Bruce Rind

Bruce Rind
Temple University | TU · Department of Psychology



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Publications (64)
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A dominant view among researchers is that boys’ sexual interactions with adult men are traumatizing. In contrast, many gay men recall childhood sexual experiences with adult males as positive. The current study tested for both of these outcomes by examining recalled boyhood sexual experiences of older gay men. Interviews were conducted in the 1970–...
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In the present study, relations between same-sex sexual behavior (SSB), age-class, and coalitional behavior in male rhesus macaques were examined in a re-analysis of data first analyzed and reported by Clive et al. (2023). Age-class as a focal variable was indicated in an extensive literature review, which showed that male non-adult (juvenile, adol...
This chapter examines moral-political bias in psychological knowledge about child sexual abuse (CSA). Before the 1980s, most professionals saw CSA as immoral but generally not harmful, absent aggravating circumstances. By the early 1980s, professional beliefs radically shifted, seeing CSA as intrinsically traumatic, often causing severe maladjustme...
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Analysis of a Finnish nationally representative student sample found that subjective reactions to first intercourse (mostly heterosexual; usually in adolescence) were highly positive for boys and mostly positive for girls, whether involved with peers or adults (Rind, 2022). The present study examined the generality of these findings by examining su...
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The Irish Study of Sexual Health and Relationships, based on a nationally representative sample of Republic of Ireland adults in 2004–2005, was used to examine adult adjustment in individuals who had their first sexual intercourse as a minor with an adult. Participants were classified into one of four groups based on their age at first intercourse...
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Kinsey’s prison male same-sex sample (consisting of prisoners who were gay, bisexual, or had had extensive postpubertal same-sex sex regardless of sexual attractions) was compared with Kinsey’s general (i.e., non-prison) same-sex sample (previously analyzed by Rind and Welter, 2016) in terms of reactions to and characteristics of first postpubertal...
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This study used an important data set to examine long-term adjustment and functioning in men, who as adolescents had sexual experiences with men. The data came from the National Health and Social Life Survey, which used a national probability sample (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, & Michaels, 1994). Three perspectives were considered, which offered diff...
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Rind and Welter (2014) examined first postpubertal coitus using the Kinsey sample, finding that reactions were just as positive, and no more negative, among minors with adults compared to minors with peers and adults with adults. In the present study, we examined first postpubertal male same-sex sexual experiences in the Kinsey same-sex sample (i.e...
In German law, sexual self-determination is seen as undeveloped in minors ≤13 and underdeveloped from 14–15. Consequently, harm from sex with adults is assumed likely in the former and possible in the latter. We tested assumed harm using the Kinsey data on first postpubertal coitus and male same-sex experience by comparing reactions across 5 groups...
Objectives: Riegel (2011) argued there is a moral panic surrounding the issue of male transgenerational eros in the West. In response, he offered a variety of contrasting perspectives, one being that such eros has an evolutionary basis. The present article offers commentary. Methods: I supplement his hypothesis with a review of seven related evolut...
Using the original Kinsey sample, enjoyment and emotionally negative reactions to first postpubescent coitus were examined in relation to whether the coitus occurred as a legal minor (aged under 18) with an adult (5 or more years older), a minor with a peer (within 4 years of age), or an adult with an adult (both 18 or older). These responses were...
Roberts, Glymour, and Koenen (2013), using instrumental variable models, argued that child abuse causes homosexual orientation, defined in part as any same-sex attractions. Their instruments were various negative family environment factors. In their analyses, they found that child sexual abuse (CSA) was more strongly related to homosexual orientati...
Blanchard et al. (2009) demonstrated that hebephilia is a genuine sexual preference, but then proposed, without argument or evidence, that it should be designated as a mental disorder in the DSM-5. A series of Letters-to-the-Editor criticized this proposal as a non sequitur. Blanchard (2009), in rebuttal, reaffirmed his position, but without adequa...
On July 12, 1999, our meta-analysis on child sexual abuse published in Psychological Bulletin, one of the American Psychological Association's (APA) premiere journals, was condemned by the U.S. Congress (H. Con. Res. 107). The condemnation followed months of attacks on the article, the APA, and us by various social conservatives and psychoanalytica...
Social response to age‐gap sex involving minors has become increasingly severe. In the US, non‐coercive acts that might have been punished with probation 30 years ago often lead to decades in prison today. Punishment also increasingly includes civil commitment up to life, as well as scarlet‐letter‐like public registries and onerous residence restri...
In Dreger’s history of the Bailey affair, readers are informed about yet another attack on a sex researcher and his work, which came into conflict with others’ political views or agendas. Bailey, a Northwestern University psychologist and sexologist, published a book arguing that male-tofemale (MTF) transsexuals are motivated to become females for...
