Carlos Vega

Carlos Vega
Carlos verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Carlos verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Complutense University of Madrid | UCM · Departamento de Quimica Fisica



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I work on computer simulations with special interest in water and aqueous electrolyte solutions. I am expert on phase diagram calculations and force field development. I developped the water model tip4p/2005 in collaboration with Jose Luis Abascal and the tip4p/ice model in collaboration with Jose Luis Abascal and Eduardo Sanz. For electrolytes I developed the Madrid-2019 force field. I also work on nucleation (seeding technique) and on interfacial free energies of fluid-solid interfaces.
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January 1990 - December 2016
Complutense University of Madrid
  • Professor (Full)


Publications (299)
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Rigid, non-polarizable water models are very efficient from a computational point of view, and some of them have a great ability in predicting experimental properties. There is, however, little room for improvement in simulating water with this strategy, whose main shortcoming is that water molecules do not change their interaction parameters in re...
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The Madrid-2019 force field was recently developed to perform simulations of electrolytes in water. The model was specifically parameterized for TIP4P/2005 water and uses scaled charges for the ions. In this work, we test the compatibility of the Madrid-2019 force field with another water model: TIP4P/Ice. We shall denote this combination as Madrid...
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The calculation of the interfacial free energy between two thermodynamic phases is crucial across various fields, including materials science, chemistry, and condensed matter physics. In this study, we apply an existing thermodynamic approach, the Gibbs–Cahn integration method, to determine the interfacial free energy under different coexistence co...
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In the study of crystal nucleation via computer simulations, hard spheres are arguably the most extensively explored model system. Nonetheless, even in this simple model system, the complex thermodynamics of crystal nuclei can sometimes give rise to counterintuitive results, such as the recent observation that the pressure inside a critical nucleus...
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The theory of interfacial properties in liquid-liquid or liquid-vapour systems is nearly 200 years old. The advent of computational tools has greatly advanced the field, mainly through the use of Molecular Dynamics simulations. Despite the successes and advances in the theory of interfacial phenomena for liquid-liquid systems, the study of solid-li...
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It is our real pain to write this article, remembering years of friendship and scientific collaboration with Stefan Sokołowski, who passed away on the 24th of June 2024. He was a strong man in his faith and convictions, a kind and helpful friend, attentive and open-minded in discussions, creative, profound and sophisticated in understanding the flo...
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We present a rigid model for the OH– ion parametrized for binary mixtures with TIP4P/2005-type water molecules. Li⁺, Na⁺ and K⁺ were selected as counterions, hence mimicking the important and widely used solutions of soluble alkaline hydroxides. The optimized atomic charge distributions were obtained by scaling in a factor of 0.85 those derived fro...
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In this paper, the solubility of carbon dioxide (CO$_{2}$) in water along the isobar of 400 bar is determined by computer simulations using the well-known TIP4P/Ice force field for water and TraPPE model for CO$_{2}$. In particular, the solubility of CO$_{2}$ in water when in contact with the CO$_{2}$ liquid phase, and the solubility of CO$_{2}$ in...
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The calculation of the interfacial free energy between two thermodynamic phases is crucial across different fields including materials science, chemistry, and condensed matter physics. This study delves into a thermodynamic approach to predict interfacial free energy along a coexistence line. For that purpose, we utilize Gibbs-Cahn integration meth...
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Clathrate hydrates are vital in energy research and environmental applications. Understanding their stability is crucial for harnessing their potential. In this work, we employ direct coexistence simulations to study finite-size effects in the determination of the three-phase equilibrium temperature ($T_3$) for methane hydrates. Two popular water m...
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The last generation of four center non-polarizable models of water can be divided into two groups: those reproducing the dielectric constant of water, as OPC, and those significantly underestimating its value, as TIP4P/2005. To evaluate the global performance of OPC and TIP4P/2005, we shall follow the test proposed by Vega and Abascal in 2011 evalu...
