Carlos m GomezUniversity of Seville | US · Experimental Psychology
Carlos m Gomez
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Publications (150)
Biological signals such as respiration (RSP) and heart rate (HR) are oscillatory and physiologically coupled, maintaining homeostasis through regulatory mechanisms. This report models the dynamic relationship between RSP and HR in 45 healthy volunteers at rest. Cross-correlation between RSP and HR was computed, along with regression analysis to pre...
Predictive coding framework posits that our brain continuously monitors changes in the environment and updates its predictive models, minimizing prediction errors to efficiently adapt to environmental demands. However, the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms of these predictive phenomena remain unclear. The present study aimed to explore the s...
The present report analyzed the time-frequency changes in Event-Related Spectral perturbations (ERSP) in a sample of ADHD children and adolescents compared to a normodevelopment (ND) sample. A delayed match-to-sample (DMTS) test of working memory (WM) was presented to a group of ADHD subjects (N=29) and compared with ND group (N=34) with ages betwe...
A cradle-to-farm gate life cycle assessment was conducted following international standards (ISO 14040, 2006) to estimate sources of greenhouse gas emissions of an extensive alpaca production system in the Peruvian Andes with a focus on carbon footprint. The assessment encompasses all supply chain processes involved with the production of alpaca fi...
Following international standards procedures, a cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment of an extensive alpaca production
system was conducted to determine its carbon footprint (CF)1. The study was conducted during the dry season in a
typical Peruvian alpaca production system for meat and fibre production comprising 1,492 alpacas (young, tuis, and
This present study aims to investigate neural mechanisms underlying ADHD compared to healthy children through the analysis of the complexity and the variability of the EEG brain signal using multiscale entropy (MSE), EEG signal standard deviation (SDs), as well as the mean, standard deviation (SDp) and coefficient of variation (CV) of...
The present study aims to analyze the systemic response to auditory stimulation by means of hemodynamic (cephalic and peripheral) and autonomic responses in a broad range of auditory intensities (70.9, 77.9, 84.5, 89.5, 94.5 dBA). This approach could help to understand the possible influence of the autonomic nervous system on the cephalic blood flo...
The ubiquitous brain oscillations occur in bursts of oscillatory activity. The present report tries to define the statistical characteristics of electroencephalographical (EEG) bursts of oscillatory activity during resting state in humans to define (i) the statistical properties of amplitude and duration of oscillatory bursts, (ii) its possible cor...
Predictive coding reflects the ability of the human brain to extract environmental patterns in order to reformulate previous expectations. The present report analyzes through the late N1 auditory component and the post imperative negative variation (PINV) the updating of predictions regarding the characteristics of a new trial, depending on the pre...
The objective of this paper was to analyze the maturation order of WM components Phonological loop (PL), Visuo-spatial Sketchpad (VSS) and Central executive (CE), from childhood to emerging adulthood in subjects aged between 6 and 29 years, by means of Bonferroni comparisons between the direct scores of the different age groups. The WM direct score...
This report is a cross-sectional study aiming to establish the status of age inter-group and individual variability for Working Memory (WM) for the three WM components: Phonological loop (PL), Visuo-spatial Sketchpad (VSS) and Central executive (CE). The direct scores of the CE, the PL and the VSS were obtained in a sample of 258 subjects between 6...
The auditory mismatch negativity (MMN) has been considered a preattentive index of auditory processing and/or a signature of prediction error computation. This study tries to demonstrate the presence of an MMN to deviant trials included in complex auditory stimuli sequences, and its possible relationship to predictive coding. Additionally, the tran...
The present report aimed to analyze the possible relationship of spontaneous EEG power variability across epochs in individual subjects (absolute and relative) with age. For this purpose, the resting state EEG of a sample of 258 healthy subjects (6-29 years old) in open and closed eyes experimental conditions were recorded. The power spectral densi...
New finding:
What is the central question of this study? The auditory stimulation would produce a response in different physiological systems: cardiac, peripheral blood flow, electrodermal, cortical and peripheral hemodynamic response and auditory event related potentials. The central question would be: Are all these subsystems covarying when resp...
The spontaneous electroencephalogram during resting state provides noninvasive information about brain function without needing complex experimental protocols. It makes this form of testing brain function very useful for young children and special populations which have difficulties in following complex instructions. In this chapter, we describe ch...
In this chapter, we have tried to demonstrate that working memory (WM) is evolving from infancy to adulthood. This development is appreciated in psychological, structural, electrophysiological, and blood flow changes (neurochemistry being less accessible because of the invasive nature of its measurement). The performance and the neural networks rel...
