Camilo M. BoteroSergio Arboleda University · School of Law
Camilo M. Botero
PhD Water and Coastal Management
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Explorer and Coastal Geographer. Expert in integrated coastal management, law of the sea and beach management. Doctor in Water and Coastal Management. Full member of the Academy of Geographical Sciences of Colombia. Member of the Coordination Council of the Ibero-American Beach Management and Certification Network - PROPLAYAS. Researcher at the Law School of the Sergio Arboleda University - Santa Marta (Colombia). Member of the Scientific Committee of the Costas Magazine of UNESCO, an evaluator
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July 2013 - present
September 2005 - July 2013
July 2008 - March 2013
Publications (122)
Beach profiles provide evidence of the spatiotemporal variability of the coastal surface. Despite being a popular parameter,
few references compare a large number of available methods, which would be relevant at both scientific and management
levels. This research comparatively analyzed 15 methods for measuring beach profiles, according to three ba...
Beach rankings are very frequent on the internet; however, the information provided on how these rankings are made
is often unclear and their content is mostly subjective. In addition, the vast majority of these rankings do not take
into account the fact that beaches are coastal eco-systems. The aim of the research was to develop an objective
This study analyzes the content of internet ratings of beaches to identify the indicators used. The methodology used an exploratory internet survey using the term 'best beaches' in five languages. For each site, the ranking method used was extracted and the indicators considered were listed, where applicable. Of the 70 websites analyzed, 47 ranked...
Coiba National Park (PNC) is one of the most important marine protected areas in the Americas, as an essential part of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor. As a marine protected area, its main objective is biodiversity conservation, although nature-based tourism and nautical activities are allowed. This research focused on the application...
Este documento, que hemos denominado parapolicy paper equipararlo con su misión de asesoría académica a los tomadores de decisiones, surge de años de investigación en estrecha cooperación con el Congreso de la República. Más allá de un documento académico o técnico, es una invitación desde el derecho y la geografía para que los legisladores colombi...
Ecotourism is grounded in the concept of socio-environmental sustainability. However, the literature needs more clarification on the determinants of ex ante determinants for community participation in ecotourism in coastal lagoon ecosystems. This paper aims to analyze community-based ecosystem management through participation in ecotourism. After a...
The COVID-19 pandemic caused that most countries established the closure of many beaches, affecting the scientific monitoring of thousands of coastal sectors. This article shows the status of beach litter in South America before and after COVID-19 closure. The data were obtained during the years 2019, 2020 and 2022 on 25 beaches using a technique B...
Por qué hacer gestión integrada de playas y publicar un libro sobre el asunto? Uno de los principales asuntos que justifican el ordenamiento, la gestión y la certificación de las playas son los valores que este sistema socionatural representa para la humanidad. Dentro de una clasificación convencional, se pueden identificar tres tipos de valores: e...
In 1972, the first coastal zone management law in the world was approved in the United States. Fifty years later, its influence on other national and international legislation is clear, but how this law has influenced the scientific community is not yet determined. Through a scientometric analysis based on the Web of Science and Scopus databases, o...
Customizing environmental assessments to the particularities of the type of environment is crucial for implementing the precautionary principle. This paper uses the SHIELD model (Susceptibility to Human Interventions for Environmental Licensing Determination) in the context of geomorphology for the effective management of coastal environments. This...
Este documento pretende resaltar el potencial turístico que tiene el departamento de
San Andrés Providencia y Santa Catalina, a partir de las buenas prácticas ecoturísticas
y evocando la necesidad de ampliar su espectro turístico de una manera sostenible
económica, social y ambiental.
Studies analyzing large-scale patterns or long-term trends in the amounts and
composition of beach litter are often based on the analysis of several small-scale studies, which may provide an inaccurate picture if the methods and approaches used in those studies are not directly comparable. Moreover, most beach-litter review studies do not evaluate...
Along the coast of Peru, intensive urbanization and tourism development were related to coastal scenery deterioration. This investigation carried out a scenery evaluation of 20 urban beaches from the “Circuito de Playas de la Costa Verde” (CPCV), a key beach corridor in Lima (Peru). For this purpose, the Coastal Scenic Evaluation System (CSES) was...
