Bouchta El MoumniAbdelmalek Essaâdi University | UAE · Geosciences and environmental sciences
Bouchta El Moumni
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September 1995 - present
Faculté des Sciences et Techniques Tanger
- Professor (Full)
September 1995 - present
Publications (86)
Quasi-synoptic hydrological data collected in the Western Alboran Sea, during a glider cruise, dedicated to sample the Western Alboran Gyre (WAG) in late fall 2020 have been used to examine the distribution of the water masses in the region. The spatial variability has been addressed by means of a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification applied...
Different classification techniques of water masses have been developped using the potential temperature-salinity (θ-S) diagram and its volumetric analysis.
In this study, we propose a new method to automatically classify water masses via a supervised machine learning algorithm based on the K nearest neighbors (Knn), in the potential density and po...
This paper provides a general overview of the environmental state of the Marchica lagoon (NE Morocco) in the context of climate change. The focus is mainly on the climate framework, hydrodynamic conditions and biodiversity status, as well as on the anthropogenic pressures related to agriculture, urban development, maritime transport, tourism and fi...
Rabaute A.; Gorini C.; Leroy S.; Alonso B.; Le Roy, P .; Frigola J.; Emmanuel L. ; Ketzer M.; Praeg D. ; Lopez-Gonzalez N. and the ALBACORE Scientific party 1
EGU General Assembly 2022
© Author(s) 2022. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
The Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean) is a relatively s...
Earthquakes are the most commonly cited cause of offshore slope failure, followed by high sedimentation rates and ensuing pore pressure build-up. In the South Alboran Sea, the moderate seismicity (Mw = 6.4) of the strike-slip Al Idrissi Fault Zone does not appear to control directly the landslides distribution. To provide a preliminary geohazard as...
The seafloor of the Alboran Sea reflects its complex tectonic, sedimentary, and oceanography dynamics as a consequence of the geological context, involving interaction between the Eurasian and African plates, and oceanographic context, as it is where the Atlantic and Mediterranean waters meet. Their physiography has a semi-enclosed configuration ch...
The seafloor of the Alboran Sea reflects its complex tectonic, sedimentary, and oceanography dynamics as a consequence of the geological context, involving interaction between the Eurasian and African plates, and oceanographic context, as it is where the Atlantic and Mediterranean waters meet. Their physiography has a semi-enclosed configuration ch...
Monitoring the water and sediment quality of the Port Tanger Med 1, Morocco
Mapping the distribution of marine species plays a particularly important role in resource management. Prospecting campaigns were carried out between 2015 and 2017 along the Fnideq-Tamernout area of the occidental Moroccan Mediterranean Sea, through artisanal boats equipped with hydraulic dredges for shellfish fishing. A total of 1526 samples of Ca...
A new basin-scale comprehensive view of contourite features, turbidite systems, and mass-wasting deposits comprising the Spanish and Moroccan margins and basins of the Alboran Sea has been achieved after a new detailed seismic stratigraphic analysis and the construction of sedimentary maps for the Pliocene and Quaternary sedimentary units. Multiple...
The Djibouti Ville Drift is part of a contourite depositional system located on the southern side of the Djibouti Ville Seamount in the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean). The sedimentary record of a core located in the drift deposits has been characterized to achieve the possible sediment sources for the Saharan dust supply and the paleocurrent v...
This is an interdisciplinary study that combines morphoseismics, sedimentology and numerical modelling to elucidate at different scales of resolution the influence of alongslope processes on the turbidite systems (TSs) and canyons in the Alboran Sea (southwestern Mediterranean). Nine TSs are mapped in the Spanish margin (La Linea, Guadiaro, Baños,...
The stimulation exercise aims to implement the National Emergency plan and convention MARPOL and to involve the staff of intervention on the means of fight and follow-up of the pollution in particular the Royal Navy, the Royal Gendarmerie, the Royal Air Forces, the Civil Protection, the National Ports Agency, the Maritime Fisheries and the Merchant...
This work presents a prediction attempt of carbonate and detrital and biogenic elements in depending on granulometric size and mineralogical parameters in the late Quaternary deposits of mud volcanoes in the Gulf of Cadiz and the North Moroccan Atlantic margin. It is a kind of modeling based on the method of Artificial
Neural Networks "RNA" type PM...