Possible age-related changes in different working memory (WM) subcomponents were assessed by analyzing the event-related-potentials associated with the n-back task. Two versions of the task (0- and 1-back) were administered to 168 subjects between 6 and 20 years of age. In both n-back tasks, lists of symbol-letter pairs were presented. Participants...
Working Memory (WM) impairments have been frequently observed as an important feature of Attention‐Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Event‐Related Potential (ERP) differences between ADHD and Healthy Controls (HC) would be expected during WM task performance. Especially, the so‐called Slow Wave (SW), which is related to the retention process,...
Impairment of executive functions including attention and working memory (WM) have been proposed as an important feature of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). During the recognition phase of a delayed match-to-sample test (DMTS) a reduced N2pc component, related to the attentional selection of the memorized item and a reduced dist...
Passive testing of auditory function is an important objective in individuals with ASD due to known difficulties in understanding and/or following task instructions. In present study the habituation to standard tones following deviants and the auditory discriminative processes were examined in two conditions: electronic and human sounds, in a sampl...
The present report examines the possible differences in absolute Power Spectral Density (PSD), the topography of brain rhythms, and low frequency (delta and theta) vs. beta PSD when attention deficit disorder (ADHD) children and controls are compared. These results would potentially be useful to test the validity of the developmental lag and differ...
In this study, we asked whether the event-related potentials associated to cue and target stimuli of a Central Cue Posner Paradigm (CCPP) may encode key parameters of Bayesian inference - prior expectation and surprise - on a trial-by-trial basis. Thirty-two EEG channel were recorded in a sample of 19 young adult subjects while performing a CCPP, i...
The possibility that power-to-power (theta–beta) frequency coupling increases during development was analyzed. Three minutes of spontaneous EEG in an open eyes condition were recorded in a sample of 160 subjects ranging from 6 to 26 years old. Theta (4–7 Hz) and beta band (15–20 Hz) power was calculated in a trial-by-trial basis. Inter-electrode po...
Working memory (WM) is an important cognitive function that is necessary to perform our daily activities. The present review briefly describes the most accepted models underlying WM and the neural networks involved in its processing. The review focuses on how the neurophysiological mechanisms develop with age in the periods from childhood to adoles...
It has been described that the frequency ranges at which theta, mu and alpha rhythms oscillate is increasing with age. The present report, by analyzing the spontaneous EEG, tries to demonstrate whether there is an increase with age in the frequency at which the cortical structures oscillate. A topographical approach was followed. The spontaneous EE...
The aim of this study was to define the pattern of reduction in absolute power spectral density (PSD) of magnetoencephalography (MEG) signals throughout development. Specifically, we wanted to explore whether the human skull’s high permeability for electromagnetic fields would allow us to question whether the pattern of absolute PSD reduction obser...
Correlation and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of behavioral measures from two experimental tasks (Delayed Match-to-Sample and Oddball), and standard scores from a neuropsychological test battery (Working Memory Test Battery for Children) was performed on data from participants between 6–18 years old. The correlation analysis (p < .05) results...
The present study tries to analyze the neural basis of the so-called “Inter-trial Validity–Invalidity Effects” by means of Event-Related Potentials. The N1, P2, P3a and P3b components were examined. The aim is to show the sequential effects on Event-Related Potentials by analyzing the effect of previous trial condition (n − 1) in the processing of...
The neural bases of the so-called Spatial Cueing Effect in a visuo-auditory version of the Central Cue Posneŕs Paradigm (CCPP) are analyzed by means of behavioral patterns (Reaction Times and Errors) and Event-Related Potentials (ERPs), namely the Contingent Negative Variation (CNV), N1, P2a, P2p, P3a, P3b and Negative Slow Wave (NSW). The present...
The present study analyzes the development of the visual recognition processing of the relevant stimulus in a Delayed Match-To-Sample (DMS) task during the matching phase. To do so, Electroencephalograms of 170 subjects between 6 and 26 years old were recorded. Behavioral responses and Event Related Potentials (ERPs) induced by the stimuli were obt...
The present study analyzes the development of ERPs related to the process of selecting targets based on their novelty.
One hundred and sixty-seven subjects from 6 to 26 years old were recorded with 30 electrodes during a visual target novelty paradigm.
Behavioral results showed good performance in children that improved with age: a decrease in RTs...
