Bruno Henrique dos Santos Ferreira

Bruno Henrique dos Santos Ferreira
Bruno verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Bruno verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul · Instituto de Biociencias

Doutor em Ecologia e Conservação


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I research about the phenology, pollination and reproduction system of Angiosperms. We also have interest in the application of these sciences in diagnosis and monitoring for ecological interventions.
Additional affiliations
March 2019 - July 2023
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
  • PhD Student
January 2014 - August 2016
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Master's Student
March 2019 - March 2023
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
Field of study
  • Ecology and Conservation


Publications (41)
Three synchronopatric Cactaceae species, Echinopsis rhodotricha , Harrisia balansae and Praecereus saxicola , have mostly nocturnal anthesis and similar flowers, characteristics that motivated us to perform a comparative study of reproductive ecology. Reproductive phenology was sampled monthly from December 2014 to November 2015. We describe floral...
The homogenization of fire regimes in a landscape may imply a temporal reduction in the availability of resources , such as flowers and fruits, which affect the fauna, as well as ecosystem services. We hypothesized that maintaining mosaic burning regimes, and thereby pyrodiversity, can diversify phenological patterns, ensuring year-round availabili...
Changes in fire regimes can increase extinction risk of species with distribution restricted to fire-prone habitats. The extent of the area burnt in the Brazilian Pantanal reached a record high in 2020, resulting in an environmental catastrophe. This globally important wetland is the main area of occurrence of the Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus hyac...
The interaction between high fire frequency and long flooding seasons maintains open vegetation in floodplains, while low fire frequency and no flooding can lead to forest development. In the Kadiw´eu Indigenous Territory (IT), in the ecotone between the Cerrado and the Pantanal biomes in Brazil, the diversified spatio-temporal patterns of fire act...
In tropical wetlands, in addition to flooding, fire also contributes to the structure of biodiversity across environmental gradients. In fire‐prone ecosystems, flower‐rich fire refuges can be maintained by a seasonal patch‐burning mosaic. Here, we evaluate how a set of floral traits that influence and are related to the pollination systems of tree...
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Here, were observed the interaction between Centrosema brasilianum (Fabaceae, Papilionoideae) and their floral visitors and quantified pollen removal and visitor traits. Aims: for to determine whether the behavior, quantity, and location of deposited pollen on the body of visiting bees differs according to the body size of bees. Methods: the morpho...
Plant growth and reproduction patterns may be closely associated with environmental seasonality, but the high diversity of plant strategies has revealed complex phenological patterns. Here, we evaluate the occurrence, duration, and seasonality of vegetative and reproductive phenophases of the Brazilian Chaco vegetation. In addition, we summarize th...
In ecosystems that are potentially exposed to high levels of metal pollution, rapid and simple detection techniques that use bioindicator plants can be useful. In this study, leaves of Rhizophora mangle were analyzed from mangrove forests close to two industrial centers subjected to high levels of metal pollution - Pedra de Guaratiba with lower and...
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Brazilian mangroves have been severely impacted by metallurgical, petrochemical, pyrometallurgical smelters and other industrial activities. In Rio de Janeiro, mangroves are part of the Atlantic Rainforest now under the stress of high levels of industrial waste. Therefore, this work aimed to detect potentially toxic elements (PTEs) by evaluating th...
Resumo 1. Os povos indígenas vêm gerindo paisagens propensas ao fogo há milênios, especialmente nas savanas tropicais, mantendo assim os estoques de carbono e a pirodiversidade e garantindo a sua segurança alimentar. Em algumas terras indígenas no Brasil, as brigadas de combate a incêndios são compostas por indígenas, integrando seus conhecimentos...
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Indigenous people have been managing fire‐prone landscapes for millennia, especially in tropical savannas, thereby maintaining carbon stocks and pyrodiversity and ensuring food security. In some indigenous lands in Brazil, fire brigades are composed of indigenous people, integrating their traditional knowledge in Brazilian fire management policies;...
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RESUMO Trazemos dados inéditos sobre a fenologia reprodutiva, atributos florais/sistemas de polinização e metarrede de interações da flora-fauna antófila para espécies dos estratos lenhoso e herbáceo (102 spp.) de vege-tação chaquenha brasileira (Savana Estépica Arbórea), Porto Murtinho, de Mato Grosso do Sul. O estrato lenhoso floresceu principalm...
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Besides enabling economic activity, the domestication of indigenous species in situ configures a strategy for the conservation of genetic resources in Agroforestry Systems (AFSs), as well as an ecological restoration strategy. Successful productivity and restoration through AFSs require active intervention with agroecological practices, e.g., the u...
