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Carlo Lo Re has a doctorate in coastal engineering and is the author of numerous international and Italian publications. He currently works at ISPRA (Superior Institute for Environmental Research) as a technologist. He works in the field of monitoring the physical state of the sea and participates in projects on the characterisation of sea waves in the Mediterranean.
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April 2005 - present
Publications (49)
This research presents an estimation of wave energy potential in Sicily (Italy) carried out using both buoy wave measurements from Rete Ondametrica Nazionale (RON), the Italian Government wave buoy network, and wave parameter data by ERA-INTERIM, a recent meteorological reanalysis project of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (E...
A physically based strategy was used to model swash zone hydrodynamics forced by breaking waves within a Boussinesq type of model. The position and the velocity of the shoreline were determined continuously in space by solving the physically-based equations of the shoreline motion; moreover, a fixed grid method, with a wet–dry interface, was adopte...
Laboratory experiments showed that pipe pressurization consequent on a drastic reduction in the downstream discharge can occur either by a gradual rising of the free-surface (“smooth” pressurization) or by propagation of a front filling the whole cross-section (“abrupt” pressurization). This study examines the free-surface flow characteristics that...
Pipe pressurization is examined experimentally by 144 laboratory experiments in a circular tilting pipe between two tanks, in which the transient was triggered by sudden closing of the downstream tank outlet. The experiments cover ranges of values of slope, velocity and filling ratio of the open-channel flow not explored in previous studies. Situat...
Research proposal of the SIR Programme (Scientific Independence of young Researchers). Progam was designed to support young researchers at the start of their independent research activity.
In this work, we integrate seismic data recorded by nine coastal Mediterranean seismic stations and wave hindcast data for 1 January 1996 through 15 October 2023. We examine the relationships between the ocean wave‐generated microseism signal (the most continuous and ubiquitous seismic signal on Earth) in terms of temporally varying spectral conten...
Characterizing wave climate is crucial for coastal and offshore engineering applications. Reanalysis models, such as ERA5, are increasingly used due to their efficiency and lower costs compared to in situ measurements. However, their accuracy has not been thoroughly examined. This study addresses this gap by calibrating wave data from the ERA5 data...
Coasts are the most densely populated regions in the world and are vulnerable to different natural and human factors, e.g., sea-level rise, coastal accretion and erosion processes, the intensification of sea storms and hurricanes, the presence of marine litter, chronic pollution and beach oil spill accidents, etc. Although coastal zones have been a...
In this work, we analyze 12 meteorological events that occurred in the Mediterranean Sea during the period November 2011–November 2021 from a seismic point of view. In particular, we consider 8 Medicanes and 4 more common storms. Each of these events, in spite of the marked differences between them, caused heavy rainfall, strong wind gusts and viol...
In this work, we study a Mediterranean cyclone, Helios, which took place during 9–11 February 2023 in the southeastern part of Sicily and Malta, by a multiparametric approach combining microseism results with sea state and meteorological data provided by wavemeter buoy, HF radar, hindcast maps and satellite SEVIRI images. The sub-tropical system He...
In this work, we study a Mediterranean cyclone, that was called Helios and took place during the period 9–11 February 2023 in the southeastern part of Sicily and Malta Island, by a multiparametric approach combining microseism results with sea state and meteorological data provided by wavemeter buoy, HF Radar, hindcast maps and satellite SEVIRI ima...
In recent decades, coastal erosion phenomena have increased due to climate change. The increased frequency and intensity of extreme events and the poor sediment supply by anthropized river basins (dams, river weirs, culverts, etc.) have a crucial role in coastal erosion. Therefore, an integrated analysis of coastal erosion is crucial to produce det...
i-waveNET project is deploying measurement networks of the sea state in the Mediterranean. Several marine monitoring technologies will be integrated. In particular, HF radar, wave-buoys, seismographs, and tide gauges will be integrated with numerical models establishing a new integrated monitoring system. All the information provided will be analyz...
The opportunity of using wave energy converter arrays in a hot spot area of the Mediterranean sea was investigated. For this purpose, numerical simulations of wave energy converters together with a simple cost-effective analysis were carried out. The selected study area is one of the most energetic inside the Sicilian channel (Italy). The numerical...
Shoreline evolution studies are fundamental to assess the rate of beach accretion or retreatment. In the last years, researchers developed many methods with several techniques belonging to different disciplines and backgrounds. Nowadays, the Shoreline Change Analysis (SCA) is the most widespread method to assess shoreline evolution. In fact, the SC...
In past decades coastal, erosion related impacts on the world’s shorelines have been significantly growing due to ongoing coastal development and tourist occupation as well as to natural erosion/flooding events exacerbated by climatic change. Ocean coastlines are highly dynamic and changing environments since they show great temporal and spatial va...
The Ionian sea is prone to tsunamis due to its proximity to the Calabrian subduction zone, which is one of the major tsunamigenic areas of the Mediterranean. The tsunami disaster risk is, nowadays, significantly higher due to the increased exposure of buildings as a result of the economic and touristic growth of the Mediterranean coastal areas. Thi...
Tsunamis are among the most dangerous natural disasters for coastal areas experiencing tsunami hazard. One of the major concerns in the assessment of strategies for the risk mitigation is to estimate vulnerability of structures and infrastructures. However, reliable approaches for the evaluation of the structural capacity under tsunami loads are no...
This paper deals with the characterization and evolution of dune systems along the Mediterranean coast of Andalusia, in the South of Spain, a first step to assess their relevant value in coastal flood protection and in the determination of sound management strategies to protect such valuable ecological systems. Different dune types were mapped as w...
