Carla Guanaes-LorenziUniversity of São Paulo | USP · Department of Psychology
Carla Guanaes-Lorenzi
Associate Professor at University of São Paulo
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Research interests: social constructionism, family therapy, group process, mental health.
Publications (81)
Epistemologia das drogas: teorias conceitos e implicações prático-O uso de álcool e outras drogas foi descrito de diferentes formas ao longo da história do homem. Drogas já foram descritas como recurso para anestesiar a dor e aliviar o cansaço; como ferramenta para permitir a conexão com o plano espiritual; como item valorizado em festas e celebraç...
This article aims to present a model of narrative research in conjunction with fiction-based research. For this, we will explain its steps and reflect on its effects for research in psychology, specifically with stigmatized populations, given the interest in broadening perspectives on the same topic. Based on the appreciation of the uniqueness of t...
O discurso social sobre o cuidado (care) levanta questionamentos relacionados desde o contexto político e social em que este se dá à micropolítica das interações. Sobre esta questão, abre-se a discussão sobre o posicionamento ético do cuidador, que pode atuar de maneira autoritária em relação à pessoa cuidada, considerada desprovida de autonomia. E...
The question we address in this article comes from the tension that frequently arises from the contrast between a collaborative and a political stance in therapy: Can a therapist work coherently while being informed by both collaborative-dialogic and narrative practices? We return to the concepts of collaboration and politics, as informed by each o...
In this article, we aim to establish a dialogue between social constructionist and feminist research, highlighting similarities and possible tensions. Our discussion is based on the suggestion of dividing feminist research into three moments: empiricist, standpoint and postmodern. We suggest that the interface between social constructionist and pos...
“Este livro é fruto de um precioso percurso de comprometimento e dedicação dos autores, que se envolveram na aventura de atenção às famílias no contexto de tratamento de pessoas com graves transtornos psiquiátricos. Um trabalho de fundamental relevância buscando responder às complexas necessidades, questionamentos e dificuldades próprias do desafio...
The integration of theories and techniques is part of family therapists' daily practice, raising the need to understand which resources are used in this professional's clinical actions. Our aim is to reflect on the use of theoretical and technical resources by family therapists in their daily practice. We developed an inquiry process inspired by co...
Couple therapy is an important clinical resource and it can progress along different theoretical approaches. Recently, constructionist proposals have been used, focusing on a dialogical understanding of the therapeutic process. This study outlines the understanding of how couples who have undergone couple therapy under a social constructionist orie...
Resumo: Neste artigo, temos como objetivo estabelecer um diálogo entre as pesquisas construcionista social e feminista, destacando aproximações e possíveis tensões. Nossa discussão se faz a partir da sugestão da divisão da pesquisa feminista em três momentos: empiricista, standpoint e pós-moderno. Sugerimos que a interface entre as pesquisas constr...
RESUMO: Na sociedade brasileira, a comunicação das aprendizagens cotidianas dos(as) terapeutas tem sido negligenciada, mantendo-os(as) na posição de consumidores(as) de conhecimentos e relegando a segundo plano o aspecto criativo e reflexivo de sua prática. Visando estimular os(as) terapeutas a assumirem sua responsabilidade de partilhar seus conhe...
Resumo A Cogestão é uma das diretrizes da Política Nacional de Humanização (PNH), e vem sendo estudada desde a criação desta política. Apresentamos nesse artigo uma revisão integrativa da literatura nacional sobre Cogestão no contexto da PNH. Foram realizadas pesquisas nas bases de dados BVS, CAPES, Scopus e ProQuest em busca de artigos publicados...
This article aims to analyze the Reflective Records as conversational resources for the facilitation of group processes, organized as part of a process of Continuing Education in Health (CEH). CEH is a proposal for permanent education based on daily practices as a source of learning. CEH meetings were held with mental health professionals, guided b...
In Brazil, the communication of the daily knowledge produced by therapists has been neglected, keeping them in the position of a simple knowledge consumer and leaving to a second plan the creative and reflexive feature of his/her practice. Aiming to stimulate therapists to assume their responsibility on sharing knowledge produced in their clinical...
