Carl Allan KukkonenNASA JPL
Carl Allan Kukkonen
PhD Physics
Condensed matter many body theory. Electron-electron scattering. Electron-positive fermion gas
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Publications (40)
The electron-positive fermion gas in three dimensions and $T=0$ is modeled as two independent fermion gases interacting via the coulomb interaction. The main advantage of the simple model is that all existing results from the electron gas can be directly used for the positive fermion gas, which is the same as the electron gas, but scaled for the ma...
Superconductivity and the normal state electrical resistivity which varies as $T^2$ are strongly enhanced near the compressibility and charge density wave instabilities in the electron-positive fermion gas. The additional screening from the positive fermions introduces an attractive term in the effective electron-electron interaction that is the ba...
In ab initio calculations of superconducting properties, the Coulomb repulsion is accounted for at the GW level and is usually computed in the random phase approximation (RPA), which amounts to neglecting vertex corrections both at the polarizability level and in the self-energy. Although this approach is unjustified, the brute force inclusion of h...
Analytic mathematical models for the static spin (G−) and density (G+) local field factors for the uniform electron gas (UEG) as functions of wave vector and density are presented. These models closely fit recent quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) data and satisfy exact asymptotic limits. A simple functional form for G− is developed; the same functional for...
In ab initio calculations of superconducting properties, the Coulomb repulsion is accounted for at the GW level and is usually computed in RPA, which amounts to neglecting vertex corrections both at the polarizability level and in the self-energy. Although this approach is unjustified, the brute force inclusion of higher order corrections to the se...
The spin-dependent Kukkonen-Overhauser (KO) effective electron-electron interaction in electron gas with a deformable background is used to calculate the BCS superconducting parameters μ, μ*, and λ. The density and spin local field factors are utilized to incorporate the quantitative effects of exchange and correlation. The repulsive parameter μ is...
The effective electron-electron interaction in electron gas depends on both the density and spin local field factors. Variational diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo calculations of the spin local field factor are reported. These are used together with the charge local field factor from previous diffusion quantum Monte Carlo calculations to quantitati...
The effective electron-electron interaction in the electron gas depends on both the density and spin local field factors. Variational Diagrammatic Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of the spin local field factor are reported and used to quantitatively present the full spin-dependent, electron-electron interaction. Together with the charge local fiel...
Advanced thermal imaging infrared cameras have been a cost effective and reliable method to obtain the temperature of objects. Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector (QWIP) based thermal imaging systems have advanced the state-of-the-art and are the most sensitive commercially available thermal systems. QWIP Technologies LLC, under exclusive agreement...
One of the simplest device realizations of the classic particle-in-the-box problem of basic quantum mechanics is the quantum well infrared photodetector (QWIP). In this paper, we discuss the effect of focal plane array nonuniformity on the performance, optimization of the detector design, material growth and processing that has culminated in realiz...
Many commercial and government applications need high performance, large format, long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) detector arrays in the range of 6–20 μm. NASA and the ballistic missile defense organization (BMDO) have devoted a significant effort to develop highly sensitive infrared (IR) detectors and large format focal plane arrays (FPAs) based on...
A series of measurements of the Hall coefficient, infrared reflectivity, thermoelectric power and electrical resistivity of Ti1+xS2 single crystals with various degrees of stoichiometry is described, where, for the first time, each measurement was made on the same crystal (or crystals from the same batch). None of these measurements taken alone can...
Anagnostopoulos et al. (ibid., vol.6, p.L181, 1976) concluded that an explanation of the observed T2 low temperature electrical resistivity of bismuth in terms of carrier-carrier scattering was 'unnecessary'. The present authors believe this conclusion is unwarranted. The physics of electron-hole scattering leads to a T2 term in the resistivity of...
Reports a detailed and precise measurement of the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity of bismuth in the region 1.1<T<100K. Below 1.5K the authors have found a surprising departure from the previously observed T2 behaviour. Many proposals have been advanced to explain the observed low-temperature resistivity but no single mechanism...
One of the simplest device realizations of the classic
particle-in-the-box problem of basic quantum mechanics is the Quantum
Well Infrared Photodetector (QWIP). In this paper we discuss the effect
of focal plane array non-uniformity on the performance, optimization of
the detector design, material growth and processing that has culminated
in realiz...
Many commercial and government applications need high performance, large
format, long-wavelength IR (LWIR) detector arrays in the range of 6-20
micrometers . NASA and the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO)
have devoted a significant effort to develop highly sensitive IR
detectors and large format focal plane arrays (FPAs) based on novel,...
Most future NASA spacecraft will be small, low cost, highly integrated vehicles using advanced technology. This will also be true of planetary rovers. In order to maintain a high scientific value to these missions, the instruments, sensors and subsystems must be dramatically miniaturized without compromising their measurement capabilities. A rover...
High-speed information processing technologies being developed and applied by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for NASA and Department of Defense mission needs have potential dual-uses in telemedicine and other medical applications. Fiber optic ground networks connected with microwave satellite links allow NASA to communicate with its astronauts in Ea...
