Burkhard Golla

Burkhard Golla
Julius Kühn-Institut · Institute for Strategies and Technology Assessment



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Publications (86)
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Accurate estimates of the location, timing, and severity of soil-erosion events on arable land have eluded erosion-prediction technology for decades. Here, for the first time, we demonstrate how a machine learning model can nowcast the occurrence and relatively rank the severity of erosion events on arable field parcels at the regional scale with h...
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Heat and drought are major abiotic stressors threatening cereal yields, but little is known regarding the spatio-temporal development of their yield-effects. In this study, we assess genotype (G) × environment (E) × management (M) specific weather-yield relations utilizing spatially explicit weather indices (WIs) and variety trial yield data of win...
Earth observation with advanced, large-scale technologies as satellite piloted Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) appear essential to monitor agricultural ecosystems in near future. Radar backscatter e.g. allows insights to crop conditions, soil properties and direct mapping of vegetation growth. Precise SAR pre-processing is a substantial prerequisite...
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Crop yields are increasingly affected by climate change-induced weather extremes in Germany. However, there is still little knowledge of the specific crop-climate relations and respective heat and drought stress-induced yield losses. Therefore, we configure weather indices (WIs) that differ in the timing and intensity of heat and drought stress in...
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Detection of woody landscape elements using LiDAR data of the Digital Twin Germany
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Digital transformation is a key to turn public authorities into organisations that make decisions based on data-driven insights. The use of big geodata can enable public authorities to tackle complex sustainability issues. However, the efficient management of large amounts of geodata through implementing viable data infrastructures represents a maj...
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Das interdisziplinäre Forschungsprojekt CliMax ist eine Kooperation des Julius Kühn-Instituts und der Technischen Universität Braunschweig. Das Projekt erforscht die Grundlagen für effizientere Entscheidungshilfen für Städte und Kommunen, mit deren Hilfe nicht nur der Status Quo des Beitrages des Stadtgrüns zur Kohlenstoffsequestrierung geschätzt,...
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Die Integration landwirtschaftlicher Aktivitäten in Stadtentwicklungskonzepte und die Planung der produktiven grünen Infrastruktur im urbanen Raum erfordert eine räumliche und inhaltliche Definition des Begriffs der „urbanen Landwirtschaft“. Auf der Grundlage existierender Begrifflichkeiten haben sich hier die Bundesforschungseinrichtungen aus dem...
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Vegetated strips are in the focus of many stakeholders of agroecosystems and are part of several agri‐environmental schemes in Germany. Stakeholders have different expectations and demands on the functionality and services of vegetated strips. In our review, we focused on biodiversity and the ecosystem services pollination, conservation biocontrol,...
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Download at: https://www.thuenen.de/media/publikationen/thuenen-workingpaper/ThuenenWorkingPaper_198.pdf (only in German) --- We provide an overview of the state of knowledge on the climate change impacts on German crop production and generate model-based, quantitative and spatially differentiated simulations of the yield changes of the most impo...
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Es liegen erste Ergebnisse der entwickelten Methode zur verbesserten Kartierung und Bewertung von Landschaftselementen vor. Um quantitative Informationen (Lage, Fläche) abzuleiten, werten wir 3D-Informationen von digitalen Gelände- und Oberflächenmodellen aus. Für die qualitative Bewertung (Form- und Strukturparameter) werden Fernerkundungsdaten (L...
Conference Paper
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Die teilflächenspezifische Applikation von Pflanzenschutzmitteln (PSM) ist eine Notwendigkeit für eine Präzisionslandwirtschaft, um natürliche Ressourcen zu schützen. Grundsätzliches Ziel hierbei ist eine deutliche Reduktion angewendeter PSM und somit eine si-tuationsgerechte, umweltschonendere und nachhaltigere Agrarproduktion. Der Anteil an PSM,...
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Insect diversity and abundance are decreasing with negative consequences for important ecosystem services. Especially changes in cultivation practices, often summarized as intensification, are discussed as major drivers of insect decline. Recent agri-environmental schemes fail to counteract the declining trends as a) ecologically effective measures...
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Environmental, economic, and socio-cultural challenges to agroecosystems are diverse, numerous, and often strongly interlinked in complex ways. To tackle such complex challenges and develop ecologically sensible, socially acceptable, and economically sustainable solutions, traditional approaches in science need to be rethought. Agroecological Livi...
