Burcu Tarikahya Hacioglu

Burcu Tarikahya Hacioglu
Hacettepe University · Department of Biology



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I am interested in plant systematics, molecular phylogeny, ethnobotany, genetic characterization of crop wild relatives
Skills and Expertise
Additional affiliations
January 2010 - July 2018
Central Research Institute for Field Crops
  • Researcher
August 2001 - January 2010
Hacettepe University
  • Research Assistant
October 1996 - June 2000
Hacettepe University
Field of study
  • Biology


Publications (47)
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Despite many studies conducted over a period of nearly two centuries since Reboul, who was the first to classify tulips as subgeneric level, there is still no consensus among researchers regarding the infrageneric classification of tulips. Nevertheless, in recent years, efforts to solve this taxonomic problem have been increasing. However, phylogen...
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The aim of this study was to reveal the intra and interspecies differences between Triticum baeoticum and Triticum urartu using Diversity Arrays Technology sequencing (DArTseq) on 94 accessions representing Turkish populations. Seeds were gathered from the US Department of Agriculture, and from the Turkish Seed Gene Bank. Isolated and purified DNA...
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In order to reveal the genetic variation within the genus Tulipa, 57 accessions belonging to 19 taxa that are native to Turkey were examined in our study. With inter-simple sequence repeat markers, a matrix of 4332 data was obtained with 76 polymorphic bands. The unweighted pair group average (UPGMA) clustering algorithm was used for the Cluster An...
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Scilla s.l. is taxonomically one of the most problematic genera of the Asparagaceae. Within the last few decades, several genera were segregated from this genus; however, there is still no consensus on the taxonomic status of Scilla segregates. Although some previous studies indicated a polyphyletic origin for the genus Scilla, there has been no co...
Safflower is one of the most important oilseed crops with high-quality seed oil. It can be grown especially in the arid and semiarid regions in the world. The main reason why safflower is not widely cultivated is because of its low yield. Various breeding efforts have made a significant contribution to the improvement of safflower; however, it seem...
Symphytum is regarded one of the most complicated genera in terms of the classification of its members among the Boraginaceae. In addition to different infrageneric classification methods, several species complex or aggregates have been proposed to deal with the taxonomical problem of genus members. Symphytum asperum aggregate was first introduced...
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The accurate identification of an organism is the basis of all biological disciplines. Although there have been many different species concepts and methods proposed, researchers generally choose the most appropriate concept according to their interests. However, each species concept has both advantages and disadvantages. In such cases, an integrate...
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Meyer separated Thlaspi into 12 genera, specifically using the seed-coat anatomy. Currently, only 4 species have been retained in Thlaspi s.str and all of the other species were divided into other genera, one of which was Thlaspiceras F.K.Mey.. Based on recent molecular studies and morphological features, Al-Shehbaz (2014) suggested recognizing all...
Noccaea Moench is taxonomically one of the most problematic genera of the Brassicaceae. The radical revision of Thlaspi L. s.l. by Meyer in 1973 (Meyer, 1973) split it into 12 segregate genera, including Noccaea, but subsequent molecular studies suggested that this complex includes at least four unrelated genera (Thlaspi s. str., Mummenhoffia Esmai...
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Within the framework of this study, we collected seeds from 40 locations for C. dentatus Vahl., 38 locations for C. lanatus L., 3 locations for C. persicus Willd., 11 locations for C. glaucus Bieb., 1 location for C. tenuis (Bois and Balansa) Bornm. However, this study was performed to determine differences between species. In this study, we aimed...
Safflower is an important oilseed crop for the dry regions of the world. In the present study, we aimed to find out the seed oil content and composition of the wild relatives of safflower. For this purpose, 71 populations from 5 naturally growing Carthamus species were collected from Turkey: Carthamus dentatus (30 accessions), Carthamus lanatus (30...
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Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz.is an oilseed crop which is native to Mediterranean and Central Asia. In the recent years, it has recently become popular as worldwide with its edible use, its Omega-3 fatty acid content and oil that is suitable for the usage as biodiesel fuel. The fact that its being the natural Flora of Turkey, its competition power wi...
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Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz. is an oilseed crop which is native to Mediterranean and Central Asia. In the recent years, the Camelina oil became popular worldwide for human consumption, Omega-3 fatty acid content and possibility of the use as biodiesel fuel. The fact that it grows naturally in flora of Turkey, its competition power with the other pl...
Our study includes 5 taxa out of 10 naturally growing taxa in Turkey: C. orientalis L. subsp. orientalis, C. orientalis L. subsp. sulphurea (Stapf ex O.E.Schulz) Prina, C. tataria Sebeök var. tataria, C. tataria Sebeök var. aspera (M.Bieb.) Boiss. and C. maritima L. The morphological characters of the pollen and seeds from the studied species of Cr...