La cogestión es uno de los lineamientos de la Política Nacional de Humanización de Brasil, que propone la apertura de espacios colectivos como dispositivos para su construcción. Desde una perspectiva construccionista social, entre 2015 y 2018 se realizó una investigación cualitativa que buscó describir y analizar las dinámicas relacionales en dos c...
RESUMO A Política Nacional de Humanização tem como objetivo promover os princípios doutrinários preconizados pelo Sistema Único de Saúde, sendo a cogestão uma de suas diretrizes. Este artigo tem como objetivo descrever e compreender como aspectos contextuais favorecem ou limitam a construção da cogestão no âmbito da Atenção Básica. Trata-se de um e...
The objective of this research was to understand the possibilities of using the Social Network Map in social and psychological care offered at a Social Assistance Reference Center. Maps of eight users of this service were constructed and analyzed as a multiple case study from systemic and constructionist theorists. The construction of the Map allow...
Este texto é um ensaio teórico crítico que visa refletir sobre como a literatura acadêmica analisa relacionamentos entre pessoas do mesmo sexo no cinema. Nos posicionamos como pesquisadoras orientadas pelos pressupostos feministas construcionista sociais, e como tais, problematizamos concepções normatizadoras e convencionais acerca de sexualidades...
Compulsory psychiatric hospitalizations (CPH) have been widely discussed, highlighting tensions between their expressive increase and what the psychiatric reform advocates. This article aims to understand the meanings that are produced with mental health teams about CPH and its daily challenges. For this matter, we performed six focus groups with p...
O relato experiência de intervenção colaborativa como possibilidade para construção de discursos alternativos sobre adolescentes e sexualidades constitui o objetivo do presente artigo. Trata-se de pesquisa-ação colaborativa envolvendo: passos de construção da intervenção; organização e desenvolvimento do grupo; entrevistas de avaliação. O processo...
In Brazilian context, literature points to Continuing Education in Health (CEH) policy as a means to actualize the Psychiatric Reform. Although it is also a challenge considering its proposal of close connectedness with each context in which it occurs. This study aimed to understand how mental health professionals learn together in CEH-processes, i...
A partir da ideia de grupo como construção social, existem vários recursos dialógicos e colaborativos para o trabalho com grupos. Contudo, nem sempre as proposições teóricas para a facilitação grupal vêm acompanhadas de exemplos empíricos, que demonstrem a complexidade desse processo. Diante disso, este artigo visa contribuir com a literatur...
Based on the idea of group as a social construction there are several dialogical and collaborative resources for working with groups. However, theoretical propositions for group facilitation are not always accompanied by empirical examples that demonstrate the complexity of this process. Therefore, this article contributes to the literature about p...
Social constructionism offers an account of therapeutic process that focuses on conversation and relationships as the space where people jointly create understandings about themselves, their lives, and their problems. Conversational resources are guides that focus practitioners’ attention on the ways they interact, relate, and talk to patients and...
In the field of family therapy (FT), theoretical and methodological perspectives coexist. This article aims to comprehend how family therapists use different theories, especially social constructionism. We describe a qualitative study, carried out through semi-structured and individual interviews with 14 Brazilian family therapists, men and women....
In 2009, the Secretary of State for Health of Sao Paulo created a Program with a view to qualify the primary care in the state. This proposal includes a new job function, namely the articulator of primary care. Due to the scarcity of information about the practice of these new professionals in the scientific literature, this article seeks to analyz...
The participation of the families in health care has been emphasized in the construction of policies in Brazil. In this study, we aim to understand meanings constructed with health professionals about families and the implications of these meanings for the production of health care practices in the Family Health Strategy. We conducted a qualitative...
The National Humanization Policy (NHP) advocates improving the delivery of health services through the valorization of the individuals involved in this process and their forms of interaction. Psychology has been an important reference for reflections and analyzes on humanization in the field of Public Health. This article aims to analyze one of the...
This paper discusses meanings produced by Community Healthcare Agents (ACSs) on whether or not they feel that ACSs in Brazil’s Family Health Strategy are receiving the recognition they deserve, considering their work with social networks. Discussion groups with 28 agents of six Health Units were held, sound-recorded and transcribed. Qualitative ana...
In this essay we contribute to the discussion about the ways in which psychology research practices deal with the knowledge of the "other". We explore the dynamics of the knowledge production process resulting from the adoption of a constructionist epistemology. Through the analysis carried out, we give visibility to the challenges present througho...