This paper begins with a review of two meta-analyses on the sexual and psychological adult correlates of child sexual abuse (CSA). One meta-analysis was based on nationally representative samples and the other on college student samples. Results of both meta-analyses suggest that: (1) CSA is only weakly associated with later adjustment problems in...
Hyde (2003) critiqued our meta-analyses of child sexual abuse (CSA) correlates done on national and college samples (Rind & Tromovitch, 1997; Rind, Tromovitch, & Bauserman, 1998). Earlier in this issue, we argued point by point that her criticisms were not valid or did not affect our basic conclusions (Tromovitch & Rind, 2007). Next in this issue,...
This article comments on the Najman, Dunne, Purdie, Boyle, and Coxeter (2005) study on the relationship between childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and later sexual functioning in an Australian national sample. We note the value of the Najman et al. study, being well conducted and using a generalizable sample, but critique Najman et al.'s interpretation t...
Research has shown that favorable weather is associated with increased tipping and that beliefs that weather is favorable can produce higher tips. In the current study, the possibility that beliefs about future weather conditions would affect tipping was experimentally examined. A server in a midscale restaurant wrote on the back of customers’ chec...
A common practice among servers in restaurants is to give their dining parties an unexpected gift in the form of candy when delivering the check. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of this gesture on the tip percentages received by servers. Experiment 1 found that customers who received a small piece of chocolate along with the c...
Research has shown that servers can increase their tip percentages by positively influencing customers' mood and using the compliance technique of reciprocity. These factors were examined in the current study. An experiment was conducted in which a female server either did or did not present customers with a novel, interesting task that has been sh...
Research has shown that greater degrees of sunshine experienced directly are associated with greater amounts of compliance and tipping. This paper describes two studies that investigated beliefs about sunshine and tipping. The studies were conducted at a casino hotel in Atlantic City; a male server who delivered food and drinks to guests' rooms act...
Research has shown that a server's smiling can increase restaurant tips and that a server's writing “thank you” on the backs of checks can also increase tips. In the current study, these two approaches were combined. An experiment was conducted in which a male or female server drew a happy, smiling face on the backs of checks before delivering them...
Research has shown that servers can increase their tip percentages by writing “Thank you” or by drawing a happy face on the backs of customers' checks. In the current study, a third approach of this type was tested. An experiment was conducted in which a female server either did or did not write a helpful message about an upcoming dinner special on...
Impression management theory maintains that the use of strategic tactics such as self-promotion can influence targets in desired directions. Self-promotion concerns an actor's attempts to establish an image of competence. In this study, a confederate attempted to sell raffle tickets to targets after promoting himself by amazing his targets with his...
The American view that adolescent-adult sexual relations are by definition “child sexual abuse” has spread throughout the Western world and reshaped public policy. This paper, originally presented as a talk, examines the scientific validity of this view. A historical perspective traces the conflation of the adolescent experience with rape, incest,...
Professional and popular discussions of the effects of adult-adolescent sexual relations focus almost exclusively on harmfulness. Possible benefit is almost never considered. Yet historical perspective shows that such relations were common in past times, often seen as socially functional. It is argued that the current narrow focus on harm is driven...
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Sbraga and O'Donohue (2003, this issue) argued that backward reasoning from current symptomatology to past child sexual abuse (CSA), often done by experts in court cases, is flawed in several important ways. Backward reasoning, or postdiction, is usually based on models that assume that CSA invariably causes symptoms and that it is always negativel...
Can we change other people without changing ourselves as well? To test this question, participants used one of three techniques—door-in-the-face, authoritative influence, and rational arguments—to convince a confederate to attend a campus meeting that favored an issue opposed by the confederate, but supported by the subject. Following the confedera...
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The authors respond to 2 victimological critiques of their 1998 meta-analysis on child sexual abuse (CSA). S. J. Dallam et al. (2001) claimed that B. Rind, P. Tromovitch, and R. Bauserman (1998) committed numerous methodological and statistical errors, and often miscoded and misinterpreted data. The authors show all these claims to be invalid. To t...
Over the last quarter century the incest model, with its image of helpless victims exploited and traumatized by powerful perpetrators, has come to dominate perceptions of virtually all forms of adult-minor sex. Thus, even willing sexual relations between gay or bisexual adolescent boys and adult men, which differ from father-daughter incest in many...
Gently suggesting tip levels to your guests may result in steadier income for servers—without offending customers.
