Bożena RyszawskaWroclaw University of Economics and Business | WUE · Department of Corporate and Public Finance
Bożena Ryszawska
prof. of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business PhD Dr.Sc.
Horizon 2020 project: EC2, Energy communities and Energy Citizenship for the Clean Energy Transition (2021-2024)
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Bożena Ryszawska is a professor at the Wroclaw University of Economics. Her research work focuses on the issues of green economy, sustainable development, climate change and energy transformation, and green finance. She is the author of the book “Green economy - the concept and measurement of its implementation in European Union countries”. Currently, she is a project leader in the EU program "Horizon 2020" Energy communities and Energy Citizenship for the Clean Energy Transition (2021-2024)
Additional affiliations
August 1981 - present
- Lecturer
- I have 40 years of experience as a university teacher. My teaching is focused on green economy, sustainable development, climate finance and public finance. I have established the Green Team responsible for the green transformation of Wroclaw University of Economics. I`m a certified leader of the Climate Reality Project and a climate speaker in the climate network in Poland. I`m a member of the Polish Association of Environmental and Natural Resources Economists
October 2016 - present
Publications (37)
Raport prezentuje zaangażowanie społeczności Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu w realizację celów zrównoważonego rozwoju w 2023 roku. Koncentruje się na ukazaniu w jaki sposób przyjęta Strategia 2030 UEW wpływa na realizację tych celów. W raporcie ukazano etapy instytucjonalizacji zrównoważonego rozwoju w Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym we Wrocław...
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu od lat realizuje działania proekologiczne wpisujące się w koncepcję zrównoważonego rozwoju.
Z satysfakcją przekazujemy do rąk Państwa nowy raport obejmujący informacje o realizacji przez naszą Uczelnię celów zrównoważonego rozwoju w 2022 roku.
W raporcie tym skupiamy się na kilku kluczowych celach, których wybór...
This report explores the potential formation of energy communities and prosumer solutions in Krakow. Providing in-depth theoretical knowledge, practical insights, and legal-economic aspects, it stands as an essential resource for stakeholders and enthusiasts venturing into community-driven energy initiatives in the area. Citation: Bystryk, A., Chmi...
Ta publikacja może pełnić funkcję ważnego podręcznika czy przewodnika pokazującego sposoby rozwijania nowych wyobrażeń o ekonomii. Autorzy proponują całościowy, alternatywny język mówienia o gospodarce i kryzysach, co jest konieczne do tego, aby odejść od zgubnej oczywistości oddzielnego zajmowania się ekonomią, społeczeństwem i technologią. Książk...
Universities and their changing role in society is a source of perennial debate. In this article, we examine the emergent phenomenon of University Campus Living Labs (UCLL), the set of practices by which universities use their own buildings, streets or energy infrastructure as experimental settings in order to support applied teaching, research and...
Energy citizenship is an emerging concept in policy and practice. Yet scientific theorising around energy citizenship is scarce, and rarely bundled in interdisciplinary discourse. In this article, we present an interdisciplinary definition of energy citizenship as people's rights to and responsibilities for a just and sustainable energy transition....
Energy justice literature generally treats its three tenets, distributional justice, procedural justice and recognition justice, as separate and independent issues. These are seen as separate dimensions by which criteria can be formulated for a just state of affairs. And a just state of affairs regarding energy should fulfill all criteria. However...
Szanowni Państwo, we współczesnym świecie ludzkość jest coraz bardziej zaniepokojona globalną zmianą klimatu na Ziemi, która stanowi zarazem największe wyzwanie naszych czasów. Działania, jakie podejmiemy w najbliższych latach, przesadzą o tym, czy uda nam się skutecznie powstrzymać pogłębiający się kryzys klimatyczny. Przeciwdziałanie zmianie klim...
In this deliverable, we develop a viable concept of energy citizenship, on which scientific, political and practical debates on energy citizenship and energy communities can build upon. First, we introduce an interdisciplinary definition of energy citizenship that is parsimonious, unambiguous, and translatable into scientific definitions: Energy ci...
Successful energy transformation is interconnected with greater citizenry participation as prosumers. The search for novel solutions to implement the transition to renewable energy that will neutralize the barriers to this process, e.g., the reluctance of citizens to get involved, lack of trust in decision-makers and lack of co-ownership of energy...
This book is a contribution to the ongoing discussion on the current desired track of the development of society and the economy. The authors, researchers from leading Polish universities, propose to look at the green economy from a more practical perspective. The contents of this book cover the following issues in the context of the development an...
