Carla Jaimes Betancourt

Carla Jaimes Betancourt
University of Bonn | Uni Bonn · Department for Anthropology of the Americas



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I am Professor at the Department for the Anthropology of the Americas. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany. My research is focused on complex societies of the southwest Amazon, expansion and ethnogenesis processes in the southern lowlands of South America, and cultural heritage. I defined the Ceramic Sequence and functional Differences of ceramics from the monumental mounds and Iténez Region, Border Bolivia / Brazil.
Additional affiliations
August 2014 - present
German Archaeological Institute, Head Office
  • Research Assistant


Publications (48)
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Over the past decade, multidisciplinary research has seen the Amazon Basin go from a context perceived as unfavourable for food production and large-scale human societies to one of ‘garden cities’, domestication, and anthropogenically influenced forests and soils. Nevertheless, direct insights into human interactions with particular crops and espec...
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This article integrates ethnoarchaeological investigations of the pottery chaîne opératoire from two research projects conducted with Indigenous peoples of the Llanos de Moxos region in the Bolivian Amazon. Two distinct technological traditions of pottery temper are documented: freshwater sponge temper (cauixi) used by Cayubaba potters and ground t...
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El amplio y denso legado arqueológico de los Llanos de Moxos constituye un desafío para su valoración y protección a nivel local, nacional e internacional. La magnitud de los recientes hallazgos generados a partir del empleo de la tecnología LiDAR ha despertado inquietud y expectativas en la comunidad académica y en diferentes sectores de la socied...
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¿Qué interés pueden tener los archivos para la investigación contemporánea, más allá del que puedan despertar entre los historiadores de las ciencias? En parte, para contestar esta pregunta, en el año 2019 dos de las autoras de este trabajo decidieron organizar un proyecto sobre este tema: SciCoMove (Colecciones científicas en movimiento), iniciado...
Der vorliegende Band bietet eine fundierte Einführung in die interdisziplinären Lateinamerikastudien. Er gibt einen Überblick über das Fach, indem er seine disziplinäre Vielfalt aufzeigt, es zugleich aber als Einheit greifbar macht. Das Handbuch geht sowohl auf größere Zusammenhänge als auch auf zentrale Fragestellungen der Lateinamerikastudien ein...
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Archaeological remains of agrarian-based, low-density urbananism1–3 have been reported to exist beneath the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, Sri Lanka and Central America4–6. However, beyond some large interconnected settlements in southern Amazonia7–9, there has been no such evidence for pre-Hispanic Amazonia. Here we present lidar data of site...
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This Report provides a comprehensive, objective, open, transparent, systematic, and rigorous scientific assessment of the state of the Amazon’s ecosystems, current trends, and their implications for the long-term well-being of the region, as well as opportunities and policy relevant options for conservation and sustainable development.
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The southwestern Amazon Rainforest Ecotone (ARE) is the transitional landscape between the tropical forest and seasonally flooded savannahs of the Bolivian Llanos de Moxos. These heterogeneous landscapes harbour high levels of biodiversity and some of the earliest records of human occupation and plant domestication in Amazonia. While persistent Ind...
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This Report provides a comprehensive, objective, open, transparent, systematic, and rigorous scientific assessment of the state of the Amazon’s ecosystems, current trends, and their implications for the long-term well-being of the region, as well as opportunities and policy relevant options for conservation and sustainable development.
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Anthropogenic soils known as Amazonian Dark Earths (ADEs) have long been known as a key component of subsistence systems for various pre‐Columbian Amazonian populations. Often treated as a single category, ADE systems consist of two broad anthrosols (human‐modified soils): the darker ADE (traditionally known as terra preta) and a lighter brown Amaz...
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In recent decades, archaeological research has revealed Amazonia to be one of the most important centers of plant domestication in the Americas. Its pre-Columbian cultures have been transforming their environment for thousands of years. However, the deep cultural history of Amazonian peoples is mostly absent in the museums of the European capitals,...
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Este libro es una contribución al debate actual sobre los museos y su rol en defensa de la diversidad cultural y las diferentes percepciones de espacio-tiempo y la relación con los objetos del pasado y del presente. Con este espíritu, el libro reúne once aportes de una amplia variedad temática, teórica y regional, que invita a transcurrir por paraj...
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Die Welt heißt eramone, sie hat kein Ende. Eramo-ne ist die Erde und die Bäume und die Tiere, all das, die Natur. Wir Ayoréode sind auch eramone. Jnoraine Picanerai, Zapocó Eramone bedeutet in der Sprache der Ayoréode fast immer Welt und ist der Plural von erami, Wald. Eramone umfasst all das, was wir unter "Natur" verstehen und vereint Tiere, P an...
Book Review Island, River, and Field: Landscape Archaeology in the Llanos de Mojos. JOHN H. WALKER. 2018. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. 224 pp. $75.00 (paper), ISBN 978-0-8263-5946-9. - Volume 30 Issue 4 - Carla Jaimes Betancourt
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eramone | Visiones del mundo. Objetos de los Ayoréode en la basa. Catálogo de exposición /eramone | Weltsichten. Objekte der Ayoréode in der basa. Ausstellungskatalog. Editoras: Naomi Rattunde, María Susana Cipolletti, Carla Jaimes Betancourt, Karoline Noack. Bonner Amerikanistische Studien (bas) Estudios Americanistas de Bonn, tomo 54. 2019. pp....
