Brice De RuyverGhent University | UGhent
Brice De Ruyver
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Publications (92)
DISMARK raises the question of how recent developments in the Dutch and Belgian drug markets can be explained and what measures can be taken, both autonomously and in close cooperation between the two countries. Can we speak of a shift or an expansion of (parts of) illegal drug markets between the Netherlands and Belgium? If so, what is causing thi...
People who use illicit drugs (PWUD) experience a wide range of drug-related harms. The goal of harm reduction is to reduce these adverse effects of drug use, without necessarily reducing drug use itself. By providing a safe and hygienic environment to consume pre-obtained drugs under the supervision of trained staff, drug consumption rooms (DCRs) a...
Earlier reviews regarding the effectiveness of Drug Treatment Courts (DTCs) reported a reduction in reoffending and substance use. Although substance users suffer from other difficulties than drug use and judicial issues, none of these reviews focused on outcomes or effects of DTCs on drug-related life domains, such as social relatio...
De geschiedenis van de criminologie aan de Universiteit Gent begon officieel in 1938. In dat jaar werd het voorstel van decaan Nico Gunzburg en professor Jules Simon tot oprichting van een School voor Criminologie bekrachtigd bij Koninklijk Besluit. Nu, 75 jaar later, is de tijd rijp om een eerste keer terug te blikken.
In dit boek wordt onder ande...
In prosecution, Belgian judiciary currently uses outdated yield figures (28.1g per plant, sold at € 3/g at grower level) for fining illicit indoor cannabis plantations. Using state-of-the-art cultivation techniques, our growth experiments showed that yield is better expressed in g/m(2) cultivated surface area rather than in g per plant, and that yi...
De Belgische justitie merkt de jongste jaren een aanzienlijke stijging in het aantal in beslag genomen indoor cannabisplantages. De veroordeling van de daders is gebaseerd op de (grote) winsten die met de cannabisteelt en –handel gepaard gaan, maar de justiële autoriteiten hanteren hiervoor verouderde cijfers (28 g cannabis per plant en een verkoop...
After no less than five entirely double blind peer reviewed volumes in the GofS Research Paper Series have been released in 2009, 2010 and 2011 the editorial board is proud to issue again a set of two more volumes comprising original and new research papers that have been proofed by international peers
Volume 6, providing new empirical data, theor...
Om het potentieel gevaarlijk aanbod van oude en nieuwe drugs te kunnen opsporen en daarop snel te reageren, werken de lidstaten
van de Europese Unie tegenwoordig met een ‘early warning system’. Zo’n systeem moet goed kunnen communiceren. Wij onderzochten
de communicatieve prestaties van het Belgische systeem. Het kan beter, zowel wat algemene persb...
1. Enkele voorafgaandelijke opmerkingen De evaluatie van de federale politieraad is er gekomen op vraag van de Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken, exact tien jaar na het afsluiten van het Octopusakkoord (juni 1998 – juni 2008). Ook al startte de geïntegreerde politie pas later op – 1 januari 2001 voor de federale component, 1 januari 2002 voor de loka...
Dit onderzoek, dat gevoerd wordt in opdracht van de Directie Veiligheid en Preventie van de Federale overheidsdienst Binnenlandse Zaken, gaat na hoe vanuit een preventief oogpunt radicalisering (hetgeen leidt tot geweld) benaderd kan worden. Hierbij vraagt de opdrachtgever te focussen op (1) links geïnspireerde radicalisering, (2) rechts geïnspiree...
De universiteit Gent reikte op 10 december 2009 een institutioneel eredoctoraat uit aan de Nederlandse criminoloog en hoogleraar Cyrille Fijnaut. Het eredoctoraat drukt de grote waardering uit voor het wetenschappelijk werk van professor Fijnaut. Tevens vormt het een eervol bewijs van zijn geregelde en intense samenwerking met de Universiteit Gent,...
Drug offences require adequate responses from the criminal justice system. In most Western European countries, including Belgium, the use of judicial alternative sanctions for drug users is on the increase. The objective of the current research was to examine the effects of judicial alternatives for drug users in Belgium. The design of this study c...
In most Western European countries, including Belgium, judicial alternative sanctions are increasingly being used for drug users. Because no study into the effectiveness of Belgian judicial alternatives for drug users has yet been carried out, this became the objective of the current research. The design of this study comprises a pre and post measu...
We bring different theories together to develop a theoretical framework that helps to understand how early warning messages about (new) dangerous drugs can influence the public's perception of substance use. We bring together the agenda setting theory, framing theory, dual processing theory, social learning theory, health belief model, theory of pl...
Different judicial alternative sanctions and measures exist on the three levels of the criminal justice system. These alternative
sanctions and measures can be applied to a specific target group, namely drug users. The current study is a qualitative assessment
of the application and execution of alternative measures and sanctions for drug users, ba...
Het fenomeen van de rondtrekkende daders krijgt toenemende aandacht binnen het Belgische en Europese veiligheidsbeleid. Deze aandacht is gegroeid vanuit diverse vaststellingen op het terrein en heeft geleid tot allerhande definities en concrete beleidsmaatregelen. In deze bijdrage wordt dit fenomeen en de kenmerken die aan deze dadergroepen worden...
Drug offences require adequate responses from the criminal justice system. In most
Western European countries, including Belgium, the use of judicial alternative sanctions for
drug users is on the increase. The objective of the current research was to examine the
effects of judicial alternatives for drug users in Belgium. The design of this study
The number of studies on public expenditure is growing in view of the growing importance of the evaluation of drug policies. Public expenditure is an important indicator of government efforts to tackle the drug problem. Studying public expenditure and comparing the methodology and the results of existing research is challenging. In the present arti...
as a one year project, but after the first year the decision was taken to prolong the research in order to allow for a better foundation of the results. The second part of the research started 1 December 2005 and the project was concluded on 30 November 2006 I. OBJECTIVES The current study is aimed at the different alternative sanctions and measure...
In summary we can state that judicial assistance stands to lose further ground with respect to police cooperation. The Schengen Agreement authorized and legitimized the autonomy of the police which they themselves had already assumed in the legal assistance process. At national level the situation is worsened by the insufficient statutory regulatio...
Growing international pressure in the form of agreements, directives and recommendations has prompted new legislation for the prevention of money laundering in Belgium. This paper considers the various international initiatives and looks at how Belgium has responded. In particular, it discusses the act of 17th July, 1990, and the role of the bankin...
A school survey, held in 1988 among a representative sample (N = 1850) of adolescents, aged 14-19 years, in the province of Oost-Vlaanderen (Belgium), indicates that 74% uses alcohol. More boys than girls drink alcohol. As the adolescents grow older, more of them use alcohol, while their frequency and intensity of use, as well as the occurrence of...