Borut StojilkovićUniversity of Ljubljana
Borut Stojilković
Doctor of Philosophy
A researcher in geography and of geodiversity seeking for new projects in the field
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October 2010 - June 2016
Publications (29)
Geodiversity has gained significant attention in the last three decades due to various research endeavouring to bridge the gap between geo- and biodiversity. This paper points at yet another parallel between the two disciplines: just as biodiversity expansion (i.e. biodiversification) can be evaluated through time, geodiversity change can also be o...
Various researchers have examined discharge regimes of rivers in Slovenia in the past 75 years: four major studies made by Ilešič, Kolbezen, Hrvatin, and lastly Hrvatin and Frantar have analysed and classified the regimes, and clustered them into regime types. They have varied due to changes in discharge characteristics, mainly as a consequence of...
V prispevku predstavljamo rezultate primerjave rabe zemljišč na območjih naselij na skrajnem severovzhodu Mestne občine Koper, Rakitovec, Movraž in Dvori, v razmaku dveh stoletij – tj. med letom 1818, za kar so bili uporabljeni podatki iz franciscejskega katastra, in letom 2022. Sledili smo že preverjenim metodam in posamezne rabe zemljišč združili...
Prisotnost žive narave je v uradnem sistemu varstva narave bistveno večja v primerjavi z njenim neživim delom. Posledično se je v zadnjih desetletjih podobno konceptu preučevanja in vrednotenja biodiverzitete razvil koncept geodiverzitete, ki s praktičnega vidika zajema ključne geomorfološke in geološke, hidrološke ter topografske prvine pokrajine....
The authors first elaborate on the logic and significance of appropriately regionalising the world into smaller units or geographic regions for educational purposes. The literature review demonstrates that such regionalisations have always varied since they have originated in the determinants of human or physical geography or a combination of both....
Finding the right technical terms when writing various geographical texts can be difficult if there is a lack of glossaries or dictionaries dealing with such terminology. The focus of this research is to compile a list of glacial geomorphological terminology in English, define its linguistic characteristics, provide definitions, and determine Slove...
Terensko proučevanje prsti Geografsko raziskovanje slovenske Istre 1 Slovenske manjšine v sosednjih državah Izvajanje pristopa LEADER/CLLD v Sloveniji Slovenske srenje kot izročilo in priložnost Mesec prostora 2022 Zaključek projekta na temo potencialno onesnaženih območij v Sloveniji – vzpostavitev baze ter izdelava modela za ocenjevanje potrebe p...
Geodiverziteta oz. geopestrost se je v kontekstu kot ga poznamo danes pričela omenjati pred približno 30 leti, od takrat pa je število razprav, povezanih z njo, skokovito narastlo. V njih se je razvijala tako teorija o geodiverziteti kot tudi metodologija njenega vrednotenja. Ker je večina razprav objavljenih v angleščini, se v drugih jezikih pojav...
Geography competition is among the most popular traditional competitions in Slovenia despite the fact that there are not many comprehensive studies on the competition nor of the competitors’ achievements. The main aim of this article is to analyse the competitors’ achievements at geographical competition in the school year of 2021/2022 from the poi...
The simplest way to categorise nature is into animate and inanimate nature. Inanimate nature or the abiotic part of the natural environment is often studied in various disciplines; such topics are discussed in different vertically aligned subjects from the first triennium to the end of secondary education. The umbrella term for this diversity is ge...
Geodiversity, as diversity of the abiotic environment, includes terrain ruggedness (or roughness), which is one of the essential parts of geodiversity evaluation. The terrain ruggedness index (R) represents the value of one of the main geodiversity components. The purpose of the study is to discuss the characteristics of R in the scope of geodivers...
The paper proposes an application of the evenness component to geodiversity and geomorphodiversity evaluation. Namely, we applied Shannon's Evenness Index to a classical karst region in Slovenia and compared the results with the most commonly used method for geodiversity evaluation.
Different media reported about the 2019 development in Latin America, where many significant events as well as a number of different physical and human processes took place which resulted in environmental changes, peace in the region and migration currents, and will have consequences for the countries’ and global development in the coming years. Th...
Članek obravnava metodološke probleme vrednotenja geodiverzitete na primeru Krajinskega parka Logarska dolina. V njem sta predstavljeni in primerjani dve delno avtomatizirani metodi vrednotenja: prva združuje prostorsko odvisnost števila geo-morfoloških in hidroloških elementov geodiverzitete s podatki o hrapavosti površja, druga pa upošteva tudi l...
Velebit is the largest massif of the Dinaric Mountains. The mountain crest of the Velebit rises steeply above the coast of the Adriatic Sea in a total length of about 145 km and a width of 10 to 30 km. In the northern part it has a north-south direction, and in the south it turns towards south-east. It reaches from the Vratnik pass in the north to...
The Northern Velebit is from the geomorphological point of view one of the most diverse areas of the Dinaric karst and is at the same time one of the most well-studied karst areas in Croatia. Although there are almost exclusively carbonate rocks in the area, various types of karst have been created due to varied geological, climatic and hydrologica...
Narodni parki praviloma obsegajo obsežnejša in večinoma nespremenjena zakonsko zaščitena območja na kopnem in/ali morju z enim ali več ohranjenimi ekosistemi. Osnovni namen teh območij je ohranjanje avtohtonih naravnih vrednot, zato je tam prepovedana komercialna raba naravnih virov (Bufon in sod., 2005; Zakon o
zaštiti prirode 2013). Danes je na H...
The area of the eastern Kamnik-Savinja Alps was glaciated in the time of the Last Pleistocene Glacial Maximum (LGM). The glacial landforms mentioned by the previous researchers and other landforms in the area were examined, gemorphologically mapped, morphographically and morphometrically analysed and a new map of the extent of the LGM was produced....
The area of the eastern Kamnik-Savinja Alps was glaciated in the time of the Last Pleistocene Glacial Maximum (LGM). The glacial landforms mentioned by the previous researchers and other landforms in the area were examined, gemorphologically mapped, morphographically and morphometrically analysed and a new map of the extent of the LGM was produced....
The concept of geodiversity has been introduced over the last two decades due to renewed interest in the conservation and evaluation of abiotic elements of the natural environment (Gray, 2013; de Paula Silva et al. 2014). The term ‘geodiversity’ comprises the natural diversity of geological (rocks, minerals, fossils), geomorphological (landforms, p...
The article focuses on the glacial remains from the time of the last glacial maximum in
the Logar Valley in the KamnikSavinja Alps. The purpose of the work is to reinterpret
the findings written so far and the geomorphologic remains from the time of the Pleis-
tocene glaciation and to prepare a new proposal of the circumference of the last glaci...
Članek prinaša rezultate preučevanja ledeniških ostankov iz časa zadnjega poledenitvenega viška na območju Logarske doline v Kamniško-Savinjskih Alpah. Namen članka je reinterpretirati dosedanje ugotovitve in podati novo tolmačenje obsega viška zadnje poledenitve na tem območju. S pomočjo ugotovitev, pridobljenih s terenskim delom, so bile opravlje...
Current development processes along the Mexico-United States border The article is an analysis of current developmental processes along the Mexico-United States border, dealing with migrations from Mexico to the United States. The article investigates main turning points and characteristics of the development of maquiladoras, manufacturing operatio...