Caner OzdemirZonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi · Labor Economics and Industrial Relations
Caner Ozdemir
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January 2020 - December 2020
October 2013 - September 2014
September 2010 - July 2015
Publications (23)
A just society is not one where everyone is absolutely equal on all terms, nor scholarly literature on social justice is constrained by such a conception of the just. As observed from the broad scholarly literature of social justice, most theories in this field are competing and contending normative political perspectives informed by a sociological...
This paper aims to reveal the extent and characteristics of under and inadequate forms of employment in Turkey. Our descriptive analysis using the Household Labour Force Surveys of 2014-2021 shows that despite not being unemployed, many people do not work in their full capacity or cannot enter the workforce, although they are willing to do so. In a...
En octobre 2023, la république de Turquie célébrera son 100e anniversaire. Depuis sa fondation, la population du pays est passée de 13,5 millions d’habitants lors du premier recensement de 1927 à 84,7 millions en 2021, et l’indice synthétique de fécondité de 6 naissances par femme à moins de 2 au cours de la même période. Avec une diminution contin...
In this paper, we project Skills in Literacy Adjusted Mean Years of Schooling (SLAMYS) for the working age population in 45 countries and quinquennial time periods until 2050 according to various population scenarios. Moreover, we integrate the effect of school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic on these projections. Adult skills are projected u...
After a rapid expansion of primary school enrollment rates in many developing countries starting around 2000, progress toward development goals was widely acknowledged. However, the comprehensive focus on tested literacy skills presented in this paper shows that, in many countries, this expansion in quantity came at the expense of qual...
This paper investigates the emergence and spread of illegal artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) and explores its dynamics and socio-economic effects in Zonguldak, Turkey. The study is based on field research covering a series of semi-structured in-depth interviews, focus group meetings and on-site observations. We argue that the emergence of ill...
The European Demographic Data Sheet 2020 reviews, explores and visualises recent population trends in 45 European countries. The data sheet also provides a snapshot of the current research at the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital and collaborating researchers, with the 2020 issue focused on measuring and assessing educatio...
The human capital of the working age population has in the past shown to be a key driver not only of economic growth and poverty reduction but also of health, quality of institutions, and adaptive capacity to environmental change. Human capital has mostly been measured in terms of mean years of schooling of the population or the highest educational...
In Turkey, the number of quantitative studies on social stratification has been low for years. This is mostly due to a lack of available data. In this paper, it is aimed to investigate the status of social stratification in Turkey, the effects on occupational status and the change in social mobility through the analysis of secondary data. To this e...
Bu makalede Türkiye’de demografik geçiş ve eğitimin yaygınlaşmasının
sosyal ve ekonomik etkileri değerlendirilmektedir. Türkiye’nin yüksek
genç nüfus oranı ile açık olan demografik fırsat penceresi ve son yıllarda
gerek ilköğretim gerekse yükseköğretimde hızla artan okullaşma
oranlarının ne gibi fırsatlar doğurduğu, bu fırsatların değerlendirilmesi...
Caner ÖZDEMİR ÖZ Bu çalışma Türkiye'de son yıllarda yükseköğretimin yaygınlaşmasının toplumsal tabakalaşmaya dayalı sosyo-ekonomik eşitsizlikler üzerindeki etkisini incelemektedir. TÜİK Hanehalkı İşgücü Anketi ve Yetişkin Eğitimi Araştırması verileri kullanılarak yapılan analizlerde ebeveyn mesleki statüsü, birey eğitim düzeyi ve birey mesleki stat...
Bu makalede PISA Türkiye verisi kullanılarak yazılan akademik makalelerde PISA verisinin
yöntembilimsel olarak ne kadar doğru kullanılabildiği sınanmaktadır. ISI Web of Knowledge,
Scopus ve ULAKBİM dizinlerinde PISA Türkiye verileri/sonuçları üzerine yazılmış 97
makaleye ulaşılmıştır. Bu makalelerin sadece 46’sında PISA Türkiye verisi kullanılarak...
This paper aims to discover the level of equity in the Turkish education system using maths outcomes of 15-year-old students in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) exam. In order to do that, associations between various social background variables and student performance are analysed via multilevel models. Female pupils, stude...
This study aims to find out the patterns of economic, social and political participation of the youth in urban South-eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Analyses of the data reveal that youth in the South Eastern Anatolia Region does not and cannot participate in various dimensions of the society. Youth in South-eastern Anatolia cannot participate i...
This dissertation aims at finding the relationship between equity and excellence in education and how these two dimensions interplay in Turkey. It is found that inequalities in education are not functional as suggested by functionalist theories. On the other hand, findings of this dissertation show that more equity brings more success. Results also...
Education is an area which enables creating equal opportunities in accessing necessary tools for personal development and eliminating social inequalities. The Constitution of the Republic of Turkey aims to provide these opportunities equal to all citizens by defining education as an equal right for every citizen. The role and the position of high s...
The aim of this paper is to utilize Correspondence Analysis in the analysis of political opinion surveys and electoral data. We employed simple and multiple correspondence analyses when analyzing a part of a data set from European Social Survey (ESS). We have selected questions about political participation and some opinion questions about politica...
The youth in the South Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey does not and cannot participate in politics. There are various reasons which make the issue of political participation of the youth a significant concern for the social policy makers. First of all, political participation is a basic human right. Next, it is a social right and an important dim...