In July 1999 the U.S. Congress passed a formal resolution condemning our article on child sexual abuse (CSA), an article in which we concluded, based on 59 meta-analytically reviewed studies using college samples, that the assumed harmfulness of CSA had been overstated (Rind, Tromovitch, & Bauserman, 1998). The condemnation followed months of attac...
Consistent with lay and professional views, Masters, Johnson, and Kolodny (1985), in an early edition of their human sexuality textbook, presented man‐man sex as normal and acceptable but man‐boy sex as pathological and unacceptable. Despite drawing these moral distinctions, they used a series of examples of socially sanctioned man‐boy sex in other...
This article presents a qualitative analysis of the experience of parenting of mothers with dissociative disorders. This analysis was performed to complement the quantitative analysis of problems of mothers with dissociative disorders that Benjamin, Benjamin, and Rind (1996) presented previously. They found that the functioning of these mothers, as...
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Many lay persons and professionals believe that child sexual abuse (CSA) causes intense harm, regardless of gender, pervasively in the general population. The authors examined this belief by reviewing 59 studies based on college samples. Meta-analyses revealed that students with CSA were, on average, slightly less well adjusted than controls. Howev...
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Researchers have generally neglected sexual experiences of boys with adults, assumed them to be the same as those of girls, or tried to understand them by referring to clinical research while ignoring nonclinical research. A review of nonclinical research allows a more complete understanding of boys' sexual experiences with adults and the outcomes...
Isen (1984) and Berkowitz (1987) noted the strong link between positive moods and positive thinking. Isen proposed that the well-established relation between positive moods and increased helping or compliance is attributable to the mediating effects of positive thinking. In the current study, the effect of interest—a type of positive thinking—on co...
In response to the availability of a growing literature on the psychological correlates of child sexual abuse (CSA), numerous researchers have conducted literature reviews of these correlates. These reviewers have generally reported that CSA is associated with a wide variety of adjustment problems, and many have additionally implied or concluded th...
This study examined to what extent the symptoms of dissociative mothers interfered with their parenting and their subjective experiences of mothering. A group of 54 dissociative inpatient or day-patient mothers, 20 nondissociative inpatient mothers, and 20 hospital staff mothers were screened for Dissociative Disorders using the Structured Clinical...
Examined the effect of crime seriousness on 120 undergraduate student jurors' use of inadmissible evidence. Ss were 17–55 yr olds. Ss read a brief trial summary of a crime that was low, intermediate, or high in seriousness (vandalism, arson, or murder). Half of the sample was exposed to ambiguous evidence, and the other half was exposed to damaging...
Servers in restaurants frequently use the tactic of writing “thank you” on the backs of checks before delivering them to dining parties. Servers also frequently personalize their interaction with dining parties by signing their first name below the gratitude message. The effectiveness of these tactics in increasing tips was examined. In a field exp...
Browne and Finkelhor (1986) cautioned that it is important that child abuse researchers not exaggerate or overstate the intensity or inevitability of negative consequences for children or adolescents who experience sex with adults. In recent years a number of researchers have argued that this problem has been increasing, with negative repercussions...
Gardner (1985) theorized a developmental trajectory leading to qualitative changes in the ability to read motives or intentions, which we viewed as implying stages (or levels) of interpersonal acumen in adults. To test this idea, we conceptualized graduated levels of action-intention combinations ranging from least to most cognitively taxing accord...
Whether compliance is affected by targets' impression management was investigated. A confederate approached male shoppers sitting either alone or with a female companion in an American shopping mall and attempted to convince the male shoppers to agree to purchase raffle tickets. The presence of a female companion was expected to heighten the male s...
Previous research has indicated that individuals can accurately judge certain personality dispositions of unacquainted peers after viewing facial photographs of them. The present investigation attempted to replicate and extend this finding. In Study 1, American high school seniors watched a videotape containing a series of facial photographs of twe...
purpose of the present investigation is to learn something about the gossiper and the gossipee, as well as about commonsense views of the nature of gossip participants were 36 women [aged 18–22 yrs] who belonged to a service sorority at a large public university / the purpose of the 1st questionnaire was (a) to identify who gossiped about whom an...
Adult‐child and adult‐adolescent sexual interactions have generally been described in the professional literature with value‐laden negative terms. Recently, a number of researchers have criticized this state of affairs, claiming that such usage is likely to have biasing effects. The current investigation examined empirically the biasing impact of n...
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Paper presented to the symposium sponsored by the Paulus Kerk, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, on the 18th of Previous literature reviews Link 2 Qualitative literature reviews Link 2 Limitations of qualitative literature reviews Link 3 Quantitative literature reviews Link 4 National probability samples Link 5 College samples Link 8 Family environment L...
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Temple University, 1990. Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 188-199). Photocopy. s


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