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The shift in the temperature of maximum in density (TMD) at room pressure of aqueous solutions of a set of five salts containing NO3− and/or NH4+ groups is studied both through experiments and through molecular dynamics simulations using the Madrid-2019 force field for ions and the TIP4P/2005 model for water. The experiments demonstrate the potenti...
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In the study of crystal nucleation via computer simulations, hard spheres are arguably the most extensively explored model system. Nonetheless, even in this simple model system, the complex thermodynamics of crystal nuclei can sometimes give rise to counterintuitive results, such as the recent observation that the pressure inside a critical nucleus...
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In this work, we introduce variational umbrella seeding, a novel technique for computing nucleation barriers. This new method, a refinement of the original seeding approach, is far less sensitive to the choice of order parameter for measuring the size of a nucleus. Consequently, it surpasses seeding in accuracy and umbrella sampling in computationa...
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Clathrate hydrates are vital in energy research and environmental applications. Understanding their stability is crucial for harnessing their potential. In this work, we employ direct coexistence simulations to study finite-size effects in the determination of the three-phase equilibrium temperature (T3) for methane hydrates. Two popular water mode...
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Non-polarizable force fields fail to accurately predict free energies of aqueous electrolytes without compromising the predictive ability for densities and transport properties. A new approach is presented in which (1) TIP4P/2005 water and scaled charge force fields are used to describe the interactions in the liquid phase and (2) an additional Eff...
Madrid 2019 force field (January 2024) Topology file for Gromacs
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In this work, we present a parameterization of Sr²⁺ and Ba²⁺ cations, which expands the alkali earth set of cations of the Madrid-2019 force field. We have tested the model against the experimental densities of eight different salts, namely, SrCl2, SrBr2, SrI2, Sr(NO3)2, BaCl2, BaBr2, BaI2, and Ba(NO3)2. The force field is able to reproduce the exp...
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The importance of nitrate and ammonium salts both in the environment and in biological processes cannot be questioned. In this work, using the TIP4P/2005 water model, aqueous solutions of nitrate and ammonium electrolytes are parametrized using scaled charges while keeping a rigid structure and nonpolarizable charge distributions. The models are op...
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CO2 and CH4 hydrates are of great importance both from an energetic and from an environmental point of view. It is therefore highly relevant to quantify and understand the rate with which they grow. We use molecular dynamics simulations to shed light on the growth rate of these hydrates. We put the solid hydrate phase in contact with a guest aqueou...
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In this work, we computed electrical conductivities under ambient conditions of aqueous NaCl and KCl solutions by using the Einstein-Helfand equation. Common force fields (charge q = ±1 e) do not reproduce the experimental values of electrical conductivities, viscosities, and diffusion coefficients. Recently, we proposed the idea of using different...
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One of the most accepted hypothesis to explain the anomalous behavior of water is the presence of a critical point between two liquids, the liquid–liquid critical point (LLCP), buried within the deep supercooled regime. Unfortunately, such hypothesis is hard to be experimentally confirmed due to fast freezing. Here, we show that the TIP4P/Ice water...
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In this paper, the solubility of carbon dioxide (CO2) in water along the isobar of 400 bar is determined by computer simulations using the well-known TIP4P/Ice force field for water and the TraPPE model for CO2. In particular, the solubility of CO2 in water when in contact with the CO2 liquid phase and the solubility of CO2 in water when in contact...
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Despite the importance of ice nucleation, this process has been barely explored at negative pressures. Here, we study homogeneous ice nucleation in stretched water by means of molecular dynamics seeding simulations using the TIP4P/Ice model. We observe that the critical nucleus size, interfacial free energy, free energy barrier, and nucleation rate...
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The formation of vapor bubbles in a metastable liquid, cavitation, is an activated process due to the free energy cost of having both phases at contact. Such an energetic penalty enables the existence of the liquid beyond its thermodynamic borders. Establishing the stability limits of a liquid as ubiquitous as water has important practical implicat...