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A raştırmamıza konu olan Noccaea aghrica Fırat & Özüdoğru türü ülkemizde endemik tehlike altında bir tür olup yalnızca üç lokalitede bilinmektedir. N. aghrica polenleri genellikle prolat, izopolar, trizonokolpat, retikülat yapıda olup, kolpus neredeyse kutba kadar uzanır. Polenlerin ortalama boy ve eni sırasıyla 16.89 µm ve 6.21 µm; ortalama polar...
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A general review of the taxonomic status of Thlaspi past and present is given, and a critical evaluations of its segregates based on both morphological and molecular data are presented. ITS molecular phylogenetic study of Thlaspi aghricum and related species, as well as seed-coat morphology and anatomy strongly support the placement of the species...
To discuss the classification and possible scenarios for the speciation of Carthamus species in Turkey, 143 species occurrence data from Turkey used in Ecological Niche Modelling (ENM), ITS sequences of 23 vailable species gathered from the GenBank and current distribution information were used. The ENM was carried out by using MAXENT software. Amo...
In the present study, we used 39 plant samples representing six Carthamus taxa collected from different regions of Turkey: 11 of C. dentatus, 5 of C. glaucus, 18 of C. lanatus, 3 of C. persicus, 1 of C. tenuis subsp. tenuis and 1 of C. tenuis subsp. gracillimus. On these samples, we screened nine ISSR markers for polymorphic products. We generated...
In flora of Turkey, there are six species of Carthamus L: Carthamus dentatus (Forssk.) Vahl., C. glaucus M. Bieb. subsp. glaucus, C. lanatus L., C. tenuis (Boiss. & Blanche) Bornm., C. persicus Desf. ex Willd. and C. tinctorius L. Within these species, C. tinctorius L. is an alien species for the Turkish flora. The pollen grains belonging to six ta...
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In this research, the relationship among genotypes was identified and this information was evaluated with seed oil contents. Eight RAPD markers revealed polymorphic products and banding patterns among 32 accessions. The polymorphism rate was 94.6%. In both clustering analysis and principal coordinates analysis, Chinese and Indian accessions scatter...
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A taxonomic revision of the genus Symphytum L. (Boraginaceae) in Turkey is presented. Descriptions were enlarged, a new identification key for species was given, phytogeographical regions and threat categories of each species was discussed. The genus had 21 taxa according to “Flora of Turkey”, however, this number was reduced to 18 with our investi...
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The present paper represents the macro and micro-characters of the achenes of Carthamus (Asteraceae) species naturally growing in Turkey. A diagnostic identification key, descriptions and images of achenes were given. SEM investigation of seed coat sculpturing revealed 3 distinct types of surface structure: I: Striate, II: Irregularly striate and I...
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The genus Symphytum L. (Boraginaceae tribe Boraginae) comprises perennial mesophytic species. The distribution area of the genus is mainly Euro-Siberian and Mediterranean regions. The whole genus comprises approximately 40 species, of which Turkey holds the largest number with 18 species. Boissier (1897), Kusnetsov (1910), Bucknall (1913) and Pawlo...
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Flora of Ankara city center is very rich, with 1114 taxa and 15% endemism rate. Ankara is situated in Irano Turanian phytogeographic region is influenced by it surrounded by a steppic environment. In this research the similarities/dissimilarities of natural areas and city center were explained in means of various parameters by comparing city center...
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Flora of Beytepe Campus of Hacettepe University was published in 1994 with the specimens collected in 1975-1977. In this research, 79 different species were included and thus total species number of the campus increased to 510. The phytogeographical spectrum of the species with the last collections is as follows: Irano-Turanian elements 134 (26%),...
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Giriş Güdül ilçesi Ankara'nın yaklaşık 90 km kuzey batısında yer alır. Do-ğal olarak yaklaşık 500 bitki türü mevcuttur 1 . İncelemenin yapıldığı alan fitocoğrafik olarak İran Turan bitki coğrafyası bölgesine dahildir. Çoğun-lukla tepelik olan bölgede step karakterli bitki örtüsü hakimse de Kirmir çayının etkisiyle ılımanlaşan hava şartları Akdeniz...
Sixteen taxa of Ballota were investigated by analyzing the contents of diterpenoid and flavonoid compositions, and the relationships were compared with their morphological properties. HPLC chromatograms of diterpenoids and flavonoids from acetone extracts of sixteen Ballota taxa revealed the presence of thirteen compounds. Isolated compounds from B...
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Ülkemizde yerel adıyla peygamberçiçeği olarak bilinen bitkinin cins ismi Hipokrat tarafından ortaya atılan mitolojik bir yaratık olan Centaur'dan kaynaklanmaktadır.
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This paper describes a floristic study on Kirmir valley, between Güdül and Yeşilöz district, in Ankara province. The study was carried out during 2000-2003 and 1040 vascular plant specimens were collected. Four hundred and forty-eight wild taxa belonging to 266 genera and 74 families were determined. Furthermore, as for cultivated plants, 45 taxa w...


Question (1)
I made amplification of ITStotal. There was no problem with fresh leaves: I got app. 750 bp very bright bands, however with old herbarium specimens I met some other 800 bp and 1000bp bands beside 750 bp very bright band. Is this a problem for sequencing? if so what can I do to fix it?


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