Carlos González MorcilloUniversity of Castilla-La Mancha · Department of Information Technologies and Systems
Carlos González Morcillo
Ph. D. in Computer Science
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September 2002 - present
Publications (68)
In the last decade, Virtual Reality (VR) has emerged as a promising tool for upper limb rehabilitation, effectively complementing conventional therapies. However, one of the main challenges lies in designing virtual environments that adapt to the specific needs of each patient, considering their unique motor limitations. An inadequately adapted env...
In this paper, Virtual Reality Shopping Insights (VRSI) is presented, a framework that aids the development
of Virtual Reality (VR) shopping applications as well as collecting data and analysing it. VRSI aims to help
software developers and researchers by abstracting the layers needed to setup VR technology on applications
developed with Unity. Mor...
In recent years, new technologies have contributed to an improvement in the upper limb rehabilitation process as a complement to the conventional therapy received by patients. In this context, technologies should facilitate accurate monitoring of the hands and serve to collect data on patient performance during functional tasks in order to objectiv...
Learning music has been demonstrated to provide many benefits for children. However, music students, especially beginners, often suffer from lack of motivation and even can be frustrated if their musical skills do not improve as they practice over and over. In such situations, they usually end up dropping out of music school. To face this challenge...
Stroke represents a global concern that currently affects a significant part of the world’s population. Physical rehabilitation plays a fundamental role for stroke patients to recover mobility and improve quality of life. This process is costly, considering that patients must attend face-to-face rehabilitation sessions in hospitals or rehabilitatio...
The way in which people learn and institutions teach is changing due to the ever-increasing impact of technology. People access the Internet anywhere, anytime and request online training. This has brought about the creation of numerous online learning platforms which offer comprehensive and effective educational solutions which are 100% online. The...
Physical rehabilitation aims at improving the functional ability and quality of life of patients affected by physical impairments or disabilities. Neurological diseases represent the largest cause of disability worldwide. For many, there is no cure and physiotherapy allows symptoms to be managed. Physiotherapy is based on the daily execution of exe...
The consequences of natural or man-made catastrophes can be devastating. To minimize its impact, it is crucial to carry out a rapid analysis of the affected environment in the moments after they occur, especially from the perspective of alert notification or crisis management. In this context, the use of UAVs, understood as the technological basis...
Neurological disorders such as strokes, dementia, or ABI, among others, represent a major burden on European and worldwide healthcare systems, and can be understood as an unmet clinical need, recognised as a global challenge. This work discusses how agent technology can contribute to increase the autonomy of patients affected by neurological diseas...
Despite the continuous measures taken in large cities to improve road safety, pedestrian run-overs are still some of the main problems. In this paper an expert system is presented, whose aim is to reduce the number of run overs on pedestrian crossings with a luminous reinforcement system. An expert fuzzy system analyses the speed approaching vehicl...
There can be little doubt that technology has made a contribution towards improving the preparation that professionals who have dedicated their lives to professional sports receive, both from a technical and a performance point of view. This improvement has taken place mainly on an individual level by means of tools that enable, for example, the pe...
The main goal of intelligent surveillance consists in providing security systems with the skills required for correctly detecting and analyzing events in monitored environments. Since these environments are complex and the information is distributed through them, the use of agent-based approaches has become more and more popular when monitoring mov...
This paper describes the application of language translation technologies for generating bus information in Spanish Sign Language (LSE: Lengua de Signos Española). In this work, two main systems have been developed: the first for translating text messages from information panels and the second for translating spoken Spanish into natural conversatio...
A methodology for developing an advanced communications system for the Deaf in a new domain is presented in this paper. This methodology is a user-centred design approach consisting of four main steps: requirement analysis, parallel corpus generation, technology adaptation to the new domain, and finally, system evaluation. During the requirement an...
Intelligent surveillance aims at providing artificial systems in order to monitor and improve the security of public and private spaces. Since these environments are complex and the
information is distributed through them, agent-based solutions represent a good approach when monitoring moving objects. This paper describes how an existing agent plat...
Intelligent surveillance systems should be able to carry out an exhaustive analysis from multi-sensor information according to multiple events of interest in order to classify situations as normal or abnormal. That is why the design of appropriate fusion methods is essential to combine the information from a number of monitored aspects and achieve...