The present report analyzes differences in cerebral sources among several age groups with respect to the encoding, maintenance and recognition of stimuli during a visual working memory task. Differential intensity of involvement of anterior and posterior areas during working memory processing is expected at different ages. For that, 168 subjects be...
non-commercial research and educational use only. Not for reproduction, distribution or commercial use. This chapter was originally published in the book Cognitive Electrophysiology of Attention. The copy attached is provided by Elsevier for the author's benefit and for the benefit of the author's institution, for non-commercial research, and educa...
The purpose of the present study is to analyze how the Slow Wave develops in the retention period on a visual Delayed Match-to-Sample task performed by 170 subjects between 6 and 26years old, divided into 5 age groups. In addition, a neuropsychological test (Working Memory Test Battery for Children) was correlated with this Event Related Potential...
The present report examines a possible co-maturation pattern between different frequency ranges on the spontaneous electroencephalogram (EEG) during development in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood. One hundred and sixty-seven subjects, between 6 and 26 years old were recorded during 3 min of spontaneous EEG. The power spectral density (PS...
An observational study using ethological methodology was carried out on two groups of 4-5 year old children: one group included home-reared children (n=7), and the other institutionally reared children (n=5). All subjects attended the same pre-school centre. Observations were performed in the social context of free play-time under adult supervision...
The neural bases of the inter-trial validity/invalidity sequential effects in a visuo-auditory modified version of the Central Cue Posner's Paradigm (CCPP) are analyzed by means of Early Directing Attention Negativity (EDAN), Contingent Negative Variation (CNV) and Lateralized Readiness Potential (LRP). ERPs results indicated an increase in CNV and...
The purpose of the present study is to analyze how the Slow Wave develops in the retention period on a visual Delayed Match-to-Sample task performed by 170 subjects between 6 and 26 years old, divided into 5 age groups. In addition, a neuropsychological test (Working Memory Test Battery for Children) was correlated with this Event Related Potential...
The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the maturation of spontaneous EEG occurs at the same rate as Late Positive Component (LPC) maturation. To that end, the spontaneous EEG rhythms power spectral density (PSD) and the LPC component in a group of children and a group of young adults were obtained and analyzed by means of Spearman’s correl...
To compare the cortical dynamics of different oculomotor tasks, EEG and eye movements were recorded in 21 volunteers. Using a comprehensive approach, subjects were asked to perform saccadic tasks, which included a saccadic eye movement to a peripheral target (prosaccadic), a movement to the opposite side (antisaccadic), or maintain the gaze fixed (...
Present study evaluates the changes and developmental trajectories of the attentional serial visual search and pre-attentional parallel search (pop-out) in situations in which a fast response is required. The hypothesis of present study are 1) that pre-attentional selection mechanisms develop before than serial atten-tional processes; 2) in the mos...
The peri-adolescent period is a crucial developmental moment of transition from childhood to emergent adulthood. The present report analyses the differences in Power Spectrum (PS) of the Electroencephalogram (EEG) between late childhood (24 children between 8 and 13 years old) and young adulthood (24 young adults between 18 and 23 years old).
The n...
Cerebellum astrocytomas are the most typical nervous system tumors in children. Several cognitive deficits have been previously described. These deficits are probably produced by cerebellar connection and gray matter damage. The present study examines attentional deficits in children operated on for cerebellum astrocytomas, using an attentional par...
Preparatory activity based on a priori probabilities generated in previous trials and subjective expectancies would produce an attentional bias. However, preparation can be correct (valid) or incorrect (invalid) depending on the actual target stimulus. The alternation effect refers to the subjective expectancy that a target will not be repeated in...
Event-related potentials (ERPs) may be used as a highly sensitive way of detecting subtle degrees of cognitive dysfunction. On the other hand, impairment of cognitive skills is increasingly recognised as a hallmark of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS). We sought to determine the psychophysiological pattern of information processing am...
The present review describes and analyzes several recent papers in which the processes of preparation, evaluation and changing a cue's predictive value on a trial-by-trial basis conform a cycle that permits behavior to be constantly updated. This approach is an extension of Joaquin Fuster's proposal of a "perception-action" cycle in which executive...
This study analyzed the developmental trends of brain rhythms in a group of children and a group of young adults. Principal component analysis (PCA), ANOVA, as well as correlational and topographical analyses were applied to the power spectral density of spontaneous electroencephalography (EEG). Absolute and relative power data were analyzed. The P...
The influence of cerebral maturity on the neurocognitive evaluation of target stimuli that have been cued by a spatial directional central cue, which, validly or invalidly, indicates the spatial position of the upcoming target has been investigated. ERPs and behavioural responses were recorded in 18 children and 20 young adults. P3a and P3b amplitu...
