Camila Mont'Alverne

Camila Mont'Alverne
University of Oxford | OX · Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

Ph.D. in Political Science


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Ph.D. in Political Science (Federal University of Paraná, Brazil). Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford. Her research interests are media trust, political journalism, and media & elections.
Additional affiliations
September 2020 - present
University of Oxford
  • PostDoc Position
  • Post Doctoral Research Fellow working in the Trust in News Project.
July 2020 - July 2020
Instituto Sivis
  • Researcher
  • Political Science Researcher
September 2018 - February 2019
University of Antwerp
Field of study
  • Political Communication
March 2016 - March 2020
Universidade Federal do Paraná
Field of study
  • Political Communication


Publications (55)
Changing levels of public trust in the news are of deep concern to both researchers and practitioners. We use data from 2015 to 2023 in 46 countries to explore how trust in news has changed, while also exploring the links with sociodemographic variables, differences by media system, and changing patterns of news use. We find that (a) there has been...
Studies have found limited evidence consistent with the theory that partisan and like-minded online news exposure have demonstrable effects on political outcomes. Most of this prior research, however, has focused on the particular case of the United States even as concern elsewhere in the world has grown about political parallelism in media content...
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Electoral misinformation, where citizens believe false or misleading claims about the electoral process and electoral institutions—sometimes actively and strategically spread by political actors—is a challenge to public confidence in elections specifically and democracy more broadly. In this article, we analyze a combination of 42 million clicks in...
Scholarship has increasingly sought solutions for reversing broad declines in levels of trust in news in many countries. Some have advocated for news organizations to adopt strategies around transparency or audience engagement, but there is limited evidence about whether such strategies are effective, especially in the context of news consumption o...
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Against the backdrop of rising concern over misinformation and disinformation, a growing number of studies have considered the important role played by influential social media accounts when particular news stories attract attention online—with special attention given to Facebook, the most widely-used social network for news. However, little is kno...
The 2022 elections in Brazil have demonstrated that disinformation can have violent consequences, particularly when it comes from the top, raising concerns around democratic backsliding. This study leverages a two-wave survey to investigate individual-level predictors of holding electoral misinformation beliefs and the role of trust and information...
The 2022 elections in Brazil have demonstrated that disinformation can have violent consequences, particularly when it comes from the top, raising concerns around democratic backsliding. This study leverages a two-wave survey to investigate individual-level predictors of holding electoral misinformation beliefs and the role of trust and information...
Impartial news, or news without a partisan slant or overt point-of-view, is overwhelmingly preferred by news audiences worldwide, yet what such preferences mean remains poorly understood. In this study, we examine what people mean when they say they prefer impartial news. We draw on qualitative interviews and focus groups with 132 individuals in Br...
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A educação é frequentemente vista como solução para déficits democráticos, mas seu papel nas atitudes políticas ainda é pouco compreendido. Este artigo investiga a associação entre escolaridade e adesão à democracia em São Paulo. Partindo de uma amostra representativa com 2.417 entrevistas, a análise do contexto paulistano se mostra oportuna para o...
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The growing prominence of platforms in news consumption has raised scholarly concerns about potential impacts on trust in news, which has declined in many countries. However, less is known about how journalists themselves perceive this relationship, which matters for understanding how they use these technologies. In this paper, we draw on 85 interv...
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Although journalism studies rely on a well-grounded debate about news values, there are fewer investigations about the values used to select a topic in newspaper editorials. By tackling the concept of editorial-worthiness, this article aims to empirically examine which editorial values influence how news organizations build their institutional opin...
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A significant part of the Western literature on democracy assumes that political participation leads to citizens being more committed to democratic values. However, we do not know to what extent this is true in young democracies with an authoritarian tradition. Hence, this article aims to examine whether politically engaged Brazilians are more demo...
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Procurando compreender tanto a forma pela qual a reforma política foi tratada pela cobertura jornalística, bem como o papel dos periódicos como agentes políticos, questiono de que forma os jornais Folha de S. Paulo (FSP), O Globo (OG) e O Estado de S. Paulo (OESP) comportaram-se como agentes interessados nas diferentes propostas de reforma política...
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Full article in Portuguese. Abstract in English: This article examines the editorial positions held by two mainstream Brazilian newspapers -Folha de S. PauloandO Estado de S. Paulo- regarding the scandal involving the former president, Michel Temer and the businessman, Joesley Batista. We examine 103 editorials published between May and September 2...
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As the Corona-Crisis unfolds, scholars around the world realize that the social contexts in which its transmission occurs deserve special attention. In this context, one of the main concepts social scientists should consider to help tackling this crisis is vulnerability. This paper proposes a methodology to study vulnerable populations during the C...