This work presents a prediction attempt of carbonate and detrital and biogenic elements in depending on granulometric size and mineralogical parameters in the late Quaternary deposits of mud volcanoes in the Gulf of Cadiz and the North Moroccan Atlantic margin. It is a kind of modeling based on the method of Artificial Neural Networks "RNA" type PM...
A seismic analysis of the Pliocene and Quaternary stratigraphy was conducted in the Alboran Sea (westernmost Mediterranean) using more than 1250 profiles consisting of single- and multi-channel seismic records. This allowed for the updating and renaming of the stratigraphic boundaries and the establishment of a new Pliocene and Quaternary seismic s...
The analysis of a data set of multibeam bathymetry plus high resolution seismic and parametric profiles allow us to characterize the geomorphologic units on the Alboran Sea-floor as well as the evolution of morpho-sedimentary systems along the Pliocene and Quaternary, later than the main erosive Messinian event. Since the opening of the Gibraltar S...
Analyses of trace metals and organic contaminants (PCBs, PAHs, and PBDEs) were carried out in soils and sediments collected in different areas from the North of Morocco, in the framework of several bilateral projects between the Moroccan CNRST and the Italian CNR.
Results indicated a situation of absent or low contamination in lagoons and salt mar...
Several morphosedimentary signatures produced by the interaction between alongslope and downslope sedimentary processes have been identified in the Pliocene and Quaternary records as well as on the present-day seafloor of the Alboran Sea. The scenarios of interaction move between two-end-members: from bottom currents dominating gravity flows to gra...
We present an interdisciplinary study of the geomorphology, sedimentology and physical oceanography of the Alboran Sea (south-western Mediterranean Sea) to evaluate the potential role of bottom currents in shaping the Spanish andMoroccan continental margins and adjacent basins. Bathymetric and seismic data have allowed the recognition of the contou...
High resolution seismic data have allowed establishing the chronostratigraphic framework of quaternary rhodanian deposits. The study of cored sediments from the rhodanian continental shelf allows specifying some characteristics of the late quaternary deposition pattern. The chronological calibration (14C and palaeomagnetism) and the correlation bet...
La zona central de la Cuenca de Alborán se caracteriza por presentar los elementos fisiográficos más importantes de Alborán, como son las dorsales de Alborán y Adra que limitan la depresión del Canal de Alborán. Estos elementos morfoestructurales son el resultado de la convergencia de las placas Africana y Euroasiática. El análisis de datos batimét...
Although described and studied for years, mud volcanoes and mud volcanism remain among the most mysterious geological events of nature; which is quite remarkable considering a number of facts.
First of all thousands of mud volcanoes exist in the world, determining and affecting habitat and the daily lives of millions of people living among them.
Seismic profiles and sedimentological data (bulk fraction) of two sediment cores recovered
from the Djibouti Ville Drift (SW Mediterranean Sea) indicate that bottom currents have played a
fundamental role in shaping the sediment drift. The deposits are composed of biogenous to mixed
muddy and silty contourites. A grain size analysis of the terrigen...
Seismic profiles and sedimentological data (bulk fraction) of two sediment cores recovered
from the Djibouti Ville Drift (SW Mediterranean Sea) indicate that bottom currents have played a
fundamental role in shaping the sediment drift. The deposits are composed of biogenous to mixed
muddy and silty contourites. A grain size analysis of the terrigen...
Multidisciplinary work between oceanography, geomorphology and sedimentology has uncovered evidence explaining the uneven development of the turbidite systems (TSs) in the Alboran Sea. Nine TSs have been mapped in the Spanish margin, ranging from sandy to mixed sand-mud fans, and which become sandier towards the Strait of Gibraltar; in contrast TSs...
A multiple Contourite Depositional System has been defined in the Plio-Quaternary sedimentary register in the Alboran Sea. This multiple system formed by the Atlantic and the low density and high density Mediterranean Waters, which shaped the margins and basins since the opening of the Gibraltar Strait. Three different (paleo)circulation scenarios...
