Carlos Burneo-GarcésUniversidad de Otavalo/Universidad de Las Américas
Carlos Burneo-Garcés
Ph.D. Psychologist
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Researcher at the Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center (CIMCYC), University of Granada. Member of the Research Group "Clinical Neuropsychology and Psychoneuroimmunology" (CTS-581).
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July 2011 - present
Publications (37)
La investigación actual en el campo de la violencia de pareja es escasa en lo que se refiere al papel del procesamiento emocional de los maltratadores. Sin embargo, ningún
estudio ha investigado en la misma muestra la capacidad de reconocer las emociones y
la influencia de las emociones en los aspectos atencionales. El objetivo de este estudio
While the neuropsychological profile of criminals has been studied extensively, there is little neuropsychological research on batterers, and there is no study that compares both groups. The main objective of the present study was to examine executive functioning of male batterers, in comparison with other criminals, using a comprehensive executive...
Objective: Intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW) is a significant global public health concern, resulting in a growing scientific literature on different IPVAW perpetrator classifications. Although prior research has found differences in some variables from the theoretical explanatory models of IPVAW, only a few studies have used the spec...
Working memory (WM) and inhibitory control (IC) play a crucial role in learning during early childhood. The literature suggests a non-linear developmental trajectory of executive functions (EFs) with varied results according to gender, usually attributed to environmental factors. However, there is insufficient and inconclusive data on whether this...
Data set from the project “Development of working memory and inhibitory control in early childhood”
La Memoria de Trabajo (MT) y el Control Inhibitorio (CI) cumplen un papel insustituible en el desarrollo neurocognitivo y el aprendizaje en la infancia temprana. La literatura atribuye al contexto cultural las diferencias encontradas en el rendimiento ejecutivo de preescolares que pertenecen a entornos geográficos diversos y distantes
Neuropsychologists use performance validity tests (PVT) to detect performance invalidity across various populations. Unexpected scores for normative and clinical populations on PVT performance could invalidate the assessment if the poor performance does not have a reasonable explanation. One of the most well-validated and frequently used PVT is the...
This project contributes to the to the development of the 2030 Agenda. Specifically, it has an impact on the sustainable development goals that promote gender equality, violence prevention and the sustainable development goals that promote gender equality, the prevention of violence and the exercise of women's and children's rights.
El estudio de la relación entre ciertas características psicopatológicas y la agresión
resulta particularmente útil para la optimización de tres elementos clave de un sistema de rehabilitación social: seguridad, clasificación e intervención en todas sus modalidades. El objetivo del presente estudio fue explorar los predictores clínicos de la agresi...
Objective: The current study aims to assess the relationship among scores on the test of memory malingering (TOMM) and general demographics (age, education, ethnicity, and gender) as well as military-specific variables (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), number of deployments, and blasts) using a large military sample.
Method: An a...
Different clinical profiles related to aggression, according to the type of crime committed, in inmates serving a sentence for the first time in prision
The Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM; Tombaugh, 1996) has been widely used to identify the presence of malingering in specific cognitive symptoms in different populations (Martin et al., 2020; Wisdom et al., 2012). However, the unequivocal diagnosis of malingering requires a set of indicators of this tendency during the neuropsychological evaluatio...
Analyze the convergent validity of the TOMM and CVLT in a sample of American war veterans.
Analysis of the expressions of aggression in a sample of male and female inmates serving sentences in two penitentiary centers in Guayaquil (Ecuador), according to the model proposed by the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI; Morey, 1991, 2007).
Objectives. The choice and application of a suitable work methodology in the teaching learning process in early childhood can determine the academic success and the integral development of children. Any pedagogical / didactic approach must consider, among several fundamental aspects, the itinerary of the cognitive development of boys and girls, whe...
The first years of life involve important physical and psychological changes (Arruabarrena and de Paúl, 2012), where executive functions (EFs) such as working memory and inhibitory control play an important role in the development of cognitive, emotional and social skills that condition the general performance of the child in later life stages (She...
The reduction of misconduct levels and its prevention are two important objectives in prison settings, for which several strategies and control mechanisms are implemented.
We explore the relationship between a set of socio-demographic, judicial, affective, and personality characteristics and various expressions of aggression....
The socioeconomic status (SES) of parents has been reported to have a crucial impact on emotional competence in childhood. However, studies have largely been carried out in developed countries and in children in a specific age range, and it is not clear whether the effect of the SES of parents varies by age. The objective of this study was to inves...
Resumen: Aunque se ha explorado el perfil neuropsicológico de los maltratadores, no existe suficiente información sobre su funcionamiento ejecutivo considerando la gravedad del consumo de sustancias. Un conocimiento amplio y sólido del desempeño ejecutivo de esta población ayudaría a esclarecer su aportación específica a la diferenciación de cierto...
The socioeconomic status (SES) of parents have a crucial influence on the cognitive development of children, but it is not clear whether this effect varies as a function of the children’s age. The objective of this study was to investigate the development of children aged 7, 9, and 11 years of parents with extremely low SES in a developing country...
La Batería Computarizada de Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil (BENCI) ha sido diseñada para estudiar el neurodesarrollo infantil en diferentes contextos. Está compuesta por un total de 17 pruebas que evalúan los dominios de: velocidad de procesamiento, coordinación visomotora, memoria, lenguaje y función ejecutiva. Si bien existen datos sobre su...
Neurodevelopment is a complex process that
depends on genetic-environment interaction,
where certain factors (e.g., malnutrition, insufficient
basic services, toxic agents, lack of healthcare,
family stress) can compromise brain
functioning, especially in socially disadvantaged
environments. In some English-speaking
countries, strategies for stimul...
The ability of a wide range of psychological and actuarial measures to characterize crimes in the prison population has not yet been compared in a single study. Our main objective was to determine if the discriminant capacity of psychological measures (PM) and actuarial data (AD) varies according to the crime. An Ecuadorian sample of 576 men convic...
Full database (SPSS File).
The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI; Morey, 1991, 2007) is among the most important personality and psychopathology assessment tools. However, its psychometric properties in the Spanish-speaking prison population have not yet been studied. We aimed to explore the factor structure of the Spanish adaptation of the PAI (Ortiz-Tallo et al., 2011)...
There is insufficient information available regarding the psychopathological characteristics of the prison population in low-middle-income countries. This study aimed to estimate the current prevalence of psychiatric symptoms and pathological personality traits among sentenced male prisoners from two Ecuadorian prisons. A sample of 675 individuals...
The structure of the present doctoral thesis titled “Modalities of aggression in Spanish-speaking prison environments” is divided into four main sections: a) General framework, b) Empirical studies, c) General discussion, and d) Conclusions.
One of the main aspects of this work is that it involves two different prison populations: the Spanish and...
The present study examines executive functioning in men who have been convicted of intimate partner violence in comparison to men who have been convicted for other crimes. El presente estudio examina la función ejecutiva en hombres condenados por violencia contra la pareja en comparación a otros criminales.
The present study examines differences in inhibition between male batterers who have been convicted of physical and psychological or exclusively psychological violence against an intimate partner or ex-partner. El presente estudio examina diferencias en inhibición entre aquellos maltratadores condenados por haber ejercido Violencia psicológica y lo...