Global Economy faces a challenge of the need for rapid decarbonisation. Households are responsible for 17,8% of CO2 emissions. As vast part of this emission is used for heating and electricity, we are in need of innovations and original solutions in this area. Hence, the paper reflects the exploratory research carried out during the innovation proc...
This volume covers the proceedings of the ZAFIN Finance and Sustainability conference, organized by the Wroclaw University of Economics in cooperation with the Corvinus University of Budapest and the University of Economics in Prague. The authors analyze a variety of issues related to recent finance problems, including corporate finance, public fin...
Finansowanie inwestycji w energetykę odnawialną jest związane z globalnymi trendami zielonej, niskoemisyjnej transformacji gospodarczej oraz międzynarodowymi porozumieniami dotyczącymi zapobiegania zmianom klimatycznym i adaptacji do nich. Rozwój sektora energetyki odnawialnej jest niezbędnym narzędziem wspierającym te procesy. Osiąganie celów w za...
Literature review suggests that rural hospitals are in the worst financial conditions due to several factors: They are smaller, located in remote areas, and they provide less specialized services due to their problems with employing well-qualified staff. We decided to check whether it is true in the case of Polish hospitals. Based on the literature...
Literature review suggests that rural hospitals are in the worst financial conditions due to several factors: They are smaller, located in remote areas, and they provide less specialized services due to their problems with employing well-qualified staff. We decided to check whether it is true in the case of Polish hospitals. Based on the literature...
The green economy is a new, more radical direction in creating the harmonious, balanced social and environmental development of countries. It is formulated as an alternative approach to the existing model of the economy. The concept of the green economy has gained importance after the multiple crises in 2008. The crisis made us aware that “business...
Sustainability transition is changing the role and function of banks, specially their products and services also in relation to stakeholders. Banks are one of the main actors supporting the transition to sustainable economy. The purpose of this study is to emphasise the role of world’s largest banks in that process. Banks are slowly responding to t...
Transition to smart, efficient low carbon economy in conventional reception is associated with the process of multi-level transformation of the economic and socio-technological system intended to increase its environmental sustainability and social fairness. According to above transition, new concepts of finance have emerged in public debate such a...
The purpose of this study is to emphasize the role of public finance in the sustainability transition. The main thesis can be expressed as follows: public authorities and public finance plays a leading role in sustainability transition. Governments are main actors of a broader, multi-level governance designed to support the transition to smart, eff...
Transition is a term used to describe conversion (evolution) from the existing model of economy and finance towards one based on increased social and environmental responsibility. The purpose of this study is to emphasise the role of sustainable finance in the sustainability transition process. The main thesis can be expressed as follows: the role...
The role of corporate social responsibility in sustainability transition
Summary: The aim of this article is to demonstrate the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as an instrument of sustainability transition. Sustainability transition means a transformation of the economic and socio-technical system towards more environmentally sustain...
The chapter is an attempt to answer the question: how is the actual green economy implementation
process underway to be measured? The answers were given firstly by the international organizations
OECD, UNEP, Word Bank, Global Green Growth Institute, as well as the consulting company
Dual Citizen. Also the author of this chapter proposed the Green E...
This article presents the problem of measuring the impact of information disclosure about
CSR activities on stock performance. The research was performed on two indexes which represent
Pan-European capital market and local Central and Eastern European capital market. Different
market characteristics could limit the application of results presented...
: The paper aims at defining the concept of corporate sustainability, showing its origin and pro-venience. Conceptualization is followed by an analysis of corporate sustainability assessment in the scope of composite equity indices on major stock exchanges. The authors analyzed equity indices evaluating and comparing the methodology, assumptions, c...
AJ) The global financial crisis confirmed that a return to the previous state is impossible and we need a new concept of economic and social growth adapted to the changing global economy. The new European Unions strategy Europe 2020 emphasize sustainable development and green economy as an engine of future development. The green and social economy...
The global financial crisis confirmed that the return to the previous state is impossible and we need a new concept of economic and social growth adapted to the changing global economy. The new European Union's strategy Europe 2020 emphasizes sustainable development and green economy as an engine of future development. The green economy has a signi...
Koncepcja zielonej gospodarki pojawiła się ostatnio w głównym nurcie debaty publicznej.
Przyczyną tak dużego zainteresowania zieloną gospodarką były inicjatywy podejmowane przez globalne i regionalne organizacje poszukujące wyjścia z wielowymiarowego
kryzysu gospodarczego, ekologicznego i społecznego. Kryzys ujawniony w 2008 r. określany jest jako...
Households influence the environment through their use of energy, water, waste production and different means of transport, as well as their food consumption. Article shows the main ideas of OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) policy toward environmental pressures of household consumption and the possibilities of promoting...