The Alboran basin is part of the bético Rif chain and represents a point of exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar between the Atlantic Ocean to the west and the Algerian-Balearic Basin to the east. The purpose of this work is placed in the prediction of levels of heavy metals (Zn, Cu and Mn) in the Holocene to current deposits in the eastern par...
La mer d'Alboran constitue la partie située à l’extrême ouest de la mer Méditerranée. Elle est comprise entre l'Espagne au nord, l'Algérie et le Maroc au sud et le détroit de Gibraltar à l'ouest. Elle appartient à la chaine bético-rifaine et représente un point d’échange à travers le détroit de Gibraltar entre l’océan atlantique à l’Ouest et le bas...
The Quaternary stratigraphic architecture of seamounts and surrounding deposits in the eastern Alboran Sea reveals at least 53 stacked MTDs in the Pollux Bank, Sabinar Bank (Sabinar Platform and Western Sabinar), Maimonides Ridge, and Adra Ridge. These MTDs are grouped into two types based on their size: small-scale MTDs (length <5 km and thickness...
The Quaternary stratigraphic architecture of seamounts and surrounding
deposits in the eastern Alboran Sea reveals at least 53 stacked MTDs in the Pollux
Bank, Sabinar Bank (Sabinar Platform and Western Sabinar), Maimonides Ridge,
and Adra Ridge. These MTDs are grouped into two types based on their size: smallscale
MTDs (length <5 km and thickness...
This paper presents the study of four cores collected at the Golf of Cadiz during two oceanographic research surveys TTR16 and TTR17 as part of the floating university program of UNESCO / IOC, which targeted the training of young researchers and students to sampling techniques at sea and interpretation of the results. We present the results of anal...
The long-term monitoring of basic hydrological parameters (temperature and salinity), collected as time series with adequate temporal resolution (i.e. with a sampling interval allowing the resolution of all important timescales) in key places of the Mediterranean Sea (straits and channels, zones of dense water formation, deep parts of the basins),...
The Alboran basin is included in the Rif Betico chain and represents a
point of exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar between the Atlantic Ocean to
the west and the Algerian-Balearic Basin in the east.
This work focuses on predicting the organic carbon content in the terminal
Quaternary deposits of the Alboran Sea, using two modeling tools: mult...
Resumen: This paper presents a new view of recent sedimentation in the Alboran Sea, based on the analysis of the largest database of available seismic profiles in that sea. The results reveal that contourites represent the main morphosedimentary features that characterize the margins and basins. Several types of contourite features have been charac...
Several attempts for establishing a good Plio-Quaternary stratigraphy were proposed and disputed since the beginning of the studies in the Alboran Sea during the 80's. Now, we have reviewed all the available data with the purpose of improving the detail of the previous stratigraphy by adding new chronostratigraphic boundaries (Lower Pliocene Revolu...
The long-term monitoring of basic hydrological parameters (temperature and salinity), collected as time series with adequate temporal resolution (i.e. with a sampling interval allowing the resolution of all important time scales) in key-places of the Mediterranean Sea (straits and channels, zones of dense water formation, deep parts of the basins),...
La présente étude de recherche vise à décontaminer des sédiments portuaires de la baie
de Cadix contaminés en métaux lourds par un procédé d'extraction chimique.
Nous avons étudié, en utilisant des modes opératoires adaptés, l’extraction du Cu, Zn et
du Pb en présence de complexants. L’étude a été réalisée sur deux types de sédiments
contaminés par...
The distribution, enrichment, and accumulation of heavy metals in the surface sediments of the Tangier Bay, Morocco, were investigated. Surface sediment samples from eleven locations in the Bay of Tangier were collected in 2007 and characterized for grain size, organic matter and metal content (e.g. Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and Cd). The evaluatio...
La carotte étudiée (89K04), d’environ dix mètres de longueur, a été prélevée par carottier
Kullenberg au débouché du Rhône par 33m de fond sur la partie supérieure du talus prodeltaïque.
Elle se présente sous forme d’une alternance rythmique de niveaux sableux et silto-argileux
formant une série globalement granocroissante vers le haut.
Les dépôts...