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Political reforms are often mentioned as a solution to weaknesses in Brazilian democracy. Despite being a recurrent agenda in the Legislative Branch, there is no consensus over which issues of the Brazilian political or electoral systems need to change. It is known that the lack of agreement between members of parliament about the political reforms...
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The article investigates how Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo-two of the leading Brazilian quality newspapers-expressed their editorial positions on the impeachment of the ex-president Dilma Rousseff. The comparative study encompasses quantitative and qualitative methods to examine 506 editorial texts published between 2015 and 2016. By u...
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Considering the criteria that newspapers use for selecting topics to be covered, this article examines if and to what extent editorial and news agendas match or diverge in two mainstream Brazilian news organizations: Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo. The corpus consists of 672 front-cover stories and editorials published in both newspaper...
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Text in Portuguese. Abstract in English: The article examines a sample of editorials published by Folha de S. Paulo (FSP) in order to verify the main frames emphasized by the newspaper when covering the Brazilian National Congress. Our hypotheses are: H1: The editorials at stake adopt a negative tone towards Congress by framing the Legislature and...
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This entry encompasses three aspects of news production routines. The first presents this concept in contemporary journalism research and explores how establishing routines can reinforce the social legitimacy of news through the very existence of a specific know‐how, techniques, rules, and procedures that may facilitate objective coverage. The seco...
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Despite the large array of research dedicated to examining the concepts of news values and newsworthiness, journalism studies barely attempt to deal with the idea of editorial-worthiness at the theoretical level. This article proposes a conceptual foundation to reflect on the elements influencing how news organizations build their editorial positio...
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This article analyzes the coverage of the Brazilian political reforms made by Folha de S. Paulo's website between 1994 and 2016 by merging the literature in Political Science on this subject and studies in Political Journalism. To do so, we conducted an automated content analysis of 6,038 texts. The results indicate that political reforms are const...
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O artigo investiga em que medida os editoriais do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo adotam uma postura adversária ao enquadrar o Congresso brasileiro. Eis a hipótese da pesquisa: O editorial é um espaço no qual a empresa jornalística expressa seu papel de adversária dos agentes políticos. A Análise de Enquadramentos aplicada a 124 editoriais publicados p...
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Notwithstanding journalistic editorials may evidence conflicts and negotiations involving public and private interests, their production process is little investigated in Brazil. The article examines the values and routines typical to the work of Folha de S. Paulo’s editorialists to find out how they construct newspaper’s positions. By applying Con...
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Notwithstanding journalistic editorials may evidence conflicts and negotiations involving public and private interests, their production process is little investigated in Brazil. The article examines the values and routines typical to the work of Folha de S. Paulo's editorialists to find out how they construct newspaper's positions. By applying Con...
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O artigo examina como Folha de S. Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo se posicionaram politicamente em seus editoriais acerca do impeachment de Dilma Rousseff. O estudo comparativo abrange as dimensões quantitativa e qualitativa de 507 editoriais (FSP=156; OESP=351) publicados entre 2015 e 2016 que mencionam “impeachment” ou “impedimento”, analisados por...
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Os capítulos que compõem esta obra são resultado do esforço de investigação de dois grupos de pesquisa, vinculados ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência Política da Universidade Federal do Paraná PPGCP/UFPR). O Grupo de Pesquisa em Comunicação, Política e Tecnologia (PONTE), que contribui com quatro capítulos deste livro, tem como agendas de pes...
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Este artigo consiste em um estudo comparativo entre os padrões geográficos de votação dos deputados estaduais paranaenses Nelson Justus (DEM) e Alexandre Curi (PMDB)1 nos pleitos de 2006 e 2010. O trabalho tem por objetivo diagnosticar, a partir das diferenças de bases geoeleitorais entre uma eleição e outra, o impacto da série de reportagens “Diár...
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O artigo tem como objetivo mapear a agenda de pesquisa nacional e internacional acerca de editoriais jornalísticos, usando a base de dados do Portal de Periódicos da Capes e da Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações do Ibict como fonte, e também procura identificar lacunas em tal produção. Após busca nos sites, selecionaram-se 110 documentos, q...
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After recognizing different approaches to the term "public opinion"throughout the twentieth century, the article examines how the editorials of the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo (OESP) mobilize the concept at stake. Based on the premise that editorials highlight the role of newspapers as political agents, it is essential to investigate whether, an...
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O objetivo do artigo é apresentar, comparar e discutir os enquadramentos mobilizados peloseditoriais dos jornais Folha de S. Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo ao tratar do CongressoNacional. Por meio de uma Análise de Enquadramentos, o trabalho identifica que os jornaiscoincidem em quais frames acionam mais frequentemente: “Relações conflituosas entrego...
