Carlos Hugo Criado del Valle

Carlos Hugo Criado del Valle
University of Salamanca · Basic Psychology, Psychobiology, and Methodology in Behavior Science

PhD., Associate Professor


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My research focuses on the study of certain basic processes, specifically on the influence of emotion on different cognitive processes. I have tried to tackle this issue from different perspectives, with the aim of achieving a more global understanding of the complexity between emotion and cognition.
Additional affiliations
January 2000 - December 2017
University of Salamanca
  • Members in Traffic Psychology International
January 2000 - present
University of Salamanca
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (18)
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An empirically verified fact is that the majority of traffic accidents occur as a result of risky behaviours that drivers assume, more or less, voluntarily. Drivers are not aware of the perception of risk and the subjective perception of control that we believe we have. We have delimitated the characteristics of a group of optimistic offender driv...
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Habitual offender drivers are required to recover points lost on their driving license by attending reeducation courses, an experience that may, upon reflection of the incident in question, induce feelings of guilt or shame for the infractions they committed. A simulated driving task studied optimistic offender drivers to analyze the extent to whic...
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The aim was to analyse the extent to which optimistic offender drivers differ from dispositional pessimists in their prefactual thoughts generated under different conditions of induced control. Three hundred and sixty-one drivers from the Spanish cities of Salamanca and Valencia took part on a voluntary basis. One hundred and sixty-five of them wer...
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The aim of this study was to analyse how the complexity of the situational context in driving and the effect of alcohol influence the use of internal and external factors in prefactual thoughts and performance in a simulated driving task performed by optimistic and pessimistic drivers who attend rehabilitation courses. 72 drivers took part on a vol...
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Prior literature reports that the activation of conceptual processing is necessary, albeit insufficient, for the detection of implicit mood- congruent memory bias. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of self-referential processing on this bias in individuals with subclinical depression. Two groups of participants (subclinica...
Conference Paper
El objetivo fue identificar las características cognitivas que mejor definen a los grupos optimistas y pesimistas, ante la inducción de control situacional. 230 conductores de Salamanca, Valladolid y Valencia, que han perdido su saldo de puntos o que han cometido un delito contra la seguridad vial, y que acuden a cursos de reeducación vial, en vers...
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Use of BMT (bone marrow transplatation) has rapidly grown in the last few years. It extends to a variety of neoplastic illnesses and hematological malignancies. This procedure includes implicit appearance of many and important stressors, both physical and psychological, due to the illness and to chemotherapy treatments, among which the appearance a...
Conference Paper
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Resumen: El objetivo fue identificar las características cognitivas que mejor definen a los grupos optimistas y pesimistas, ante la inducción de control situacional. 219 participantes que acuden a cursos de reeducación vial de Salamanca y Valladolid, realizaron voluntariamente el estudio. Mediante una tarea informatizada, se propuso a los sujetos l...
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Cita:Del Valle, C.H.C., Jimenez, M.P.; González-Tablas, M.M. y López, E. (2012). Índicesde facilitación de fragmentos de adjetivos calificativos de tipo emocional. En C.Ferreras, D. González, J.M. Mestre y R. Guil (Eds). Aportaciones recientes al estudiode la motivación y las emociones (pp. 99-104). Sevilla: Fénix Editora.
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Se han evaluado en cuatro momentos temporales relacionados con la mayor o menor controlabilidad, las estrategias de afrontamiento que han utilizado 61 pacientes oncohematológicos sometidos a Trasplante de Médula Ósea autólogo (TMO), de los cuales 12 eran hombres y 49 mujeres, el rango de edad iba de 20 a 64 años. Se utilizó el Coping Estimation (CO...
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The coping strategies used by 61 oncohematology patients who had undergone an Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) were evaluated at four points of time considering the degree of controllability. The sample included 12 were men and 49 women, between 20 and 64 years of age. We used the Coping Estimation (COPE) and we had to adapt the instructions...
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Resumen Objetivos: Establecer una metodología de tratamiento de la EA que incluya intervención farmacológica y psicoterapéuticamultimodal. Determinar la utilidad clínica de la psicoestimulación cognitiva en la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Diseño: Estudiolongitudinal de series repetidas de 18 meses de duración. Además, se utiliza un grupo control no ale...
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Resumen Algunos autores refieren que los síntomas depresivos puede facilitar la enfermedad de Alzheimer o pueden incluso constituir un marcador precoz de la misma. Igualmente se establece que los síntomas depresivos se asocian con frecuencia al deterioro cognitivo. Para valorar estas afirmaciones en nuestro entorno se plantea un estudio consistent...
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Use of BMT (bone marrow transplatation) has rapidly grown in the last few years. It extends to a variety of neoplasic illnesses and hematological malignancies. This procedure includes implicit appearance of many and important stressors, both physical and psychological, due to the illness and to chemotherapy treatments, among which the appearance an...


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