Cette étude est basée sur une approche pluridisciplinaire de l’environnement littoral et marin de la
marge méditerranéenne marocaine. Elle porte sur l’extrême sud-ouest de la Méditerranée
occidentale (Mer d’Alboran). Elle s’appuie sur l’analyse de profils sismiques multitraces, hautes
résolution et sur l’étude sédimentologique, géochimique et micro...
A detailed study of the upper Pleistocene and Holocene ostracode fauna from the Moroccan margin of the Western Mediterranean is here presented based on sediments of three cores drilled near the Straits of Gibraltar (Sea of Alboran), between 300 and 550m of depth. Information on the quantitative and qualitative distribution of the ostracodes was obt...
The distribution and accumulation of heavy metals in the sediments of two rivers which cross various agglomerations of Tangier city, Morocco, were investigated. Surficial sediment samples were collected during 2005 and characterized for metal content (Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu, Cr and Ni), organic matter, total nitrogen, and n-hexane extractable material (HEM...
Initiated in 2002, HydroChanges (HC) is one of the eight international programs supported by CIESM. It consists in a network of accurate autonomous SBE37 CTDs deployed in selected Mediterranean key-sites, with a typical 1-hr sampling interval. In order to make deployments/recoveries as easy as possible, even from small ships, the CTDs are generally...
Concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cd and Hg were evaluated in surface sediments of two rivers from north of Morocco, known as Souani and Mghogha rivers. Significantly higher concentrations in mg kg(-1) dry weight (dw) of Mn (747.6 vs. 392.9), Cr (86.4 vs. 56.3), Zn (299.5 vs. 138.5) were found in sediment samples from Mghogha when compa...
The gulf of Cadiz is one of the most interesting areas to study mud volcanoes and structures related to cold fluid seeps since their discovery in 1999. In this study, we present results from gravity cores collected from Ginsburg and Meknes mud volcanoes and from circular structure located in the gulf of Cadiz (North Atlantic Moroccan margin) during...
Geochemical study of superficial sediments of Tangier bay and its continental emissaries was carried out with the aim of evaluating the contamination degree of the sediments by heavy metals and their impact on the coastal marine environmental. In Tangier bay, two sectors are distinguished: the Eastern one, with prevalence of sandy facies, and the w...
In 2004, during the TTR 14 mission aboard the R/V Professor Logachev, several
mud volcanoes have been sampled for further studies related to the field of geology, geochemistry
and sedimentology. These mud volcanoes are discovered on gulf of Cadiz. Four core
samples were taken from two sites : the Ginsburg mud volcano crater and a circular structure...
Dans les dépôts récents à actuels de surface
L'étude de l'ostracofaune dans les sédiments de surface permet d'obtenir des informations sur les processus sédimentaires récents à actuels de la marge méditerranéenne marocaine (partie occidentale de la Mer d'Alboran). A l'éxception des embouchures deltaiques, où les ostracodes sont très rares et d'ori...
Puerto Real (Cadiz), Espagne. Résumé. Une étude sédimentologique des dépôts superficiels des baies de Tanger et de Cadiz a été réalisée dans le but de déterminer, d'une part, les caractéristiques granulométriques et minéralogiques et, d'autre part, les facteurs de contrôle de la distribution et le transport des sédiments. Dans la baie de Tanger, de...
Analyses of Mn, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn were carried out in a short core from a salt marsh of the Nador Lagoon (north-eastern Morocco) and in surficial sediment samples collected in the Martil river, which borders the industrial town of Tetouan, Three soil samples and a reservoir sediment were also collected around the town to check the effects of a...
The detailed study of the ostracofauna of three cores, taken on the Moroccan Western Mediterranean margin (Alboran sea), between 240 and 785 m of depth is carried out. It has leads, for the first time, to obtaining informations about quantitative and qualitative ostracodes distribution in this region from the last glacial maximum to the Recent. It...
L’étude macro et micropaléontologique d’une carotte Alb 86 K10, prélevée sur le plateau marginal, en face de l’entrée est du détroit de Gibralatr, a livré une faune très riche dont 27 espèces de Bivalves, 37 espèces d’Ostracodes et 66 espèces de Foraminifères. L’ensemble de la faune est caractéristique du domaine bathyal. L’évolution des ensembles...