The concerns about global warming and the California requirements for zero emission vehicles have rekindled the interest in hydrogen as a fuel for passenger vehicles. In 1980 one of the authors (Kukkonen, 1981, SAE Paper 810349) concluded that hydrogen will not be used as an automotive fuel before the year 2000. Taking into account the developments...
Problems, proposed solutions, and recent results related to the development of solid-state oscillators, detectors, mixers, diode multipliers, and antennas at THz frequencies are addressed. Individual topics considered include: submillimeter heterodyne remote sensing of upper atmospheric gases, planar dipole array antenna with an elliptical lens, tw...
Current research projects conducted at the JPL Center for Space Microelectronics Technology are briefly reviewed. These include the development of a new miniature tunneling Goday cell that can be made into arrays. This tunneling IR detector is sensitive to radiation through the infrared and is particularly suited to room temperature measurements of...
Current research projects conducted at the JPL Center for Space Microelectronics Technology are briefly reviewed. These include the development of a new miniature tunneling Goday cell that can be made into arrays. This tunneling IR detector is sensitive to radiation through the infrared and is particularly suited to room temperature measurements of...
Capabilities of DI diesel engines for passenger cars were evaluated in a research program. Three experimental DI diesel engines, a naturally aspirated 2.4L four cylinder engine and a naturally aspirated and turbocharged 1.3L three cylinder engine, were designed, built and developed. Design parameters and calibrations were determined for optimized p...
We report measurements of the electrical resistivity, Hall coefficient,
magnetoresistance, thermoelectric power, infrared reflectivity, and
c-axis lattice parameter of single crystals of titanium disulfide
Ti1+xS2 with varying degrees of nonstoichiometry.
The strong correlations we find between different measurements made on
the same sample allow u...
For a range of temperatures between 4.2 K and 700 K, we have measured the resistivity, Hall coefficient, thermoelectric power and infrared reflectivity of TiS2 single crystals with varying degrees of stoichiometry, and a corresponding variation in the carrier concentration by a factor of 15. The strong correlations established among different prope...
We calculate Vee, the effective screened interaction between two electrons in a simple metal. The result is derived by a self-consistent perturbation theory based on Hartree-Fock theory. Exchange and correlation are treated in local approximation. We consider the lattice to be a smooth but elastically deformable, charged medium in which the electro...
The interaction between two-electron quasiparticles is approximated in terms of the dielectric and vertex functions of the uniform electron gas. These functions must satisfy the compressibility sum rule, and this fact makes the interaction at metallic densities much stronger than the Thomas-Fermi screened Coulomb interaction. A problem arises in ap...
In this paper, we present the solution of the coupled Boltzmann equations which describe electrical transport in an interacting two-carrier system. In the isotropic case, these equations reduce to simple kinetic equations which allow a physical interpretation of the mechanisms governing the temperature dependence of the resistivity. Both electron-h...
We have made a high-resolution (0.12 eV) measurement of the electron energy-loss spectrum of the layered compound TiS2 for energy loss E in the range 0.5-150 eV. After subtracting the contribution of plural scattering, we performed a Kramers-Kronig analysis to obtain the dielectric function. The reflectivity and absorption coefficient calculated wi...
We calculate the Hall coefficient and the magnetoresistance of an interacting two-carrier system. Our results, derived from two simple coupled kinetic equations, are identical to those obtained from the coupled Boltzmann equations. Specializing to a semimetal, we calculate RH and rho as a function of doping and pressure. We find that a strong elect...
We calculate the electrical resistivity due to electron-phonon scattering on a small cylindrical Fermi surface. Phonon scattering yields a T5 resistivity at low T and a linear term at high T. For a small cylindrical Fermi surface, there is an intermediate temperature interval in which the resistivity varies purely as T2. Approximating the ellipsoid...
We present the first complete theory of the effect of collisions between charge carriers on the electrical resistivity of a simple degenerate semimetal. We find that (i) electron-hole scattering can explain the anomalous ${T}^{2}$ resistivity of stoichiometric ${\mathrm{TiS}}_{2}$, (ii) elsetron-electron and hole-hole scattering do not contribute t...
K-edge photoabsorption measurements of the 4 d transition metals (Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ru, Rh, Pd, and Ag) using synchrotron radiation from the 12-GeV electron synchrotron at the Wilson Synchrotron Laboratory at Cornell reveal considerable fine structure on or above (~ 150 eV) the edge. Systematics in the features closest to the absorption edge are attri...
The amplitude of electromagnetic generation of ultrasound in single-crystal potassium has been measured at T=4.2 K as a function of magnetic field from 0 to 15 kG at a frequency of 8.97 MHz, using inductive means for both generation and detection of the acoustic wave. At zero magnetic field the measured amplitude is several times larger than the pr...
The frequently quoted result that the Born approximation overestimates electron-electron scattering in metals by a factor of 5 is found to be incorrect. We find for the screened Coulomb interaction V=e-ksr/r that (i) the Born approximation overestimates the scattering cross section and the electron-electron contribution to the thermal resistivity b...