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In this work, we shall estimate via computer simulations the homogeneous nucleation rate for the methane hydrate at 400 bars for a supercooling of about 35 K. The TIP4P/ICE model and a Lennard-Jones center were used for water and methane, respectively. To estimate the nucleation rate, the seeding technique was employed. Clusters of the methane hydr...
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The liquid-vapour transition starts with the formation of a sufficiently large bubble in the metastable liquid to trigger the phase transition. Understanding this process is of fundamental and practical interest, but its study is challenging because it occurs over timescales that are too short for experiments but too long for simulations. The Seedi...
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In this work, we discuss the use of scaled charges when developing force fields for NaCl in water. We shall develop force fields for Na ⁺ and Cl ⁻ using the following values for the scaled charge (in electron units): ±0.75, ±0.80, ±0.85, and ±0.92 along with the TIP4P/2005 model of water (for which previous force fields were proposed for q = ±0.85...
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Despite the importance of ice nucleation, this process has been barely explored at negative pressures. Here, we study homogeneous ice nucleation in stretched water by means of Molecular Dynamics Seeding simulations using the TIP4P/Ice model. We observe that the critical nucleus size, interfacial free energy, free energy barrier, and nucleation rate...
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The thermophysical properties of aqueous electrolyte solutions are of interest for applications such as water electrolyzers and fuel cells. Molecular dynamics (MD) and continuous fractional component Monte Carlo (CFCMC) simulations are used to calculate densities, transport properties (i.e., self-diffusivities and dynamic viscosities), and solubili...
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In this paper, the solubility of methane in water along the 400 bar isobar is determined by computer simulations using the TIP4P/Ice force field for water and a simple LJ model for methane. In particular, the solubility of methane in water when in contact with the gas phase and the solubility of methane in water when in contact with the hydrate has...
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Water freezing is the most common liquid-to-crystal phase transition on Earth, however, despite its critical implications on climate change and cryopreservation among other disciplines, its characterization through experimental and computational techniques remains elusive. In this work, we make use of computer simulations to measure the nucleation...
Water freezing is the most common liquid-to-crystal phase transition on Earth, however, despite its critical implications on climate change and cryopreservation among other disciplines, its characterization through experimental and computational techniques remains elusive. In this work, we make use of computer simulations to measure the nucleation...
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By using the direct coexistence method, we have calculated the melting points of ice I h at normal pressure for three recently proposed water models, namely, TIP3P-FB, TIP4P-FB, and TIP4P-D. We obtained T m = 216 K for TIP3P-FB, T m = 242 K for TIP4P-FB, and T m = 247 K for TIP4P-D. We revisited the melting point of TIP4P/2005 and TIP5P obtaining T...
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Water freezing is the most common liquid-to-crystal phase transition on Earth, however, despite its critical implications on climate change and cryopreservation among other disciplines, its characterization through experimental and computational techniques remains elusive. In this work, we make use of computer simulations to measure the nucleation...
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In this work, we studied the effect of Li ⁺ , Na ⁺ , K ⁺ , Mg ²⁺ , and Ca ²⁺ chlorides and sulfates on the temperature of maximum density (TMD) of aqueous solutions at room pressure. Experiments at 1 molal salt concentration were carried out to determine the TMD of these solutions. We also performed molecular dynamics simulations to estimate the TM...
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Salt aqueous solutions are relevant in many fields, ranging from biological systems to seawater. Thus, the availability of a force-field that is able to reproduce the thermodynamic and dynamic behavior of salt aqueous solutions would be of great interest. Unfortunately, this has been proven challenging, and most of the existing force-fields fail to...
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In this work, an extension of the Madrid-2019 force field is presented. We have added the cations Rb+ and Cs+ and the anions F-, Br-, and I-. These ions were the remaining alkaline and halogen ions, not previously considered in the Madrid-2019 force field. The force field, denoted as Madrid-2019-Extended, does not include polarizability and uses th...