Optimal sexual reproduction in relation to fire effects varies in Fabaceae species. Calliandra species have a large investment in reproduction. We investigated the consequences of fire during the fruiting period of Calliandra parviflora Benth., by checking fruit exposure to fire, pre‐dispersal seed predator infestation, and the effect of fruit burn...
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South America’s Pantanal is recognized as one of the largest wetlands in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its ecological significance (high biodiversity). The region experiences both seasonal wet/dry periods and pluriannual cycles of wet and dry years. Vegetation changes throughout the year as well as over the long-term with fires and...
Chrysophyllum (Chrysophylloideae, Chrysophylleae) is the second largest genus in the Sapotaceae. Studies of pollination ecology in this genus are non-existent, although there are records of entomophily for this family. Considering the lack of detailed studies on pollination ecology and sexual systems in Chrysophyllum species, we investigate the flo...
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Birds play a crucial role in plant reproduction, being one of the most important pollinators and seed dispersers among vertebrates. Here, we aim to study plant-bird interactions in the Cerrado biome of Brazil, highlighting existing mutualistic relations and their role in forest regeneration processes. We sampled plants and recorded feeding events a...
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Ecological restoration by direct seeding in the Cerrado biome still lacks information about native species germination, the need for dormancy overcoming and seed bank formation. This study aims to verify the effects of dormancy overcoming on germination of four tree species and the ability of 12 tree species to form seed banks for restoration use....
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• Seasonal changes in environments may not only affect habitat connectivity but may also affect its use by species and their interactions. Thus, during the flood season, ants are forced to develop survival strategies such as vertical plant migration. • According to this, it has been hypothesized that the presence of ants may directly affect plant‐p...
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Some epiphytes are adapted to extreme environments with the ability to survive drought as a result of their morphological (xeromorphism), anatomical (foliar trichomes or scales) and physiological features. In contrast to vegetative features, they may have diverse sexual reproductive strategies. Here we compared the flowering morphology, floral biol...
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Cleistocactus baumannii is the only ornithophilous cactus species in the Brazilian Chaco. In addition, this species of Cactaceae invests heavily in flowering in the ecoregion. Such characteristics motivated us to evaluate the temporal availability of flowers in the context of its floral visitors. The reproductive system of C. baumannii, the number...
Some epiphytes are adapted to extreme environments with the ability to survive drought as a result of their morphological (xeromorphism), anatomical (foliar trichomes or scales) and physiological features. In contrast to vegetative features, they may have diverse sexual reproductive strategies. Here we compared the flowering morphology, floral biol...
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O Pantanal tanto depende como é perturbado pelos incêndios. Por isso, a pesquisa focada e a queima controlada são vitais para todos os pantaneiros: flora, fauna e pessoas.
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Genetic diversity and population structure in plants are directly associated with the reproductive system and gene flow by pollen and seeds. We examined the reproductive system, pollination biology, genetic diversity and structure, and gene flow in Bromelia hieronymi, an endemic species of the humid Brazilian chaco. We characterized the reproductiv...
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Introdução Echinopsis possui 100-150 espécies com grande diversidade na arquitetura e são polinizadas por abelhas, beija-flores ou esfingídeos [1]. Polinização por todos estes grupos (mista) pode ocorrer em espécies com flores noturnas, cuja longevidade floral se estende até parte da manhã [2,3]. Autoincompatibilidade predomina no gênero [4]. Apres...
Conference Paper
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Gouania possui entre 50 e 70 espécies, sendo G. lupuloides liana com distribuição pantropical. Aqui apresentamos dados preliminares sobre o sistema sexual e a polinização de G. lupuloides em remanescente de cerrado, em Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul (MS). Gouania lupuloides apresenta fraca andromonoicia, com flores inconspícuas, pequenas, esbranq...
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Esta investigación describe la morfología y la biología floral de Rhabdadenia madida y también cómo estos rasgos pueden estar relacionados a la polinización de la especie. Se seleccionaron 8 plantas a lo largo de una carretera (la base de estudios de Pantanal-Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul), espaciadas al menos cinco metros de distancia...


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