Borut BuchmeisterUniversity of Maribor | UM
Borut Buchmeister
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Publications (127)
This study investigates the relationship between collaborative robot (CR) parameters and worker utilization and system performance in human–robot collaboration (HRC) environments. We investigated whether optimized parameters increase workplace efficiency and whether adapting these parameters to the individual worker improves workplace outcomes. Thr...
The rapid development of new materials and tools demonstrates the need for efficient and feasible machining processes. Modern production systems must guarantee sustainable, flexible, productive and high-quality production at low cost. Therefore, the combination of technological data with advanced software solutions is very important, especially whe...
The work-sampling method makes it possible to gain valuable insights into what is happening in production systems. Work sampling is a process used to estimate the proportion of shift time that workers (or machines) spend on different activities (within productive work or losses). It is estimated based on enough random observations of activities ove...
This paper presents the use of Siemens’ Tecnomatix simulation modelling tool to evaluate the importance of the sustainable manufacturing perspective for human-robot collaboration. The research focuses on evaluating key parameters (utilization, scrap rate, cost, time, and quantities) of sustainable manufacturing from social, environmental, and econo...
This study presents an approach to solving the assembly line balancing problem (ALBP) using the Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) time standard and simulation software. ALBP is a common problem in manufacturing where a set of tasks with fixed times must be assigned to a series of sequential workstations in order to minimize the total idle time and red...
This paper proposes an Improved Multi-phase Particle Swarm Optimization (IMPPSO) to solve a Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling Problem (DJSSP) known as an non-deterministic polynomial-time hard (NP-hard) problem. A cellular neighbor network, a velocity reinitialization strategy, a randomly select sub-dimension strategy, and a constraint handling function...
The global production tends towards more sustainable manufacturing, which forces manufacturers to constantly change and adapt. In our case, we are considering the FESTO CP LAB 400 production line, primarily designed for the training of personnel in the field of automation, which is essential for maintaining competitiveness in today's world. The pro...
In recent years, collaborative workplaces (human-robot collaboration) have become much more present in manufacturing systems. Although the introduction of collaborative workplaces is cost, time, and socially responsible, there is still great uncertainty about how the different speeds and accelerations of collaborative robots (cobots) affect human a...
In the era of Industry 4.0 and the introduction of new technologies, collaborative workplaces represent the potential to increase the efficiency of manufacturing systems. The presented research focuses on studying the impact of changing the speed and acceleration of a Cobot to the number of finished products at a collaborative workstation, the aver...
The paper presents the use of simulation modelling methods to evaluate the impact of the collaborative workplaces (human-robot collaboration) importance in correlation to the sustainable manufacturing. Based on an example, numerical simulation results of an existing manual assembly workplace and a newly proposed collaborative workplace are presente...
This paper deals with the use of advanced manufacturing technologies in three Balkan countries: Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia. In our case these technologies are from digital factory technologies group. The use of selected digital factory technologies is observed through the eyes of Industry 4.0 concept, and we focus on Industry 4.0 readiness index...
Ovaj rad se bavi upotrebom naprednih proizvodnih tehnologija u tri balkanske zemlje: Sloveniji, Hrvatskoj i Srbiji. U našem slučaju ove tehnologije su iz grupe digitalnih fabričkih tehnologija. Korištenje odabranih digitalnih fabričkih tehnologija posmatrano je očima koncepta Industrije 4.0, a mi se fokusiramo na indeks spremnosti za Industriju 4.0...
The employees' knowledge level is crucial because it ensures the long-term social, environmental , and financial sustainability of a company's operations on the global market. In doing so, there is a problem of how to measure the employees' knowledge level within the segment, and improve it based on performed measures. In our research, we proposed...
Ergonomics and Human Factors are both defined as a scientific discipline concerned with understanding the interactions between workers and other elements of a system. The implementation of ergonomics in industrial engineering, where workers are an integral part of the system, is very important in the development phase of the product/production and...
In recent years, there have been more and more collaborative workplaces in different types of manufacturing systems. Although the introduction of collaborative workplaces can be cost-effective, there is still much uncertainty about how such workplaces affect the capacity of the rest of production system. The article presents the importance of intro...
The research work represents the development of a new decision-making model intended for the resource capacity planning depending on the production system constraints. A mathematical decision model for medium and short-term (dynamic) workers allocation was developed. A simulation study of the dynamic events and the response of the decision-making a...
As a well-known NP-hard problem, the dynamic job shop scheduling problem has significant practical value, so this paper proposes an Improved Heuristic Kalman Algorithm to solve this problem. In Improved Heuristic Kalman Algorithm, the cellular neighbor network is introduced, together with the boundary handling function, and the best position of eac...