Colombia como país costero y marino
Las dificultades del maremtorio
Ocho años de avance hacia una ley de mares y costas en Colombia
Un caucus de los océanos para el maremtorio colombiano
Propuesta para permitir que la sociedad civil pueda aportar en la protección de las playas naturales.
Propuesta de resolución mediante la cual se establecen los criterios y procedimiento para el trámite de concesiones en las aguas, áreas de bajamar, playas y demás bienes de uso público para áreas de conservación, investigación científica y ecoturismo.
La publicación presenta la información geográfica de 77 playas, además de las principales actividades turísticas que se pueden hacer en ellas y sus alrededores. También incluye acciones de gestión para cada playa, lo que hace que esta guía no solo sea interesante para turistas, sino también para quienes trabajan en ellas.
Una de sus principales no...
n 2009, a network of scholars identified the legal framework associated with coastal
management in eleven Latin American countries. They found an important lag in several countries, including Colombia. According to many scholars, a clear regulatory framework is of the utmost importance for integrated coastal management; however, the hurdles to reac...
Documento de política resultado del II Foro de la Comisión de Especial de Seguimiento al Proceso de Descentralización y Ordenamiento Territorial del Senado de la República de Colombia.
Dividido en dos partes, expone los debates y recomendaciones de política para legislar mejor el territorio y maremtorio de Colombia.
El mar, los océanos han sido marginalmente incluidos en los conceptos de territorio y en las políticas de ordenamiento territorial. Colombia posee unos avances significativos en la declaratoria y administración de áreas protegidas marinas, en regulación y control marítimo, en el ejercicio de la soberanía, en diseño de instrumentos para el ordenamie...
In addition to its ecological and recreational relevance, beach cleanliness is also one of the five most important aspects (i.e., the “Big Five”) for beach visitors around the world. Nonetheless, few efforts have been carried out to guide the sound management of this rising issue. This paper presents a quantitative and qualitative method to assess...
Almost every country requires some form of environmental licensing prior to the inception of development projects that may affect the integrity of the environment and its social context. We developed a new conceptual and methodological model to instruct the assessment of the potential impacts posed by proposed projects. Susceptibility to Human Inte...
El objetivo de este resultado es contribuir teórica y metodológicamente a resolver los problemas sobre gestión del riesgo costero, agravados por el impacto del cambio climático en estados insulares y continentales costeros, desde una perspectiva integrada e interdisciplinaria de la gobernabilidad y gobernanza.
Se utilizaron...
The complexity of global changes and their effects on social-ecological systems motivate the development of more integrated and innovative management approaches to balance the society-nature relationship. With the challenge of meeting global demands and considering local impacts, Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) emerges as an assessment and action...
Introducción: El objetivo de este resultado es contribuir teórica y metodológicamente a resolver los problemas sobre gestión del riesgo costero, agravados por el impacto del cambio climático en estados insulares y continentales costeros, desde una perspectiva integrada e interdisciplinaria de la gobernabilidad y gobernanza.
Métodos: Se utilizaron m...
The global lockdown to mitigate COVID-19 pandemic health risks has altered human interactions with nature. Here, we report immediate impacts of changes in human activities on wildlife and environmental threats during the early lockdown months of 2020, based on 877 qualitative reports and 332 quantitative assessments from 89 different studies. Hundr...
With the increasing need for and emergence of research on ocean and coastal issues in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ocean & Coastal Management journal presents this Special Issue with relevant articles within the scope of Coastal Management in times of COVID-19. This Special Issue received 43 tentative abstracts, 29 manuscripts were sub...
Defining impact significance is the main technical task that influences decision-making during the Environmental Licensing Procedure (ELP). The ELP begins with screening to determine potentially significant impacts of the proposed project. Scoping then follows to address any interventions deemed worthy of attention in the production of an Environme...
Urban tourist beach ecosystems provide the essential service of recreation. These ecosystems also support critical ecological functions where biodiversity conservation is not usually a priority. The sudden lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic created a unique opportunity to evaluate the effects of human absence in these urban-coastal ecosystems. T...