The field of family therapy (FT) consists of different theoretical and epistemological proposals. More recently, social constructionism has contributed for the creation of new practices in FT, leading to an emphasis on the communication processes in the therapeutic context. This study aims to comprehend dissemination forms of social constructionist...
RESUMO. O campo da terapia familiar (TF) é composto por diferentes propostas teóricas e epistemológicas. Recentemente, o construcionismo social tem contribuído para a configuração de novas práticas em TF, levando a uma maior ênfase nos processos de comunicação no contexto terapêutico. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar a difusão do construcionism...
RESUMO Transformações na lógica do cuidado em saúde mental, no Brasil, deram início a um importante debate sobre o lugar da família no tratamento. No contexto desse debate, o presente artigo tem por objetivo compreender como familiares de pacientes de um Hospital-Dia constroem sentidos sobre sua participação no tratamento. Foram conduzidas 10 entre...
In the last decades, the field of systemic family therapy has been influenced by social constructionist epistemological principles. These principles have been supporting therapeutic approaches that value practices based on conversational, reflexive, and dialogical processes. This qualitative study aims to understand how family members make meanings...
Os vinte capítulos que compõem esta publicação representam o crescimento e o movimento de mudança que a área da Psicologia Social e Saúde vivenciou com o processo de institucionalização das práticas profissionais promovido pelo SUS e seus dispositivos institucionais. O aspecto contextual e a alteridade apresentados por Spink como pontos fundamentai...
Psychology began to engage in research focused on language and human interaction after the so-called "linguistic turn". This demanded the examination of working methods that were under the domain of other disciplines. The purpose of this article is to describe the methodological implications of applying a communication theory - The Theory of the Co...
Partindo de um entendimento de família como construção social, este artigo sugere que as pessoas ativamente produzem sentidos sobre família no intercâmbio social. A ideia é que família pode ser concebida como uma realização discursiva: Família é definida em termos do que as pessoas, utilizando-se de diferentes discursos socialmente produzidos dispo...
Psychology began to engage in research focused on language and human interaction after the so-called "linguistic turn". This demanded the examination of working methods that were under the domain of other disciplines. The purpose of this article is to describe the methodological implications of applying a communication theory - The Theory of the Co...
In the last decades, the field of systemic family therapy has been influenced by social constructionist epistemological principles. These principles have been supporting therapeutic approaches that value practices based on conversational, reflexive, and dialogical processes. This qualitative study aims to understand how family members make meanings...
Partindo da compreensão de que produzimos sentidos engajados em relacionamentos e que estes sentidos organizam nossos sensos de realidade, exploramos, neste artigo, os sentidos construídos acerca de uma experiência de atendimento vivida como marcante para um terapeuta iniciante. Por meio da análise de diferentes momentos de diálogo que tiveram iníc...
Beginning with an understanding of family as a social construction, this article suggests that people actively make meanings about family during social interchanges. The idea is that family can be conceived as a discursive achievement: Family is defined in terms of what people who are drawing on various available socially produced discourses descri...
Um dos pilares da política de Atenção Básica, a Estratégia Saúde da Família, realiza assistência descentralizada nos territórios adscritos, atendendo diferentes demandas, incluindo a saúde mental. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo produzir sentidos com profissionais da Saúde da Família sobre seus recursos para o cuidado em saúde mental. Para tanto,...
Following the understanding that the social network influences one's health and that one's health influences the maintenance of their social network, this article aims to compreehend the configuration of the social network of an HIV-carrier woman, considering meanings made about the diagnosis and its effects over the woman's life and relationships....
The comprehension of the health-disease process from a multifactorial perspective has allowed important transformations in the healthcare practices. In this article, we discuss the use of the support group as a resource for mental health care, analyzing how conversations about social issues are managed in this context. Based on contributions from t...
Dentistry is nowadays open to new ideas about the constructions of meanings for oral health. This openness tallies with the social production of health and shows the need to contextualize the social, historical and sundry knowledge in the development of oral health for different communities. The scope of this research is to build meanings for oral...
Dentistry currently reveals itself to be open to new ideas about the construction of meanings for oral health. This openness leads to the social production of health revealing the contextualization of the social and historical aspects of the sundry knowledge in the development of oral health for different communities. With this research, we seek to...
