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Publications (62)
Importance of Study: Semen cryopreservation results in sperm damage due to lipid peroxidation or oxidative stress, leading to a decrease in conception rate. The sperm damage during cryopreservation can be minimized with the use of suitable antioxidant supplements in semen diluent. Some herbs have potent antioxidant potential and can be used in seme...
The current investigation was planned to evaluate the effect of Moringa leaves also called Moringa oleifera (M. oleifera) aqueous extract on buck semen quality during cryopreservation, and its antimicrobial potential against the Escherichia coli (E. coli) isolated from the semen samples. Semen was collected from 8 Jakhrana bucks, and from each buck...
The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the effect of Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari) aqueous extract on buck semen quality during preservation. In the current study, 8 ejaculates from 8 Jakhrana bucks maintained at Jakhrana unit of ICAR-CIRG (semi-arid region) were collected (total 64 ejaculates) during the period from April to June,...
Male infertility is becoming an important untouched area that needs immediate attention due to the increasing demand for breeding strategies, keeping in view the production and increasing per animal productivity. Many additives and antioxidants have been tried for enhancing the seminal quality, but still there is no evidence of full- proof effect o...
"Artificial Insemination (AI) permits intense selection of sires with exceptional merits and provides opportunity to exploit the value of superior sires. This book constitutes an update of recent developments in the field of assisted reproductive technology and includes selection and management of breeding buck, semen collection, processing and cry...
Background: Abortion is a very common health problem of animals including goats and it causes heavy economic losses to the farmers. The current study was planned to assess the occurrence of abortions in goats reared under different farming systems and association of occurrence of abortions with stage of pregnancy, season and parity of the aborted g...
Abortion is the major reproductive problem in goats faced by goat-keepers. Abortion in animals including goats is caused mainly by infectious agents. The current study was planned to assess the presence of Brucella melitensis, Chlamydophila spp., Campylobacter spp., Brucella abortus and Coxiella burnetii in the genital tracts of goats and foetal st...
In order to find out the incidence of psuedopregnancy in Jamunapari goats advanced pregnant goats (n=121) and non pregnant goats (n=74) were examined by trans-abdominal ultrasonography (USG) twice at 15 days interval and followed up to kidding. USG did not reveal any anechoic structure without fetus in any of the goats examined and none of the goat...
Buck reproductive health is the key for breeding and production of quality semen. To assess the health of breeding bucks, in this study, we detected the presence of Staphylococcus spp in semen. Staphylococcus aureus is a common commensal and opportunistic pathogenic bacteria and is also a cause of many diseases in animals. Besides this, i...
Phage based therapeutics have shown promising results against the infections caused by the drug resistant bacteria. To combat the problem of antibiotic resistance posed by diarrhoeagenic E. coli, here, we identified and characterized 38 E. coli phages which were isolated from 70 solid sources (goat-faeces and soil). The in vitro lytic range of phag...
During semen preservation, with the passage of time, there is decrease in fertilization rate or conception rate. The decrease occurs due to the gradual deterioration of semen quality. Hence, the investigation was planned to evaluate the effect of Asparagus racemosus aqueous extract on buck semen quality during preservation. In the current study, 8...
Earlier due to the consequence of cytoplasmic losses during spermatogenesis process. It was earlier reported that mice and human sperm contain about 100 fg and 10 to 20 fg of total RNA in one sperm cell, respectively. The sperm contains reduced cytoplasm, low amounts of full-length RNAs along with biologically degraded RNAs and highly condensed DNA...
Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most prevalent pathogens, and a causative agent of a variety of infections in humans and animals. Most studies concentrated on characterization of staphylococcus isolates and its antimicrobial resistance from various illness of veterinary importance, but there is no specific study that is available on isolates fr...
Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most prevalent pathogens, and a causative agent of a variety of infections in humans and animals. A total of 48 semen samples were collected from healthy bucks of different breeds to investigate the prevalence of S. aureus . Antimicrobial resistance and virulence of the Staphylococcus isolates were determined to...
The invasion of the male urogenital tract by microorganisms, and its subsequent effects on sperm fertilising ability, has not been well discussed in bucks. The present study was conducted to assess the bacterial load in fresh semen of the 2–6 years old bucks. For conducting the experiment, semen ejaculates from 18 bucks (6 from each breed namely Ja...
Sperm cryopreservation simplifies its storage for longer time for use in artificial insemination and assisted reproductive technologies. This technique is also important for breed conservation process and has paved the way for other reproductive biotechnologies. Despite the significant progress in the field, frozen-thawed sperm have enormous incons...