Beaches are multidimensional ecosystems that develop relevant natural functions and host tourist activities of great economic value. Therefore, they are currently being subjected to severe human pressure and natural impacts often enhanced by climate change. Beach certification schemes (BCSs) were designed to bridge the gap between recreation and co...
Este libro es la concreción textual de un proyecto que busca continuar su labor de difusión en el 2020 contribuyendo de manera específica en esta ocasión a dar apoyo al cumplimiento de los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU, en especial del 13 y del 14 que tratan sobre “acción por el clima” y “vida marina”, respectivamente, para lo cua...
The strict quarantine measures employed as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic have led the global tourism industry to a complete halt, disrupting the livelihoods of millions. The economic importance of beach tourism for many destinations has led many governments to reopen tourist beaches, as soon as the number of infection cases decreased. The obj...
Marine litter is a world-wide problem, but the knowledge on this topic in remote areas such as the poles and the deep-sea is still limited. This paper seeks to provide the first accounts of deep-sea litter in the South-Western Caribbean Sea. The survey used 5066 still images from ROV video surveys around four hydrocarbon exploratory drilling zones....
Blue Flag (BF) is one of the most renowned tourism ecolabels in the world. Although this ecolabel is based primarily on environmental education and management, it is argued that its core strength is the capacity to trigger political will. This paper presents the BF implementation process in a country through application of a BF Readiness Matrix and...
The scenery, safety, facilities, water quality and litter quantities in coastal areas are relevant and determining elements in the choice of a tourist destination. This paper focused on the evaluation of coastal scenic value in 55 and 12 sites respectively located in continental Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. The information obtained gives publ...
Human interventions on coastal areas are always causing environmental impact; however, most of the times inventories of those interventions are possibly not well structured, and surely without a specific standard. The raw data presented shows an exhaustive and systematic revision of satellite images on 1700 km of the Caribbean coast of Colombia, wh...
Tourism in coastal areas is becoming increasingly important in Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) as an integrated approach that balances the requirements of different tourist sectors. This paper analyzes ICZM in continental Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands from the perspective of the 3S tourism, and presents its strengths, weaknesses, oppo...
Percepciones, escenarios y recomendaciones de los expertos de la Red Iberoamericana de Gestión y Certificación de Playas PROPLAYAS sobre el turismo de sol y praia en el contexto de la COVID-19.
Percepções, cenários e recomendações dos especialistas da Rede Ibero-americana de Gestão e Certificação de Praias PROPLAYAS sobre o turismo de sol e praia no contexto da COVID-19.
Sea, Sun, and Sand (3S) are relevant and determining elements for choosing a tourist destination in Ecuador, a country with about 1200 km of coast along the Pacific Ocean. This study analyzed the market potential of the 3S in 64 beaches, 10 located in the Galapagos and 54 in the continental zone (of Ecuador). The methodology used was exploratory an...
A spectrum of operational, structural, and cultural conditions leads to the success or failure of community-based tourism (CBT) initiatives. Knowledge of these factors is crucial in the design, evaluation, and monitoring of CBT. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to identify the factors that facilitate and inhibit CBT in the natural areas of devel...
El presente documento recopila los avances más significativos del manejo costero integrado en Colombia entre 2009 y 2019, luego de 10 años de haber sido publicado el documento de Avella et al. (2009), que considera los diez aspectos del Decálogo IBERMAR. Este documento constituye un ejercicio de compilación de los principales aportes en esta materi...
Gracias a que se ha mantenido viva durante más de 12 años, y vista su fructífera trayectoria y consolidación como Red, PROPLAYAS tiene hoy mayores retos ante sí. Del énfasis inicial en el intercambio de conceptos, métodos y experiencias prácticas, se debe seguir produciendo la evolución hacia una etapa de consolidación y funcionamiento como estruct...
Las zonas costeras tienen gran importancia para el desarrollo del ser humano en todo el mundo; de hecho, se estima que para el año 2030 alrededor de 430 millones de personas residirán a lo largo del litoral iberoamericano. Éste espacio tan complejo y frágil que conecta el medio acuático con el terrestre constituye el destino principal de millones d...