This paper describes a new version of a speech into sign language translation system with new tools and characteristics for increasing its adaptability to a new task or a new semantic domain. This system is made up of a speech recognizer (for decoding the spoken utterance into a word sequence), a natural language translator (for converting a word s...
In last decade, indoor GPS-like navigation has devoted attention from research community since is a key point for advanced services. Assistance, direct marketing, localization, etc. are examples of services that an appropiate navigation infrastructure could enable. With the evolution of cameras integrated in consumer electronics devices (mobile pho...
In this paper, we propose a scalable multi-agent architecture to give support to smart grids, paying special attention to the intelligent monitoring of distribution substations. The data gathered by multiple sensors are used by software agents that are responsible for monitoring different aspects or events of interest, such as normal voltage values...
This paper presents a methodology for adapting an advanced communication system for deaf people in a new domain. This methodology is a user-centered design approach consisting of four main steps: requirement analysis, parallel corpus generation, technology adaptation to the new domain, and finally, system evaluation. In this paper, the new consider...
The generation of virtual images, which do not differ from those taken from the real world, from an abstract description of a 3D scene is defined as Photorealistic Image Synthesis. Since achieving greater realism is the ultimate goal, the rendering of a single image may take hours or days even on powerful computers. To face this challenge, in this...
In this work we discuss the advances in the development of an existing agent platform [20] taking in mind the domain of intelligent surveillance. We have paid special attention to key aspects such as scalability, robustness and flexibility. Furthermore, we have focused our effort to i) implement a scalable replication service for the main component...
Advanced Surveillance Systems are able to automatically understand events and behaviors. These systems carry out an exhaustive analysis from multi-sensor information, according to multiple aspects or events of interest in order to classify situations as normal or abnormal. Thus, developing appropriate methods in order to combine the information fro...
We derive an exact solution (in the form of a series expansion) to compute gravitational lensing magnification maps. It is based on the backward gravitational lens mapping of a partition of the image plane in polygonal cells (inverse polygon mapping, IPM), not including critical points (except perhaps at the cell boundaries). The zeroth-order term...
Photo realistic Image Synthesis requires high computational power to generate virtual images from 3D models. In fact, the rendering of a single high-quality image may take days even on powerful computers. In this paper, we present a novel approach based on grid philosophy and the P2P model for distributed rendering. The grid allows us to face this...
In this paper we propose a flexible task distribution mechanism in order to reduce the time spent in rendering complex 3D scenes. This kind of mechanisms are particularly useful when adopting a fine-coarse approach, that is, when distributing the rendering of a single image. The proposed mechanism has been integrated into a multi-agent architecture...
Intelligent surveillance involves the use of AI techniques to monitor environments whose analysis is becoming more and more complex because of the large number of sensors used and the need of monitoring multiple events of interest simultaneously. Most of the current surveillance systems provide solutions for particular problems but still suffer fro...
Since their first developments, traditional video surveillance systems have been designed to monitor environments. However,
these systems have several limitations to automatically understand events and behaviours without human collaboration. In order
to overcome this problem, intelligent surveillance systems arise as a possible solution. This kind...
Lately, indoor navigation systems has been a hot topic for the research community with many different proposals to positioning people and keeping track of their movements. In this paper we go a step beyond designing an object-oriented distributed architecture for highly scalable indoor navigation systems. The idea behind this architecture is to pro...
Emotions play a key role in any purchasing process even more when it is done through web portals. In this paper, we present a fuzzy-logic based system aimed to generate emotions for a virtual seller or avatar. The 3D avatar is integrated within the e-Zoco e-commerce portal and its behaviour depends on the product search results. Moreover, the mood...
In this paper we discuss how an existing model for normality analysis of behaviors and a multi-agent architecture that gives
support to such a model can be used on the Ambient Assisted Living domain. The use of this kind of models and architectures
can contribute to support and help users in particular scenarios. A case study of an indoor environme...
In this paper, the authors propose a method to develop intelligent surveillance systems based on surveillance components managed by software agents to deal with specific events of interest in complex environments.
Rendering is the process of generating a 2D image from the abstract description of a 3D scene. In spite of the development of new techniques and algorithms, the computational requirements of photorealistic rendering are huge so that it is not possible to render them in real time. In addition, the adequate configuration of rendering quality paramete...