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O campo da comunicação se mostra um espaço fundamental para a disputa política nas democracias contemporâneas. O Jornalismo é uma das atividades ligadas a este campo que dispõe de influência junto à esfera política. O ensaio procura discutir a importância do Jornalismo político praticado por grandes empresas de comunicação brasileiras para a democr...
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Resumo A literatura sobre jornalismo político indica que aqueles agentes ocupando cargos de maior hierarquia tendem a dispor de maior cota de visibilidade no noticiário. A fim de esclarecer as relações entre o cargo ocupado pelo agente político ou o fato de tratar-se de uma instituição e o grau de visibilidade do qual se dispõe, este artigo busca c...
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This study aims to understand how two newspapers, O Estado de S. Paulo and Folha de S. Paulo, portrayed in their editorials the controversy sur-rounding the vote in the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies on the Marco Civil da Internet (a bill regulating Internet services). The goal is to study not only the news-papers’ opinions abou tthe bill, but also...
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Studies on the effects of the internet on elections have revealed how Social Network Sites (SNSs) are used by citizens to learn about, choose and contact their representatives. This article analyzes 27 Twitter accounts managed by Fortaleza's city councilors who ran for reelection in October 2012. The study aimed to discover the importance of Twitte...
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O artigo examina como se processa a comunicação entre a Câmara dos Deputados e os cidadãos brasileiros a partir do Portal da Câmara e do Portal e-Democracia. A análise considera a variedade e a profundidade dos mecanismos relacionados a três aspectos apontados pela literatura como fundamentais para as iniciativas patrocinadas: Informação, Transparê...
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O artigo examina como se processa a comunicação entre a Câmara dos Deputados e os cidadãos brasileiros a partir do Portal da Câmara e do Portal e-Democracia. A análise considera a variedade e a profundidade dos mecanismos relacionados a três aspectos apontados pela literatura como fundamentais para as iniciativas patrocinadas: Informação, Transparê...
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In order to update the debate about journalism and agenda-setting, the article examines the main issues discussed by Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo in their editorials. By using Content Analysis, we analyze 164 texts published by both newspapers between 2011 and 2013. All editorials in our sample mention the terms “Brazilian Congress”,...
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Ao discutir conceitos e fenômenos associados ao agenda-setting jornalístico, o artigo examina os temas pautados pelos editoriais dos jornais Folha de S. Paulo e O Estado de S. Paulo. Como recorte, optou-se por estudar, empregando a Análise de Conteúdo, 164 textos publicados por ambos os periódicos entre 2011 e 2013 e que mencionam os termos “Congre...
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O cenário político brasileiro tem refletido uma tendência que parece mundial: o ressurgimento público de pautas conservadoras. Diante disso, o presente ensaio visa discutir brevemente essa questão em relação ao campo político, no Brasil, mais especificamente sua influência no cenário eleitoral de 2016. Assim, observam-se as ações adotadas pelos pré...
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A apropriacao de recursos e ferramentas digitais da internet por parte das campanhas politicas traz, a cada pleito, novas configuracoes para a relacao ente candidatos e eleitores. Este artigo propoe uma discussao sobre a utilizacao dos sites pessoais por candidatos politicos durante o periodo de campanha eleitoral. Particularmente, verifica-se como...
This article analyzes the coverage about the leaking of plea bargaining testimony of a former director of Petrobras in the informative content of two Brazilian newspapers, Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo. We discuss about narrative analysis and political scandal, trying to identify the conflicts that appear in the coverage and realize ho...
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This article adopts a qualitative approach to examine the content of the tweets posted by Fortaleza’s city councilors that ran for reelection in 2012. The goal is to understand in which way factors such as sociability influence how candidates use digital media. The corpus is composed by 1.852 tweets published in the profiles of the city councilors...
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O objetivo do trabalho é refletir acerca do Editorial como elemento que, além de posicionar a instituição jornalística no campo social – ao revelar os valores e as perspectivas por ela defendidos e ao estabelecer um “contrato de leitura” com a audiência –, permite compreender de que maneira o Jornalismo brasileiro se diferencia daquele praticado em...
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Por meio da análise do conteúdo de 38 matérias publicadas no Portal, o artigo examina o processo de mudança na imagem pública do ex-senador Demóstenes Torres, iniciado após vir a público, em 2012, um conjunto de acusações de corrupção contra o então parlamentar. Levando em conta o enquadramento dos textos, a investigação apontou que a ima...
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Resumo: Por meio da análise do conteúdo de 38 matérias publicadas no Portal, o artigo examina o processo de mudança na imagem pública do ex-senador Demóstenes Torres, iniciado após vir a público, em 2012, um conjunto de acusações de corrupção contra o então parlamentar. Levando em conta o enquadramento dos textos, a investigação apontou q...
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Sabe-se que a imagem pública dos representantes construída pelo Jornalismo constitui um dos fatores que influenciam a calibragem das preferências políticas dos cidadãos. Assim, pretende-se investigar, por meio do estudo dos editoriais publicados n'O Estado de S. Paulo, os enquadramentos do jornal que se ligam à construção da imagem da presidente Di...


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