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Publications (47)
In Italy, woods dominated by Quercus petraea are well documented within local and regional phytosociological studies but a critical revision of their principal ecological-floristic components based on a comprehensive Italian data set was missing. We gathered 209 published and unpublished Italian phytosociological relevés, where Q. petraea was domin...
The identification of elements of special environmental interest present in protected areas is indispensable in order to fully valorize the resources of such areas. This is even more important in protected areas that have only recently been established, such as the Orobie Bergamasche Regional Park (Lombardy, Italy). This article reports the results...
Land degradation is a complex process of progressive loss of soil fertility due to soil exploitation, that causes alterations of its physical and chemical properties. Nowadays it is one of the most critical worldwide issues, that many policies and researches are trying to contrast through new technologies and new approaches. Reconstitution is an in...
The pollen morphology of the seven known European bladderworts: Utricularia australis, U. bremii, U. intermedia, U. minor, U. ochroleuca, U. stygia and U. vulgaris was studied.
Their pollen grains, coming from different populations, were investigated using both light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy to give data on size, shape (P/E ratio...
The phenolic content, volatile compound fingerprint and antioxidant capacity of Waldheimia glabra (Decne.) Regel (Asteraceae), a wild plant from the Himalayan mountains used in Sherpa religious rituals and in traditional medicine, were determined for the first time to investigate its suitability as a source of natural antioxidants.
We assessed the ecological succession of sessile oak (Quercus petraea) woods in Val Grande National Park (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Italian Western Alps), as an example available for all the western prealpine insubric area. With GIS we have deduced the map of the areas of pertinence of Quercus petraea, based on climatic and physical characteristics of...
On the basis of data both new and coming from the literature, the Italian grey alder riparian woods were studied from the syntaxonomic point of view. The floristic-sociological analysis of 119 relevés coming from northern Italy and the comparison with phytosociological tables from neighboring areas (Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, southern Germany and...
Debris-covered glaciers represent a significant, increasing fraction of glaciers and can host plant life on their surface. The goal of this work was to evaluate the suitability of supraglacial debris as a habitat for plant life and to discuss its ecological and biogeographic role. The research was carried out on the Miage Glacier (Mont Blanc massif...
he C oleoptera and Heteroptera species pool was investigated in the “Pian di Gembro” wetland (Villa di T irano, Sondrio, Italy). T he wetland consists of a bog and its surroundings, referred to as wetland components, that are both subjected to a diversified intermediate management regime (DIMR). T he application of the DIMR for plant species conser...
he C oleoptera and Heteroptera species pool was investigated in the “Pian di Gembro” wetland (Villa di T irano, Sondrio, Italy). T he wetland consists of a bog and its surroundings, referred to as wetland components, that are both subjected to a diversified intermediate management regime (DIMR). T he application of the DIMR for plant species conser...
The pollen morphology of Pinguicula alpina, P. arvetii, P. grandiflora subsp. grandiflora, P. grandiflora subsp. rosea, P. hirtiflora, P. leptoceras, P. poldinii, P. reichenbachiana, and P. vulgaris, belonging to the Alpine flora, was studied.The pollen grains, coming from different populations, were investigated using light microscopy and scanning...
Fragmentation is a major cause of biodiversity loss. The relationship between fragmentation and biodiversity might be non-linear, due to the presence of ecological thresholds; however, the application of the threshold concept on the conservation of herb biodiversity has received limited attention. We assessed the relationship between a pool of wood...
A study about the sporogenesis and gametogenesis of the hybrid Drosera x obovata and its parental species (D. rotundifolia and D. anglica) was carried on. D. x obovata, even if sterile, produces pollen tetrads and a male gametophyte structurally the same as the parental species’ one. However the pollen grains appear poor of protoplasmic papillae, w...
A light microscopy study about sporogenesis and gametogenesis of the natural hybrid Drosera x obovata and its parental species (D. rotundifolia and D. anglica) was carried out. Even though D. x obovata and its parents have been investigated cytologically in detail during the past century and a “Drosera scheme” for pairing of chromosomes has been de...
In Lombardy, boreal-like conifer forests are widespread on the whole alpine chain, particularly in the central Raethian Alps with continental climate and, on a lesser extent, in the Lepontine Alps with oceanic climate and in the peripheral chains with intermediate climatic traits (Orobian Alps, Camonica Valley, Pre-Alps). The average yearly rainfal...
The distribution of tree species and the elevation of the alpine treeline are strongly affected by climate continentality. In the present work we performed a detailed survey of the upper limits of tree vegetation in two areas with contrasting climate located in the central Italian Alps, in order to evaluate the structure of the treeline under diffe...