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In der Landwirtschaft werden viele Pflanzenschutzmittel im Zuge des Zulassungsverfahrens mit Hangneigungsauflagen belegt. Ziel ist es, den durch Oberflächenabfluss und Bodenerosion bedingten Eintrag von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in angrenzende Gewässer zu vermeiden. Aktuell existieren keine praktikablen, deutschlandweit verfügbaren Instrumente, die den...
Trotz bestimmungsgemäßer und sachgerechter Pflanzenschutzmittelanwendung kann es aufgrund von ungünstigen Umweltbedingungen, wie undurchlässigen Böden oder Flächen mit starker Hangneigung in Kombination mit hohen Regenmengen, zu einem erhöhten Risiko durch Pflanzenschutzmitteleinträge in Gewässern kommen. Die Landwirtschaftskammer NRW hat in Zusamm...
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In der Landwirtschaft sind Daten zur Entfernung zwischen Feldkante und aquatischen oder terrestrischen Lebensräumen für verschiedene Fragen relevant, zum Beispiel für die Ermittlung von Abstandsauflagen bei der Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln (PSM) oder für die modellbasierte Risikoabschätzung der PSM-Anwendung. Dieser Beitrag stellt den Webser...
Conference Paper
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Zusammenfassung Die teilflächenspezifische Applikation von Herbiziden zur Unkrautbekämpfung ist ein Ansatz, mit dem eine Reduktion und Spezifikation angewendeter Pflanzenschutzmittel und somit eine umweltschonendere und nachhaltigere Agrarproduktion möglich wird. Im Rahmen des BLE-Projektes "Entwicklung und Praxistest eines Direkteinspeisungssystem...
Conference Paper
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Zusammenfassung In dem Projekt "Assistenzsystem zur teilflächenspezifischen Applikation von Pflanzenschutzmitteln" (AssSys) wird ein System für die teilflächenspezifische Applikation von Pflanzenschutzmitteln entwickelt. Es wird der Fragestellung nachgegangen, inwieweit sich Pflanzenschutzmittel einsparen lassen, wie diese umweltschonender ausgebra...
Beim Ausbringen von Pflanzenschutzmitteln auf Flächen, die an ein Gewässer grenzen, müssen bei einer Hangneigung von mehr als 2 % Auflagen eingehalten wer- den. Wie das mit Hilfe eines neu konzipierten Webservice einfach und automatisch gelingt, erläutert Dr. Stephan Estel, Zentralstelle der Länder für EDV-gestützte Ent- scheidungshilfen und Progra...
Hat ein Schlag eine Neigung von mehr als 2 % und grenzt an ein permanent oder periodisch wasser-führendes Gewässer, müssen 5 bis 20 m breite bewachsene Randstreifen angelegt werden. Alternativ sind auch Mulch-oder Direktsaatverfahren sowie Auffangsysteme für den abgeschwemmten Boden möglich. Diese Maßnahmen sollen den Eintrag von Pflanzenschutzmitt...
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Detection of qualitative characteristics of landscape features like tree lines and hedgerows in Agricultural landscape using remote sensing data.
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Poster on the overall concept of the FInAL-project presented at the annual conference of the GfÖ (Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland) in Münster 2019. FInAL is a multi-disciplinary joint project of the Thünen-Institute, the Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI), the chamber of agriculture of Lower Saxony, and the Leibniz Centre for Agric...
Conference Paper
In der Landwirtschaft werden verschiedene Pflanzenschutzmittel im Zuge des Zulas-sungsverfahrens mit Hangauflagen belegt. Ziel ist, den durch Oberflächenabfluss und Bodenero-sion bedingten Eintrag von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in angrenzende Gewässer zu vermeiden. Bis heute existieren keine Instrumente zur zuverlässigen und objektiven Ermittlung der Ha...
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Over the last decade, Drosophila suzukii Matsumura, an invasive pest of soft-skinned fruits, gradually established itself in Europe, often resulting in significant economic losses. In 2011, when D. suzukii was first described for Germany, the Julius Kühn Institut (JKI) started a monitoring program in southwest Germany to study the occurrence and ac...
A relatively recent invasive pest of soft-skinned fruits in Europe is Drosophila suzukii (Spotted wing drosophila - SWD). It has already caused severe economic damages in many fruit-crops and some susceptible grape varieties and seems to have successfully adapted to survive under a variety of conditions. The Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) set up a pri...