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Recent evidence suggests the existence of Pre-Hispanic fisheries in savanna areas of the Amazon basin. How these fisheries may have functioned is still poorly known. Although many studies have drawn attention to how Pre-Hispanic inhabitants of these savannas managed to deal with excess water, little attention has been paid to understanding how larg...
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En este artículo se discute la filiación arawak de dos áreas culturales en los llanos de Mojos, a la luz de los nuevos datos arqueológicos generados en las últimas décadas. Se indagan y cotejan los rasgos culturales históricamente identificados para pueblos de habla arawak, con el registro arqueológico del noreste y sureste de los llanos de Mojos....
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El año 2017 un grupo de reconocid@s arqueólog@s escribieron para el IV Encuentro Internacional de Arqueología Amazónica, un libro sobre “Las siete maravillas de la Amazonia Precolombina”, con la intención de mostrar los resultados de las investigaciones arqueológicas de las últimas décadas y además hacer un llamado a las autoridades locales, nacion...
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Preliminary report on excavations at Jasiaquiri (Baures region) and urn burials rescued at the naval base Ramón Darío Gutiérrez (Guaporé river).
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Edited volume with illustrated contributions from 45 archaeologists working with ceramics in the Amazon basin from Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru. The book contains a bilingual glossary, a map with main ceramic complexes, a chronological chart, index of proper names, and master bibliography, adding 668 pages.
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An overview of recent research on archaeological ceramics from the Amazon.
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This article presents and analyzes the ceramic chronology of the monumental mounds located on the southeastern part of the Llanos de Mojos. This fine ceramic sequence, divided into five phases, reveals important continuities and stylistics ruptures occurred over eight hundred years (600-1400 D); reflecting the dynamics of occupancy occurred in two...
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La cerámica del sitio chimay, encontrada por Nordenskiöld hace 100 años, a pocos kilómetros de Covendo, a orillas del río Beni, es la colección de referen- cia que tanto Nordenskiöld y posteriormente Lathrap utilizaron para proponer una ascendencia barrancoide de este estilo. Los nuevos hallazgos arqueológicos y datos sobre las ocupaciones prehispá...
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Archaeological sites surrounded by ditches are scattered over a wide geographical area of the Amazon. In the specific case of the northeastern part of the Llanos de Mojos, several of these sites were dated to the late pre- Hispanic era, between 1.200 and 1.400 dC. However, new archaeological findings show that within a same system of ditches, diffe...
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Os dados da província de Pastaza na Amazônia equatoriana, ainda muito incompletos, indicam a presença de culturas ceramistas (complexo Pambay), pelo menos desde o período formativo, cerca de 2000-1500 aC. Em seguida, os complexos de cerâmica evoluem sem grandes rupturas, mostrando ligações estilísticas óbvias entre si e com o mundo andino em um sen...
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Antes de la llegada de los españoles a América, la Amazonía boliviana estaba poblada por numerosas culturas. Muchas de ellas dejaron su impronta en el paisaje de los Llanos de Mojos, departamento del Beni. En las pampas, al sureste del río Mamoré, se alzan, cual pirámides cubiertas de selva, “lomas” artificiales. Estas plataformas monumentales, con...
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Archaeological investigations in different parts of the Amazon have proven the existence of early pottery dating back to 6000 BC. Although they are still isolated findings, these sites are scattered throughout the Amazon basin, with the exception of the Bolivian Amazon. At the moment, it is difficult to ascertain the factors that contributed to the...
Conference Paper
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En esta ponencia se presentan algunos resultados preliminares de las investigaciones arqueológicas que se están llevando a cabo al noreste de los Llanos de Mojos, en la Provincia Iténez del departamento del Beni. La alta densidad de sitios arqueológicos asociados a zanjas, que han sido reportados y documentados en los últimos años, requieren ser an...
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Los Llanos de Mojos han recibido una atención privilegiada en la historia de la arqueología amazónica boliviana. Las primeras investigaciones se vieron plasmadas en escritos ya a inicios del siglo pasado. Con el tiempo se reconoció la complejidad y el potencial arqueológico de la región, dando paso al emprendimiento de varios proyectos arqueológico...
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La cultura material está frecuentemente implicada en el reconocimiento y la expresión de la etnicidad. El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar la gran variedad del material arqueológico de los Llanos de Mojos en relación a diversos tipos de obras de tierra. Se discuten los resultados de un estudio comparativo de los artefactos cerámicos procedentes...
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During his journey along the Guaporé and its tributaries between 1908 and 1909, Erland von Nordenskiöld collected ceramic sherds from various sites in the region. These finds, now located in the Världskulturmuseet in Gothenburg, Sweden, have remained unpublished until now. Since archaeological data on the Guaporé region are still scarce, I present...
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Pottery of the Loma Salvatierra, Beni – Bolivia In the southeastern part of the Llanos de Mojos, Beni - Bolivia, hundreds of large mounds have been documented, some of which exceed 20 m in height. Archaeological excavations have confirmed the gradual accruement and anthropogenic origin of these structures consisting of several level platforms assoc...


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