Si bien los impactos antropogénicos podrían evaluarse en cualquier entorno‚ las áreas costeras representan un desafío particular debido a su naturaleza especial como interfaz entre la tierra y el mar. Por lo tanto‚ este estudio evalúa el marco regulatorio ambiental para las intervenciones costeras en Colombia‚ como un arquetipo de los países de ing...
Although anthropogenic impacts could be assessed in any environment, coastal areas pose a particular challenge because of their special nature as the interface between land and sea. Therefore, this study evaluates the environmental regulatory framework for coastal interventions in Colombia, as an archetype of medium income countries (MICs), to deri...
Although human interventions have influenced many coastal areas around the world, research has rarely assessed the environmental impacts of these anthropogenic perturbations. To understand the dominant coastal interventions in countries with tropical areas, this study established a baseline along the continental Caribbean coast of Colombia (approxi...
The beaches, besides being a tourist recreation center, contain a large amount of microscopic biome with different species. Most pathogens are present in the sand, causing a high probability of human-parasite infection, especially by direct contact and poor hygienic habits. Likewise, the close bond that exists between animals and humans creates an...
Scenery has been analyzed in a variety of ways, and a lack of
consensus exists as to the precise source of its aesthetic quality
via the expert and perception-based approaches, culminating in
landscape/seascape character assessment approach techniques
being assessed. A semi-objective methodology utilizing
weighting parameters and fuzzy logic mathem...
Beach Certification Schemes (BCS), especially the Blue Flag (BF), have received increasing attention in the literature. The critics of BF focus their attention on aspects that certification was not designed for, confusing its role as a beach management tool with a panacea for all challenges faced by tourist beaches. Hence, the purpose of this paper...
¿Colombia es realmente un país 50% mar? Múltiples evidencias rechazan esta aseveración, principalmente desde un enfoque geográfico, entendiendo la geografía como la ciencia “que estudia las características de la tierra en relación con la sociedad”. Es evidente que, desde la Geografía Física, Colombia es un país marítimo, con una inmensa diversidad...
Cuba is one of the few countries from the Small Island Developing States in the Caribbean region having solid coastal legislation: Decree Law 212 (DL-212) entitled “Coastal Zone Management”. However, that legal framework presents some deficiencies that need to be improved, wherefore an analysis of the major features of DL-212 and the identification...
The presence and characterization of beach litter was investigated, according to the EA/NALG (2000) methodology, at 59 sites along four provinces of Ecuador, i.e., three continental and the Galapagos Islands Province. The methodology, which has been verified in several countries, was used to classify beaches into four grades (from
“A” – excellent t...
Cleaning is a fundamental concern of beach managers in many destinations as well as an important requirement in beach quality awards. However, it has been largely neglected in the literature. This paper provides an overview of empirical studies on beach cleaning and analyzes cleaning-related requirements of 11 beach awards that generate controversy...
El presente trabajo tiene como fin identificar, diagnosticar y evaluar las prácticas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) de ocho hoteles de diferentes tamaños ubicados en la ciudad de Santa Marta, Colombia. A partir de la teoría del desarrollo sostenible fundamentada en la ética, fue aplicado el método del estudio de caso, para concluir que...
Environmental licensing is the regulatory procedure that enforces the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of human activities inside a given country. Despite worldwide acceptance of EIA as a valid tool, its application in coastal environments is still too diverse and limited regarding the specificity of the natural processes influencing the shore...
Definition of "Tourist beaches"
Tourist beaches are a socioecological resource located mainly on coastal destinations, which is developed and managed for the primary purpose of attracting tourists interested in sun, sea, and sand activities.
Fundamental Concepts from Tourism Theory
The most common definition provided by UNWTO states th...
Las playas son el principal destino turístico a nivel mundial, lo cual incluye a
la realidad mexicana. A raíz de ello en México y el mundo se han establecido
programas de certificación de calidad ambiental y/o turística enfocados en
playas, con el objeto de ofrecer una experiencia valiosa para el visitante, a la
vez que se previenen los impactos qu...
Guia que explica todos los criterios de la certificación de playas Bandera Azul (Blue Flag). Libro resultado de un proyecto del Fondo Nacional de Turismo de Colombia.