Multiagent systems (MAS) development frameworks aim at facilitating the development and administration of agent-based applications. Currently relevant tools, such as JADE, offer huge possibilities but they are generally linked to a specific technology (commonly Java). This fact may limit some application domains when deploying MAS, such as low effi...
Due to the growing of the Internet and the users' trend to acquire products via Internet, the e-commerce has become in a new very important business opportunity. In this paper we present a multi-agent and multi-layer architecture to support general purpose e-marketplaces. The presented system is compound of software agents that can be able to act i...
Graphic Design is the process of creating graphics to meet specific commercial needs based on knowledge of layout principles and esthetic concepts. This is usually an iterative trial and error process which requires a lot of time even for expert designers. This expert knowledge can be modelled, represented and used by a computer to perform design a...
In this paper we propose a multi-agent architecture that gives support to a set of robots for surveillance tasks, such as
environment exploration. We introduce two protocols to coordinate the robots: one of them to carry out role allocation depending
on the mobility concept and the other one to gather information from the environment. The communica...
Traffic accidents, in which pedestrians are often involved, injure and kill many people yearly. One critical scene is the crosswalk, an important knocking down source due to both drivers’ and pedestrians’ incorrect behaviors. In this work, we propose a novel approach to detect and sanction these drivers’ abnormal behaviors. The multi-agent system p...
Realistic rendering is the process of generating a 2D image from an abstract description of a 3D scene, aiming at achieving the quality of a photo. The quality of the generated image depends on the accuracy with which the employed render method simulates the behaviour of the light particles through the scene. According to the current practice, it i...
Surveillance systems are being more and more important in a wide variety of environments. In order to obtain better results
when analyzing an environment, advanced techniques based on Artificial Intelligence that go beyond segmentation, tracking,
and pattern matching are being used. That is, a knowledge layer is needed for improving surveillance. T...
Communication among intelligent agents which take part in negotiation protocols is not frequently considered as an important topic in the negotiation stage. These mechanisms are often designed for specific problems, without taking into account the interoperability among agents involved. In this paper, we suggest a standard communication protocol to...
Physically based rendering is the process of generating a 2D image from the abstract description of a 3D Scene. Despite the develop- ment of various new techniques and algorithms, the computational re- quirements of generating photorealistic images still do not allow to render in real time. Moreover, the configuration of good render quality param-...
The rendering process allows the developer to obtain a raster 2D image from the definition of a 3D scene. This process is computationally intensive if the source scene has a certain complexity or high-quality images are required. Therefore, a lot of time is spent and many computational resources are needed. In this paper, a novel approach called QU...
Physically based rendering is the process of generating a 2D image from the abstract description of a 3D Scene. Despite the development of various new techniques and algorithms, the computational requirements of generating photorealistic images still do not allow to render in real time. Moreover, the configuration of good render quality parameters...
en la última década las empresas que trabajan con contenido multimedia demandan imágenes de alta definición para sus proyectos de síntesis 3D. El proceso de renderizado consiste básicamente en la obtención de una imagen 2D a partir de la definición abstracta de una escena 3D. A pesar de la aparición de nuevas técnicas y algoritmos, el coste computa...
A new method of calculating microlensing magnification patterns is proposed that is based on the properties of the backward gravitational lens mapping of a lattice of polygonal cells defined at the image plane. To a first-order approximation, the local linearity of the transformation allows us to compute the contribution of each image-plane cell to...
A lot of current small businesses involve very simple interaction models that are being formalized for carrying out electronic commerce via open networks, like the Internet, or closed, private networks. E-commerce implies carry on negotiation between suppliers and customers, and makes a decision. We develop a technique for multi-issue negotiations...
RESUMEN Cómo se recoge en los informes de La Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA), existe un número de créditos destinados al dominio de lenguas extranjeras como pilar base de las destrezas profesionales que el alumno debe adquirir en su formación. Como mecanismo de apoyo en la adopción del Sistema de Créditos Europeo...
Temporal Fuzzy Models (TFMs) and Temporal Fuzzy Chains (TFCs) are used to represent dynamic sys- tems. Temporal fuzzy rules (TFRs) of TFMs are ordered, thus, each rule represents a consecutive tempo- ral zone. TFCs make use of two dierent concepts: the traditional method to represent the dynamic systems (DSs) named state vectors (6), and the lingui...