Temperature Humidity Index (THI) is a single value representing the combination of air temperature and humidity associated with the level of thermal stress. Ejaculates (n = 890) from 12 Barbari bucks (2–4 years) maintained under semi-intensive management system were utilized to find out the effect of THI on sexual behavior and semen quality in Barb...
The aim of the study was to explore the possibility of a better sugar suitable for storage of goat semen at refrigerated temperature.
Materials and method:
For this experiment, semen was collected from eight Jakhrana bucks maintained at Jakhrana unit, ICAR-CIRG, at twice a week interval using artificial vagina. Collected semen was pre...
The histochemical study was conducted on 18 gravid goat uteri divided into three groups according to their gestational ages as Gr I (0-50 days), Gr II (51-100 days) and Gr III (101 till term). The Perodic acid Schiff 's (PAS), acid mucopolysaccharides (AMPs), alkaline phosphatase (ALK) and acid phosphatase (ACP), Sudan Black B and Feulgen reaction...
R eproductive efficiency in sheep can be assessed through the number of lambs born per lambing and also in the lifetime of a ewe. Both age at first lambing and lambing frequency influence the number of lambings over the lifetime of a ewe. These are limited by delayed onset of puberty and seasonal nature of breeding (Rosa and Bryant, 2003). Out of s...
Parthenogenetic activation of oocytes has gained new interest in recent years as an alternative approach to create embryos with no reproductive purpose for research in areas such as assisted reproduction technologies itself and for derivation of clinical grade pluripotent embryonic stem cells for regenerative medicine. In this study, we described t...
Infectious diseases and etiological agents related to female reproductive systems were extensively covered compared to its male counterpart. There needs a proper study to bridge this gap, where microflora and infectious agents of both male and female reproductive are mutually intelligible. With this study, we aimed to evaluate the microbial contami...
Estrogen and its receptors are essential for sexual development and reproduction. Estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) is a nuclear receptor activated by the hormone oestrogen. In male ERα is encoded by the gene ESR1 (estrogen receptor1) responsible for better fertility. ESR1 is involved in the reabsorption of luminal fluid during the transit of spermatoz...
Folliculogenesis is an inextricable process associated with female fertility and infertility cases. This process involves many events at cellular and molecular level in a highly orchestrated fashion which culminates with ovulation. Various factors like hormonal factors, growth factors, role of ovarian micro environment, diseases of reproductive tra...
The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of azolla supplementation on semen freezability in Barbari bucks. Ten adult Barbari bucks (2–4 years old) were selected, and divided into control and treatment group (5 bucks in each group) as per completely randomized design. Bucks of control group were fed with 400 g concentrate pellet/day al...
The comparative haemato˗biochemical and physiological response to different bedding materials in Barbari kids was evaluated. Thirty post˗weaned Barbari kids of about three months age were selected from the institutional flock, which were divided into three groups viz. group I, II and III with ten kids in each group and were kept on plastic slats, s...
The present study was conducted with the objective to compare the morphometric parameters of Barbari Kids raised on different bedding materials during winter season. Thirty post˗weaned Barbari kids of about three months age were selected from the institutional flock, which were divided into three groups viz. group I, II and III with ten kids in eac...
The present study was conducted with the objective to compare the enzymatic and hormonal profiles of Barbari Kids raised on different bedding materials during winter season. Thirty post˗weaned Barbari kids of about three months age were selected from the institutional flock, which were divided into three groups viz. group I, II and III with ten kid...
The present study was conducted to evaluate the protective effect of cholesterol loaded cyclodextrin on buck semen quality during cryopreservation. Semen samples (n=32) after the evaluation of initial motility and viability, were divided into 4 equal fractions. Gr 1 was used as control and diluted with Tris, while Gr 2, 3 and 4 were subjected to CL...
The present study was conducted on 18 gravid uteri obtained from healthy goats of non-descript breed procured from local slaughter house. The uteri were divided into three groups according to their gestational ages as Gr I (0-50 days), Gr II (51-100 days) and Gr III (101 till term). The Perodic acid Schiff ’s (PAS), acid mucopolysaccharides (AMPs),...
The experiment was conducted to study cryopreservation induced sperm cryoinjuries and the protective effect of reduced Glutathione supplementation in Murrah bull semen. A total of 20 semen ejaculates were split into two parts after initial examination and were extended in glycerolated egg yolk TRIS diluter (Control group) and glycerolated egg yolk...