This paper addresses the tsunami propagation and subsequent coastal areas flooding by means of a depth-integrated numerical model. Such an approach is fundamental in order to assess the inundation hazard in coastal areas generated by seismogenic tsunami. In this study we adopted, an interdisciplinary approach, in order to consider the tsunami propa...
Human occupation along coastal areas has been greatly increasing in recent decades and, in many places, human activities and infrastructures are threatened by erosion processes that can produce relevant economic and human losses. In order to reduce such impacts and design sound management strategies, which can range from the “no action” to the “pro...
This paper investigates wave climate and storm characteristics along the Mediterranean coast of Andalusia, for the period 1979–2014, by means of the analysis of wave data on four prediction points obtained from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Normally, to characterize storms, researchers use the so-called “power inde...
This paper presents the estimation of the wave energy potential around the Aegadian islands (Italy), carried out on the basis of high resolution wave hindcast. This reanalysis was developed employing Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) and WAVEWATCH III ® models for the modelling of the atmosphere and the waves, respectively. Wave climate has been...
This paper presents the estimation of the wave energy potential around the Aegadian islands (Italy), carried out on the basis of high resolution wave hindcast. This reanalysis was developed employing Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) and WAVEWATCH IIIR models for the modelling of the atmosphere and the waves, respectively. Wave climate has been d...
In recent decades in the Mediterranean Sea, high anthropic pressure from increasing economic and touristic development has affected several coastal areas. Today the erosion phenomena threaten human activities and existing structures, and interdisciplinary studies are needed to better understand actual coastal dynamics. Beach evolution analysis can...
In the last decades in the Mediterranean sea, high anthropic pressure from increasing economic and touristic development has affected several coastal areas. Today the erosion phenomena threaten human activities and existing structures, and interdisciplinary studies are needed to better understand actual coastal dynamics. Beach evolution analysis ca...
We extend a recently proposed 2D depth-integrated Finite Volume solver for the nonlinear shallow water equations with non-hydrostatic pressure distribution. The proposed model is aimed at simulating both nonlinear and dispersive shallow water processes. We split the total pressure into its hydrostatic and dynamic components and solve a hydrostatic...
Knowledge of the offshore wave climate is key to the design of coastal engineering structures and to the study of shoreline evolution. To date, the available wave data have been limited both in time and space; even though there are several options for obtaining wave data calculated using complex numerical models at basin scale, design issues can in...
A short movie of Conical Island numerical simulation (physical experiment reported by Briggs et al. (1995))
Wave runup on a parabolic perforated wave absorber. Wave Flume at Depatment of Civil environmental aerospace and materials.
The flume has a length of 40 m, a width of 2 m and a depth of 1....
In the present paper the run-up of random waves was calculated by means of a numerical method. In situ measurements based on a video imaging technique have been used for the validation of the present numerical model. The on-site run-up measurements have been carried out at Lido Signorino beach, near Marsala, Italy, along a transect, normal to the s...
In the present contribution a measurement technique based on video imaging has been selected for the assessment of the maximum run-up. Such measurements have been used for the calibration of a numerical model and of an empirical formulation. The on-site run-up measurements have been carried out at "Lido Signorino" beach, near Marsala, Italy. The po...
The paper presents a novel multidisciplinary method to estimate the shoreline position, using remotely sensed images and considering the effects of waves and tide. The shoreline position continually changes in time because of the dynamic nature of water levels at the coastal boundary. Traditionally, the shoreline is mapped by means of aerial images...
Designing of ports and coastal protection works and planning of coastal human activities require knowledge of tidal oscillations. The latter vary noticeably from site to site and present an " astronomic " component, which is roughly periodic, and a " meteorological " component, which is usually considered as random. In this paper, the tidal oscilla...
The cross-shore profile usually presents different slopes also because of infrastructures and coastal protection works. Such kind of a bottom profile has been first studied by means of a physical model considering monochromatic incident waves and two consecutive slopes of 10 and 30 degrees with respect to the horizontal plane. The main outcomes of...
In order to simulate the wave motion and, in turn, the flow, within the nearshore region, in the last decades the derivation and the application of depth-integrated type of models have been widely investigated and developed. However, in such models, the problems of facing wave breaking and the moving shoreline are not trivial and therefore several...
Aim of the present work is to contribute to the knowledge about the interaction between the flow induced by wave and the aquatic vegetation. More in details the results of preliminary tests of an experimental laboratory investigation about the response of a Posidonia Oceanica meadow to wave motion in shallow waters is reported. A wide attention was...
The severe erosion phenomena affecting the Mediterranean coasts are strictly related to geophysical characteristics and socio-economic pressures. This suggests the need of monitoring and modelling the phenomenon in order to quantify its strength. In fact, the shoreline position, as well as its temporal evolution, provides important information for...
The present thesis aims to contribute to a better understanding and modelling of the flow driven by wave breaking within the surf zone, in paricular incorporating the motion of the shoreline.
The study of the wave propagation is of particular importance in the field of engineering.
The coastal zone is an area of land often anthropized due to the...
In order to model the wave motion and, in turn, the flow, within the nearshore region, in the last decades the derivation and the application of Boussinesq type of models have been extensively investigated. Nevertheless, in the framework of such depth integrated numerical models, the problems of modeling wave breaking and moving onshore boundary at...
The paper describes some results of experimental work carried out in a laboratory channel with deformed bed. The interaction between the " horizontal " turbulent structure of the flow and the bed deformation is analysed by using the collected data. The obtained results essentially confirm the existence of a strong relation between the turbulent str...
In our days Sicilian coast suffer of severe erosion, with a total of 1139.3 km2 of coastal area, 20% of them are in advancement and 33% in recession. Shoreline position and its celerity of changing in time, can provide important informations for bulwark design (e.g. breakwater, seawall, ecc.) and to develop coastal management plans. The shoreline i...