Throughout the scientific literature, beaches have been regarded as very valuable ecosystems for the tourism industry; however, these ecosystems provide multiple direct and indirect benefits beyond tourism. This paper accounts for the results from a Willingness to Pay (WTP) study using data from 425 respondents at three beaches in the Colombian Car...
The coastline of the Department of Antioquia, in Colombia, supports a variety of ecosystems rich in diversity and abundance, but these are under intense pressure from human activities. Here, we propose a novel methodology for conducting ecological risk assessments of coastal areas that focuses on ecosystem health instead of benefits to humans, in w...
A State-of-the-Art of scientific literature related with beach ecosystem management is presented, from utilization of the Tree of Science® tool (ToS). In a search done in November 2016, 75 papers were found in the Web of Science® with the combination of words ‘beach’ and ‘ecosystem management. Papers were classified by ToS in roots (high input degr...
A State-of-the-Art of scientific literature related with Beach geomorphology is presented, from utilization of Tree of Science® tool - ToS. In a search done in November 2016, 73 papers were found in the Web of Science® with the combination of words ‘beach’ and ‘geomorphology. Papers were classified by ToS in roots (high input degree; n=5), trunks (...
A State-of-the-Art review of scientific literature related with beach governance is presented by utilizing the Tree of Science® tool – ToS. In a search conducted in November 2016, 47 papers were found in the Web of Science® with the combination of words ‘beach’ and ‘governance’. Papers were classified by ToS in roots (high input degree; n = 8), tru...
A State-of-the-Art review of scientific literature related with beach environmental quality is presented, by utilizing the Tree of Science® tool - ToS. In a search conducted in November 2016, 36 papers were found in the Web of Science® with the combination of words ‘beach’ and ‘environmental quality’. Papers were classified by ToS in roots (high in...
A State-of-the-Art of scientific literature related with risk assessment on beaches is presented, from utilization of the Tree of Science® tool – ToS. In a search done in November 2016, 76 papers were found in the Web of Science® with the combination of words ‘beach’ and ‘risk management’. Papers were classified by ToS in roots (high input degree;...
A State-of-the-Art of scientific literature related with user’s perception on beaches is presented, from utilization of Tree of Science® tool (ToS). In a search done in November 2016, 52 papers were found in the Web of Science® with the combination of words ‘beach’, ‘perception’ and users’. Papers were classified by ToS in roots (high input degree;...
A State-of-the-Art of scientific literature related with innovative beach management tools is presented by utilizing the Tree of Science® tool (TOS) using the following two word combinations: (1) beach and carrying capacity (45 papers); (2) beach and certification, and (3) blue flag (30 papers). Papers were classified by ToS in two Tree of Sciences...
The encyclopedic definition and features of beach environmental quality. Very useful to frame researches and publications related to environmental management, governance, user's perception, and any environmental topic related to beaches,
The encyclopedic definition and features of beach awards and certifications. Very useful to frame any study or publication about beach certifications, such as Blue Flag.
BA&C: A set of administrative and operational elements that, through a process of systematic evaluation of pre-established requirements, guarantee the continuous improvement of th...
Because Sun, Sea, and Sand offer (3s market) is attracting more and more persons to the coast, public entities and private companies invest a lot to improve their tourist offer, but in many countries little is done to increase safety in beach use. This chapter discusses the milestones of beach safety management with examples from several countries...
This article is the result of an interinstitutional project between the public sector, the academia and the private sector, financed jointly by public resources of a governmental research call. The main variables of analysis are governance and coastal risk management in Colombia which is why it is sought to establish a methodological tool to optimi...
Guía simple y amena escrita por el profesor Enzo Pranzini (editada en español por el profesor Camilo M. Botero) en la cual se explican los principales riesgos que existen en una playa para los turistas. Tiene gráficas y fotografías con ejemplos, así como un excelente compendio de pictogramas para señalización de seguridad en playas.
Different legal frameworks and concepts have been used to establish coastal zone boundaries. Integrated Coastal Zone Management use some criteria, while Land-Use Planning use a different criteria. A critical analysis about this topic is done in the present study, with the aim of proposing a novel method for delimitation and demarcation of coastal z...