In this article, we discuss the epistemological transformational movement that has been developed in the field of systemic family practices, highlighting implications of this transformation to the work with families in health, especially in the context of the Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF - Family Health Strategy). Especially based on the contri...
Sheila McNamee is an important author in the social constructionist movement. The social cons- tructionist orientation focuses in the processes by which people construct meaning and value. As a metatheory, this orientation assumes that meaning is created in what people do together. Thus, what we take to be reality is produced in the moment-to- mome...
Considering social constructionist contributions, this study intents to comprehend the meaning making process about change in family therapy. We analyzed the therapeutic process of a family based on the transcripts of video-taped sessions. Anchored in the social poetics practice, we aimed to identify some arresting moments of the therapeutic proces...
The objective of this article is to describe some contributions of social constructionism and social poesis in the description of group psychotherapy and its scientific investigation. Social constructionism is an alternative form of intelligibility in science, which focuses on the comprehension of the way people make sense of the world and of thems...
We aim at describing the use of the Reflexive Group Technique in the education of primary healthcare professionals, based on a social constructionist approach. We describe conversational processes that take place in the group, which allow individuals to develop critical stances on meanings of health, illness and care, that influence their practices...
This book brings to social scientists a new look at how human beings are striving towards understanding others-- and through that effort--making sense of themselves. It brings together researchers from all over the World who have suggested a set of new approaches to the basic research issue of how human beings are social beings, while being unique...
En esta entrevista, Sheila McNamee presenta una revisión importante de su trayectoria en los campos de la comunicación
y de la psicoterapia. Ella presenta una historia personal de la aparición del construccionismo social y de sus usos en
psicoterapia, específicamente en terapia de la familia. En este viaje, ella describe las características importa...
Este estudo adota uma perspectiva construcionista social, que focaliza o modo como as pessoas constroem sentidos de si mesmas e de mundo em suas práticas discursivas. Enfatizando o caráter performático da linguagem, objetivou-se, nesta pesquisa, descrever alguns sentidos de doença mental produzidos em um grupo terapêutico realizado em um ambulatóri...
This study adopts a social constructionist perspective, which focuses on how people make meaning of themselves and of the world in their discursive practices. By emphasizing the performative character of language, the aim of this study was to describe meanings of mental illness produced in a therapeutic group, offered in a mental health ambulatory,...
O construcionismo social tem sido proposto como um conjunto de elaborações da crise paradigmática que tem sofrido as ciências nas últimas décadas. A complexidade e riqueza de tais elaborações dificultam uma descrição única e consensualmente aceita sobre o construcionismo social. Neste artigo temos como objetivo explorar as propostas de Kenneth J. G...
Social constructionism has been proposed as a set of answers for the scientific paradigmatic crisis of last decades. The complexity and richness of its statements make difficult a unitary and consensual description of what is social constructionism among its proponents. Our objective in this article is to explore in more details Kenneth J. Gergen a...
Social constructionism has been proposed as a set of answers for the scientific paradigmatic crisis of last decades. The complexity and richness of its statements make difficult a unitary and consensual description of what is social constructionism among its proponents. Our objective in this article is to explore in more details Kenneth J. Gergen a...
O conceito de self tem sido central nas teorias da psicologia clínica, sendo difícil encontrar, neste campo, estudos que prescindam desta noção. Contudo, alguns teóricos têm questionado concepções mais conhecidas de self, apontando seu caráter construído e situado. Neste artigo, apresentamos o modo como o self tem sido descrito em algumas propostas...
INTRODUÇÃO/OBJETIVOS: O emprego da psicoterapia de grupo no atendimento em saúde mental, sobretudo em contextos institucionais, tem se expandido aceleradamente, não havendo uma expansão correlata de pesquisas na área, conforme aponta a literatura especializada. Objetivou-se compreender algumas possibilidades e alguns limites de um grupo de apoio de...
Objetivou-se neste estudo refletir sobre o emprego das práticas grupais em contexto institucional no tratamento de pacientes psiquiátricos ambulatoriais. Para tanto, buscou-se compreender a natureza de um grupo de apoio em um serviço de saúde mental, através da descrição do manejo terapêutico de seu terapeuta. Observação, registro audio-gravado e t...