Bruno Belloni

Bruno Belloni
GIS Posidonie

Marine biologist


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Bruno Belloni currently works at the GIS Posidonie, Aix-Marseille Université. Bruno does research in Marine Biology and Ecology.


Publications (28)
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Infralittoral rocky reefs (IRR) are a coastal marine habitat subject to various anthropogenic pressures in the Mediterranean. An ecological assessment using an ecosystem-based approach appears essential to guide sustainable environmental management practices and meet the requirements of the European Union Marine Strategy and Habitats Directive. For...
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The warming trend of the Mediterranean Sea is a long-term process. It has resulted in a northwards and westwards range expansion and abundance increase of thermophilic species, both native and non-indigenous, and in a shrinking of the range of cold-affinity species. Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are relatively short-term extreme episodes that are respons...
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The flowering of the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica, which occurs in autumn, is known to be uneven, over space and time. Mass flowering events occur at about ten-year intervals. High summer seawater temperature seems to trigger flowering. However, flowering is not dependent on the summer seawater temperature alone, but also on the time e...
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Introduction Coastal detrital bottoms (CDB) are one of the most extensive habitats of the continental shelf worldwide, in the upper levels of the circalittoral zone. Hosting a diverse community structured by sediment grain size, trophic interactions and calcified organisms, CDB exhibit important ecological functions. In the Mediterranean Sea, CDB a...
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T Th he e 2 20 02 22 2 m ma as ss s f fl lo ow we er ri in ng g o of f P Po os si id do on ni ia a o oc ce ea an ni ic ca a i in n t th he e F Fr re en nc ch h M Me ed di it te er rr ra an ne ea an n S Se ea a: : i is s i it t u un np pr re ec ce ed de en nt te ed d? ? Abstract. The flowering of the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica, which...
Conference Paper
In the Mediterranean Sea, Coastal Detrital Bottoms (CDB) are one of the most extensive habitats of the continental shelf. The EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive has embraced the concept of a socio-ecosystem-based approach to consider the functioning of marine habitats and their related services. We propose an ecosystem-based quality index (EBQI...
Conference Paper
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In the framework of the European Union LIFE 16IPE FR001 Marha project, Ecosystem-Based Quality Indices (EBQIs) provide a realistic assessment of the state and the functioning of ecosystems. The proposed EBQI was applied to four ecosystems of the north-western Mediterranean Sea: Posidonia oceanica Seagrass Meadows (POSM), Infralittoral Photophilous...
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The population of Scorpaenidae was investigated in the Nature Reserve of Scàndula (Corsica, France, NW Mediterranean). While absent from Corsica a few decades ago, the Madeira rockfish Scorpaena maderensis is now the most abundant scorpaenid species in shallow rocky reef areas, far outnumbering Scorpaena notata and Scorpaena porcus. Considered as a...
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Since 2000, the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi has been recorded in Mediterranean brackish lagoons. Quantitative data on its feeding behaviour (i.e. potential ecological impact) in these particular environments is non-existent. In this study, we describe in situ predation dynamics of M. leidyi in the Berre Lagoon (south-eastern France) over...
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The ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz, 1865 originates from estuaries and coastal waters along Atlantic coastlines from the Chesapeake Bay, USA, to Argentina. Through ballast waters, the species has spread the past 30 years over Eurasia. On the French Mediterranean coastlines, Mnemiopsis leidyi was first formally identified in the Berre Lagoo...
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The ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi, ranking among the 100 most damaging bioinvaders in the world, is a major predator of zooplankton, known to alter the biodiversity and functioning of the ecosystems in which it has been introduced. This first survey on the trophic relationships of M. leidyi in a Mediterranean lagoon (Berre, South of France) was perf...
Technical Report
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Guide méthodologique pour l'évaluation de l'impact des engins de pêche perdus
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The management of saltmarshes, the complex ecosystem constituted by coastal wetlands and lagoons (SME – Saltmarsh Ecosystem), is often centered on the so-called ‘heritage species’ (rare, threatened and charismatic species). This ‘species-centered’ or ‘taxon-centered’ approach, a legacy from the 20th century, is fully understandable in areas where d...
GECOMARS.International Workshop on Ecosystem Based Management, Marseille, FRA, 04-/02/2020 - 05/02/2020
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Over the last few decades, reports of the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii have increased worldwide. This invasive alien species, native to China, has invaded France’s freshwater systems. The present article reports the following information regarding this jellyfish: (i) distribution across the French metropolitan territory, (ii) life cy...
Conference Paper
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The coralligenous ecosystem is one of the biodiversity hotspots in the Mediterranean Sea. This study aims at determining (i) the organic matter (OM) sources at the base of the food web in a coralligenous ecosystem near Marseille (Cap Caveau, Frioul Island) and (ii) the global functional structure of its community. For that purpose, C and N stable i...
Conference Paper
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Lost and abandoned fishing gear affects all marine habitats, both coastal and offshore habitats such as bathyal habitats, including canyons. Not only professional fishing nets, longlines and fishing traps are concerned, but also recreational fishing tackle (fishing lines, lead weights, hooks, etc.). This lost gear causes various forms of negative i...
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The French Mediterranean coast is a hot spot for SCUBA diving (estimation: 70-75 000 of individual divers). About 550 dive centres are located on the coastal administrative departments, and receives a quarter of metropolitan French dive centres (French Underwater Federation, pers. comm.). Diving sites are mainly located along rocky shores on natura...
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The hydromedusa Gonionemus vertens A. Agassiz, 1862 was first detected in the Berre Lagoon, south of France, in July 2016. Early June 2017, following an early rise in temperature, much higher numbers of specimens were reported leading to several beach goers being stung and one going into anaphylactic shock. Effort to rehabilitate this highly anthro...


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