Cervico-vaginal prolapse is a common complication in pluriparous cows and buffaloes due to relaxation of pelvic ligaments in mid to late gestation. A successful management of pre-partum recto-vaginal prolapse in a cow is recorded
A study was conducted on 18 gravid uteri procured from healthy non-descript goats (Capra hircus). Each foetus was measured for its crown-rump length (CRL), weight and approximate age. These uteri were divided into three groups viz., early gestation period (0–50 days), mid gestation period (51–100 days) and late gestation period (101 days - full ter...
Jakhrana bucks (24) of the same body weight (BW, 30±2 kg) and age (12±0.5 month) were selected to study libido parameters and their correlation with seminal characteristics. The bucks were randomly allotted into group 1 (intensive system, 12 bucks) and group 2 (semi-intensive system, 12 bucks) under group feeding management conditions. Ejaculates (...
The present study was designed to determine the effect of different levels of egg-yolk on freezability of Jakhrana buck semen. Six healthy Jakhrana bucks (BW=30 ± 2kg, age=12 ± 0.5 month) were used for semen collection. These bucks were maintained under semi-intensive system at Jakhrana Unit of C.I.R.G. Makhdoom, Mathura. A total of 48 ejaculates (...
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of cysteamine supplementation on embryo development in mCR2 media. The COCs (1251) were matured in TCM-199 medium containing FSH (5μg/ml), LH (10μg/ml), follicular fluid (10%), FBS (10%) with 3 mg/ml BSA for 27h at 38.5°C and 5% CO2 in an incubator. Matured oocytes were co-cultured with 1×106 s...
The objective of the study was to determine the effect of the management system (intensive and semi-intensive) and season (autumn and winter) on semen freezability in Jakhrana bucks.
Materials and methods:
A total of 24 Jakhrana bucks of same body weight and age (BW=30 kg, age=1 year) were randomly allotted into two groups, viz., Group I (i...
Artificial insemination is the main tool for the rapid dissemination of valuable germplasm to improve the genetic quality of farm animals. Freezing of spermatozoa of all the domestic species, is a challenging because of variation in size, shape and lipid composition of sperm from different species. Thus, a cryopreservation protocol for semen of one...
A study was undertaken to assess the effect of supplementation of fresh azolla on semen quality, haematology and rumen metabolites in Barbari bucks under intensive management system. Ten bucks (age 2–3 years) were randomly divided into control (n=5) and treatment (n=5) groups. Both the groups were fed concentrate pellet at the rate of 400 g daily a...
A study was carried out with an objective to determine effect of management systems on seminal characteristics of Jakhrana bucks. Twenty-four Jakhrana bucks (one year-old with mean body weight of 30.0±2.0 kg) were randomly allotted into two groups as Gr-I (intensive system, n=12) and Gr-ll (semi-intensive system, n=12). A total of 336 ejaculates (1...
Thirty six ejaculates from 6 adult Barbari bucks (2-4 years old) maintained at C.I.R.G under semi intensive management system were used to find out the freezability of buck semen at different levels of vitamin C (0.0 μM, 45.42 μM, 56.78 μM, 68.13 μM) by conventional method of freezing. The ejaculates were collected twice at weekly intervals by arti...
Blood samples were collected from 36 pregnant buffaloes in third trimester of pregnancy coming to clinical complex of veterinary college. Out of total, 24 were suffering with pre partum vaginal prolapse (affected group) while the remaining 12 were normal pregnant buffaloes (control group).Serum was separated from blood and serum calcium, phosphorus...
An experiment was conducted to assess the sperm fertility of Sirohi bucks. Ejaculates from three bucks were collected through artificial vagina and evaluated microscopically at 37° C. After final washing with Biggers-Whitten Whittingham (BWW) medium, semen was kept in a CO2 incubator for 20 min (swim up). The hamster oocytes were recovered followin...
A total 196 ejaculates from 8 adult Sirohi bucks were utilized to find
out the freezability of buck semen at different levels of two cryoprotectants.
The ejaculates were extended to maintain sperms concentration
approximately 100 million per dose (0.25 ml) containing Tris- Citric acid-
Fructose (TCF) with different concentrations of glycerol and DM...
Ejaculates (35) from adult Sirohi bucks (2-4 years old) were utilized for the present study to find out the freezability of buck semen at different levels of chelating agent used (ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid - EDTA: 0, 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1%) by conventional method of freezing. The ejaculates were collected twice at weekly intervals using artif...
The present communication reports a case of uterine prolapse in a pluriparous Murrah buffalo and its successful treatment by reposition at proper anatomical site and treatment.