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The overarching goal of the PAM3D research project is to support farmer in complying with legal regulations, designed to protect terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems from pesticides contamination caused by run-off and erosion from sloping agriculture fields. This will be achieved by new algorithms which allow the automated calculation of elevation pa...
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Monitoringdaten zur invasiven Kirschessigfliege werden an hunderten Standorten und von unterschiedlichen Institutionen ganzjährig in Europa erfasst. Der Austausch von Monitoringdaten gestaltet sich aufgrund unterschiedlicher Methoden in der Datenhaltung als sehr schwierig und zeitintensiv. Mit Hilfe von DrosoMon ist es möglich, die erhobenen Monito...
Conference Paper
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effective under a variety of scenarios (for a review of the various studies, see Reichenberger et al. 2007). The interface is designed in a way that specific mitigation options can easily be turned on and off via checkboxes and the risk reassessed. We describe the mitigation measures currently implemented and the corresponding adjustments to the pa...
Conference Paper
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Die teilflächenspezifische Applikation von Pflanzenschutzmitteln (PSM) ist eine Notwendigkeit für eine Präzisionslandwirtschaft, um den ökonomischen und ökologischen Ansatz zum Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen umzusetzen. Grundsätzliches Ziel hierbei ist eine deutliche Reduktion angewendeter PSM und somit eine situationsgerechte, umweltschonendere und...
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Zusammenfassung Die allgemeinen Grundsätze des Integrierten Pflanzenschutzes aus dem Anhang III der Pflanzenschutzrahmenrichtlinie der EU (2009/128/EG) beschreiben die Basisstrategie des integrierten Pflanzenschutzes. Danach müssen eingesetzte Pflanzenschutzmittel soweit zielartenspezifisch wie möglich sein und die geringsten Nebenwirkungen auf die...
Conference Paper
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Hot-Spot-Manager-Analyse-und Beratungswerkzeug für den Einsatz in der zielgerichteten risikomindernden Pflanzenschutzberatung In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Land NRW und der dortigen Landwirtschaftskammer wurde ein Internet-basiertes Beratungswerkzeug entwickelt, um die zielgerichtete risikomindernde Pflanzenschutzberatung zu unterstützen. Das Tool "H 2...
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In response to the implementation of the EU-directive on sustainable pesticide use by Norway, the project SMARTCROP (funded by the Research Council of Norway), was started to address the challenges of developing and providing farmers with the necessary IPM tools. Towards this objective, SYNOPS, a risk indicator developed by the Julius-Kühn Institut...
Explorative Datenanalyse des deutschlandweiten Monitorings auf Basis der DrosoMon-Datenbank
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SYNOPS a pesticide risk indicator model to assess environmental risk – contribution to and benefits of LOD
The presence and spatial distribution of various landscape elements play an important role in pest occurrence and damages. While high-resolution landscape data is widely available, sampling data are often not gathered with landscape studies in mind. In this presentation, we explore methods to analyse trap-capture data of Drosphila suzukii from sout...
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Small water bodies (SWB) are freshwater ecosystems of high ecological relevance. However, they receive considerably higher inputs of pesticides compared to larger water bodies owing to their close connection to adjacent agricultural fields in combination with their low water volume or discharge. Monitoring of the pesticide contamination of lentic a...
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Kettle holes Small, shallow depressions formed during last glaciations in Northeast Germany. Hotspots for biogeochemical processes and biodiversity Agricultural pesticide run-off and erosion pose a threat to their ecosystem functions and structural stability SYNOPS-WEB A process-based, online tool to assess environmental risk from pesticide use at...
H2Ot-Spot Manager NRW, a web-based tool to assess the risk to aquatic organisms and the impact of mitigation measures
A free copy may be downloaded from the SETAC store: https://www.setac.org/store/ViewProduct.aspx?id=9006489 “Mitigating the Risks of Plant Protection Products in the Environment: MAgPIE” are the proceedings from a 2-part workshop designed to inventory the risk mitigation measures implemented in European countries and build the foundation for a tool...
Strategy development for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) requires suitable environmental risk assessment to upscale risks based on environmental parameters, pesticide properties, multi-exposures toxicity assessments and field-specific information on pesticide usage on landscape level. This paper introduces the easy-to-use environmental risk assess...