RIASSUNtO - Boschi frammentati nei territori comasco, lecchese e milanese: problematiche fitosociologiche e stato di conservazione - È stata condotta una ricerca in ambito ecologico e fitosociologico sui boschi dei cordoni morenici delle province di Como, Lecco e Milano (Brianza), considerevolmente frammentati per l'intenso sfruttamento antropico e...
Phytogeography and syntaxonomy of Scotch Pine woods in the eastern Lombardy Pre-Alps. In the present paper the distribution, ecology and syntaxonomy of pinewoods were studied. The pinewoods of Pinus sylvestris are located in the area between Garda Lake and Iseo Lake, along the eastern Pre-Alps (Benacensi and Bresciane Pre-Alps). In this area the Pi...
Pinus cembra L. in the Southern Alps of Lombardy (Northern Italy). The distribution, the consistency and the so- ciology of Pinus cembra L. were studied in the Southern Alps of Lombardy (Orobian Alps, Mortirolo Pass and Adamello massif - provinces of Sondrio, Brescia and Bergamo). After the mapping of populations and their demographic characteri- z...
The pollen morphology of Drosera L. belonging to the Italian flora was studied by investigating alpine populations of D. intermedia, D. rotundifolia, D. anglica, and a natural hybrid, D. x obovata. Studies were carried out on fresh material by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Features of the distal face seem to represent an import...
The pioneer vegetation of the Holocene moraines of some Italian glaciers was studied by a phytosociological approach. Particular attention was given to mid-successional communities on stabilized terrains (19th century moraines). Sixty-seven relevés were performed on the forelands of 8 glaciers from the central and western Italian Alps, from contine...
Abstract – Computing water balance of soil. In this work a software was structured using Excel®2000 in order to automatically obtain the water balance diagram proposed by THORNTHWAITE and MATHER. The electronic spreadsheet just needs geographical, climatic and edafic data of the site analysed. This software can be either downloaded from http://www....
Relationships between plant communities and the physical environment during primary succession on recently deglaciated glacier forelands were studied in 3 areas of the Italian Alps. The aim of the research was to relate traditional phytosociological data with environmental variables. Twenty-eight phytosociological relevés were performed, each assoc...
Biological studies on the anoxic basins of the Eastern Mediterranean started after the discovery of gelatinous matter of organic origin. The laminar gelatinous matter was observed within the cores containing anoxic sediments obtained during oceanographic expeditions for geological study of the Mediterranean Ridge. Microbiological and ultrastructura...
Il rinvenimento di lamine mucillaginose nelle carote di sedimenti prelevati nel bacino Bannock, ha dato l’awio ad una série di indagini sulla componente biologica dei bacini anossici del Mcditerraneo orientale. Gli studi sono stati condotti su campioni di sedimento e della colonna d’acqua ad esso sovrastante. Sui campioni fissati e inclusi secondo...
Lo studio è basato sul confronto tra la flora di 5 città localizzate nelle principali regioni fitoclimatiche italiane: Milano, Ancona, Roma, Cagliari e Palermo. L'analisi di 684 specie rilevate in 50 aree campione ha evidenziato l'importanza delle apofite nella flora urbana in Italia e il ruolo delle terofite che provengono direttamente dalla veget...
The finding of mucilaginous laminae in the core samples of sediment taken in the Bannock basin triggered a series of studies on the biological components of the anoxic basins of the Eastern Mediterranean. The studies were carried out on samples of sediment and overlying water. Before fixation and embedding by the electron microscopy techniques, cyt...
The micromorphological characters of the theca of some Dinophyceae have been examined by SEM. Different ornamentation types (depressions, pores, ridges and other reliefs) can be detected on the plates. One or more ornamentation patterns may occur on a single plate. Based upon ornamentation types, it has been possible to classify the plates by struc...
In this work we have considered the features of thecal plates of some mediterranean species of Podolampas. The thecal plates have pores different in size and distribution according to their position and to the species considered. We have found some constant structures: kind of perforations of the apical, preequatorial and postequatorial thecal plat...
Different types of vacuoles have been observed in a fresh-water alga: Oscillatoria sp. Among these, the ones showing a limiting membrane have been considered in more detail and their mechanism of formation studied.These membrane-bound vacuoles appear to be related to enlargements of the thylakoids. Thylakoid enlargement can occur in different ways:...
Dicembre 2000 Interventi di protezione e ricostruzione dell'habitat del Gallo cedrone (Tetrao urogallus) nel Parco delle Orobie Valtellinesi 1. PREMESSA La distribuzione della popolazione di Gallo cedrone (Tetrao urogallus L.) nel territorio nazionale è attualmente ridotta alla fascia montana compresa tra le Alpi Orobiche e le Alpi Giulie sia nella...