu...
Honeybees Can't Do It Alone
The majority of food crops require pollination to set fruit with the honeybee providing a pollination workhorse, with both feral and managed populations an integral component of crop management (see the Perspective by Tylianakis , published online 28 February). Garibaldi et al. (p. 1608 , published online 28 February) no...
The inter-relations between flowers and animals have excited the imaginations of scientific
luminaries for over two centuries. The fascinating and intricate ways that cement the processes of the crucially important ecosystem function of pollination in environments from those in intensively managed agriculture to those in remote wilderness transcend...
Mexico has several natural protected areas (NPAs) managed by state administrations. However, the aims these NPAs are more closely related to local political contexts than to their importance as reservoirs of biodiversity. In this study, we assessed the conservation value of the park Flor del Bosque, in the state of Puebla. Since this park contains...
The Mexican native bumblebee Bombus ephippiatus Say was evaluated as a potential pollinator of greenhouse tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicon L.). The experiments were performed at San Andrés Cholula, Puebla, Mexico, from June to December 2004 in two 1 000 m2 greenhouses planted with tomatoes of the cultivar Mallory (Hazera ®). For the experiments, we u...
The honey bee Apis mellifera is native to Eurasia and Africa, although it is commonly introduced into crop fields of different parts of the world because of the assumption that it improves yield. This bee is, however, a poor pollinator of several crops compared with native insects. Indeed, honey bees can displace native pollinators and reduce the...
Anthropogenic disturbances may affect the development and maintenance of coral reefs by promoting diseases and other syndromes. In turn, this may cause local decreases in coral species diversity. In this study, we compared the prevalence of syndromes (including diseases and non-disease syndromes) and the diversity of stony coral species between ree...
Anthropogenic disturbances may affect the development and maintenance of coral reefs by promoting diseases and other syndromes. In turn, this may cause local decreases in coral species diversity. In this study, we compared the prevalence of syndromes (including diseases and nondisease syndromes) and the diversity of stony coral species between ree...
Edible insects are an integral part of the Traditional Food System of the Popoloca people of Los Reyes Metzontla in Mexico. Investigation of the knowledge associated with the gathering, preparation, consumption and classification (hot-cold) of edible insects shows that insect gathering is closely related with other activities such as subsistence ag...
The highest concentration of oak species in the world occurs in Mexico, but human activities have strongly degraded these oak forests. Mexican oaks have high economic, social, and cultural value, and restoring these forests is of paramount importance for the people of Mexico. Here, we propose a method for restoring oak forests using native shrubs t...
Pollination is an ecological process that provides important services to humans. Pollination service in agroecosystems depends on several factors, including the land management systems used by farmers. Here we focused on the effects of insect pollinator diversity on coffee fruit production along a gradient of management systems in central Veracruz,...
Se describe a Caupolicana (Caupolicana) evansi, una nueva especie, similar a C. yarrowi (Cresson). La especie descrita se encuentra en el Desierto de Tehuacán y en el Valle de Cuicatlán, en México. Se incluye una clave par a las seis especies norteamericanas de Caupolicana s.str.
This chapter reviews currently available information on the success of introduced pollinators, their effects on native ecosystems, and examines the viability of using native pollinators to prevent unnecessary introductions of exotic species. Exotic species of bees have been introduced to different countries as crop pollinators. Well-known examples...
The structure of the bee community was studied at a mixed fruit orchard in the central Plateau of Mexico. The species richness found for the community was low. The bee species abundance has a log normal truncated distribution, when all flower visitors are taken into account. The low diversity of bee pollinators sampled from a fruit orchard in the C...
We tested the effect natural products smoke has on the honey bee tracheal mite (Acarapis woodi) and honey bees. Plant materials screened for activity included coffee beans (Coffea arabica), corncobs (Zea mays), creosote bush (Larrea tridentata), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus sp.), orange peel (Citrus sinensis), pecan leaves (Carya illinoiensis), dead and...
Durante el período de fructificación-maduración del tejocote (Crataegus mexicana), se realizó una evaluación de las poblaciones de Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), con el propósito de detectar las etapas críticas de la infestación. El estudio se llevó a cabo en el Municipio de Huejotzingo, Puebla, para lo cual se seleccionaron cuatro localidades de mu...
Ovarian development was studied in workers of Bombus terrestris under four different treatments, which produced different levels of ovarian development. Psythirus females of both specific (P. vestalis) and non-specific (P. bohemicus, which is the specific parasite of B. lucorum) species were able to inhibit worker ovarian development and to reprodu...
The low diversity of bee pollinators sampled from a fruit orchard in the Central Plateau of Mexico is the direct effect of agricultural practices that has occurred in the region for the last 2,000 years. The bee species abundance has a log normal truncated distribution. The reasons for these patterns are discussed and recommendations for future res...
A faunistic study of the bees (Apoidea) of a semi-desert in the Transverse Neovolcanic Belt of central Mexico was carried out by systematic monthly collecting, during one year. A total of 259 species, 69 genera and seven families were recorded; 44 are undescribed species, 46 are new records for the state of Puebla and, of these, 3 are also new reco...
Female reproductive parasitism, or queen usurpation, was observed in honey bee colonies maintained in the Gulf coastal plain of Mexico between November 1987 and October 1990. Fifty-one of the European honey bee colonies managed during this study were invaded by Africanized honey bee swarms in two of three apiary monitoring lines, with annual invasi...
The importation of the African honeybee Apis mellifera scutellata, (Ruttner 1976) into Brazil in 1956, and its release in 1957, has had a dramatic impact on the resident European honeybee populations in the Americas during the last 31 years. The hybrid descendants of African honeybees have drastically affected apiculture and public heath in this re...
Bee colonies in lowland forest in Panama were monitored for pollen and nectar harvest, pollen species utilization and nectar quality and quantity per returning forager. Despite sharing most pollen resources and nectar of the same quality with 20 introduced colonies of the African honey bee ( Apis mellifera ), native stingless bees of 12 species wer...
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Georgia, 1991. Includes bibliographical references. Photocopy.