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GIS-based landscape analysis and remote sensing techniques allow to determine different landscape parameters and analyze the spatio-temporal dynamic of pests in order to gain a better understanding of landscape ecological aspects of their spatial occurrence and spread. Examples of analysis tools are given for D. suzukii (Briem, Golla et al. 2016) a...
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In the framework of the project H2Ot-Spot Manager NRW, based on the risk indicator SYNOPS [1], we developed a web-based tool for surface-water risk assessment of pesticides at field-level. •The tool enables advisors and farmers to assess the environmental risk at field level and select appropriate mitigation measures for risk reduction. •PRZM5 [2]...
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In the framework of the project H2Ot-Spot Manager NRW, based on the risk indicator SYNOPS [1], we developed a web-based tool for surface-water risk assessment of pesticides at field-level. •The tool enables advisors and farmers to assess the environmental risk at field level and select appropriate mitigation measures for risk reduction. •PRZM5 [2]...
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Within the German NAP, the risk indicator model SYNOPS-GIS is applied for regional risk analysis and assessment of the effects of mitigation measures. A revised version of SYNOPS-GIS implemented PRZM 5.0 as a new sub-model for runoff and erosion. The aim of this study was to validate this new approach on the basis of a four year dataset of surface...
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This article presents selected results of the Thünen-Baseline as well as the assumptions upon which these results are based. The Thünen-Baseline is established using and combining several models of the Thünen model network. It provides a reference scenario for the analysis of the impacts of alternative policies and developments. The projections are...
Technical Report
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Within the GeoRisk project a new approach for the aquatic risk assessment of plant protection products (PPPs) used in permanent crops (vine, orchards and hops) in Germany is further developed and evaluated. The aim is to establish a more realistic risk assessment by the use of geodata and probabilistic methods. As a consequence,the derivation of sp...
Technical Report
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This article presents selected results of the Thünen-Baseline as well as the assumptions upon which these results are based. The Thünen-Baseline is established using and combining several models of the Thünen model network: The general equilibrium model MAGNET, the partial-equilibrium model AGMEMOD, the regionalized programming model RAUMIS, the fa...
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The overall objective of PURE is to provide practical IPM solutions to reduce dependence on pesticides in selected major farming systems in Europe. This paper summarises methodological advances with regards to the design and assessment of IPM solutions. The presented case studies include major crops (cropping systems based on wheat or maize), field...
Crop protection in general and apple crop protection in particular often rely on pesticides, although several alternative pest management measures are available. In this context European agricultural policy requires the implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) by 2014. Within IPM, more than one strategy can be practiced but selecting the...
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The present study was performed to characterise in-stream pesticide exposure within the Palatinate vineyard region in south-west Germany, evaluate the influence of buffer strip widths and identify mitigation measures for the relevant entry pathways. In-stream water and sediment samples that were taken at nine sampling sites of different buffer widt...
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By December 2012, EU Member States must complete and initiate the implementation of the National Action Plans (NAP), that will make it possible to reach the objectives of the new EU directive on the sustainable use of pesticides (2009/128/EC). The German NAP is designed to provide incentives for further risk reduction with the overall goal to reduc...
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In this work we propose a novel approach to model realistic spray drift deposition distributions for any distances up to 75 m for arable crops and 150 m for permanent crops. The model can be used in georeferenced exposure and risk assessments of surface waters on landscape and stream segment scale. The approach is described for field crops as an ex...
Conference Paper
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The development of new and innovative strategies of pesticide use in orchards may contribute strongly to an overall reduction of the environmental risk. To quantify the impact of new strategies on the environmental risk and to analyse the risk-behaviour of farmers it is mandatory to assess the risk potential in the context of the landscape. For thi...
Conference Paper
Within the GeoRisk project a new approach for the aquatic risk assessment of plant protection products in Germany is further developed and evaluated. The aim is to establish a more realistic risk assessment to allow simplified and reduced substance specific risk mitigation measures while maintaining the existing level of protection. GeoRisk focuses...
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1. Introduction Small streams differ greatly from the standardised water body used in the context of aquatic risk assessment for the regulation of plant protection products in Germany. The standard water body is static, with a depth of 0.3 m and a width of 1.0 m. No dilution or water replacement takes place. Spray drift happens always in direction...
Increasing Bt maize in Germany will consequently lead to a high risk concerning adaptation of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner), populations for Bacillus thuringiensis endot- oxins. Obligatory growing of susceptible maize cultivars by farm- ers as refuge close to Bt fields will sustainably face this develop- ment. The high effici...