Branko V. MiškovićIndependent scientist · retired
Branko V. Mišković
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Starting by the elaboration of EM theory, its results have been extended to the complete theoretical physics. Thus arranged mosaic of physics is founded on the classical laws and scientific methods. The modern physics appears excessive.
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Publications (27)
The restriction of modern physics to the objective scientific sources, without sufficient subjective control, may be tolerated in practice, but not in the theory. The collective or scientific consciousness is akin with the dream state, reduced to inconsistent relations of logical remnants, without insight into the whole. This implies the fantastic...
A photon is a toroidal, but particle - supper-toroidal vortex. To persist, the former is moving through 3D, but latter-along temporal axis, at the speed determined by the medium. A pho-ton is manifest by circular magnetic field, but particle by radial electric field and respective mass. The axial photon asymmetry means its polarization, but that of...
Logically predicted, three spatial and one temporal axes, closed into themselves, in common form the hyper-spherical 4D cosmos. The super-spherical 3D space is propagating along the circular taxis , at the speed of light determined by the medium features. This is projected into 3D space as the sine pulsating cosmos and cyclic time. Hobble's ratio o...
The main notions of the wave theory are introduced, and their formal and rational relations presented. Various waves distinguish by their structural strata and respective senses. The two EM potentials accord to the fluidic pressure and cur-rent. Using the two fields, as the gradients of respective potentials, EM waves are best elaborated. Einstein’...
A structural axis, as the fifth, is introduced by the sequence of spatial domains. As such, it distinguishes the processes from various structural strata, which similar signals are registered by respective senses. There are the typical stratifications of electricity and energy. Poynting's 5D continuity equation contains the spatial, temporal and su...
9. Electro-mechanics
Micro-electric processes are manifest in practice on moving bodies or electric circuits. The moving charge particles or bodies, and the currents in the circuits, act by the forces upon similar objects. Inside a neutral body, with the zero summary current, the sum of micro-forces around particles is manifest by mechanical inert...
The relation between a motion and respective variation is expressed by relative and convective derivatives. Divergences of scalar flows give the continuity equations. Similar treatment of Thomson's algebraic equations gives the forms wider from respective Maxwell's set. The inertia cancels the excessive, and convective derivatives explain remaining...
The medium stratification into explicit and implicit matter is expressed by the two constitutive equations, operating by the two pairs of EM fields and constant factors. The force fields are introduced empirically, but rational ones on the concept of electricity, as the bipolar substance. The two algebraic equations of J. J. Thomson are reaffirmed,...
The field theory enables the transition from the formal to rational scientific levels. It is not satisfied by the formal operations , but also demands clear images of the spatial and temporal relations. The math apparatus is the accessory scaffolding only. EM fields and potentials are introduced, mutually related and extended to mechanics and gravi...
The kinetic forces between fluid flows or vortices are similar at vacuum and matter. Two parallel flows attract, but opposite ones repel each other, as electric currents. Two vortices behave oppositely, as the air disturbances. The temporal matter motion is projected into 3D as the attracting gravitation, but the particles, as the micro-vortices of...
The law of inertia expresses the saving of motion. Its application to a force balance gives the energy saving, wherefrom follows the torque balance and saving of rotation, as the angular quantities. The static and kinetic energies give the rational sum mv2, at motion through 3D space or along temporal axis. These results are applied to celestial bo...
Apart from the static gravitation, the two inertial forces-kinetic and dynamic-are emphasized. The first force depends on the object position, the second-on its speed, and third-on acceleration. The longitudinal action causes linear, but transverse -centripetal accelerations. The transverse pressure on a path gives the kinetic, but longitudinal one...
Apart from space, time and matter, as the three natural categories, the other physical quantities are also considered. Unlike the explicit matter of the massive particles, the implicit one belongs to the vacuum medium. Their similarities and distinctions are presented. The quantities are related by rational relations or empirical laws. Up to their...
The two famous scientific spirits present, compare, further develop and better argue their known views. A brief cross-section through the history of physics is supplemented by some details formerly overlooked or neglected. They redirect the former development by a sequence of convincing results. Irrespective of their final plausibility, the consist...
With respect to separate developments of various physical disciplines, this synthesis relies on their common principles and touching points. The two classical systematic theories, mechanics and electrodynamics, are here especially mutually compared and related. The convenient extension of their distinct mathematical treatments to each other results...
A few antinomies of material structure are here resolved: 1) of the matter or medium priority, 2) of the smallest particles or their infinite divisibility, 3) of discrete photons or wave packets-also extended to the particles and their associated waves. Instead of the explicit matter consisting of some particles in the empty space, the implicit vac...
The position, motion and acceleration of physical objects in the natural laws understand a relevant reference frame. In this sense, the two extreme solutions have been mutually confronted: an absolute cosmic frame or certain equivalence in a class of the frames at least. The imagined formal frames need be connected to evident material bodies. Owing...
In comparison with the former cosmologies, from some an-cient scripts up to the modern science, a cosmic model composed of the four circularly closed axes, forming the super-spherical 3D space and cyclic time, is presented. Instead of the arbitrary spe-culative theses, all ideas and results are founded on the empirical facts and the strict logic of...
EM theory started from electricity and its current, as the carriers or objects, mediated by the fields and potentials. In the opposite sense, the fields are formal features of the potentials, limited by the carriers. Apart from the central Coulomb's law, similar Ampere's law is here generalized. The radial – static and transverse – kinetic, are thu...
Instead of the strict causal exposition, this is an original cross-section through EM theory, as its brief overview. All the equations are transparently presented in the pairs or tables, thus pointing up their symmetries and relations, with enough verbal announcement of their derivations. The characteristic problems are treated in the form: thesis...
This is a brief presentation of EM theory, as the well-elaborated electrodynamics of moving bodies. Apart from the standard differential equations, some algebraic relations, complementary in the sense and application, are affirmed. The field transformations, completed by these relations, simultaneously treat transverse and longitudinal directions....
The sets of all the basic equations, relating in the two directions the three pairs of EM quantities, are considered and compared. The tensor equations point to 4D space, as the ambient of EM phenomena. The remaining equations enable the tensor interpretation of all the quantities. The quantities of the same ranks are related algebraically, and the...
The author presents a general theoretical introduction into extended EM theory and alternative treatment of EM waves. Using relatively new basic and derived equations, some concrete results are derived. Being complementary to the classical theory, this work may stimulate the specialist for further more concrete elaboration. In comparison with the d...
Questions (10)
I just posted a preprint article, as the original approach to this topic.
Every critical remarks would be welcome.