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We determine, for hard spheres, the Helmholtz free energy of a liquid that contains a solid cluster as a function of the size of the solid cluster by means of the formalism of the thermodynamics of curved interfaces. This is done at the constant total number of particles, volume, and temperature. We show that under certain conditions, one may have...
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The seeding method is an approximate approach to investigate nucleation that combines molecular dynamics simulations with classical nucleation theory. Recently, this technique has been successfully implemented in a broad range of nucleation studies. However, its accuracy is subject to the arbitrary choice of the order parameter threshold used to di...
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Hard-sphere crystallization has been widely investigated over the last six decades by means of colloidal suspensions and numerical methods. However, some aspects of its nucleation behaviour are still under debate. Here, we provide a detailed computational characterisation of the polymorphic nucleation competition between the face-centered cubic (fc...
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Hard-sphere model systems are well-suited in both experiment and simulations to investigate fundamental aspects of the crystallization of fluids. In experiments on colloidal models of hard-sphere fluids, the uid is unavoidably at contact with the walls of the sample cell, where heterogeneous crystallization may take place. In this work we use simul...
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Many important processes affecting the earth's climate are determined by the physical properties of seawater. In addition, desalination of seawater is a significant source of drinking water for the human population living in coastal areas. Since the physical properties of seawater governing these processes depend on the molecular interactions among...
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Colloidal particles have been extensively used to comprehend the main principles governing liquid-crystal nucleation. Multiple mechanisms and frameworks have been proposed, through either experiments or computational approaches, to rationalise the ubiquitous formation of colloidal crystals. In this work, we elucidate the nucleation scenario behind...
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Condensation and boiling are phase transitions highly relevant to industry, geology or atmospheric science. These phase transitions are initiated by the nucleation of a drop in a supersaturated vapor and of a bubble in an overstretched liquid respectively. The surface tension between both phases, liquid and vapor, is a key parameter in the developm...
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Ice nucleation is a phenomenon that, despite the relevant implications for life, atmospheric sciences, and technological applications, is far from being completely understood, especially under extreme thermodynamic conditions. In this work we present a computational investigation of the homogeneous ice nucleation at negative pressures. By means of...
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Condensation and boiling are phase transitions highly relevant to industry, geology, and atmospheric science. These phase transitions are initiated by the nucleation of a drop in a supersaturated vapor and of a bubble in an overstretched liquid, respectively. The surface tension between both phases, liquid and vapor, is a key parameter in the devel...
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The application of the Young-Laplace equation to a solid-liquid interface is considered. Computer simulations show that the pressure inside a solid cluster of hard spheres is smaller than the external pressure of the liquid (both for small and large clusters). This would suggest a negative value for the interfacial free energy. We show that in a Gi...
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Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) are biopolymers capable of interfering with ice growth. Their antifreeze action is commonly understood considering that the AFPs, by pinning the ice surface, force the crystal-liquid interface to bend forming an ice meniscus, causing an increase in the surface free energy and resulting in a decrease in the freezing point...
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In this work, we study by means of simulations of hard spheres the equilibrium between a spherical solid cluster and the fluid. In the NVT ensemble we observe stable/metastable clusters of the solid phase in equilibrium with the fluid, representing configurations that are global/local minima of the Helmholtz free energy. Then, we run NpT simulation...
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To predict the radiative forcing of clouds it is necessary to know the rate with which ice homogeneously nucleates in supercooled water. Such rate is often measured in drops to avoid the presence of impurities. At large supercooling small (nanoscopic) drops must be used to prevent simultaneous nucleation events. The pressure inside such drops is la...
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Simulations are widely used to study nucleation in first order phase transitions due to the fact that they have access to the relevant length and time scales. However, simulations face the problem that nucleation is an activated process. Therefore, rare event simulation techniques are needed to promote the formation of the critical nucleus. The See...