The present study investigated the effect of age on task-specific preparatory activation induced by a spatial cue using the central cue Posner's paradigm. The behavioral responses and the contingent negative variation (CNV) generated between S1 (the warning stimulus) and S2 (the imperative stimulus) were compared between 16 healthy children (8-13 y...
The neurocognitive consequences of correct or incorrect spatial prediction in a sequential S1-S2 paradigm were assessed. Sequential dependence on previous trial outcome (valid or invalid) was assessed by late Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) and behavioral responses. Two different experiments were performed, situating the target in the vertical (Exp...
The relationship between stimulus intensity and the probability of detecting the presence of the stimulus is described by the psychometrical function.The probabilistic nature of this relationship is based on the stochastic behaviour of sensory neural channels and sensory networks involved in perceptual processing (Kiang 1968). This study tries to e...
A possible method of finding physiological markers of multiple sclerosis (MS) is the application of EEG quantification (QEEG) of brain activity when the subject is stressed by the demands of a cognitive task. In particular, modulations of the spectral content that take place in the EEG of patients with multiple sclerosis remitting-relapsing (RRMS)...
In a spatial central cueing paradigm, positions in the horizontal meridian were cued to evaluate the neurocognitive processing of validly (V) and invalidly cued (I) targets. ERPs were obtained from 20 EEG channel recordings. Complex Morlet wavelets were applied for computing event-related spectral power (ERSP) modulations and inter-trial phase cohe...
In a spatial central cue Posner s paradigm, positions in the vertical meridian were cued in order to evaluate the neuro-cognitive consequences in the processing of validly cued (VC) and invalidly cued (IC) targets. Sixty-four EEG channels were recorded and analyzed showing that IC targets produced an enhanced P3 component with respect to VC targets...
This study was realized thanks to the collaboration of children and adolescents who had been resected from cerebellar tumors. The medulloblastoma group (CE+, n = 7) in addition to surgery received radiation and chemotherapy. The astrocytoma group (CE, n = 13) did not receive additional treatments. Each clinical group was compared in their executive...
The present report focuses on evaluating the neurocognitive consequences of the correct or incorrect spatial prediction induced by a spatial cue. Positions in the vertical meridian were cued in order to evaluate the cognitive consequences in the processing of the validly (VC) or invalidly cued (IC) targets. The behavioural responses and the 64 EEG...
Event-related potentials (ERPs) and power spectral density (PSD) were registered during an auditory-oddball paradigm in 11 MS patients. These patients showed a decrease in the amplitude of P2 and N2 components and a delayed P3 latency compared to control subjects suggesting that the attentional orienting mechanism in the auditory modality is affect...
The preparation for stimuli and responses in which the position and required finger to respond are cued, produces the preparatory activation of the specific neural resources that are going to be needed for the completion of the task. The focus of the present report is to evaluate if the fronto-parietal networks activated in fMRI studies during endo...
We examined evoked and induced modulations in theta, alpha and gamma oscillations, and also the P2 and late positive component of event-related potentials, during a visual discrimination task with target and nontarget letters. Results for target letters showed a decrease in the amplitude of alpha-band (10-11 Hz) activity and an increase in theta (4...
To test the hypothesis that there is a functional modulation of conventional EEG bands associated with preparatory attention, putative changes in the spontaneous brain rhythms and their associated cerebral sources were addressed. The goals of the present report were, first, to find the brain areas with maximal rhythmic activity before warning and i...
Revisar una serie de aportaciones para la comprensión de la esquizofrenia provenientes de investigaciones con el EEG.MétodoSe presenta estudios de EEG espontáneo, de sincronización neuronal, de coherencia, de microestados cerebrales, de potenciales evocados (PE) como el P50, el P300, el potencial de disparidad (MMN), el potencial de reconocimiento...
OBJECTIVE: To review contributions to our understanding of schizophrenia from research using electroencephalography (EEG). METHOD: Studies of resting EEG, neuronal synchronization, coherence, cerebral microstates, evoked potentials (EPs) such as P50, P300, mismatch negativity, recognition potential, N400, contingent negative variation, post-imperat...
Cognitive impairment is a common feature in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and occurs in 60% of all cases. Unfortunately, neurological examination does not always agree with the neuropsychological evaluation in determining the cognitive profile of the patient. On the other hand, psychophysiological techniques such as event-related potentials (ERP...
This quasi-experimental study was designed to assess two important learning types - procedural and declarative--in children and adolescents affected by posterior fossa tumours (astrocytoma vs. medulloblastoma), given that memory has an important impact on the child's academic achievement and personal development.
We had three groups: two clinical (...