Industry 4.0 has recently opened a number of new research questions relating to the production scheduling of flexible production systems. The high complexity of flexible production systems` scheduling is reflected in the multi-objective nature of optimisation problems, which cannot be solved satisfactorily with conventional techniques. Researchers...
The presented manuscript deals with the new simulation modelling approach for the environmental and economic aspects evaluation in a sustainably justified manufacturing system. First, the research problem of simulation modelling methods for the evaluation of environmental and economic aspects of manufacturing systems is presented and defined. Then...
The manuscript presents the importance of integrating mathematical methods for the determination of due date optimization parameter for maturity optimization in evolutionary computation (EC) methods in multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling problem (FJSSP). The use of mathematical modelling methods of due date optimization with slack (SLK) fo...
The present manuscript investigates the research problem of the integration of Evolutionary Computation method optimization results into a conventional simulation environment, with the main purpose of overcoming the conventional decision logic of the simulation environment. Simulation model interactivity was described as a research problem relating...
In the time of Industry 4.0, the dynamic adaptation of companies to global market demands plays a key role in ensuring sustainable financial and time justification. Financial accessibility, a wide range of user-friendliness, and credible results of the visual computing methods and data-driven simulation modeling enable a higher degree of usability...
The main purpose of this paper is to map the adoption of selected innovative organizational concepts in manufacturing companies. A further objective of our research is to find out how different organizational concepts are represented in different manufacturing company’s types and how they are related to the use of advanced manufacturing technologie...
It is generally known that an appropriate workplace design has long-term consequences on worker and can prevent musculoskeletal discomfort, improve productivity and work efficiency, reduce production costs and optimize human well-being. Worker is actually the center of production system and is the employer’s most important resource. To achieve an o...
The presented manuscript represents a new simulation modeling approach, which evaluates the impact of collaborative workplaces on manufacturing sustainability in terms of workplaces' cost, flow times and electrical energy consumption. The impact of collaborative workplaces on the manufacturing system and on its sustainable viability as a whole has...
The presented manuscript deals with the impact of manufacturing flexibility on the sustainability justification of the manufacturing system, related to manufacturing sustainable social, environmental and financial impact. Such impact is not described in the research sphere. The complexity of the optimisation parameters is reflected in the multi-obj...
Industry 4.0 has recently opened a number of new research questions relating to the production scheduling of flexible production systems. The high complexity of flexible production systems` scheduling is reflected in the multi-objective nature of optimisation problems, which cannot be solved satisfactorily with conventional techniques. Researchers...
The presented manuscript deals with the impact of manufacturing flexibility on cost-time investment as a function of sustainable production, which addresses the company's sustainable social and environmental impact adequately. The impact of manufacturing flexibility on cost-time investment in the research sphere is not described, despite the fact t...
Multi-Objective (MO) optimization is a well-known research field with respect to the complexity of production planning and scheduling. In recent years, many different Evolutionary Computation (EC) methods have been applied successfully to MO production planning and scheduling. This paper is focused on making a review of MO production scheduling met...
The present study has investigated mathematical and simulation model interactivity for production system scheduling. A mathematical model of a Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Production optimisation problem (FJSSP) was used to evaluate a new Evolutionary Computation method of Multi-Objective Heuristic Kalman Algorithm (MOHKA). Ten Brandimarte and five...
The workplace as we know it and production systems as a whole will not be recognizable in a decade's time. In this chapter an overview of expected future changes in manufacturing systems is given. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the key driver in this change and it is critical to prepare us for a future dominated by AI. Robots and AI will prove far...
Scheduling as a research area is motivated by questions that arise in production planning and, generally, in all situations in which scarce resources have to be allocated to activities over time. One of the major reasons, why scheduling receives so much attention, is that information technology enables the shifting of a production strategy from pus...
In this study, we aim to develop a system optimization model of Railway Freight Transportation Routing Design (RFTRD) and conduct solution analysis which is based on the improved multi-objective swarm intelligence algorithm. The proposed improved multi-objective swarm intelligence algorithm is applied to solve the combinatorial optimization problem...
Sharing charging stations are an effective solution for daily usage of electric vehicles charging, however, the area with high demand cannot provide enough stations while there are plenty of stations left idle in remote areas with less demand. The core of the problem is the imbalance of demand and supply. In other word, we need to allocate the char...
This paper presents the main steps towards Real-Time (RT) manufacturing optimization with a simulation model and Virtual-Reality (VR) methods and equipment. Real-world production system characteristics are applied to a simulation model in the simulation software Simio, using different simulation scenarios. We want to determine the possible bottlene...
At the time of Industry 4.0 and the emergence of collaborative workplaces based on the cooperation of robots (machines) and humans, the number of human workplaces in the Industry 4.0 production system is crucial. In this chapter, we present the use of the evolutionary computation methods that use the input data of a real production system and trans...
Smart glasses are a kind of Head Mounted Display (HMD) with great potential in Industry 4.0 working environments, where shop floor workers must be supplied with critical information in a timely, accessible and safe manner to be as productive as possible. Smart glasses collect data from a wireless network and project it on a tiny screen before the u...
Literature findings on the effects of advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) on company performance measures is currently inconclusive. There is also a lack of recent research on this issue from a contingency perspective. It is also a fact that the majority of research is conducted in developed countries. This research is based on the contingency...
The proposed hesitant fuzzy linguistic set (HFLS) is a powerful tool for expressing fuzziness and uncertainty in multiattribute group decision-making (MAGDM). This paper aims to propose novel aggregation operators to fuse hesitant fuzzy linguistic information. First, we briefly recall the notion of HFLS and propose new operations for hesitant fuzzy...
In a time of rapid development of companies that meet in the global market with the introduction of the concept of Industry 4.0, based on the mass personalization production, advanced optimization methods are very importance. Optimization methods allows: shorter flow times and production cycles, lower stocks, greater flexibility, lower cost, greate...
Production scheduling optimization in today industry, supported by the concept of Industry 4.0, is a typical NP-hard optimization problem, especially when we talk about multi-objective optimization. This paper presents an advanced estimation method of metaheuristic algorithm (AEM) for solving Multi-Objective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (MO...
The Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (FJSSP), as a typical NP-hard optimization problem, has a significant value in manufacturing environment. This paper presents an improved estimation method of Multi-Objective Heuristic Kalman Algorithm (MOHKA) for solving Multi-Objective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (MOFJSSP). The optimization result...
The intuitionistic fuzzy set which is characterized by a membership degree and a non-membership degree, is a very powerful and useful tool to cope with fuzziness and uncertainty. Recently, the Pythagorean fuzzy set which is an extension of the intuitionistic fuzzy set has been introduced. In this paper, we focus on multi-attribute decision making w...
This paper presents an effective use of well know prediction method of Heuristic Kalman Algorithm (HKA) for solving Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP). Basic method of HKA is implemented on searching near optimal solution for JSSP. First, a mathematical model of the HKA was developed and tested with test data on 4-bencharks to test minimum makespan...
Today, success represents sustainability in introducing new standards and orientation toward the customer, to the quality and price of products, to flexibility, agility and promptness, to economising in resources and protection of the environment. This is not easy to achieve, especially in an environment, where it is natural desire to keep resource...
Decision making is very common in economic and social management. In real decision-making problems, fuzziness and uncertainty do exist. Therefore, decision-making with fuzzy information has been widely investigated in the past decades. In this paper, we focus on decision-making with dual hesitant fuzzy information. First, considering the existing o...
Strokovno-tehnično poročilo predstavlja rezultate simulacijske študije za linijo obdelave aluminijastih vlitkov. V poglavju opis sistema je predstavljen sistem proizvodne linije s pripadajočimi podatki. Sledi opis simulacijskega modela zgrajenega v programskem okolju Simio. Naslednje poglavje predstavlja simulacijske eksperimente modela, ker je pre...
There is increasing momentum in industrial practice to improve the devel-opment process itself. One of the key factors to do so is the desire for the profit made per appliance. The second reason is increase of the development oriented companies and with this also fierce competition in the global market. Development of the appliance lasts from the f...
V poročilu je predstavljena primerjalna simulacijska študija za linijo obdelave komponent polosi, vključno s predstavitvijo tridimenzionalnega modela obstoječe proizvodne linije in predlaganega Twin koncepta proizvodne linije. Sledi predstavitev simulacij v dveh ločenih programskih okoljih. Rezultati posamične simulacije bodo pokazali morebitno upr...
This work presents an integral system for machining fixture layout design and optimization. The optimization module of this system allows determination of optimal positions of locating and clamping elements, which provides required accuracy and surface quality, while at the same time guarantees design of collision-free fixtures. The design module p...
Business planning encompasses all the goals, strategies and actions to ensure company's business survival, prosperity, and growth. Literature review and analysis of business processes of production systems show that the business plan is considered as a rigid system, even though it is being prepared in a world of constantly changing business conditi...
The main purpose of this paper is to define which organisational innovation concepts have the more significant impacts when launching new products on the market. We present an overview of 22 organisational innovative concepts used in Slovenian manufacturing companies. The results are based on data from a sample of 89 manufacturing companies, obtain...
The main purpose of this paper is to define which organisational innovation concepts have the more significant impacts when launching new products on the market. We present an overview of 22 organisational innovative concepts used in Slovenian manufacturing companies. The results are based on data from a sample of 89 manufacturing companies, obtain...